š•‹š•™š•– š•Žš•šš•š•–š•Ŗ š”½š• š•© || ļæ½...

By allfortheaesthetic

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"šš†ššŽšš•šš• šš¢šš˜ššž ššššžšš¢ššœ šš–ššŠšš”ššŽ šš–šš¢ ššššŠšš–šš’šš•šš¢ šš•šš˜šš˜šš” šš•šš’šš”ššŽ šššš‘ššŽ š™±šš›ššŠšššš¢ š™±ššžšš—ššŒšš‘ ššŠšš—šš šš–... More

ļ½… ļ½ ļ½‰ ļ½‡ ļ½’ ļ½ ļ½ ļ½ˆ


8.6K 281 196
By allfortheaesthetic

"PSST. ENOCH COME FIND ME." Is what Enoch woke up to. Normally he would probably be a little freaked out, but right now he doesn't give a flying fuck. His best friend is dead. Dead. Gone forever. His anchor. The only thing keeping him sane. Was gone. And Enoch was not coping. It's been twenty-five hours and thirty-nine minutes since she died. Approximately. Caroline had to go home and the Salvatore's were too busy with Elena who was wallowing in her self-pity because it's her fault Ingrid's dead. Looking at the door he saw a flash of blonde hair before it was gone.

"Ingrid?" He whispered, throwing the covers off and running out the door. He ran down the hallway, but he didn't see her. He kept running throughout the house when he saw her again. Actually saw her. It was Ingrid smiling at him. He began to make his way towards her, but Damon fucking Salvatore got in his way.

"Hey there, buddy. Where ya going?" Enoch tried to go around him, but Damon grabbed him. Enoch looked around but he didn't see her. She was gone.

"Ingrid. I saw her." Damon looked uncomfortable.

"Listen. She's dead. You didn't see her."

"Yes I fucking did, you asshole." Enoch glared at him, "She was right fucking there."

"I didn't see her!"


Damon was silent for a moment, "But still. How would you see her if she was dead?"

"She was psychic, Damon. She has some snazzy ass powers that the rest of the world doesn't." Damon's eyes widened and his mouthed parted in an 'O' shape. Enoch nodded before he started to walk again.

"Hey. Umm. So if you're trying to find her or something you may want to go to my car," Damon said sounding a little nervous.


"Her body's in my trunk."

"Fucking what?"


They got to Damon's car to find the trunk open and Ingrid gone. Enoch slowly turned to look at Damon, and if looks could kill.

Damon put his hands up, "Woah! Easy boy. She was right here. I left her right here."

"She's not a fucking dog, Damon! You can't just leave her in the car and expect her to still be here when you get back!" Enoch didn't wait for him to reply, he began walking to the woods.

"Where are you going?" Damon yelled.

"To find her, dumbass" Enoch said, without turning around. Damon didn't follow him, not that he expected him to. So now Enoch was venturing through the woods alone. Trying to find his dead best friend. Or she was dead. So undead. She's also a vampire now, so yeah undead. Wait. Shit. Fuck! It's daylight. It's fucking daylight and she's a vampire and she doesn't have one of those swanky rings and oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuuuuck. What's she gonna do? What's he gonna do? What if she's dust already. That thought was enough to make Enoch start crying again, so he decided to not think about it. He began to run through the woods but had to stop after a few minutes because it felt like an elephant was sitting on his chest. So he settled for walking fast. After about 20 minutes of this he heard sobbing. He looked and saw a little wood hut thing. He walked up to it.

"Ingrid?" He asked and he heard a sharp intake of breath.

"Enoch?" Oh god, it's her!

"Yes. It's me, babe." He walked up to the door and went to open it but was stopped by Ingrid.

"No! No, don't come in."

"Why? Ingrid it's just me."

"I don't know what's happening I'm confused and I can smell you. I can smell you," she laughed a bit hysterically, "I'm scared, Enoch. I'm really fucking scared." Enoch's heart broke even more.

