𝑯𝑰𝑴 - Chase Graves

By DiedFromCuriosity

56.4K 1.3K 272

"all i have left are memories" #1 izombie rank 14/03/20 [I only own Winter and her story line] More



1.3K 31 1
By DiedFromCuriosity


The news of Isobels death hit them all hard. Winter was at work when it happened, she let Ravi and Liv do the examination as she did not have the same connection as they did to the young girl.

She had been avoiding everyone, suddenly feeling small in this giant world. Her cousin was going to get caught, murdered by her fiance who was slowly becoming more stone cold by the day. His thoughts and power making him lose his mind.

"Winter?" Lillian smiled at the spaced out zombie, trying to take her order. "What's bothering you?"

"I think my fiance is going to kill my cousin." Winter admitted, sinking her head on to the table. "I don't know what to do, what to say, if I should do anything."

"That does sound like you're in a pickle." The older woman chuckled, sitting across from her.  "You should speak to him, and your cousin."

"That doesn't work." The zombie laughed sadisticly, raising her head to smile at the woman. "My cousin is stubborn and Chase, well he is hot headed and hates being told what to do."

"You need to slap your cousin hard and grab your man by the balls." Lillian smirked as she saw the light enter the zombies eyes.

"I never expected that from you." She laughed loudly, causing heads to glance at the two cackling women. "Thank you, I really did need someone to just smile at me."

"Any time, dear." Lillian placed her hand on Winters. "You know you are always welcome here, we will be your other family when you need to escape from the drama."

"Thank you." Winter squeezed her hand. Instead of going back to work, Lillian joined the zombie for a cup of coffee, discussing wedding plans and how much they miss the taste of ice cream. This is what Winter needed, somewhere to remind her of what being alive is like.

"Do you mind if I take this call?" She asked as her phone vibrates in her pocket.

"Go ahead, I need to get back to work anyway." Lillian patted her shoulder and went back to her husband.

"Thank you!" Winter called out before answering the call. "Hello? Ravi? What's wrong?"

"Winter, thank god! We hadn't heard from you in days and thought Chase might have done something."

"Chase? No, I've just been feeling down. Anyway, why are you calling other than checking up on me?" She swirled the last sips of her coffee, contemplating whether she wanted to drink the now cold liquid.

"Meet me at that motel, the one where Liv does Renegade stuff. Please be quick, it's important."

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving now. I'll see you in a bit." Wandering up to the counter, Winter paid her bill before hugging her new "adoptive mum". Waving a final good bye, she left the building and got to her car. Putting her phone on silence, Winter ignored the spam of texts Chase was sending her. She put her foot down, speeding off to the horse loving motel to find Ravi and see what is wrong.

"Ravi? You in there?" She pounded on the door, waiting for an answer. "Ravi, its Winter. Open up, I can hear voices inside."

"Quick, before they see you." Ravi finally opened the door and dragged the clueless woman inside.

"Who is they? What is going on?"

"So he hasn't told you anything?" Peyton quizzed, hugging her old roommate as they had not seen one another in what felt like forever. "Major will explain everything."



inter stood outside the large blue metal doors. She had recently found out that during her absence from the world Liv had handed herself in as the Renegade and was to executed by her fiance.

It all went by in a blur, guns raised and aimed at the zombies and humans trying to save Liv Moore.

"Don't shoot!" Chase commanded as Major sprinted forwards in full on zombie mode. The ex-soldier kept over the armed Fillmore-Graves soldiers and forced the commander to the ground, pushing Liv over in the process.

"Liv!" Winter snuck around everyone and on to the stage, ripping the tape off her cousins lips. "We need to stop this, this isn't him, please."

"He is going to kill us!" Liv argued as Winter broke the hand cuffs. "Winter, I can't make that promise."

"I beg you!" The two women turned around as they saw Chase leaning over the guillotine to reach for his gun, Major reached towards the lever. Winter screamed in pain as her heart broke. Then it all went black.

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