Just One Day (Bakudeku)

By Astranger015

512K 19.7K 39.6K

Bakugou gets into some trouble with the law and is forced to do some community service at the local hospital... More

Trouble Maker
Community Service
Mystery Person
A Bad Day
A Pinky Promise
Phone Number
Thanksgiving Party
Toy Drive
Movie Night
New Years
Some Fun
Eri's Surgery
The Truth
First Date
Story Time
We Need To Talk
Together Again
Together Again (part two)
Prom Night
After Party
Just One Day
A Kept Promise

Halloween Party

19.8K 621 2K
By Astranger015


The last bell of the day was rung and all the kids started to pack up their things and rush out the doors to leave the hell hole called school.

"Hey, Bakubro!" Kirishima called out to the blonde who was in the back of the classroom packing up his things getting ready to go.

"What do you want shitty hair?" "Well first mom is making her famous macaroni and cheese for dinner tonight and second the squad was thinking of egging and teepeeing the teacher's houses tomorrow since it's Halloween you down?" "Of course I'm fucking down! Oh and tell your mom to save me a plate I might stay late again." He told him while swinging his backpack over his shoulder and walking out of the classroom.

"You know you've been staying late at that hospital a lot lately." Kirishima said as the two started to walk out of the school. "Yeah so?" "Sooo is there a reason because no offense but your not the type to be caring towards the sick or elderly." Bakugou side-eyed the redhead making him flinch a little. "What I said no offense!" The blonde just sighed and shook his head.

"So are you going to tell me or not?" Kirishima asked again making Bakugou chew on the inside of his cheek. "There's this guy..." "Dude do you have an actual crush on someone!?" "Hell no! He's just cool to hang out with and talk to." "Dang it, I wanted you to have a crush on someone!" "Why the hell would you want that!?" "It's totally not because Mina and I made a bet against Sero and Denki saying that you would actually fall in love and end up with someone before prom if that's what your thinking." Kirishima said and Bakugou just rolled his eyes at his idiotic friend.

"Phone." Joy said when she saw the teen enter the building. "Here." Bakugou said and handed her his phone. She took the phone cautiously and looked it over. "Is this your actual phone?" "Yeah anyway, where's Deku?" "Children's wing I think." "Great!" Bakugou said and started walking to the children's wing but stopped when Joy called his name. "Could you make sure all the plans are set for the Halloween party tomorrow?" "Yeah, whatever."

Bakugou made it to the children's wing and looked in the room to see Deku playing with the kids. "Bakugou's here!" A little boy said and all the kids rushed over to him. "Yeah yeah I'm here brats calm down!"  Bakugou said while pushing past them and taking a seat next to Deku.

"Hi, Kacchan." Deku said while smiling up at him making the blonde blush slightly. "Hey. W-what are we doing today?" "Well the Halloween party is tomorrow so we just have to get everyone excited for it but they already are right guys!?" "Yeah!" All the kids cheered. "Do we get to wear costumes!?" "Can we go trick or treating!?" "What games are we playing!?" All the kids crowded around Bakugou and excitedly started asking him about their party tomorrow.

"Oi brats calm down or you won't get a damn party!" Bakugou yelled causing all the kids to stop and sit down in front of him and Deku. "That was fast." Bakugou muttered making Deku giggle. "They really want that party." "Yeah but it's just a Halloween party nothing special." "To you maybe but to them, it's their chance to feel like a normal kid." Deku said making Bakugou pause and look at all the little kids sitting in front of him.

"Who's gone trick or treating before?" He asked and only two out of the seven kids raised their hands. "Really?" Bakugou said in slight shock. "I've never gone either." Deku admitted making Bakugou turn to look at him with a confused written face. "But you're 16!" Deku shrugged "My mom didn't want me going." He explained with a slight frown which for some reason made Bakugou's heart ache.

"So you never got dressed up in costume and gone to people's houses asking for candy?" Deku and the other kids just shook their heads. "I mean they have worn the costume the hospital provides and the nurses give them some candy to share."Deku said. "But those costumes are disgusting!" "Yeah...I know." Deku mumbled out while nodding in agreement.

Bakugou looked back at the kids in front of him to see them all looking down with frowns on their faces. He looked back at Deku to see him doing the same.

