You're Mine

By Shy_Writer1006

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Traumatized as a child, Cassandra can't erase the details of her mother's murder from her mind. Now thirteen... More

Chapter One: The Nightmare
Chapter Two: Introductions
Chapter Three: School Sucks
Chapter Four: Halloween Party
Chapter Five: School Lockdown
Chapter Six: The Killer?
Chapter Seven: Finals Beware
Chapter Eight: Winter Break
Chapter Nine: Going Back Home
Chapter Ten: Tick Tock
Chapter Twelve: The Truth
Chapter Thirteen: Shouldn't of Done That
Chapter Fourteen: All Alone
Chapter Fifteen: The Note
Chapter Sixteen: Going Back To Where It Began
Chapter Seventeen: You Choose
Chapter Eighteen: Taking One For The Team
Note from Author

Chapter Eleven: Too Late

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By Shy_Writer1006

All too soon, it's the morning of the party. Everything is ready for tonight, so we have all been told not to go into the west wing. Even though it's Christmas morning, my little gang is down despite today being Kara's favorite holiday. I sigh as I look over at her still asleep. The three of us have barely slept the past two nights after we learned of the murders. She and Ash were coming up with different theories and trying to see if they were connected to our school's murder. I chimed in very little on it because I wanted to be sure I didn't slip up on my promise to Alister or the detectives. I sigh as I get up and slip-on a robe that Ash had gotten me. He joked I needed something light to put on for my morning routines since I always forget a jacket. I softly smile as I run my hand down and enjoy the softness of it. It reminds me of a throw blanket with the way the material feels.

With caution, I sneak down the stairs and out to the garden. I pause at the door as some policemen walk by on their patrols. Soon as they pace by, I slip out and go to the rose bush that I've grown to love over the past few days. "Even with the world-beating against you, you still stand strong and bloom," I whisper as I dust some snow off it. The pink flowers peak back at with me with a few buds joining them as if to prove a point. "Strong and blooming," I repeat softly with a sigh. I sit down on the path behind it and look to the valley as the sunrise begins to show itself from behind the mountains. I pull my pack out and turn it over in my hands. I sigh as I pull one out. I'm going to quit after this pack. I don't need these to calm my nerves. I think as I flick my lighter to make it ignite. I don't need to depend on these. I place my cigarette to my lips as I light it. I'm stronger than my nerves. I inhale the smoke and slowly release it where it merges with the fog of my breath in the chill air. I am stronger...right? I think as I hear the soft crunch of snow.

I turn and see Andrew walking over to me. He dusts a spot off and joins me in my hiding place, "I thought I might find you out here. I didn't mean to disturb your deep thought process," He tells me.

"How did you know I was in deep thought?" I muse as I take another drag.

"I'm afraid your face reveals when you deep in thought." He pauses as he looks over the valley. "Not to mention, as a butler, it's my job to read people to know how to help them," He tells me.

"I see," I say softly. "I'm afraid I failed to do your favor," I tell him as I look from him to the sunrise. "Today is her favorite holiday, and she isn't even excited about it," I mumble. 

"I have a feeling you might be able to fix that," He tells me as he rubs his hands together to warm them.

I curiously look at him. Despite Andrew being a butler, his beard is untamed and his hair is messy. A frazzled look I know all too well. "You seem stressed, Andrew," I say softly. "Penny for your thoughts?" I ask him. Even though he is the help as people have viewed him recently, I have come to consider him a friend over the past few days.

"I'm afraid it's something you can't help me, Ms. Evans," He sighs out. "I wish it were simple, but I fear my time at the Michealson Manner will be coming to a resign here," He tells me as a sad smile graces his lips.

"You're being fired?" I ask in shock. "They can't do that!" I exclaim before lowering my voice. "You're the head butler and best at your job, but Kara also needs you. You can't leave," I tell him.

"As much as I don't want to," He pauses and sighs. "Let's just say a secret of mine has come to light. It will cause more harm than good, so I find it best to simply leave than face the music," He tells me.

"That's the thing about secrets. The cause more damage nowadays," I mutter before I take another drag. "However, secrets happen for a reason, whatever yours may be, do you think the outcome is worse than you keeping it?" I ask him.

