Shut Up and Kiss Me || Ethan...

De mercurygrant

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Intro: Synopsis and Warnings
1: It's Not Easy
2: What's a Girl Worth?
3: Dogs Are Great Wingmen
4: Inspect Her Gadget
5: Sacrifices Need to Be Made
6: All's Fair in Love and War
7: Green With Envy
8: There Never Was a Good War
9: Bad Ideas
10: White Flag
11: Stress Relief
12: It's Not About You
13: Is It Fate?
14: Trapped in Paradise
15: Is This How It's Supposed to Be?
16: Bad at This
17: Back in Full Force
18: Again and Again
19: It Wasn't Meant to Be Like This
20: Moment of Weakness
21: Decisions, Decisions
23: Beta's Revenge
24: Come to Terms
25: All Good Things
Epilogue: With Time
A Bonus: Missed Connections
A Bonus: Stress and Studying
A Bonus: Promises

22: Electric Fire

1.1K 25 21
De mercurygrant

Blake ends up at the Kappa Sigma party.

It's not that she really wants to go, but all of her friends do. They'd be damned if they didn't force her to come and hangout. Especially Ava and Lara, who practically dragged her to the frat house while listening to her complain the entire time.

Currently, she's sitting with Seth, Grayson, and Chad while the latter (who was very drunk) tries to convince her to have a drink or shotgun a beer with him, as usual.. Her one condition of coming was that they all told Ethan she was busy and wasn't going to make it, so that she could avoid him all she wanted (and that was easier while sober).

You see, she misses him. She misses him like hell--but she's also pissed at him.

He's been being extra cocky, and annoying, and Blake can't handle it much longer. It's not like that's even new behavior from him, but right now it's amplified, and is much more annoying than endearing and amusing like it used to be. That's what's inhibiting her from really enjoying the party, even if he isn't around just yet.

"Are you really not gonna talk to him?" Grayson asks, raising an eyebrow. "You guys care about each other, right?"

"I don't even wanna talk about him right now, Grayson," she huffs. "He gets on my goddamn nerves."

"I thought you guys were cute together," Seth interjects, giving a shrug of his shoulders. "You're the only one who can get him to shut the fuck up every once in a while. Never seen him actually have feelings for a girl before."

"Plus you're like... super hot, Blake," Chad laughs, making her eyes roll and Seth smack him in the back of the head. "Oh, there he is. Ethan! E!" Blake groans and slips away into the crowd, planning on avoiding him longer. He doesn't see her, but of course, Chad's too drunk to remember what she asked. "We were just talking about you."


"I forget... with Blake though. Where did--?"

"Blake's here?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. "Why'd everyone tell me that Blake was busy and couldn't make it?"

Grayson punches Chad in the arm, "Good going, dude."

"You guys have been hiding her from me?" Ethan chuckles and looks around the room. "Imma go find her. Bet she looks hot as hell. Thanks for the heads up!"

"Ethan, wait," his brother groans, grabbing him by the shoulder to pull him back. "You're only pissing her off more, you know that, right? I don't know what you're trying to do, but it's not gonna help you get her back."

"I'm having fun, bro. Not a big deal. Just flirting with her and joking around."

Ethan's walking the other direction before anyone else can interrogate him, looking for Blake. No one else at this party even interests him anymore. He can chat with friends and his brother, but really, he's only been looking forward to seeing her.

When he thought she wasn't coming, he was actually dreading it. Ethan was planning to spend most of the night in his room, away from the commotion because he just didn't care about the party. He only came downstairs to get something to drink--now that he knows Blake made an appearance? His one mission is to find her.

Ethan: chérie
Ethan: blake
Ethan: darling
Ethan: light of my LIFE
Ethan: im not gonna hurt ya
Blake: Should I be worried that you're quoting the shining?
Ethan: you didn't let me finish my sentence
Ethan: ok im done where are you
Ethan: i KNOW that you're here chad let it slip
Ethan: this is the first time you've answered my texts all week stop hiding from me
Ethan: your read receipts are still on

Blake sighs and tucks her phone away, slipping into a seat across from Lara and Ryan on some of the outdoor furniture. Ava is nowhere in sight, but she'll likely turn up later. Lara assures Blake she checked in recently and is okay.

Though she's sitting with her friends, she's more focused on looking out for Ethan than the conversation. At this point she's considering going home, but then it really hits her. Why is she wasting her time hiding from him?

She shouldn't have to be worried about running into him--or spend her time that's supposed to be fun and relaxing, hiding just to avoid him. Ethan doesn't get to dictate her life or force his way back into it if she doesn't want that, and Blake's as stubborn as they come so if she wants to get rid of him she'll sure as hell try her hardest.

Or maybe--maybe she doesn't even have to avoid him. He used to be this cocky and annoying all the time, but that started to wear off. Maybe if they hangout in their group it'll stop being a problem.

Ethan eventually finds her, now that she's no longer avoiding him. He doesn't even say hi, only slips into the seat next to her and wraps his arm around her waist, holding her close. He leans in to kiss her cheek, only to be stopped.

"Found you, chérie. Don't I get a prize?"

"Your prize is that I've decided to tolerate you for now."

