Change of Plans

By Urban_Elle

48.5K 2.1K 315

Dave is breaking away the chains that have been holding him back and stealing his youth. He is on the path of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 5

2.6K 95 9
By Urban_Elle

"I'mma shine on these ho *ss n*ggas like all day
I'mma f*ck any girl I want, drive every car you don't
Rock anything I want, man, I wanna be rich
I wanna be rich, don't see nothing wrong with wanting more
I wanna be rich, so tired of sleeping on the floor
I wanna be rich, there's so much that I want
I want a house on the hill and a boat by the lake and most of all I wanna get paid, I wanna be rich."
Kirko Bangz ft. August Alsina "Rich"


"You got somewhere you need to be?" I looked to meet Mr. Cole's gaze. He's my parole officer. He's actually a really cool guy. I would probably say he's in his mid 50s.

"No. Why?" I lied.

"You keep checking your watch every five seconds." My eyes fixated on my wrist. Every time I looked down at my watch, I calculated in my head how long it would take me to get to my next destination. I'm meeting up with Geneva today and I don't want to be late, but I can't just up and leave this appointment due to its importance. It would look very suspicious and I would hate to get on Mr. Cole's bad side.

Geneva and I have been talking nearly everyday, getting to know each other. I have never felt so connected to a woman before. She's really different from the rest.

"I'm just having lunch with someone in about an hour."

"Like a date or just hanging out with a couple of your friends?"

"I wouldn't call it a date. I met this lady and we're going to eat lunch together for the first time."

"Well, don't let me hold you."

"For real?" My eyes light up and a smile creeped on my face. The Lord just answered my prayers.

"Yeah. We're pretty much done here. I wouldn't want you to be tardy and make a bad first impression."

"I really appreciate it, sir."

"Just know I'm going to haul your *ss in here if you fail that drug test." He warned me.

"You don't have to worry about that because that's not going to happen. Have a great day."

"You too." I quickly made it out of his office and retrieved my car from the garage. Let's get this show on the road.

I followed the directions from the GPS and reached the restaurant with 20 minutes to spare. As soon as I saw an open spot, I quickly pulled into it. Parking around here is so limited. If you don't find a parking space on the side of the road, you'll have to go park in the garage. I'm not about to pay $10 an hour. They are bugging on that rate. I already know it's going to be a struggle getting out of here because the traffic is heavy in the afternoon.

Nobody will let you back out into the street for even a few seconds. Some of these drivers are savages. I can't stand the ones that honk at you when the light just turned green like I need to make sure a lunatic is running a red light from the opposite direction. What's the hurry anyway? You should have left your house on time.

I looked at myself in the visor to ensure that nothing was on my beard. I took out my bottle of cologne from the glove box and sprayed it on my wrists and neck. I did that before I left the house, but I think I need a refresher. I got out of the car and locked the doors behind me.

Since the parking lot is across from the restaurant, I need to cross the street. While I was approaching the crosswalk, I noticed Geneva was standing there waiting for the red hand to turn into that white walking person on the sign.

She looked up from her phone and shot me a grin when she took sight of me. For some reason, I put a little pep in my step so I could be in her presence faster. What has this woman done to me?

"Hi David."

"Hey Geneva. You look beautiful." I gave her a side hug.

"Thank you. I see you switched up the braids. They look good." My 6 week old cornrows still looked good, but I decided to get them redone just for today.

"Thanks. I'm glad you could make it."

"I don't make promises that I can't keep. Thank you for inviting me."

"I'm honored to have an angel like you eating lunch with me."

"You are so sweet." The sign changed, promoting us to walk. The other people around us started to move. I offered her my arm to hold while we crossed which she accepted. "Such a gentleman. Have you been here before?"

"No. Have you?"

"No, but I've passed by it a couple of times while running errands. I always said that I would come and see what it was about, but I never got the chance."

"Well, today's your lucky day. There reviews were good, so I thought it was worth a try."

"Fingers crossed." We finishing crossing and walked up to the front door of the restaurant where the hostess stood behind the podium.

"Good afternoon. Welcome to La Cubana. Would you like to be seated inside or outside?"

"It's up to you." I looked at Geneva.

"Can we please get a table outside?"

"Of course. For two, correct?"


"Okay. Follow me." She held up two menus in her hand. She led us to a table covered with an umbrella. The temperature is cool right now, but it's nice to have the shade. I pushed in Geneva's seat in for her before taking mine.

"Here are your menus. Your server will be with you shortly."

"'Preciate it." Our server came over to us in a blink of an eye.

"My name is Lily. I'll be your server today. Can I start you off with something to drink?"

"Do you have lemonade?" Geneva asked.

"Yes we do. We have mango, guava, and pineapple."

"I'll take the mango."

"Okay. For you, sir?"

