Mind Games | Tom Riddle | DIS...

By LiviCaroline

185K 5.4K 3.4K

Azalea glared at the smug man in front of her. "So, why have you suddenly decided to start barking orders at... More

One: The Task
Two: Concoctions and Conflicts
Three: Dueling Serpents
Four: Unspeakably Difficult
Five: Perilous Promises
Six: A Dance with the Devil
Seven: Connections
Eight: Opening Up
Nine: Enemies of the Heir, Beware
Ten: Wrapped Around His Finger
Eleven: The King and Queen
Twelve: Changing Everything
Thirteen: Sinful Smiles
Fourteen: A Thoughtful Gift
Fifteen: As Dignified as Deadly Can Be
Sixteen: Welcome Home
Seventeen: His Only Weakness
Eighteen: And So It Begins
Twenty: All They'd Ever Need
Twenty-One: Professions
Twenty-Two: Newfound Emotion
Twenty-Three: Solutions and the End of Term
Authors Note

Nineteen: A Shift

4.9K 172 101
By LiviCaroline

Tom had heeded Azalea's words and began to practice extreme caution when dealing with the basilisk. He made sure that he had Azalea's approval before attacking, and he made sure she was far away from wherever the body would be found.

The dynamic between Tom and Azalea had shifted. The constant anger was replaced with a pleasant calmness, and the violent fights were replaced with disagreements that got heated at best before the two realized what they were doing and took a few steps back for a moment before resolving the issue at hand.

It was an odd sight. Both Tom and Azalea's followers would often discuss the strange behaviors of their leaders, who were becoming a single unit.

On a frigid, late January night, Tom and Azalea were studying in the library. The only school-related event the next day was a Hogsmeade visit, but the two were incredibly studious and often spent their Friday nights working.

She was dressed in a grey shirt and thick, black, fleece-lined pants. Her hair was tied in a loose braid that hung over her right shoulder, and she wore no jewelry, save for Salazar Slytherin's signet ring gleaming proudly on her right hand.

He wore a thick, maroon sweater and worn khaki slacks that he insisted were comfortable any time Azalea questioned him. Marvolo Gaunt's ring sat on his left hand as a symbol of his power.

The two had books and parchment spread out on one of the more secluded tables in the library. The centerpiece was a jar of bluebell flames produced by Azalea. Each student had a quill. They used the same inkwell on Tom's orders. His reasoning was that there was no reason for Azalea to unpack more than she needed to when they both preferred the exact same ink. He also insisted on sitting to her right so she'd have plenty of space to write without worrying about bumping elbows.

Tom was observing Azalea, who was furiously writing, with a smile. He noticed the glint in her eye and the way she chewed on her bottom lip when she was pondering on the next perfectly-articulated phrase.

"How is your essay coming along, mi luz?" he asked with genuine curiosity.

"Well enough," Azalea responded. While she didn't look up at him, the tone of her words was warm and friendly with him.

"I do miss your attention," Tom said with mischief on his face, "You seem bored."

"Just because I'm not looking up at you doesn't mean I'm not giving you attention," Azalea replied pointedly, "I happen to be an excellent multitasker."

"Well, maybe I'm bored watching you write," Tom remarked.

"Do some work then. You'll have time for your games when I'm done," Azalea told him with an uncontainable smile.

Tom took her hand in his, gently kissing it. "But I want to play my games now," he whined with an overly-exaggerated pout.

Azalea looked up at him, chuckling when she saw his expression. "This essay is the last thing I have to do. Then, I'm all yours," she said.

Tom stood up and wrapped his arms around her, leaning over her shoulder. "You already are all mine," he responded with a smirk.

Azalea ignored his actions and began writing again, only responding with a roll of her eyes and a smirk.

"Very well," Tom said. He then sat back down and resumed watching her and holding her small hand in his. He thumbed over the signet ring, and his thoughts began to wander to the idea of ruling by her side. The idea of waking up next to her and working with her brought a small smile to his face.

Tom was brought back to reality when he noticed Azalea shiver. "Are you alright?" he asked with slight concern.

"I'm fine," she responded, smiling at him.

"You never get cold," Tom remarked pointedly.

"I'm fine, Tom," Azalea repeated. Then, she shivered again.

"It's far too cold out tonight for you to be wearing a shirt that thin," Tom lectured, standing up and removing his sweater.

"Now you're just wearing an undershirt," Azalea protested.

Tom ignored her, plucked the quill out of her hand, then placed the sweater in it. "Put it on," he ordered, his eyes locked on hers.

The look in Tom's eyes was all that Azalea needed to know that he wasn't going to budge. With a sigh, she pulled the sweater over her head and pushed her arms through the sleeves. After adjusting her hair, she looked up at him with her lips pursed. "Happy?" Azalea asked.