Blake shrugs him off, watching her friends eyebrows tilt upward, but ignores it. Ethan lets out an exaggerated sigh, pretending like he was expecting more, and then grins. "That's okay with me. What did I miss?"

"We were just talking about Grayson eating shit earlier trying to hang the Kappa flag back up," Lara shakes her head, motioning to where the flag used to sit perched atop the roof. The presidents room had a window you can climb out onto, and from there you can climb a little bit higher to where they previously had the flag hanging, before it got knocked down over break by strong winds. "I yelled at him afterward and now no one has bothered getting it back up."

Grayson tried and failed to replace it. He slipped trying to climb up to the higher ledge and smacked his face against some tiles, but was lucky he didn't fall off of the roof. Lara was not happy when she heard.

"Ah, yeah, he's a dumbass," Ethan laughs, glancing at Blake who looks far too bored for his liking. It's a party, she should be having fun. "Dare me to go try and put it up, Blake?"

"No, are you crazy?" She asks, eyes widening. Ethan isn't drunk, but he doesn't need to risk it. If Grayson couldn't do it, Ethan doesn't have to try it either. "Just because I think you're annoying doesn't mean I want you dead."

As if she heard Blake's plea for a distraction, Ava comes jogging over and squeezes herself directly between her and Ethan. "I was just playing truth or dare, and it ended with Trent lighting his own hair on fire."

"Oh my god, is he okay?" Lara gasps, Ryan and Ethan only shaking their heads while Blake sighs.

"Yeah, it was only on fire for like, a second, but we all decided to call it quits there. Anyone seen Grayson?"

"Just texted him and told him he's doing a shitty job as risk management," Ethan snorts, glancing between them all with a half-smile. "Why don't we play our own game? Truth or drink sounds fun to me."

His eyes land right on Blake, knowing he has a few things he could ask her. She has some she'd like to ask Ethan too, but doesn't want to get into this mess with him--not around all of their friends. God knows what he's planning, but the look on his face is suspect.

"I don't even have a drink, and I don't think any of us need to be getting that drunk," she laughs, standing up. "But I am gonna go get one."

Blake planned not to drink tonight, but definitely needs one now after being around Ethan. "I'll come with you, chérie."

He's simultaneously annoying her and making her miss him even more. She doesn't tell him not to come with though, so with their friends watching them curiously, Ethan jogs after her toward the outdoor bar.

Humming under her breath, Blake pours herself a drink (that she' going to keep a close eye on) and surveys the crowd of drunk college students. An argument that's getting too rowdy is being broken up by Grayson, a drunk girl is taking off her shirt and dancing on a table, and Chase and Jess are sitting on one of the couches practically having sex in front of everyone. Nothing new.

It's comforting to know that despite everything else, frat parties will always stay the same. Everything else in their lives can change at the drop of a hat, but these stupid parties will always provide a semblance of normalcy and familiarity.

Ethan watches her silently, grabbing himself something to drink too. They don't make their way over to their friends again after, instead leaning against the outside wall of the house.

"So, truth or drink?"

"No thanks," Blake snorts, taking a large sip. "You're probably gonna ask something stupid."

"Well, obviously," he grins, turning so he's leaning on his shoulder, facing her. "So, ever tried anal?"

"Jesus Christ..." she trails off, shaking her head at him. "No."

"Well, would you?" Blake looks at him, then back to her drink, and takes a sip. Ethan cocks a curious eyebrow. "Oh c'mon, you gotta answer!"

"No, I don't. That's why I drank. That's the game."

"So that's a yes. You totally would."

"I don't--ugh--maybe. Under the right circumstances, I'm not opposed."

Ethan smirks, but hides it behind his cup. "What exactly are the right circumstances? We could go try it now. Promise I'll be gentle, chérie."

"In your dreams, Dolan. And I'm pretty sure it's my turn to ask a question now," she says, crossing her arms. Ethan's technically asked two already, so he agrees to let her go. Blake thinks for a moment, tapping her fingers against the cup. "Why do you call me chérie? Especially still?"

Ethan swirls the drink around in his cup with a sigh, debating whether he should answer or not. It isn't even meant to be a secret, but he wasn't planning for their conversation to have to be serious tonight.

In the end, he shrugs. "Honestly? Heard it in some movie or something once, can't even remember where exactly, but I thought it was really cute, maybe even a little romantic, I guess. Just... thought it fit you--that first time we really talked it slipped out of my mouth before I could even think about it. Can't imagine calling you anything else."

Blake ignores the way it makes her heart speed up, opting to watch drunk people dance instead. Ethan rests his hand on her arm, but she ignores that too.

Ethan always thought that would be the name he'd use when he finally fell in love. A little bit cheesy, but he's already called plenty of girls things like babe, baby, princess... others like that. He wanted to use chérie for someone special. And sure, he did, but he has to admit he really fucked himself over by calling her that before they got close. It only help set him up for all of this--he should've known.

"Alright, my turn," he clears his throat, standing a little straighter. The playful vibe he worked so hard to keep up dissipates, and he really doesn't feel like trying to force it back with some stupid flirty question right now. So, he asks another serious one. "Have you ever been in love with someone the way you're in love with me? Ever felt this way about anyone else?"


