I'm lucky that I met you

By Huntress_of_fairies

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18 years old Weiss Schnee was bullied her entire high school and last half of middle school because of her at... More

Chapter one: When it begans
Chapter 2: Remnant and new friends
Chapter 3: First day.
Chapter 4: The dungeon
Chapter 5: Fight with the past
Chapter 6: Fight with the past
Chapter 7: Demon of despear
Chapter 8: Myrtenaster
Chapter 9: Out of the dungeon
Chapter 10: Dead or alive?
Christmas special!!
Chapter 11: Alone in the dorm room
Chapter 12: Learning with Ruby
Chapter 13: The stray cat
Chapter 14: The events of the second year
Chapter 15: The Patch
Chapter 16: Unexpected mission
Chapter 17: To Ezel!!
Chapter 18: 100 years ago
Chapter 19: A monster that I no longer am
Chapter 20: Frea and the test
Chapter 21: Escape
Chapter 22: The calm before the storm
Not a real chapter
Chapter 23: Attack on Ezel
Chapter 24: Beginning of the end (part 1)
Chapter 25: Beginning of the end (part 2)
Chapter 27: Fire and Ice
Chapter 28: Light and dark
Chapter 29: After the battle

Chapter 26: The cat and the bull

111 3 0
By Huntress_of_fairies

"Adam" whispered Blake to no one in particular.

Both Mia and Neval notices the White fang leader as well. They made brief eye contact and Mia nodded. She send a few of her 'wind blades' shooting right at the Nevermore Adam was riding on. Because of the distance, instead of cutting the beast's head, the wind blades hit its wing. But it did the job. The nevermore let out an ear-piercing screech and started to fall from the sky. It collapsed on the wall making most of the elven archers there to scatter. Most of the white fang members that were on it alongside Adam were crushed or shot by archers but the man himself was able to jump off in time.

"Go Blake" said Neval, stopping in the middle of the broken wall. "We'll catch up with you when the on land grimm are dealt with."

Black haired merely nodded, gratitude shining through her eyes. She started climbing the wall and slowly but surely making her way to the top. When she reached her destination moments later Adam was there to greet her. The same man who taught her how to handle a sword and the one who was an elder brother to her for many years. "Stop this madness Adam!" Blake cried her hand on Gambol Shroud's hilt. "Why are you doing this?!"

"Hello, my dear Blake" the man smirked, mirroring the girl's action and putting a hand on the hilt of his katana. "I see you ran away from your little sell. Did someone betray the noble cause of the white Fang?"

Blake's ears were felt on her head dangerously. "Novel?!! Do you think killing innocent is NOBEL?!! You're out of your mind Adam!" she cried.

"I'm fighting for our people! While you're just a coward!!"

"There's no point in arguing with you" shook her head Blake while taking out her sword. "You're delusional."

With everything said and done the two former comrades lunched forward. They clashed into a fury of parrying attacks and striking back. Even though Blake was able to hold her own for a while her previous wounds were still a bit soar, limiting her movements. The black-haired did a backflip, hoping to create more distance between them. But before she could land on her feet Adam took a fast and precise swing, aiming for her neck. Living a shadow clone in her place a second too late Blake landed into a crouching position, with a cut on her shoulder. Gritting her teeth she stood up, not daring to look away from her opponent. 'He broke through my aura shield with only a few well-placed hits? Either Adam got way stronger or my aura isn't fully recovered yet. I guess both.'

Adam rushed at her again with his sword held in a stabbing position. Acting quick Blake took her sword's sheath and sliced it on the red bladed katana that Adam used. The man's eyes widened at how she disarmed him, but he composed himself a second later, sending a strong kick to Blake's side. The body of the cat shifter disappeared as it was one of her clones. The real one came at him from behind. without glancing back Adam used his own sheath, hitting it right at the girl's stomach. The blow was strong enough to knock the wind out of Blake. She fell to her knees, gasping for air.

"No one's here to save you, Blake" Adam smirked, kicking her at the same place. And he was right. The nearby archers were all struggling with the never-ending assault from the nevermores. Who was going to save her indeed?

With Yang:

She ran, desperately trying to the spot on the wall where she saw Blake fight that red-haired bull shifter. Everything around her was a blur. Yang didn't care about the feathers that the nevermores shoot at her since they burned completely before even reaching her. The only thing on the blond's mind was that her partner was on her knees with a strange-looking red blade raised above her head. "BLAKE!!" Yang cried.

