Trailer Park Boys ✨A Change I...

By she_devil_28

7.7K 200 38

You have had a rough past, but you try to start off a "New Life" in Sunnyvale trailer park after the loss of... More

New Start
Flowers Pt.2
Friend or Foe??
Friend or Foe?? Pt.2
Is This Love?
Clingy Ladybugs
Pain, Pleasure, BBQ
She's Like The Wind

The Boys

1K 25 0
By she_devil_28

"Hey you" A man with a houndstooth shirt and ginger hair said to me. I slowly looked up making sure I didn't upset them. I tried my best to even squeak a word out I was so nervous. "Y-yes can I help you?? " I say. "Jeez Ricky.. I think you scared her" The man next to him with glasses said. "Yeah that's not how you talk to someone" The taller black haired man stared at him. The man sighed. "I'm sorry, just wanted to introduce myself to my new neighbor guys" . I giggled as he tried to defend himself. "Well I'm (Y/N) (L/N) I just moved in." I motion to the boxes still in my car.

"I'm Ricky""I'm Bubbles""and I'm Julian" they said one after another. "It's a pleasure." I say with a slight nod. "So what made you move here to Sunnyvale??" Ricky said now leaning on my car. I looked away and back at him with a smile. I'm sure he was doing this to keep away akward silence. "A new start." "Well fucking great!" He said smacking the top of my car. I laugh and look over at the other two, Julian just seemed to stare a hole right through me as Bubbles fiddled with his hands. "Ummm do you think maybe you could stay and help me unload my stuff?? The moving truck should be here soon and I could really use the extra muscle" I said trying my best to flirt a bit. I've never been good a flirting.. (Normally it just comes out as a bunch of slurred words and throw-up.)

I shake my head trying not to think about something so embarrassing.. They told me they wouldn't mind helping me at all. As we carried the last box in the truck pulled up 4 pm on the dot. "Well get ready boys here's the real fun" I say slapping my hands on my thighs. I waited for the men to exit the truck as I walk past the boys I could still feel the guy named Julian staring right at me. I can't lie and say I don't kind of like it but at the same time we just met and it makes me feel weird. "Miss (L/N) I presume??" The man smiled handing me his clip board. "Yes sir!" I chirped.

I happily spun around in my excitement that totally drowned out any sadness I had. I didn't notice that Julian had stepped so close to me and ran straight into him head first. *bam* I had fallen straight on my butt.. "Jesus Murphy!! Did you have to be so fuckin close Jules!" Bubbles said scrabbling to help me up. "Sorry about that (Y/N), Swazye over here doesn't know what personal space is" Ricky couldn't help himself he started laughing really hard. "Fuck you guys" Julian said taking a sip from what I could only assume was some kind of alcohol. I laughed when I got to me feet. "What's wrong with Patrick Swayze??" I said tilting my head slightly to the left. "Nothing!!" Julian yelled at us all. Bubbles looked at me with a shit eating grin on his face. "Julian why don't you tell her the truth??"

Ricky couldn't stop laughing at this point now on the ground holding his stomach. Bubbles went ahead an took advantage of telling me. " When Julian was a kid he was seen dancing around imitating Patrick Swayze from the movie 'Dirty Dancing'." I covered my mouth trying hard to stifle my laughter as I looked up at him. His face was flushed red."Well I think you make for a better Patrick Swayze then himself" I said making light of the situation. Julian perked up. "You think so??" He said not trusting my complement. "Honest" I said putting my hand on my heart.

The sun had set and it was night time now. I spent pretty much the rest of the day with the guys talking, setting up my house, getting high, and drinking. I haven't had this much fun in a really long time. I forgot all about my worries. The boys left one by one, first Ricky and then Bubbles. Julian sort of just hung around. "I have to say this has been one of the best days I've had in a while" I laughed. Julian smiled at me. "(Y/N) if you don't mind me asking why did you "really" move here?" Julian looked at me very serious. I froze for a minute. "Hah, I told you already just for something new".. I gripped my pants as he stared at me. "You don't have a very good poker face". Julian said sipping his what I know now as rum and coke. My heart dropped to my stomach and my mind started racing. "What should I say?? Should I tell him the truth". I thought to myself... The thought of even explaining what had happened made my eyes start to water.. I took a deep breath and looked at Julian. "I-I came here from the my grandfather was in a severe car accident.." I could feel the warmth of fresh tears starting.. "Don't do it" I thought to myself..."Don't cry". I took a breath, but before I could get it out Julian looked at me and said. "He didn't make it...did he". His voice very sad and sympathetic.. Tears started to stream from my face. I couldn't contain them any longer. "I sh-should have been with him!!" I yelled into my hands. **Answer machine: Hello darlin. Hope you make it home safe. I love you.**  that was the last message I had from him before he passed. Julian wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight.

"I didn't mean to upset you (Y/N)"Julian said while looking down at me. On top of being sad I was also embarrassed because I'm crying in front of a guy I just met. I wiped my face and smiled at him. "No.. It's not your fault. I've been holding those tears in for far to long" I felt better. I felt like a weight had just been lifted off of me. "I'm sorry you had to see me cry," I said staring at the floor messing with my hair. Julian laughed and fluffed my hair. "Don't apologize". He waved good-bye before closing my front door. I started to clean up the mess that was left from unpacking plus the empty liqour bottle everywhere.

It was now 10 at night. I jumped in the shower and put the water on hot letting it run down my back as I remembered my grandfather. **Poppy? Do you have a favorite flower? I asked as I looked up to my grandfather. His smile was always so sweet and adoring.** "Old fashion Petunias" I said with a smile. I finished up in the shower and started to get dressed. "Tomorrow I'll make a flower bed just for you Poppy" I whispered to myself before falling asleep.

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