Tom kissed the top of her head, then answered, "Very. Now, finish your work. You shouldn't be up too late."

"Yes, Father," Azalea groaned in response. She picked up her quill and began finalizing the essay. It was for charms class, one of her easiest classes. However, it had one of the heaviest workloads. She was assigned seven rolls of parchment for that particular essay. Azalea exceeded expectations and wrote ten.

Despite her groaning, she secretly enjoyed the care she was receiving from Tom. And, she enjoyed wearing his sweater. It smelled just like him. In all honesty, she didn't want to give it back.

Tom watched Azalea finish, admiring the way her handwriting looped and curled. It was elegant, as to be expected from someone of her status. Tom knew that if he had her starting life, he would have been even more well-known and have had even more followers. Still, he wasn't envious. He had accomplished just as much as Azalea had.

"Finished," Azalea announced, tapping the parchment with her wand to dry the ink. She began rolling up the parchment and putting her things away.

Tom waved his wand, sending the books back to the shelves they were found on. He corked the inkpot and put the rest of his things away. Then, he turned and saw Azalea standing with her bag shouldered, and he couldn't help but smile at her beauty. He quite enjoyed the sight of her wearing his sweater.

"What are you smiling at?" Azalea asked with a knowing smirk.

"You," Tom replied, rolling his eyes. He took her hand and said, "Come along."

"Where are we going?" Azalea asked, walking with him.

"Back to the common room," Tom answered, holding open the library door for Azalea. Once they were both in the corridor, he took her hand and began leading her down the stairs. "Nobody will be awake at this hour, so we can talk in private," he continued.

Azalea nodded, feeling at peace as she walked with him. She didn't expect him to take her hand, but she wasn't upset by any means. Azalea was thoroughly enjoying walking with Tom, and she enjoyed the affectionate side of him. For someone who couldn't show emotion, she thought, he was excellent at showing how much he cared.

"Something on your mind, mi luz?" Tom asked her, noticing the smile on her face.

"You," Azalea replied smugly.

"What about me?" Tom asked with a smirk.

"Just fantasizing about strangling you in your sleep," she sneered.

"Really?" Tom asked with a wry smile.

"No, you idiot," Azalea replied.

"Am I going to have to remind you of what happens when you give me cheek?" Tom asked with a smirk.

Azalea's cheeks flushed. "N- No," she stammered.

Azalea's reaction was due to the events that occurred the night Tom woke her in her dormitory. After a particularly feisty remark from her, Tom took the liberty of making sure Azalea would remember her place.

The constant pain she felt whenever she sat down the next day was an excellent reminder.

"That's what I thought," Tom sneered.

"You're lucky I enjoy your company," Azalea scoffed. Then, she looked over at him and noticed the way he was looking at her. "What?" she asked.

"Am I not allowed to admire you?" Tom asked innocently.

"No," Azalea teased.

"Smartass," Tom said, rolling his eyes.

"Scales," Azalea said, opening the common room.

Tom led her to the sofa closest to the green fire and sat down. He then patted the seat beside him, nodding in approval when Azalea sat.

"Are you sure you're not cold?" she asked, looking up at Tom.

"I promise I'm fine. Besides, you look nice in my sweater," Tom replied with a smirk. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, feeling his heart jump when she leaned her head against his torso.

Azalea's cheeks flushed pink, and she smiled up at Tom. "It's really comfortable," she said giddily.

"Keep it then," Tom told her with a smile. Then, he chuckled at her widened eyes and toothy grin. He didn't know why he was feeling so affectionate, but he didn't care. The only thing Tom Riddle cared about, other than his plans, of course, was the girl in his arms.

"You know," Azalea began, "I don't think I ever truly thanked you for the trip to Little Hangleton. I know we fought a lot, but we also had a lot of fun, I think. So, thank you, Tom. For everything."

Azalea's statement of gratitude was shocking to Tom. Still, he was grateful to hear it. "You did a lot for me," he said, "I should be thanking you."

Azalea smiled, then leaned up to kiss him.

Tom met her halfway, cupping her face and gently deepening the kiss.

It was soft and sweet, without the typical lust that filled their encounters. As the two held each other, all time stopped. They were the only people in the world at that moment. Two cold-hearted people finding warmth in each other.

"You're beautiful," Tom whispered in her ear.

"And you're mine," Azalea responded.

"No," Tom chuckled. He grabbed her wrists and pinned her on the sofa. "You're mine," he growled, his signature smirk on his face.