"For once, I don't know the outcome hence the fleeing instinct, but I do know it could change a lot of things," He runs a hand through his hair messing the slickness of it, "I do know that I hate change when it isn't good," He honestly tells me.

"I may be young, sir, but I do know things happen for a reason. We can either fight it or embrace it," I tell him as I look from the valley to him. "If you're sure leaving is the best, no one can stop you. If you think leaving is the easier option, I ask you to consider it a bit more, for you will be deeply missed," I say as I try to carefully word everything. "Running from one's actions causes more of downfall then facing it even if you don't dare to do so," I add.

"Wise words for someone your age," He muses as he turns to look at me.

"You can say I learned them from a great man who passed them down to an even greater one. I just wished I had taken them more to heart," I say softly as I think of my brother and I having a very similar conversation long ago.

He softly chuckles and says, "I appreciate this morning chat we've had. You've shown me there is more to consider with my choice, thank you for that." He picks some snow up and lets it fall between his fingers. "You helped me with my issue, so perhaps I can be a bit more assistance to yours," He tells me. "She loves Christmas because of seeing all the smiles and holiday glee. To help her, you might need to create some," He lets the last bit of the snow fall from his hand before he dusts them off and gets up. "With that, I must bid you farewell since my duties still need to be done," He says with a wink before leaving. 

I look at the snow in confusion as I take the last hit from my cigarette and put it out. Create some glee? I think as I pick some of the some of it up in my hand and let it fall. How am I do that? I think before the realization hits me, causing me to smile. "Andrew, you were right about some duties still needing to be done," I say softly as I get up. I look around to find a small bucket by the back door. I carry it back over to my spot and begin to get work. I then sneak inside with the bucket in tow.

Phlat! I watch as Kara jerks awake with snow falling out of her hair. "Cassie, what are you doing," She doesn't get to finish as I hit her with another snowball.

"Catch me if you can," I declare before running out of room with the bucket now filled with snowballs. I turn left and head towards Ash's room. I carefully turn the doorknob and see he's still asleep. With a devious grin, I pelt him with one as well causing him to wake up with a jolt.

"What the?" He yells in confusion before he sees me standing there. "Cas?" He questions.

"Rise and shine!" I yell before I throw another at him and run as I hear Kara coming after me.

I barely make it out into the yard before I'm hit with a snowball. I turn to see her standing there. She looks angry before she breaks out into laughter, "I hope you're ready for war!" She yells to me as she begins making another one.

Ash comes around the corner, fixing his shirt he just threw on. "Really Cas, a snowball fight," He muses before saying, "You do realize you pick the wrong one to fight against."

"Bring it on!" I yell as I throw another one at them and take cover behind the wall just as she throws one at me.

Our yells and laughter echo throughout the courtyard as we throw snowballs at one another. None of us are properly dressed to be outside, but it's clear that we don't care as we play in the snow. Our hands and noses are starting to turn red as we throw it at one another and duck for cover. Thank you, Andrew. I think as I throw another one. It's when it misses Ash and hits someone else that I freeze. I look in horror as he dusts off his uniform and raises a red brow at me. "Really shortcake?" He asks me.

"Alister, I'm sorry I didn't see you," I quickly say before I'm hit with snow.

"Oh, I know you're going to be sorry," He says with a grin as he looks around to be sure no one is watching.

We play for a little longer before we're told breakfast will be served soon by one of the maids who is hiding a smile behind her hand. We're covered in snow and still in our pajamas excluding my brother. He dusts the snow out of his hair and fixes his uniform before heading inside. We file inside behind him. He flashes a small smile at me before he leaves to join the others. The three of us head to our rooms and quickly change before going to the dining room with a large smile on our faces. 

The rest of the day is for us to prepare for the party. I look at Kara in horror as she tells that a makeup team and hairstylist will be joining us in a couple of hours. She laughs as she pulls me back to her room. This is going to be torture. Everyone always hates working with my curls. I groan inwardly with this thought in mind as I sit on her bed. I look at Kara as she brushes her hair out. It falls in natural waves down her back almost like it's trying to curl. "I always forget how long your hair is," I tell her.