"I'll have a Diet Coke." I replied.

"Fantastic. I'll give you some time to look over the menu and I'll be back with your drinks."

"Thank you."

"Wow, it looks packed in there. I see why you wanted to eat out here."

"Yeah. I didn't want it to be too loud and we couldn't hear each other."

"Good thinking. Do you see anything you like?"

"The whole menu looks really good to me. Thank God the descriptions are in English because some of these titles have me confused."

"You read my mind. I may be Dominican, but I don't understand much Spanish. We spoke mainly English at home. I might get the roasted pork shoulder plate without the coleslaw." It also comes with rice, beans, and tostones.

"You don't like coleslaw?"

"No, I have never liked it. They had it all the time at our family gatherings, but I could never eat it. They were either making it wrong or it really doesn't taste good."

"You're missing out. I think I'll go with the barbecue guava short ribs plate."

"Sounds good." Lily came back, holding a tray of our drinks and placed them onto the table. After that, she took out her notepad, received our orders, and left us alone again.

"So, did you always know that you wanted to go into sports medicine."

"Not really. I had the idea in the back of my mind for a while until I finally decided to go with it after weighing my options. I knew I wanted to be a physical therapist, but I didn't want to be the type that has to stick to one company. I wanted to have flexibility in my schedule, be able to travel, and experience some variety in my patients. I've also been able to learn all about sports."

"What do you mean?"

"I've worked for a couple of basketball and foootball teams. When I first meet them, I watch playbacks of the moments when the players got their injuries. When they back on the court or field, I stick around for the first few games to see hoe they do. I never used to watch sports like that. I was only intreresed in  the championship games. Now, I know more than what a touchdown or 3 pointer is. Once in a while, I go to games for fun since I get free tickets."

"I got you. That must be nice. I guess that means you've been out of the country before."

"Yeah, I've been to New York, Illinois and Michigan for work. I have only gone to Florida and Jamaica for vacation. Have you been outside of the country?"

"No. I always wanted to go to Dominican Republic."

"I would love to go there. Give me a beach vacation anytime, any day."

"Would you would go with me if I asked?"

"Yeah, as long as you paid for the trip." She laughed.

"Even if I had to save every penny I made, I would in order to take you."

"David, I was just joking. I can pay for my ticket and accommodations."

"I know, but you should be treated like the queen you are." She tried to hide her blushing by turning her face, but I noticed.

"Do you flatter every woman you come across like this?"

"I only see one woman and that's you, so I would have to say no."

"You know, I've been the only one talking about myself. I want to hear more about you."

"Ask me anything." I shrugged.

"Did you go to school for mechanical engineering or become an auto technician?"

"No, my uncle hooked me up with the job. I went to college for a bachelor's in communication. At that time, I was playing basketball and planning to join the bba until—."

"Until what? It's okay. You can tell me, but only if you want to."

"I was incarcerated."

"Why, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I was selling drugs. I did 7 years and got out recently. I'm clean now. I learned my lesson."

"That's good because some people can't help but go back to their bad habits."

"So you're okay with hanging around me? You still want to be friends?"

"What do you mean?"

"With my criminal past, I would understand if you don't feel comfortable around me or want to be associated with me."

"I can't judge you based on your past. You must have had a reason why you did it. You've learned from your mistakes and became a changed man, so I respect that. Now if it was some heinous crime like killing, kidnapping, defrauding, or raping somebody. You would be on your own."

"I would never stoop down to that level, but thank you."

"You're welcome. What were you like as a kid?"

"What do you think I was like?"

"I mean, now you seem very reserved, but I think it's because of what you've been through. Since you played basketball, I think you were very extroverted."

"You're kind of right. I would describe the younger me as popular, but I only hung around with a small group of people. I kept my circle to a minimum because the only person you can really trust is yourself. I didn't want to associate myself with too many people. Ever though I had to play with a team, I only messed around with them during practice, on the court, and celebration dinners. I liked to keep to myself most of the time. I really liked being alone or with my mom."

"That's understandable. There are some people you call your friends that end up stabbing you in the back even after all the support you've given them."

"It sounds like you speak from experience."

"Just some foolishness I went through with someone I thought was my friend since we knew each other since high school, but she ended up messing around with my ex."

"Damn, I'm sorry.

"Don't be. When I found out, I finally realized how much time I was wasting on a relationship instead of getting to where I wanted to be in my career and closer to God."

"I'm glad you realized your worth and potential. It looks like you made the right decision."

"I couldn't be happier."

"How is everything?" Lily came over to us holding a tray.


"The food was amazing."

"Can I take these for you?"

"Yes, you can. Thank you."

"Do you want anything else like dessert?"

"I can't eat anymore."

"I think we're good."

"Okay, I'll bring out your check. D you want it together or separate?"

"Together." I responded without hesitation.