Azalea chuckled, completely unaffected by the position she was suddenly put into. After all, she had been below Tom many a night. "Is this the part where you tear my clothes off in a lust-filled rage, Tom?" Azalea asked wryly.

"Well normally I would," Tom said, "But believe it or not, if I were to take you right now, it'd be gentler."

"You're saying you'd make love to me?" she asked smugly.

Tom pulled her up and back into the position she was before. "I don't love, Azalea," he said flatly.

Azalea rolled her eyes and scoffed at him, then crossed her arms.

"What?" Tom asked harshly.

"Nothing," Azalea muttered.

Tom looked down at her, and his expression softened. "I'm sorry," he said, "but I can't love. It's impossible." He heard a small gasp and knew that she had figured it out.

"You were conceived with a love potion," Azalea deduced, "I suspected it when we were in Little Hangleton when I saw your father, but now it all makes sense. Your mother died, and you were put in an orphanage."

She sat up, her eyes locked on him.

"But," Azalea said, then she narrowed her eyes, "You're a half-blood, Aren't you?"

"I am," Tom said bitterly. When he saw an expression of deep thought on her face, he asked, "Can't believe you've been fraternizing with someone like me?"

"Believe it or not, that wasn't what I was thinking about," Azalea spat, "You're the one person who I don't give a damn about blood purity with."

Tom's eyebrows lifted. "You don't mean that," he began.

"Yes I do, Tom," Azalea said shortly, interrupting him.

"Good," he replied, "because I need you here with me, Azalea Verdine."

Azalea rolled her eyes and crawled back into Tom's arms. As she listened to his heartbeat, her mind began to quiet and her eyes began to close.

"Tired, mi luz?" Tom asked her with a small smile.

Azalea nodded.

Tom smiled, then stood up. He picked Azalea up and carried her through the common room.

"Are you taking me to my bed?" she mumbled.

Tom stopped and asked, "Do you want me to?"

Azalea smiled up at him. "Not particularly," she replied.

"We'll go to my bed," Tom said with a smirk.

"What about Abraxas and Rodolphus, and the rest?" Azalea asked.

"Ignore them," Tom told her. He carefully walked down the steps and entered the dormitory. Tom carried Azalea to his bed and gently laid her down. Then, he pulled back the covers and covered her up before laying down beside her.

Azalea instinctively nestled against him and smiled when she felt him wrap his arm around her. "Goodnight, Tom," she mumbled.

"Goodnight, mi luz," Tom responded.

Then, he placed a gentle kiss on her cheek and fell asleep quickly. He had all he needed at the time.


Rodolphus, Abraxas, Lorcan, and Antonin were all staring at the sight before them. Never in a million years would they have dreamed that Tom Riddle would sleep with a girl in his arms without shagging her first.

"Look at them!" Dolohov whispered, "Wrapped up in each other's arms like a pair of bloody lovers!"

"I knew that he had some sort of feeling for her, but I assumed it was lust based," Avery muttered.

"Why do my actions with Miss Verdine concern you four?" Tom asked, his eyes still closed and his arms still around a sleeping Azalea.

"My lord," Abraxas stammered, "we didn't-"

"Do you want to disturb your superior?" Tom interrupted. Upon hearing the sweet sound of silence, he continued, "Good. She needs her rest."

The boys looked at each other, realizing who Tom was referring to when he said 'your superior.'

"Of course, my lord," Rodolphus said softly.

Then, the four turned and left the dormitory, leaving Tom and Azalea alone once more.

Tom knew he wouldn't fall asleep, but he stayed still for Azalea's sake. He enjoyed how peaceful she was, and he enjoyed holding her.

For another half-hour, the boy held Azalea and made sure her slumber went undisturbed. Then, she began to stir, and Tom kissed her cheek.

"Good morning," he said.

Azalea smiled, her eyes still half-closed. "Morning," she murmured.

"How did you sleep?" Tom asked her, brushing stray bits of hair from her face.

"Well enough," Azalea answered. She turned over to face Tom. "Why are you being so nice to me?" she asked.

"Because," Tom said, kissing her forehead, "you matter to me. And believe it or not, I have grown to care for you. At least, as well as I can."

"Is it bad that I don't want to get up?" Azalea asked, burying her face into Tom's chest.

"The feeling is mutual, mi luz," Tom replied, a grin plastered on his face, "But, we have work to do."

"I'm not getting up," Azalea stated firmly, wrapping her arms around Tom and pulling herself even closer.

"Come, Azalea," Tom ordered gently.

"Can I please stay in bed?" Azalea asked, her fatigue evident in her voice.

"Your own bed," he responded smoothly.

"You're the worst," Azalea mumbled, looking up at Tom.