Blake stops, her eyebrows scrunching up as she thinks about the people she's dated. Her first boyfriend, middle school? Definitely not. None of the other very brief relationships meant anything to her in high school either. Todd Evans did, though they were always just friends looking back--it was never serious between them. What he meant to her was more than the others, but in a platonic way, so she couldn't count that either--the love there was different.

She did love her first girlfriend, freshman year of college. They broke up shortly before their one year anniversary however, and went their separate ways after realizing they wanted very different things. She dated a few other guys, a few other girls, but nothing lasted more than a few months until last year, where she dated a guy who ended up transferring schools. And she cared for him, but obviously that didn't work out. She had a fling over the summer, but the emotions there were practically nonexistent.

Ethan's it. Maybe they weren't together very long, but everything about them was intense, and they spent months before hanging out and getting close.

"No," Blake answers honestly, sighing to herself. She considers lying to him, but what good will that do? The alcohol won't let her anyway. "I've loved other people, but no. Not like this."

Ethan really needed to hear that. "Then, Blake, what the hell are we doing?"

"It's my turn," she coughs, licking her lips. "Why've you been acting... like this lately? And trying to force me to hangout with you so much?"

By this point, both of their drinks are empty. Ethan can't drink for this question, not that she'd take that as an answer. The game is a facade for asking each other whatever they want, they both know that they have to answer.

So he tells her the truth anyway, not that it's some big secret. "I miss you. I miss us. I've never fucking dealt with this before, and I hate it. I feel like a completely different person than I was months ago, and I can't go back to what I was doing before, even though I'm trying, but I don't have you anymore either. I don't know what to do."

"It's not good for you to focus all of yourself on someone else, E," Blake sighs, her chest tightening. "You can't be letting yourself get lost just because you have feelings for me."

"I'm not lost I'm just... stuck. I want things to be different, I guess."

"Then make them different. That's on you, though, you have to work toward whatever it is--"

"Can you just shut up and kiss me?"

Ethan reaches for Blake, craving the taste of her lips on his--even though they probably just taste like alcohol and lipstick. It's been about a week since the last time he got to kiss her, and that feels like way too long. She takes a step back, shaking her head. She wants to give in, but she's usually the more rational of the two. If they're going to move on, they can't do it.

But at the sight of his shoulders slumping, her eyes dart to his lips. Pouted, pink, pillowy... she jumps in and throws caution to the wind for once.

Her arms wrap around Ethan's neck, pulling him in and keeping him there. Ethan wraps his around her waist, letting one of his hands squeeze her ass and making her gasp. He takes advantage of her parted lips, pressing her back into the wall while his tongue roams her mouth.

It's over as quick as Blake pulled him in, but not because either of them want it to be, because of where they are. Ethan bites his lip, looking into her eyes that are swirling with the light.

"Can we... can we go upstairs and talk or something?" He asks, hoping she'll say yes.

Blake purses her lips, still looking at his. Some of her lipstick stained his mouth and made his usually colorful lips look even more red. "Yeah, alright, Dolan."

Perhaps what they need is to reevaluate their relationship. They're both stubborn--Ethan's impulsive, Blake's defensive--that's the source of most of their issues. If they can actually work through some of them, they might be able to fix things.

The only problem is that every time they've tried before, they'd just get into an argument about that instead.

When they reach the top of the stairs, there's a sock on the doorknob to Ethan's room. He lets out a groan, knowing Grayson probably dragged Lara upstairs minutes before he got there with Blake. There's no telling when they'll be done, and he really doesn't want to wait to talk about this anyway.

Using the master key, he brings her into Seth's room instead. It's way too loud and crowded anywhere else to talk, and Seth probably won't mind.

Blake takes a seat across from Ethan, his eyes finding hers. It's hard to decipher what they see in the endless pools of emotion, but something about it is magnetizing. It's tugging on their heartstrings and impossible for either to describe.

It's the electricity of love. It's the intense feelings, the lust, the affection, the enchantment, the humanness of it all. Yearning for each other, souls intertwined. As cheesy as it is, they could live in the moment.

Ethan stares at her, and Blake stares back. She wonders what he's thinking, if he feels the tug like she does and if they can truly make this work.

He comes closer, touching her with a hand on the thigh and the other pulling her in. They're still staring, and they can genuinely feel the electric current passing through them. It's the spark everyone talks about, the fireworks that have them breathless before their lips even touch. Neither says anything, the music and voices downstairs drowned out by the focus on each other--there're no words to be said.

They lean in at the same time, catching each other's lips in a kiss. They're breathing each other in like oxygen, afraid they might suffocate if they pull away. Blake sucks his bottom lip between hers, tugging it back and kissing at it gently before Ethan's tongue slips past her lips.

Blake knows this isn't how it was supposed to go, but she hopes it doesn't have to end. The boy is running under her skin and through her veins.


I'm a sucker for cliche party games

Also, happy new year! I hope that it's off to a good start for everyone.

Continuฤƒ lectura

O sฤƒ-ศ›i placฤƒ ศ™i

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