"Eri!" He said making the little girl look up at him. "If you could be anything for Halloween what would you be?" The girl smiled and started bouncing in her seat. "A Disney princess! They always get happy endings!" "Okay which Disney princess?" Bakugou asked while getting a piece of paper and a pencil. "Umm Ariel! No Jasmine! Oh or Elsa!" "Just pick one brat!" Bakugou said while erasing the names since she kept changing her mind.

"Then....Rapunzel!" "You sure?" "Yup! She's brave just like me!" Eri said with a bright smile on her face. "Alright, Rapunzel it is. Who's next?" Bakugou asked and the rest of the kid's hands shot up eagerly wanting to tell him what they always dreamed of being for Halloween.

"Oh can I be Deadpool!?" Bakugou just nodded and wrote Deadpool next to the kid's name. He then looked up at Deku who was watching him write down everything the kids were saying. "Your turn." He said making Deku stumble back and flush. "M-my turn!?" "Yeah what do you want to be for Halloween?" "Umm, I don't know I haven't really thought about it in a while. I-I guess a ghost?" "Ha, a ghost really?" Bakugou laughed a bit but regretted it when he saw Deku frown and look down.

"You're right it's stupid don't write that." "No no no no! It's great! I think you'll look good as a ghost!" Bakugou quickly said and wrote down the word ghost next to Deku's name making the greenette smile softly. "Then what are you going to go as Kacchan?" Deku asked. "Me?!" "Yeah, I think you should be a vampire!" One of the kids said. "Or a ninja!" "Oh how about something funny like a clown!" "Yeah, a clown!" "Clown clown clown!" All the kids began to chant making Deku laugh and Bakugou growl.

"Haha *ahem* Kacchan you sound like a wolf when you do that!" Deku laughed out. "Well, I'm not dressing up as a damn clown!" He yelled making the kids boo at him. "How about you go as a werewolf then. After all you were just growling like one." Deku suggested. "Ugh, I'll think about it." Bakugou said while folding the piece of paper he wrote on and placing it in his pocket.

"Alright Deku lets go set up all the stuff for the party." Bakugou said while getting up. "Yeah okay, I think all the games and stuff are downstairs." Deku told him. "Great. See you later brats!" "Bye Bakugou bye Deku!" All the kids waved bye at them as they walked out of the room.

"Kacchan?" "Hmm?" "What are you going to do with the list?" Deku asked as they walked down the hall leading to the staircase for downstairs. "I'm going to get you all better costumes." He simply replied. "But isn't that a lot of money? I don't want you to waste your money on a few stupid costumes...especially one for me..." He mumbled the last part quietly but Bakugou still managed to hear and he stopped in his tracks making Deku stop as well.

"They are not just some stupid costumes! This is their chance to feel like a normal kid just like you said! And if that means wasting a few bucks then so be it! I want to see those brats in actual costumes, with buckets filled to the top with candy, and bright shining smiles on their faces! I want to see you like that too." Bakugou told him making the greenette's cheeks turn pink and a smile appeared on his face.

"Thank you."

Next Day
"What do you mean you're not coming anymore!?" Kirishima asked the blonde who is currently sitting on his motorcycle strapping on his helmet. "I'm not fucking coming anymore. Just go egg the houses without me." "Dude it's not going to be as fun without you! And what do you have to do that's so much better then egging and teepeeing the teacher's houses!?" "I'm going over to the hospital." Bakugou said while starting up his bike.

"The hospital really? Is it to talk to that guy again cause you could just invite him it will be cool to see who you're crushing over!" Bakugou glared at the redhead making him flinch. "I don't have a fucking crush on him and I'm not going to let you guys meet him! You'll probably taint him or some shit! He's too precious for that." He said mumbling the last part quietly to himself.

"Whatever man have fun I'm going to go change into my costume now, see ya!" Kirishima said while walking back into his house.

Bakugou drove off but he didn't go to the hospital right away, instead, he went to his house.

He parked his bike in the driveway and went up to the door and rung the doorbell. A few seconds passed and he was soon greeted by Kaoruko and King. "You're here!" "Yeah yeah, are they home?" Bakugou asked while crouching down to pet his dog. "Nope." Kaoruko said while shaking her head. "Cool. Did you get everything I asked for?" "Yup we got all the costumes, the tiny pumpkins, candy buckets, and the candy!" "Great so can you give me the car keys and I'll leave my bike-" "Katsuki!" Bakugou turned his head to see both his parents walking towards him.