"I know I think about cutting it off all the time, but I then remember the dreadful bob I had in middle school," She says with a cringe.

I chuckle as I lay back on her bed. "I'll trade you. You can have curls that attack anything and refuse to be tamed," I tell her.

"Cassie, your hair is beautiful. It may be hard to manage for you, but it's unique and suits you. It is funny how curly your hair is compared to your brothers," She says as she sits beside me.

"He keeps it short, so it doesn't curl as bad. You should have seen him when he was younger. He looked completely different back then. We both did," I say softly.

"Was he as hot then as he is now?" She playfully asks me with a grin.

I gag and look at her with slight disgust. "Please tell me that you don't have a crush on my brother," I groan. "I will disown you as my friend, I swear I will," I tell her with a slight glare.

She busts out laughing as she falls beside me. "Dear God no, he's too cold and hard for my tastes. He looks like he could kill a man with one look," She says.

"Kill them, nope. He can cause them to burst to flames though," I say with a chuckle which makes her laugh some more.

"How are you two related? He's all," She pauses, "Macho like and you're this sweet person," She finishes.

"You haven't seen me pissed off or get into a fight," I say with a shrug. "I've given him a run for his money before," I tell her which makes her jaw drop.

"You two have fought?" She asks me in shock, "Wait, like a fight, fight or spar? Is that the word?"

"Spar, quarrel, free for all, or whatever you want to call it, but yes he and I have done that," I tell her as I turn to look at the ceiling. "I use to be picked on, so he helped me learn to defend myself," I add. A small white lie won't hurt. I think with a sigh. "So, are going to have to tell this beauty team of yours what we want to be done?" I ask to change the subject.

"Yes but I already have a game plan for you," She says before adding, "You don't get to see it until afterward though, so you get no mirrors." She smirks.

"If we weren't going to a huge event, I would think that you are planning to turn me into a clown," I say as I look at her.

"I would never. Okay, I would, but I wouldn't send you into public like that," She tells me.

A knock at the door pauses our conversation. Ash pokes his head inside and smiles when he sees us. "Good you two are in here," He jumps on the bed and lays between us. "I'm beyond bored, so I came to annoy, I mean grace, you two with my charming self," He says with a grin making us roll our eyes.

For the next couple of hours, we just talk about different things. We talk about the party and what to expect. They inform me that we will be escorted in which almost sent me into a panic until Ash tells me that he'll be one to do. I breathe a sigh of relief when that is revealed. We then discuss what food will be served, and they talk about what music will be played. He pouts when he learns it's mostly classical music. He almost got a smack when he threatened to steal the aux cord. I inwardly smile as I watch them bicker over appropriate behavior for a party. I hope this never changes. I think as I recall Andrew's and my conversation. We can either fight or embrace change, huh. I hope I don't have to embrace it when it comes to moments like these. Moments where we're in our little bubble. That thought swims in my head as I review the past events that have happened around us. Bubbles may pop as some people say, but I hope this happy one never pops for them. I never want them to experience the things I have or learn that I'm the reason they're happening.

Ash snaps me out of my thoughts as he gets off the bed. "I'll meet you back here before the party, okay," He tells us before he leaves the room.

Kara hops off the bed and looks at me. "You ready for a makeover?" She asks me. "They'll be here any minute now. You'll get ready in here, and I'll come back once I'm done. I've got to be put in my dress before they can begin," She tells me.

"No, I'm not ready, and you're leaving?" I ask her as I sit up.

"Yeah, I told you that before Ash left the room," She looks at me with a bit of concern. "You were in la-la land weren't you?" She asks.

"Yeah, sorry, I must have zoned out without meaning to, but it's because I'm so excited for tonight," I say with a smile to assure her. "Now, go squeeze your dress on since you've been talking about how tight it is. I can't wait to see it," I tell her.

"You're going to love it, and I can't wait to see you all dolled up," She tells me before she leaves the room also.

I fall back on the bed with a sigh, "This is going to suck, or it's going to part torture," I mumble to myself as I fiddle with a piece of my hair.