"I'm not gonna say that it's okay because it's not, but it's gonna be." he said, sliding down to sit against the hut, "It will because it's us. You're a fucking badass woman who takes shit from no one and I'm a stubborn dumbass, who defies some weird ass odds. We're gonna be fine. We'll figure it out, darling."

Ingrid chuckled, wetly, "I love you." She then made some weird hacking noise.

"Ooh that was attractive. I'm hard now thanks." They both laughed and then Enoch said softly, "I love you too. More than anything."

She echoed, "More than anything."


They sat there until the sun went down. Then Ingrid tentatively came out of the hut. Enoch wanted to immediately hug her, but knew he couldn't, so he refrained. They walked back to the boarding house, it took longer than it should've because it's hard to navigate woods, okay! But they made it. On the way there though they had an interesting conversation.

"Hey, when did you learn how to astral project?" Enoch asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I heard you when I was sleeping and then I chased you through the whole house, but you kept disappearing.I then found out you were in the woods." Ingrid stopped walking and she looked at Enoch with concern all over her face.

"Enoch. That wasn't me."


"Yeah. That wasn't me."

"Huh. Maybe I was grief hallucinating." he said.

"Maybe." Ingrid said, but she didn't look convinced and to be honest, Enoch wasn't all that convinced either. But anyway they made it back to the house and found out that they missed quite a bit. Damon had gotten bit by Tyler and was dying and then Stefan got a cure but sold himself over to Klaus, but Katherine's free! Not that Enoch knew she was trapped with Klaus in the first place, but eh who cares about technicalities? He made Ingrid a daylight ring because they got shit to do in the daytime ain't nobody got the time to wait till night. And then they went to bed.In separate beds because Ingrid was scared about her self-control.

He woke up in the middle of the night to her sobbing. She was sitting on the floor against the wall with her knees to her chest. Enoch jumped out of bed and ran to her.

"Oh god, Enoch. It's horrible. It's so fucking horrible. What do I do? What do I do?" she said crying harder at the end. He wrapped his arms around her and tugged her to his chest.

"What's wrong?"

"The visions, the dead. They're so much worse. I can't turn it off. It's like it's... heightened?" Enoch knew he needed someone who knew more about this than him, so he went to pull away, but she clung to him and cried harder. He sat for a moment thinking about what to do when it hit him. Vampires have super-hearing.

"Damon!" he hollered hoping that would work. It did.

"What?" Damon said quite grumpily which would normally have Enoch sassing, but this was about Ingrid so he refrained. He told Damon what she said.

"Hmm," Damon said, sitting on the edge of the bed, "Well, when you are a vampire certain things about you are heightened, so I'm guessing her... powers have also been heightened."

"So what can we do?"

"Deal with it."


So now they've been doing exactly that. They've been working on it. They've been practicing her self-restraint and working on ways to cope. Thank you wikihow! Ingrid tried to tell him that this wasn't his problem and that he should go, but he quickly reminded her that what's her problem is his and vice versa. She cried for a second after that and that got Enoch crying, but they're fine. Completely fine. Enoch was confident that they would work through this.

"Okay Enoch. That's enough for today it's time to go to bed."

"You can. I'm fine."

"Enoch you haven't slept in two days! You need sleep." Ingrid said, she tried to shrug it off, but she's worried.

"I'm fine, Ingrid."

"No you're not, Enoch!"

"Yes I am, Ingrid! But if I'm not maybe it has something to do with the fact that I can't close my eyes without see my best friend dying! Or her screaming about how awful her visions are and how there are always dead people following her around!" Ingrid started crying, "But it's okay. I'm gonna fix this and you'll be fine."

Ingrid hugged him, "I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault. I love you." Enoch whispered into her hair.

"I love you too. More than anything."

"More than anything."


Enoch's confidence lasted for a week. Then it all came crashing down. His lack of sleep caught up and he stayed in bed for a whole day.