Both shifters looked at her, the man stopped his attack when a fireball flew at him. With a grunt he jumped back, his arm smoking, slightly burned. using the newly gained distance Blake stood up on shaky legs and stumbled to the newly arrived blond. "Yang" she said softly, voice wavering with slight fear.

"It's ok. Catch your breath for a second" assured Yang. "I can hold him off."

Blake once again fell on her knees. "Adam, he...his sword is enchanted. Don't let him cut you or your magic won't work."

Yang nodded falling into a well-practiced stance. Adam on his part looked between the two partners with his eyes narrowed. A low growl left his throat as he too readied to attack. "Fine then" Adam said, furry echoing in every word. "Before coming for you, I'll make sure to kill everyone you love. Starting with HER!!"

With that, he lunched forward, but his sword was blocked by Yang's gauntlet. Their fight went for a while longer. They both dancing around each other, blocking or dodging each other's attacks. But eventually, Adam was able to maneuver passed Yang's guard and was about to slice her head when a sword blocked the attack.

Blake stood beside her partner, sword drawn and ready to fight. "I'm sorry Adam," she said. "I'm sorry that this has to end this way. But I'm not going to stand around and let you hurt my family!"

And so, they ran at each other again (something similar to RWBY volume 6 where Blake and Yang tag teamed Adam. I'm too lazy to type it all, sorry.). Though, again without a satisfying result. Adam blocked Yang's flaming fist with his sword, nullifying her magic, and stopped Blake's slash with his sheath. He then kicked Yang in the gut, making her stumble a few steps back. Blake's attention was momentary turned to her partner. That was long enough for Adam who stabbed her. Her cry of pain echoed in Yang's ears as she watched the black-haired fall to her knees when Adam took his blade out.

"YOU MONSTER!!" roared the blond, launching herself at Adam in a fit of rage.

The men merely smirked and sidestepped, bringing down his sword. It went through flesh and bone a little too easily, cutting Yang's right arm a bit lower from her shoulder. She stumbled foreword, legs giving out from under her. Yang couldn't feel anything, couldn't hear, couldn't see as well since black spots covered her vision. One thing though she saw as clear as day. Adam picked Blake up by her neck and held over the edge of the wall. Red-haired said something. He smirked in satisfaction when Blake's eyes widen in shock and guilt. And then.......he let her go. Let her fall from that height, right to her inevitable death.

"No..." Yang said weekly, not wanting to believe in what she just saw. "NO!"

Her vision turned red, rage filling her like her magic usually did. She felt a lot warmer. No. She was on fire. Literary. An inhuman roar tore through the battlefield. Everyone, even grimm froze for a second.

"What the hell?" whispered Adam to himself watching golden scales appear on Yang's body and eyes glow red. Her body glowed and then started to transform. A few seconds later, instead of the blond stood a mighty dragon, fangs bared in a vicious snarl. She lunged at Adam without a second thought swiping her paw in order to cut him in half.

Acting quick Adam brought up his sword to block the incoming attack. But the enchanted metal gave in under the dragon's pressure and broke. That left him wide open and Yang's claws cut him clean in half.

With Blake before she was thrown off the wall:

Yang fell before her, blood purring from her arm. "Yang!!!" Blake screamed but it came out more like a choked sob

Adam walked to the cat shifter slowly. He bent down and despite her best efforts to struggle, still picked her up by her throat. "My dear Blake" he said while walking to the edge of the wall, "I hope that Rose's Thorn will escort you to the deepest pits of hell."

Blake's eyes widened, memories of those lifeless grey eyes of the woman coming back to her. She tried to claw her way out of Adam's grip but he held firm. "Goodbye Blake," he said and let go.

Blake gasped. The pane in her side was unbearable. The wind, on top of everything else, hammered her back. The fall felt like an eternity. No matter what, it didn't end. And Yang was up there...with Adam. Oh god, Yang! Adam was definitely going to kill her. Because she came to save her. Because she cared for Blake.

Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes, whether from the pain, the wind that didn't stop, or the realization that she was going to die. 'I didn't even tell her what I wanted to' she thought, eyes closing slowly. 'I'm sorry, Yang. For everything.'

