Bravo Team Badass

By KenzieKate_Books

8.5K 130 16

Mackenzie Rollins is a highly trained profiler working for a profiling firm that get's contracted out to diff... More

-Relentless Rain-
-Touch Down-
-The Call-
-A Family-
-Split Up-
-Looking Back Part Two-

-Looking Back Part One-

730 11 2
By KenzieKate_Books

The dress is prettier than I remember at the fitting a full red ball gown with flowers all over the top, I hold it in front of my body looking the mirror.

"It's perfect" Taylor smiles.

"The gold shoes you bought me are perfect" I say glad Blackburn gave the team the weekend off.

"You should ask Jason to go with you tonight" Taylor pipes up.

"Excuse me"? I sputter caught way off guard.

"Ask him. He'll wear his dress uniform it'll be sexy as hell" She forges on as if the look on my face means nothing to her.

"You won't stop until I ask him will you"? I ask her already knowing the answer but I have to ask anyway.

"You know I won't" She says proudly.

"Fine" I mutter shaking my head but I can't help but agree that Jason would look good in his dress uniform.

"Victory" She sing songs throwing her hands in the air.

I wait until around lunch time to pick up my phone and hit number one on my 6 speed dial buttons and wait for him pick up.

"Hey Rollins" He answers.

"Hey, I have a question for you" I start while smacking Taylor for trying to eavesdrop.

"Shoot" He says.

"So my mom throws this big charity ball every year. I was wondering if you would like to go with me"? I ask closing my eyes preparing myself for if he says no.

"You'd wear a fancy dress"? He deftly wonders.

"I would and you could wear your dress uniform" I say opening my eyes and shrugging my shoulders at Taylor.

"When"? Is his next question at least it's not outright refusal.

"Tonight. At the Grand Royal hotel" I answer grinning at Taylor who grinning right back.

"What time should I pick you up"? Comes the smooth reply I can practically hear him smiling through the phone.

"6:30" I say nodding my head.

"Alright" He confirms.

I hang up the phone tossing it onto the bed like it might explode if I held it any longer.

"Gosh you are blushing" Taylor pokes my arm a few times.

"No I am not" I say quickly maybe too quickly.

"You've been crushing on him since he walked back into your life, you can fool the boys but not me" She points out.

"It doesn't matter we work together" I sigh smoothing the statin skirt of my dress.

"You never know" Taylor shakes her head.

After lunch and some late afternoon movie watching we take turns and do each other's hair and make up, the only thing left is shoes and dresses. I'm kneeling down helping Taylor with her shoes just like when we were kids, there's a knock on the door.

"That's gotta be Jason" I stand up and jog down the stairs holding my skirt in my hands.

I pull the door open and smile at the man in front of me shiny shoes metals and ribbons on his chest though I'm humbled his jaw is on the floor. I step closer using my fingers I gently close his mouth pausing to admire his beautiful eyes.

"You'll catch flies that way" I tell him.

He nods wordlessly stepping inside it almost looks like he's blushing but there's no way. Right?

"You look stunning" He says smiling again.

"You clean up nice" I reply ghosting my fingers over his metals straightening ones that were out of place.

"Kenzie! Put you shoes on you know we have to be there early" Taylor pipes up coming down the stairs holding my gold high heel shoes.

Using Jason's shoulder I put my shoes on then fluffing my skirt out I'm ready to go. Like a true gentleman Jason holds every door we walk into the hotel which has been beautifully decorated for the party. 

"Mom will want to see you before her speech" Taylor says.

"Yeah she will" I agree.

I tell Jason to stay with Taylor while I track down my mother.

"Mackenzie you look amazing" We hug each other she looks great too.

"You too mom. Ok so I brought a friend tonight I should get back but good luck you got this" I say kissing her cheek.

I make my way back to where I left Taylor and Jason.

"Let's go" I nod.

Jason and I link arms I'm holding his elbow I'm so glad he agreed to come tonight and in true Taylor fashion she's off searching of the bar. While Jason and I look for our table just for one night I wish we could be Mackenzie Rollins and Jason Hayes nothing else.

"Earth to Rollins" Jason's voice filters into my thoughts.

I blink a couple times and smile at him wondering what he's thinking about right now.

"Just for tonight pretend you are just Jason Hayes and I'm just Rollins ok just for tonight" I say holding his arm a tiny bit tighter.

A bigger smile spreads across his face I can tell he's liking this idea already I am too. The rest the guests arrive and my mother steps up to the podium on the stage by the wall in the ballroom the lights twinkling off her dress I'm so happy she's my mother.