"I thought you said they weren't here!" Bakugou stood up and yelled at Kaoruko who scratched the back of her neck. "You see they told me to tell you that...sorry." Katsuki rolled his eyes at her before looking back to his parents and glaring at them making King start to snarl at them.

"I'm just here to get some things so leave me the hell alone." He told them. "Katsuki come on we just want to talk.W-we could chat over dinner? The chef is cooking up some filet mignon right now!" Masaru suggested but was met with an eye roll and a scoff from the teen.

"Fine let's chat." "Great!" "After you answer some questions." Bakugou said making Mitsuki frown. "I will ask you three easy question if you get one right I'll join you if not I'm leaving." Bakugou then crouched down and started petting King. "What's his name?" Bakugou asked and watched as his parents just looked at each other. "Umm it's umm his name is uhh Rover..." Masaru mumbled and Mitsuki just rolled her eyes.

"We don't know your damn dogs name okay! I don't even remember getting you a dog." Mitsuki said while crossing her arms. "His name is King and he was a stray I found at the park when I was 12. He was hurt and I asked you if we could keep him." Bakugou explained while glaring at her. "Doesn't ring a bell." Mitsuki mumbled. "*sigh* It was the day you won best fashion model and flew to Paris later that day to get the award." Kaoruko said. "Now that I remember! Good times." Mitsuki sighed out making Bakugou shake his head.

"Honey focus we have to get one right." Masaru told her. "Next what was the name of the super hero I was obsessed with as a kid?" "Oh I know this one!" Masaru claimed while snapping his fingers. "Well what is it?" Mitsuki asked him. "Uhh whats his name!? He had blonde hair and like a blue hero suit...Thor!" "Not even fucking close." Bakugou said while standing up.

"What really? I could have sworn I bought you Thor toys when you were younger." "Well you didn't. It was All Might." "All Might...why does that sound familiar?" Mitsuki question. "Probably because Katsuki locked himself in one of your cars during a massive heat wave until you specifically got and handed him the limited edition action figure." Kaoruko said but Mistsuki shook her head. "That's not it I think you designed some outfits for his movie." She said while pointing to Masaru. "You know what I think I did." He said while rubbing his chin trying to remember.

"Do you want to hear the last question or not?" Bakugou asked them while crossing his arms and tapping his foot impatiently. "Yes sorry, w-what is it?" "It's a super easy one, when's my birthday?" Bakugou asked and both of his parents paused and looked at one another neither knowing what to say. "You're kidding me..." Bakugou whispered while frowning and uncrossing his arms but both his parents remained silent.

"Wow..." He sighed out softly and turned to look at his maid who looked just as disappointed. "Kaoruko where's the stuff?" He asked her. "They are in the-" "Kaoruko don't tell him!" Mitsuki yelled gaining both of their attention and making King growl at her. "Not until after he talks with us..." "Tch after you both just forgot my birthday! I don't fucking think so! Kaoruko tell me where my stuff is." the bluenette opened her mouth to say something but was immediately yelled at by Mitsuki.

"Kaoruko don't tell him!" "Kaoruko tell me!" "Kaoruko if you say anything you're fired!" "Kaoruko you're not fired just tell me!" "Kaoruko don't open up your damn mouth!" "Kaoruko fucking tell me already!" "Kaoruko no!" "Kaoruko yes!" "Kaoruko!" "Kaoruko!" "It's in the kitchen!" The two blondes stopped yelling at the poor maid, whose neck would probably have snapped if she kept on turning to look at each of them, and they looked over at Masaru who had just yelled.

"Thanks." Bakugou grumbled while shoving past them to get to the kitchen King following behind him. "Why would you do that!?" Mitsuki yelled at her husband. "Honey we don't even remember his birthday... he should talk to us on his choice. We shouldn't force it on him." "But it's already been two weeks!" "I know." He sighed out while rubbing her shoulder trying to comfort her.