Kara's team arrives shortly after she left. They all introduce themselves in such a rush manner that I couldn't put a name to a face if I try. They sit me in a chair and begin to get to work on me. They put two people to work on my hair, one to work on my makeup, one to paint my nails, and another to paint my toes. The whole experience is overwhelming, but it's not as torturous as I believed it would be. They paint my nails a soft pink while they paint my toes a dark green that shimmers in the light. I try to see what the guy is doing as he does my makeup. His touch is so light that I had no clue he was done with my foundation or face powder until he asked me to close my eyes. When he asks me to open them again, I have to blink a few times which makes him chuckle. It's when he grabs a liquid eyeliner that I have to say a prayer. Don't blink, you better not blink. I think as I keep my eyes closed to not mess up his work. It doesn't work since he tickles my nose adding some highlighter. I end up sneezing cause of it. "Sorry," I apologize. 

"It's okay, it's a feeling most have to get used to. All I have left to do are your lashes and lips, okay." He says with a soft smile.

"Okay, do I need to close my eyes again?" I ask since I don't wear fake lashes.

"Whatever is more comfortable for you, hun, I'm fine either way," He assures me as I close my eyes.

After he finishes my makeup, he begins packing up his things. "Cindy is going to help you with your dress and shoes," He tells me. "I hope you like everything," He says with a wink before leaving with the nail ladies. I barely had time to thank them as the door clicked shut behind them.

"Alright sug, two more bobby pins and a little more hair spray, you'll be done," The woman, who I'm assuming is Cindy, tells me.

"Thank you so much for all this," I softly tell her as I try to hold still. "Do you guys do everyone's hair and makeup or just a select few?" I curiously ask her.

"We usually only do Katherine's, but we do the occasional touch-up or help while we're here," She tells me. "Alright, we're done with your hair, so we're going to get your dress and shoes," She says as she walks over to a few shoeboxes on the bed that I hadn't even notice. "Alice, what do you think of these?" She asks her friend while holding up a pair of stilettos.

"Usually I would say yes, but I think those black pumps would be better," She tells her before adding, "The ones that have the lace detail, not the sparkly ones."

They have me stand up, so I can step into my dress. Alice buttons me in while Cindy slips on my heels and fastens them. "Oh, we almost forgot!" She exclaims as she goes over to another box and pulls something out. With Alice holding my hair up, she fastens a tight necklace onto my throat. "We'll let you put your earring in then we can reveal the look to you," She tells me.

I put the dangly, emerald green earring in before adding my two pairs of crystal earring to complete my ear piercings. They then lead me over to Kara's full-length mirror where my jaw drops. "That's me?" I ask in shock.

"Sure is sug, you look good," She tells me as her friend nods. "We'll be on our way now, but you do look great." She says as she heads to the door with some of their stuff. Her friend brings up the rear with the rest of the stuff.

"Thank you again," I say after them before the door shuts. "They probably think I'm rude since I barely talked to them," I mutter to myself as I look from the door to the mirror again. The dress looks just as beautiful as it did when I tried it on. The pumps give me enough height where my dress barely graces the floor. I look at my makeup and breathe a sigh of relief they kept it to a natural look. My freckles are covered by the foundation, but I can't complain since he managed to make the dark circles under my eyes vanish too. I turn my face one way and another to see the soft glisten of the high lighter that was put on my cheeks and the button part of my nose. He gave me a light smokey eye that makes my eyes pop even more. The false lashes lengthen my already long lashes to the point they brush my cheek when I blink. I give a small smile at myself to admire the nude lip he did. "I need him to teach me how to do makeup," I mumble.

I try to look at my hair, but I can't see the back of it. From what I can see, they took the front part of my hair and braided it back into three braids that intertwine with one another. They then touched up my natural curls to give them a more refined look instead of untamed. I step closer to the mirror to look at the chocker that they placed on me. It's black laced with little green crystals on it. As beautiful as it, I feel like I can't breathe with it on, so I slip it off and rub my neck. I look at the earrings as they shine in the light. I seriously hope that these aren't real. I think with a gulp. I look at my crystals going up my ear from the dangly ones. I bite my lip as I look at my two industrial piercings. Should I take them out, so I look more proper? I think with a sigh. I'm about to take the first one out when a knock at the door stops me. "Yes?" I call out.