"Are you okay?" Ingrid asked him sitting by his head and running his fingers through his hair.  Enoch began to nod, but his face crumpled and he started shaking his head. Aggressively. His breathing picked up and he crossed his arms over his chest as if you ward of the sudden pain that was there.

"I'm sorry I failed you. I can't do it. I can't fix this. This is all my fault. I'm a horrible person." He began to ramble, but Ingrid quickly put a stop to it.

"No no no no. Baby it's not your fault."

"Yes it is." he cried.

"No. It isn't," she insisted, "There was nothing you could've done to stop it. It happened and we're moving on. Together. Unless this is you backing out on me?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Never," he said determined.

"Okay then. Together it is."


Enoch was still laying in bed a few days later. He just had no desire to move. No matter what Ingrid said he just new it was his fault. Everything was his fault. If he wasn't here then Ingrid wouldn't be involved with everything, she would be alive. He feels disgusting. And he wants to die. Not that he's gonna tell her that. Because no matter how unlovable he was, she still loved him, for some undeterminable reason.

He was lying in bed, staring at the wall, when he heard a voice.

"Enoch," it whispered. He looked around and saw nothing.

"Eeeeenoch," it whispered again. He turned around and screamed. There was a man with dark hair, grey skin and black eyes. He had red veins all over the grey skin.

Ingrid came running in, "What's happening? Are you okay?" Enoch just pointed at the man.

Ingrid stared, "Enoch there's nothing there. At least nothing that I can see."

"What do you mean you can't see it?" Enoch said incredulous, "You're the one who can see this shit!"

"I don't know, Enoch! I just know that I can't see it!"

"Well, what the fuck does that mean?" Enoch shrieked.

"I don't know there isn't a book on this shit this isn't Beetlejuice!" Ingrid shrieked back.

After a few more days Ingrid made Enoch get up and do something. So he moved to the couch. She didn't appreciate that, but she managed to get him do the basic necessities like shower, eat, smoke weed, drink water. Okay so she didn't say to smoke weed that was all Enoch but that's okay.

It took about a week more and Enoch was doing better.

Over the next couple of months they continued this routine: Feel like superman and work on Ingrid's control, see someone that wasn't there, ignore it, feel shitty, stay in bed for a few weeks, repeat. All in all it was a bad summer, but know it is senior prank day and Caroline's making them go in.

"Why are you here if you're not helping?" Tyler asked the pair as they were sitting on the desk eating a bag of chips. They had the munchies.

"Well these aren't the senior pranks we're doing. Caroline just made us come." Enoch said.

"What pranks are you guys doing then?" Elena asked.

"We're taking screwdrivers and removing random screws throughout the whole year and then at the end of the year we're gonna leave the bucket of screws on Principal Weber's desk." Ingrid said.

"Well played you two." Tyler said. Enoch glared at him. Just because he's a werewolf who's changed and Caroline's boyfriend doesn't mean that Enoch suddenly likes him. Matt came in and set off all the movie traps. Enoch and Ingrid burst out laughing.

"All we're gonna gooo somewhere else." Enoch said and grabbed Ingrid's hand and dragged her away into an empty classroom down the hall.

"What was that about?" Ingrid asked, hopping up on the teacher's desk.

"Well. We've got more weed and I'm in the mood."

"Mood for weed?"

"And for sex."

Ingrid laughed, "And you want to fuck me even though I have the wrong parts?"

"Like I said I'm in the mood. I have to be in a specific mood to be able to. And right now I'm in it." he said to he hopping up besides her and getting the joint out and lighting it, "And make no mistake. You're the only girl who I'll fuck."

"I'm flattered," she said, laughing and taking the joint and blowing the smoke into his mouth as they kissed.

AN: wooh that was long. do you guys like the longer chapter? also please tell me if something seems out of character or weird. i welcome the criticism.

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