Bakugou got all the boxes and placed them in the back of one of his parent's many cars. "Don't return it damage." Kaoruko told him while handing him the keys. "After what they did no promises." He said and took the keys from her making her sigh and shake her head. "Have fun with Izuku~" she teased making the blondes face turn red. "I-I don't like him!" He stammered out while starting up the car. Kaoruko then smirked down at King who looked to be smirking back at her.

"I never said you did." She said looking back at Bakugou with a smirk making the blonde flush more. "Ugh, I don't have time for this I gotta go." He grumbled. "Haha bye!" Kaoruko laughed out and waved goodbye as Bakugou backed the car out of the driveway and into the street.

"Happy Halloween phone please." Nurse Joy said as soon as Bakugou entered. "Actually I kinda wanted to use it today, for like pictures and videos and stuff." He told her while placing down the boxes on a table. She thought for a bit then nodded her head "I'll allow it but only for today. Now, are you going to tell me what's in those boxes?" "Oh, just a few treats." He said making Nurse Joy raise an eyebrow questionably. "No tricks?" "None at all, not this Halloween." He told her which made her smile.

"Kacchan!" Bakugou turned around to be met with a smiling Deku. "H-hey!" The blonde stuttered out as the greenette got close to him. "Are these the costumes!" Deku asked excitedly jumping a bit as he did so making the blondes face flush more than it already was. 'He looks so cute.' He thought while staring at the boy's smiling freckled face. "Uh yeah these are it, I also got some candy and other things. Umm
d-do you want to see them?" Deku nodded and Bakugou started opening up the boxes taking out the costumes everyone wanted.

"I can't believe you actually bought them! And they look so nice too! *gasp* is that my ghost!" Deku exclaimed while picking up the packaging with a picture of a ghost on it. Bakugou watched as the excited teen stared at the packaging with wide eyes that seemed to sparkle with childlike wonder right before pressing it against his chest hugging it. 'I want to see him look like that all the time.' Bakugou thought while a slight blush spread across his face.

"How much did all this cost you?" Deku asked while turning to look at the blonde still clinging onto the costume. "Not a lot."  "Really? Because this looks like a lot of stuff and-" "Hey I worry about the money and you worry about getting everyone in costume okay?" Bakugou said while handing him all the costumes. "Ha, okay." Deku said a wide smile on his face when he turned to go down to the children's wing.

'There's no way I'm telling him that this all cost about $1000 which isn't that much to me but if he knows that I'm rich he'll probably start asking me for money and stuff and when he gets enough he'll just leave me like everyone else.' Bakugou thought while picking up the box full of candy and going towards the main lounge area.

"Alright, old-timers after we are done playing some games I want you to take one of these packs of candies and go to your rooms so the kids can go trick or treating, oh and make sure you give them good candy I want them to be happy during the whole time and not complain." Bakugou told them while placing the box full of candy down on the table.

"Hey, where's that other kid that's always too busy on his phone to talk to us?" An old lady asked making Bakugou sigh. "I am that kid." He said making the elders gasp. "Impossible you seem too caring!" The lady said making the other elders laugh. "I see what's happening it's one of those Halloween pranks! He's going to be good one minute then bad the next!" An old guy said. "Tch, It's not a prank I can be nice!" Bakugou yelled making all the elders raise their eyebrows at him.

"What's that look for!?" "No offense kid but I don't buy it." Tornio said while leaning back in his chair. "Don't buy what?" "You being nice. Listen kid you remind me of me when I was younger I was such a wild card then and the only time I would calm down was either in a fight or if I was trying to impress someone." Torino told him making the teen scoff.

"Well I'm obviously not in a fight and there's no one here I'm trying to impress." He said while rolling his eyes and crossing his arms. "Kacchan!" The sound of Izuku's voice made the blonde turn around with a smile on his face.

"How do I look!?" He asked excitedly while twirling around in his ghost costume. 'Fucking adorable!' Bakugou thought while biting his lip and staring up and down at the twirling teen a slight blush crept upon his face when doing so which the elders happen to notice.

"Y-you look g-great!" Bakugou said trying his best not to tell the greenette what he really thought. "You think so!?" "Yeah..." he sighed out when the greenette stopped spinning to smile up at him. "I still can't believe you went out of your way to get these! Thanks again! Oh, I should probably go and finish helping the kids put on theirs I was just so excited I wanted to show you first! Thanks again!" Izuku said and ran off back towards the children's wing.