"You decent?" I hear Ash ask me through the door. "I don't want to barge in and be murdered by you or a team of people," He jokes.

"You can come in. I also have a question for you," I tell him as he slips inside.

"What's your question," He pauses. "Holy shit Cas! You look amazing," He tells me with a shocked expression.

"I know it's amazing how well I clean up," I tell him with an eye roll. "Should I take my piercings out?" I ask him.

"That's not what I meant, brat, and I don't see why you need to," He says with a confused look.

"Well, I mean my three piercings on my ear already seem to be overdoing it," I mumble as I look down at my hands. "I mean my tattoo is on display, and now you can see all the metal in my ears. I don't want to embarrass you guys tonight," I say softly with a sigh. "I mean we have you all nice and good looking, and I know Kara is going to look beautiful without trying. But, you then have me, the average girl who's not from the perfect cookie mold," I say softly.

"Cas," He gently lifts my chin, so I'm looking at him. "You're beautiful and look beyond gorgeous right now." He tells me softly as he removes his hand from my chin only to hold my hands. "You may think that Kara and I are cut from the perfect mold, but she and I aren't any different from you, okay. You're extraordinary, especially with your tattoos and piercings. Hell, you could have twenty face piercings and still pull it off," He tells me with a soft smile. "So hold your chin up so everyone can see that awesome side of you."

I give his hands a small squeeze. "Ash has anyone ever told you that you truly are a girl's best friend," I smile at him, "Thank you for that. You always know how to make me feel better," I tell him.

He leans down and kisses my forehead. "What are best friends for?" He says softly. He stands up back up straight and releases my hands.

I jump as the door swings open to reveal Kara. "You two ready to party because the main event has arrived," She says with a smirk.

"Really? Where is it?" I ask as I jokingly look behind her. "Is it in the hallway or something?" I ask.

She pouts. "You're so mean Cassie," She then looks me over. "Which shoes did they pick out for you, and Antonio did so well on your make up." She tells me.

I slightly lift my dress to show off the lacey pumps they put on me. "They almost put me in stripper shoes," I tell her with a slight glare.

She laughs. "That would have been a sight to see you try and walk in them," She tells me with mischief shining in her eyes.

I roll my eyes before I stop take in what she's wearing. She's in this form-fitting silver dress that's strapless. The dress has a layer of lace that flows over it with delicate designs and crystals on it. She has a rhinestone belt to help show off her curves. Her dress is beautiful and compliments her olive skin tone quite well. Her long hair is twisted back into this elegant updo. Her side bangs hang loosely with a few pieces to frame her face. She wearing a thick bangle bracelet with a pair of diamond earrings. Her makeup is similar to mine with the smokey eye except hers is a dramatic one. They mixed this shimmery silver in with hers which helps the gold flecks in her honey eyes stand out more. "You look beautiful, Kara," I tell her with a soft smile.

She beams at me. "You do too Cassie. We're going to have to fight the boys away since you and Ash look like real eye candy now," She jokes.

I shake my head at her. "You're crazy, and I think we both know where all the eyes are going to be," I say with a smirk before looking at Ash, "On him." The three of us bust out laughing.

After making a few touch-ups, we leave the room together. Kara waves goodbye as she joins her parents. I take a deep breath and stand straight. As the announcer begins calling the select few in, I feel my nerves start to take over again. When we're two people away from the front, I feel my stomach churn like I'm about to be sick. I can't do this; I feel like I'm going to hurl. We're one call away from the next people. Ash looks at me as he gently takes my hand in his. "It's okay Cas," He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze, "We just smile as we're announced and walk down the stairs. After that, you'll be free for the rest of the night," He whispers.

"What if I fall down the stairs? What if I embarrass myself which will embarrass you two as well," I whisper back to him.

"Well, if you fall, I'll fall with you. We'll call it making a dramatic entrance," He moves forward with me as the next pair is called, "You're going to be fine, I promise."

I take another deep breath to try and calm my nerves. "It's funny how I only get nervous at big events like my gallery event, the fashion show, your academic debate, and now this party," I say quietly.