"It's tradition to start the evening with a dance" She declares holding up her champagne glass.

The band starts playing a soft melody I feel butterflies as Jason stands up holding his hand out for mine.

"Shall we"? He asks.

"It is tradition" I say taking his hand with a curtsy.

We move onto the dance floor I put my other hand on his shoulder Jason's free hand settles under my shoulder blade. We move to the music like we've danced it a hundred times before unconsciously we move closer to each  other again not that I mind.

I'm completely content with just the music and the swishing of skirts I close my eyes as Jason starts softly singing the words to the song the band is playing. I smile and lean my head on his chest then out of the blue he twirls me around leaving me breathless in the best way. (Picture Robert and Giselle ballroom dance scene from Enchanted)

The song fades out we clap for the band and go back to the table I sit down next to Taylor who has that 'you like him' look on her face.

"That was like watching a fairytale" She whispers in my ear.

"Stop it" I smack her arm.

Dinner is served and mom Taylor and I give our speech then back to the table while the band is taking a break.

"Kenzie who is this"? Mom asks breezing over to our table.

"Mom this is Jason Hayes" I introduce her with a smile.

Jason gets up and shakes my mothers hand I can tell she likes him and that's something that can't be said for any other guy I've dated even though I'm not dating Jason.

"He's very handsome" She beams.

"Mom" I groan slightly embarrassed by her boldness.

"Thank you ma'am" Jason ducks his head gracefully accepting the compliment.

"Let's go dance" I blurt grabbing Jason by the arm pulling him out to the dace floor.

"I just saved you from a third degree from my mother" I tell him looking over his shoulder at my mother who is watching us.

"Your mom is nice" He says putting his arm around my waist.

I can't hold back the giggles when he lifts me off the floor and spins us around.

"She's pushy" I say when my feet are on the floor again.

"Like someone else I know" He chuckles.

I laugh a little myself smiling at him enjoying the simplicity of tonight no missions, targets or people shooting at us.

"This is so nice" I sigh leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Yes it is" Jason agrees holding me closer.

We move to the music when Andrew one of the older benefactors lightly taps me on the shoulder wanting his dance too.

"Andrew how are you"? I ask him stepping back a little bit from Jason.

"Fine my dear. May I have the pleasure of a dance" Andrew asks eyeing Jason still grinning at me.

"Yes of course Andrew" I curtsy and trade dance partners.

I dance respectfully with Andrew making idly small talk he tells me about how much money he's going to donate to my mother's charity this year. The song changes and he goes back to his wife and I go back to Jason.

"Do I have competition"? He wonders I'm not sure if he's kidding or not.

"From Andrew? No none" I assure him.

"Good" Jason says.

"Please tell me Andrew danced with you" Taylor demands leaning over the back of her chair.

"Yeah your good" I laugh.

"Every year Andrew makes it his mission to dance with one of the Rollins women" I explain when Jason looked totally confused.

"Right" He says drawing out the sound of the word.

A new song fills the room Taylor looks around the room but no one invites her to dance and that's not going to fly.

"Dance with my sister I promise I won't be jealous" I whisper to Jason.

"I'm on it"

I sit back and enjoy the care free look on Taylor's face as she dances with Jason. I get up and walk out to the balcony and look out over the beautiful garden the light breeze rustles my hair this night is perfect.

"It's a beautiful night"

I'm not surprised to hear Jason's voice behind me though his ninja skills are impressive.

"It really is" I agree.

"You know something"? I ask looking over him.

"What"? He asks leaning on the balcony.

"You and the boys actually listen to me when we go on a spin up" I say squinting against the sound of Carter's gunshot killing the kid in my head.

"Because you are the best" He shrugs plainly.

"Thank you Jason" I hug him.

"Your welcome" He hugs me back.

"I guess I'm thinking about Brazil" I admit rubbing my hands together.

"Hey remember no Chief profiler Rollins tonight" Jason says poking my shoulder.

"Yeah yeah ok" I nod.

We walk back into the party I'm immediately hit with a excited ball of Taylor I catch her by the arms so we don't run right into each other.

"I met a guy, once the party's over I'm taking him home" She rushes out eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

"What about me"? I ask her.

"I'm sure Jason will take you to his place or Ray's" She says already back stepping towards where ever she left said guy.

"Have fun" I call after my sister.

I gladly take the drink Jason just brought over taking a long sip of the champagne.

"My sister just took over my house" I state pushing my glasses up on my nose.

"Wow" He whistles.

"Yeah so finish your drink and dance with me" I down the rest of my champagne.

"I've got a better idea let's go for a walk in the garden" He suggests putting his glass down.


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