Bakugou smiled to himself and glanced over to the elders who were all smirking at him. "Ugh, now what's that look for?!" He asked in annoyance making the smile on his face shift back to his normal scowl.

"You like him don't you?" An old lady asked making the blonde's face go red. "N-no I don't!" He yelled and cursed himself for stuttering. "Yup that's the face of someone's who's in love." She said and the others nodded in agreement. "I'm not in love!" "Don't worry kid we won't judge." "Yeah, we will just be on the sidelines rooting for you." "Yeah but when you two do get together I don't want to see too much of that PDA nonsense." "Oh hush you they should be allowed to kiss whenever they want!" "Ugh, I'm going to change into my costume now!" Bakugou yelled and stormed off down the hall.

'Deku and I kissing...' his face turned beat red when he thought of the scene. 'Don't think like that! You don't even like him!' Bakugou then thought about Deku's adorable smile and cute laugh that he loves so much.

'Or do I?'

Once everyone was in costumes they all had a great time playing games like pin the tail on the black cat, a pumpkin carving contest, Egyptian mummy where the kids raced to wrap toilet paper around Bakugou and Deku to make them look like a mummy, and Halloween themed bingo where if you get bingo you win a piece of candy.

Everyone was having a good time and eventually it was time to go trick or treating.

"All right everyone has their candy bucket?" Bakugou asked and the kids and Deku all nodded their heads. "Alright then follow me!" He said and started walking down the hall. "Haha*ahem* Kacchan is the leader of the pack!" Deku joked since Bakugou is currently dressed up as a werewolf. "Damn right I am!" He said making everyone laugh.

They made it to the first hospital room and Eri knocked on the door. "Trick or Treat!" They all said once Torino opened up the door. "Haha, I haven't done this in so long." He laughed out while giving them each hand fills of candy. "Thank you!" They said and ran off to the next door.

"Hey, kid!" Torino said making Bakugou turn around and walk back to him. "I know you're trying to impress him but this better not be an act." He said while pointing up and down at the teen. "That boy means a lot to all of us so don't go and do something you might regret, understand?" Bakugou nodded which made Torino smile. "Alright now go back to your trick or treating NCIS is on!" He said and shoved Bakugou towards the group with his cane.

'Something I might regret.' Bakugou thought while walking back towards the group. He looked at Deku and smiled when he saw him holding out his bucket with a big smile on his face asking for candy. 'I don't think I'll regret anything.'

(That's what he thinks)

"Pfft, Kacchan I cant believe you're actually wearing that!" Deku said while laughing. "Shut up! I did it for the kids! So hurry up and take the damn photo so I can change!" He turned and yelled at nurse Joy who was holding his phone and laughing. "Hahaha, I'm ha ha s-sorry *ahem* okay on the count of three say happy Halloween! 1... 2...3!"


Joy took the picture and handed the phone back to Bakugou who took it and smiled at the picture. "How did it come out!?" Deku asks while leaning over the blonde's shoulder. "Look for yourself." He said and handed the phone to him which made Deku smile when seeing the picture.

"Haha *ahem* you look so mad!" Deku laughed out while handing him back his phone. "You would be too if you dressed like this!" Bakugou grumbled while taking off the rainbow afro and red nose. "I guess...then how about we take a picture together!?" Deku suggested while Bakugou was wiping away the face paint with a disinfecting wipe.

"You mean of just the two of us?!" Bakugou asked and Deku nodded. "O-okay!" He said and pulled out his phone. "We should make a scary face!" Deku told him. "Ha, Okay." Deku made a "scary" face and Bakugou took the picture. "Let me see!" Deku said. "Uh let's take another one this one came out...blurry." Bakugou mumbled with a slight blush on his face. "Oh okay!"

They took another picture, both making scary faces. "That came out nice!" Deku said and Bakugou nodded while changing something on his phone.

"Thanks for a great Halloween Kacchan!" Deku said while smiling at the blonde making him blush. "Right back at you." He said making Deku smile more.
This is the picture they took with the kids

And this is the first picture they took that Bakugou didn't want Deku to see

If you're rereading yes I updated the picture 😌

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