"It's because you can't control these things. You're so scared of ruining it or saying the wrong thing that you turn into a bundle of nerves," He releases my hand to link his arm with mine, "However, I can promise you that you will be fine," He tells me.

Before I can answer, I hear our names being said, "Now presenting our final guests for the evening, sir Ashsten Lucas and Ms. Cassandra Evans."

I plaster a smile onto my face and take the first step forward with him. We glide down the stairs without the slightest stumble. I made it without tripping. I didn't fall! I think as he leads me to our spot in the crowd. We all applaud as Kara's mother steps forward with a microphone. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm beyond happy to have you all here for our tenth Christmas party. I hope you all have fun and enjoy yourselves," She tells us as the music starts. The staff begins bringing drinks and hors-d'oeuvres out for everyone.

The night is filled with swirls of color as people dance or sway to the beat. You can hear laughter as people talk or make polite conversation. It's the fragrance that lures me in. Once you get away from all the perfume and cologne, the aroma of each platter coming by captures your sense of smell. After trying one or two, they capture your sense of taste as well. The food is mouthwatering to the point that I have to restrain myself from taking more than one as they pass by me.

I'm nibbling on this smoke cheese and meat thing that I can't pronounce when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see my brother beside me except he looks so different. His hair is slick back and tamed with gel. He's clean-shaven without even a hint of a scruff on his face. He's in a fitted tux, not a uniform or his usual detective clothes. "You clean up quite well," I tell him with a smirk.

"Is that so?" He asks me before he steals my treat. "You look nice as well," He says before plops it in his mouth.

I roll my eyes at his antics. "So I only look well?" I ask him as I lean back on the wall to watch the party in front of me.

"You look beautiful Cassandra," He leans on the wall with me, "I almost didn't recognize you if it wasn't for your hair," He tells me.

"I wouldn't be able to with yours. I'm so used to seeing it being wild especially after a long workday," I tell him.

He chuckles. "Ah, the days I want to pull it out from the arrogance of others," He says with a hint of a smile.

"Hey, Alister," I look at him. "Merry Christmas. I would have told you this morning, but we all had to stay out of trouble," I tell him softly.

"I mean starting an inside snowball fight might have not been the brightest idea, but you made your friends happy and surprisingly some of the staff too," He tells me.

"Everyone should be happy at Christmas, it's a special day after all," I sigh as I watch a few people bow to their partners. "Do you think we could have enjoyed life like this?" I ask him.

He looks at the crowd and shakes his head. "I highly doubt we could have enjoyed the high life. We're too humble," He bumps my shoulder in playfulness causing me to smile again. "I have something for you," He says softly as he looks around again.

"You sure you're not going to get in trouble for talking to me?" I ask him as I also look around, but I don't see any eyes on us.

"I doubt it, but I'll head back after this," He says as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a handkerchief. "You were supposed to get this on this on your twenty-first birthday, but what's one month early going to hurt," He says as he hands it to me.

I take it and carefully unfold it. I feel my breath hitch as I look at the silver locket inside it. It's a simple design with flowers and leaves detailed on the front that you can feel the indention of. "This was hers wasn't it," I softly say as I look at him.

"Both were our mom's, but I always keep my promises, well try to," He says with a sad smile.

I turn it over and read the engraving on it, "I will never forget the moment I realized I loved you."

"And this locket symbolizes that I will never stop," He finishes for me. "This locket was how our father proposed to her. She left it for you, but he wanted to wait to give it to you," He tells me.

I feel a tear slid down my cheek as I turn it back over that's soon followed by another one. "Thank you," I whisper since I can feel my throat beginning to close.

He pulls me into a hug. "You weren't supposed to cry, shortcake." He kisses the top of my head. "You're going to ruin your make up," He murmurs against my hair.

"I'm sorry," I say as I remove myself from the hug and gently wipe under my eyes. "I'm sure Kara won't mind too much if it gets smudge," I say half-heartedly.

"You still look beautiful," He tells me before sighing. "I'm afraid I have to go. This is so not how I planned to give you this," He groans. 

"Well minus me crying like the baby I am, I think you did a great job," I tell him with a soft smile. "Now go since duty calls, we'll talk more later okay?" I offer.