"Alright, I'll be right back."

"I got a hypothetical question for you." I told Geneva.

"Go ahead. I'm all ears."

"Say you were offered a job that pays more than double the amount you're getting at your current job, but it's more risky than where your working at right now. Would you take it?"

"Risky as in dangerous? Like there's a chance of a serious injury?"


"I mean if it's something you're good at and you know which precautions to take to prevent any serious incidents, I would say go for it."


"You want to leave the shop?"

"No, I'm just considering a weekend position as security for an establishment."

"Oh okay. Just make sure you think about it before making any final decisions."

"I will."

"Here's your check. I'll give you two a minute." I looked at the check and the total was $55.50."

"I got it."

"Are you sure? I don't mind."

"Yeah. I invited you out. Ever if I didn't, I still wouldn't let you pay."

"Okay. I won't argue with that." The 20% tip was $11.10, but I gave her $11.50 to round up everything to $67. I left the cash in the bill book, Geneva and I dipped.

"I had a great time with you today."

"So did I. Hopefully we can do this again." I stuffed my hands in my pocket.

"Of course. Why not?"

"I know sometimes your plate can be full."

"That's true, but I always make time for the things I want to do especially with my friends."

"So, I passed the friendship test?"

"Yes David. You did." We both chuckled.

"I hope you know we're locked in for life now."

"Oh really? So I'll be able to call you whenever and you'll come running when I'm in need."

"No doubt."

"Okay, I'll hold you to that."

"Are you heading home?"

"Yeah. I need to take care of a few things at home before work tomorrow. What about you?"

"I just need to make a quick stop before going home."

"Okay. I won't hold you any longer."

"Geneva, you can take all of my time."

"I can't with you. You can call me Eva by the way."

"Okay Eva. Drive home safe. Let me know when you get there."

"Thank you, I will. Be good out here in these streets."

"Always. Bye gorgeous." I waited for her to get in the car before closing the doo. I helped her back out into the traffic, and she waved at me as she pulled off. I then walked to my car and hopped inside. I turned on the ignition and pressed my back against the seat, letting out a deep breath. I'm so relieved that everything went well. I was scared I would embarrass myself and lose any chance I had with Eva.

That hypothetical question I asked Eva was real.

I was propositioned for a job a few days back that most people probably would take in a heartbeat, but I had to think about it.
I was with Lucas and Jack at our usual joint for lunch. It's this black owned restaurant in the same complex as us. The owner is real cool with Ric, so we get a special discount. We were on our own just chilling before some rude motherf*cker came up to our table.

I noticed it was the same guy who I accidentally bumped into near Ace's building. The way he was mean mugging me and feeling entitled made me loss my appetite.

"This table is reserved. Get up and move."

"I don't see your name on it."

"What did you say to me?" He asked, getting in my face.

"Dave, there's an open spot over there. Let's just go." Jack uttered.

"I'm not moving." I was adamant. There was no stalling me. Lucas and Jack quickly moved to the other table.

"You sure about that?

"What's going on?" An older man accompanied by this other dude pulled up next to us.

"Boss, he said he's not going to remove his body from our table."

"You got guts. I like that." The boss said.

"You really needed your daddy to come do your dirty work? You can stop b*tching and have the table." I got up.

"You don't know who you're messing with."

"Back down, Ferg. I want to offer you a job going man."

"I'm not trying to be one of your lap dogs."

"Nah, never that. Just a bodyguard at one of my clubs."

"What's so special about that?"

"You'll be making $5k a night. Call me when you're ready." He handed me a card. I just put it in my pocket before throwing my food away and meeting up with the boys.

"You good, Dave?" Lucas asked.

"I'm fine. Y'all ready to bounce?"

"Yeah. Just a piece of advice: be careful with them. They're not ones to mess with."

"Good looking out."
If I take the job, I can save money for a place much quicker. I know Keyshia and Radric aren't complaining, but very soon they'll have a new member of the family. I don't want to be a burden or deprive them of privacy. Knowing them, they're not going to wait too long before making another baby.

I know what to do.

I pulled out the card from the drink holder and dialed the number on my phone. It rang a couple of times before the call was picked up.

"Yo, this is Red."

"This is Dave, the guy you gave your card at the HC."

"Oh. You ready?"

"Yeah, I'm in."

"Good. Come to BLCK's nightclub on Saturday at 8 pm in a black suit. Don't waste my time." The line clicked.

I know clubs can have drama sometimes, but I want no parts in that. My plan is to work there until I make enough money to get my own place and car, and invest in something I want to do. Hopefully, I don't regret this.

Let me go pick up the strawberries and peanut butter Keyshia asked for before I get home. She'll get on me if I forget.

I don't want no pregnant lady problems. I got bigger things on my mind.

I'm trying to get rich.

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