Suddenly a roar thundered above Blake, making her open her eyes. Everything was a blur and her already slow fall felt slower. But through her hazy vision, Blake could've sworn she saw a golden something dive from the top of the wall. Only moments later a warm body was against hers, all covered in scales but as soft as the finest silk. The pain her body was in, soothed even by a fraction, but it was enough for Blake's senses to come into a relatively focused state. That's when she heard Yang's voice.

"Blake! Open your eyes, please!! I...I can't lose you like this."

Aside from Yang's voice Blake also noticed that she was lying on something hard and extremely cold. 'Come on, Blake. You can do this! It's just a stab wound, you survived worse injuries...Ok, that...wasn't as reassuring as I thought it would be.' With her inner argument solved Blake forced her eyes to open.

Immediate, relief washed over Yang's features at the sight of those ember orbs. A huge grin spread on her face. "Thank god!! I thought you wouldn't wake up!"

"Yang...w-what happened?" the black-haired asked weekly, her throat still soar and as dry as a desert, while Yang helped her to sit up. "Where's Adam."

The blond look left, showing the already fading golden scales of her neck. The shifter followed her stare and saw Adam in the distance, lying in his own pool of blood, cut in half. As if remembering something Blake looked at Yang again. Specifically her arm, that wasn't supposed to be there. But it was. Covered in golden scales and with claws but still attached to the blonde's body.

Noticing her partner's gaze, Yang smirked, making a fist. "Pretty neat huh? Looks like you're not the only shifter in our team!"

Silence rose between the two, disturbed only by distant screeches that were becoming less frequent. Blake looked down, her cat ears flat on her head and shoulders curled inwards. "I'm sorry Yang" she said, a few stray tears living the corners of her eyes. "Adam....he could've killed you. Because of me."

She was ready for anything. For Yang to scream at her, to be angry. But she wasn't prepared for the blond to pull her into a gentle hug. "It's not your fault Blake, I would've done it any other way," the blonde whispered into the black haired's ear. "I'm just happy to have you back."

"Yang I...." any form of reply died in her throat as tears spilled from her eyes freely. The pane from the stab wound long forgotten she hugged back, burying her face In Yang's mane and savoring the warmth that she missed.

Their little moment was short-lived as a loud explosion of ice and wind made the two to let go of each other. It happened on the opposite side of the wall. Because of the amount of ice magic in the air the temperature dropped greatly making Blake shiver slightly. "W-Was that...Weiss's magic?"

Yang nodded, brows furrowed in concern. "It sure looked like it."

Before the two had any chance to exchange more words someone shouted Blake's name at the top of their lungs. When Yang noticed that someone was a blond lion shifter in tattered White Fang uniform her eyes turned red. She pushed Blake behind her gently and glared at the blond. "Back. Off" she growled.

The man froze in his place a few meters away from the two, his eyes going from Yang to Blake. The later put a reassuring hand on the blonde's shoulder. "He's not an enemy, Yang" she said through gritted teeth as her sense of pain was unfortunately back. "Neval is a childhood friend, He helped me and the others to escape from where the Fang kept us."

Now it was Yang's turn to look back and forth between Blake and Neval. Eventually deeming Neval as a none threat she slowly nodded, eyes changing back to their natural lilac color. Taking it as his cue to move, Neval walked closer to the sitting girls. "The grimm are retreating," he said. "Whatever that blast was it eater scared them, killed the one that was controlling them, meaning Cinder, or wounded her enough for her control to be broken."

"The Grimm were being controlled?" asked Yang, her eyes wide in disbelief. "Since when was that possible!!"

"Hell if I know" shrugged the man. "But Cinder can. Being high in command, I knew quite a bit of their plans. Not everything, most likely not even half, but it's still something."

Blake nodded in thought. "So the grimm are retreating. Good. Good, now we need to go down there and..." she stopped mid-sentence in favor of standing up. The attempt was a miserable failure, to say the least. Her legs felt like they were entirely made of jelly and her side protested heavily against any kind of movement. As a result, she fell back.

A pair of arms wrapped around the black haired's waist preventing her from hitting the ground. "You can't stand yet" said Yang sternly while holding Blake. "I tried to heal your wound as much as I could. But before that, I had to practically burn away the enchantment that blocked my magic from knitting the wound. It's nothing much. I slowed the bleeding as much as I could and wrapped it."

Neval whistled slightly. "Good job!" he praised while shifting into his animal form. "But from what you said, it appears that you're not in any condition to walk either, let alone carry Blake. Climb on my back, I'll take you to the castle where the healers are."

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