"Secret spot?" He asks me to which I nod. "I look forward to it since I'll finally be able to smoke," He jokes before he turns to go.

"Wait!!" I tell him as I catch his hand. "I want you to have this. I get the locket, so you should get something from her," I tell him as I tuck the handkerchief in his front pocket. He goes to say something, but I shake my head. "It's my present, so I can what I want with it," I tell him with a smile.

He sighs and smiles back. "Thank you," He tells me before he disappears into a small crowd to get back to his duties.

I lean back on the wall as I look at it once more. I carefully put it on and tuck it under my dress to keep it safe. Now, I always have a piece of you with me, Mom. I think with a soft smile. After taking a few moments to collect myself, I look around the room. I see Kara talking to a few people with her parents. I look around for Ash, but I don't see him anywhere. Where did he disappear to? I wonder as I leave my spot on the wall. I'm about to give up when I feel someone grab my hand and drag me to the dance floor. I drag my heels in until I see it's Ash dragging me. "What are you doing?" I hiss in a whisper.

"Making myself a cover story," He whispers back as he places my hands on his shoulders. He then places his on my waist.

"What did you do?" I curiously ask him. "And please tell me that we're not going to get in trouble," I mumble.

"We won't get in trouble," He pauses as he looks at Kara, "Unless we get caught, but I think our princess has done a fine job of that," He says with a grin.

"What did you two do?" I groan as we slowly sway to the music.

"We, my dear, just stole the aux cord," He says with a smirk. "As soon as this song is over, we finally have some fun," He tells me.

"Ash, are you crazy!" I exclaim. "You're going to get her in trouble," I tell him.

"Firstly, I won't be getting anyone in trouble. Secondly, she asked me to change it up a bit," He says with a smirk. "So I hope you're ready!"

"What exactly did you put up?" I ask him as I look up at him. My question is soon answered as Act my Age begins blaring out of the speakers. "I honestly expected worse," I tell him.

"Just wait," He says as he spins me to look at Kara who is slightly dancing to the music. "We got a front-row seat to this," He says.

"Shit," I mutter as I watch Kara look her mother in the face as the lyrics say, "I won't act my age."

She then walks over to us with a big grin. "So, you two ready to make the tenth Christmas party fun?" She asks us as she pulls out her phone. "Cause I am!" She says as she clicks next.

As the music pours out, people begin to gather on the dance floor and start to have fun. Her parents and some business partners look mortified until one of them yells, Finally!" He throws his hat and jacket off and comes to the dance floor with his daughters. The night begins to take a different turn as people begin to enjoy themselves and just let loose. Though Kara is probably grounded for the rest of her life, it's nice to see her and Ash having fun and dance together. I sneak away to sit down and just take a breather. The mood of the party may have shifted to a different one, but it's refreshing to see that even in the most expensive of clothes you can still rock out with family and friends.

As the night begins to draw late, the music shifts back to the classical music it was previously on. People form into pairs to slow dance or sit down like me. After the next songs finish, I look over to see Mrs. Michealson straighten her red dress. She takes the microphone and smiles at everyone. "I hope you have all enjoyed yourself tonight," A few claps and whoos from the crowds greet her. "Thank you," She says smiling again. "Now, for those who are getting ready to leave, my staff will be pulling your cars around and bringing you, your coats." She tells us. "For everyone else, I hope you continue to have fun and enjoy yourselves," She stops as a loud bang is heard which is soon followed by a few screams. My eyes widen as I see her dress begin to darken as she falls.

Staff and guards begin to evacuate everyone out of the room as Charles runs to his wife along with Kara. I get up to join them, but I'm pulled by the crowd before I get close. I hear my name being called however I can't even tell from where it's coming. I feel strong arms grabbed me and lead me out of the rushing people. Once we're in the clear, I can feel the air on my face as I bend forward feeling sick. I look around and see I'm outside from the snow under my feet. I catch my breath and try to calm myself. I feel someone rubbing my back and half turn to toward them. I see it's Ash and feel myself relax some more. "Thank you," I tell him as I stand up.

"You're lucky I was able to grab you. I was scared you were going to be swallowed, and I was going to find you passed out on the floor with shoe prints on you," He tells me.

"Ash, I don't matter right now. We need to get back to Kara," I tell him as I feel the guilt rush over me. "She needs us, and I'll be fine," I tell him as I look around to see where we are. We came out a side door, so by going around back, we can get back in the ballroom without worrying by the crowd. "Follow me," I tell him as we begin making our way through the snow. 

Halfway there, I see a motion detector light come on followed by another one at the wall. They're heading towards the woods. I kick my heels off and begin to gather my dress up. I tie a part of it together so it holds itself. I look at him, "Before you try to stop me, think logically on this. You're taller and will be able to get to them faster through the crowd," I say as I brace myself, "You go get the others, find my brother," I say to him before I take off running. I hear him call my name, but I keep spirting as I follow the motion lights as they click on. I know Ash won't come after me since I left him in the predicament of having to do the right thing. I just keep following the lights until there are no more.

Using the full moon's light, I follow the snow that's covered with footprints into the woods. I can feel a stitch forming in my side that finally causes me to stop and catch my breath. Despite my ragged breathing, the woods are dead silent. I hear the snow crunch to the left of me and grab a limp to defend myself with. I tighten my grip on it as I get ready to swing. "Show yourself," I coldly say as I listen.

A harsh laugh greets me, "You're truly stupid." A male's voice says to right of me causing me to turn. "You think you can handle me all by yourself? A pathetic girl who faints at the sight of a dead body?" He mocks me.

"Least I don't hide in the shadows like a coward!" I yell as I try to see where he's at. The moon may be full, but in the woods, it's making shapes out of nothing. "Why don't we settle this already? I'm right here," I tell him. Keep him talking either to find him or until someone comes. I think to myself as I adjust the limb in my hands.

"As much as I would love to, it's not up to me stupid girl," He purrs out as I feel my hair being pulled.

I turn and swing as I feel this while keeping my eyes peeled. "Who is it up then?" I question.

"Ah, wouldn't you love to know," He laughs again. "You and your little friends think you know what's going on," He tells me as he moves around me.

I hear voices coming from behind me and see lights bouncing around as people run our way. "Won't matter once we catch you murder," I spit out.

He steps out of the shadows and looks down at me. He's in all black with a cloak wrapped around him to help hide his face. "You really don't know anything stupid girl," He reaches out and takes the branch from me. He throws it to the side and pulls me forward by my dress. "I'm not the murder." He tells me as he leans down, so I'm looking at a Halloween mask. "I'm the helper," He purrs out.

"Let her go!" I hear my brother yell as he points his gun at us.

The masked man turns me around, so I'm blocking his body. "Aw, did your little savior come to help you?" You can hear the glee in his voice as he says this.

"Cassandra?" My brother looks at me as I nod my head in understanding. "Now!" He yells.

I bite down on the man's wrist causing him to let me go. As I fall down, I swing my leg and trip him. Alister comes over and points his gun at him. I get up and feel my blood run cold as he starts laughing. "Pathetic girl and stupid savior," He muses. "Too bad you two won't get me," He gleefully says.

"Shut up," My brother coldly says as he turns to give me a once over before he looks back at the guy. "You're under arrest, so you have the right to remain silent." He hands me his flashlight, so he can have a free hand to get his cuffs out. "Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law," He doesn't get to finish as the masked man begins yelling.

"Silent? Silent!" He yells out. "You'll be silent one!" He kicks at my brother but misses as he gets out of the way.

A gunshot is heard and to my horror, Alister cries out in pain. Another one rings out, and he falls to the ground. The masked man gets up and looks at me, "Should have let me kick him," He tells me.

I reach for my brother's gun and point it at him. "I'm going to kill you I swear to God!" I yell.

"Go ahead, let's see who gets hit first me or you?" He muses as he looks at my brother. "Better make a decision, I believe the cavalry is about to arrive," He chuckles as he turns to leave. "You know you don't have a choice, my guy doesn't miss." With that said he takes off running.

I drop the gun and go to my brother's side. I apply pressure to the wound as I put his head in my life. "I'm so sorry Alister. This is all my fault," I tell him as we're surrounded by light from flashlights.

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