"And that's why you're wrapped around me," Tom said with a grin, "Get up, mi luz, lest I throw you over my shoulder and carry you to Hogsmeade."

"I'd rather you throw me on the bed and have your way with me," Azalea murmured with a lusty smirk, sliding her hand down Tom's torso and towards his waistline.

Tom snatched her hand. "That can be arranged," he said lowly, "if you behave." Then, he kissed her gently before standing up and pulling her with him.

"But I want it now," Azalea whined, immediately breaking into a cocky smirk.

"Too bad, mi luz," Tom said calmly, picking Azalea up and throwing her over his shoulder.

"You're ridiculous!" she laughed.

Tom said nothing, only smirked as he carried Azalea up the stairs, then down the stairs into the girls' dormitory. He knocked on the door and waited for a response.

"Yes?" Caroline called from within the room.

"Are you all dressed?" Tom asked.

"Yeah, why?" Natalie answered.

Tom opened the door to the dormitory and entered. "Your fearless leader is being insufferably whiny," he said, sitting Azalea down on her bed.

"You didn't have to do that," Azalea told him.

Tom kissed her forehead, then said, "I'll see you in Hogsmeade, mi luz."

With that, Tom left the dormitory, leaving Azalea at the mercy of her friends' questioning.

Azalea crossed her legs and looked up at her followers with a sly smirk, waiting for the bombardment of questions.

"So," Isabella began with a sneer, "where were you last night?"

"With Tom," Azalea responded nonchalantly. She stood up and began picking out her outfit for the day.

"Doing?" Caroline asked.

"We studied in the library, then came back to the common room and talked," Azalea answered, "And then we went down to his dormitory and fell asleep."

All of Azalea's followers wore the same shocked expression as they looked to each other, then back to Azalea.

"You mean, you two slept together," Isabella began.

"Without sex?" Poppy finished.

Azalea threw her head back with laughter, then looked at the four girls. "Yes, we did. He's being very affectionate when it comes to me," she said smugly.

"Affectionate?" Caroline asked though it was more of a shriek.

Azalea rolled her eyes and grabbed a white sweater.

"Are you two, like, together?" Poppy asked eagerly.

Azalea chuckled. "Hardly," she responded, "We're simply-" She paused. "-testing the waters."

"Forehead kisses and sleeping in the same bed seem like more than testing the waters," Natalie remarked.

"It's a good thing it's none of your business," Azalea sneered, releasing her hair from its messy braid and brushing it.

"Are you two going to shag in the Shrieking Shack?" Isabella mocked.

"We'll stow your body there if you don't cut the attitude," Azalea warned. Her threat was harsh, but the smile on her face showed how illegitimate it was. She put on a pair of black pants, the white sweater, and a red scarf. After stepping into a pair of tall black boots, she looked to her four followers.

"Beautiful, as always," Caroline remarked.

"Oh hush," Azalea scoffed, a wry smile on her lips. She sat down at the vanity near her bed and began looking through a black bag.

"I'm assuming you'll be leaving us behind for your beau," Natalie remarked.

"You assumed correctly," Azalea answered. Then, she turned to Poppy, who was securing her thick hair into two long braids. "Poppy, darling?" Azalea asked.

"Yeah?" Poppy responded.

"I was wondering if I could borrow that lip gloss you always wear," Azalea said.

"You want to wear makeup?" Poppy asked.

"I do wear makeup," Azalea told her.

"More than your usual mascara," Poppy clarified.

"Then yes," Azalea said, "I want to wear makeup."

"Catch!" Poppy exclaimed, throwing the tube across the room.

Azalea caught it and rolled her eyes at Poppy before turning to the mirror. She put on a thin coat of gloss, closed the tube, then tossed it back to Poppy.

"Why are you getting all dolled up? Not that you didn't look stunning before," Caroline said.

"Tom," Isabella mocked.

Azalea shot her an obscene gesture before standing up. "Well, I'm going upstairs. If you four don't hear from me, assume I'm with Tom," she announced, grabbing her black coat and her wand. Azalea grabbed her black wallet and shoved it into the pocket of her coat.

"Have fun!" Natalie called.

"Use protection!" Poppy added with a wink.

Azalea rolled her eyes and shut the door behind her. She smoothed down her hair one last time and began heading up the stairs. She wondered why she felt like she had to impress Tom. Nevertheless, she put in her best effort, and it paid off.

She entered the crowded main area of the common room and immediately found Tom and his lackeys. Azalea walked over to them and met Tom's eyes immediately.

"There she is," Tom muttered softly, standing up. He walked over to Azalea and took her hand. "You look absolutely stunning, mi luz," he told her with a smile.

Azalea rolled her eyes. "I didn't do that much," she said.

"So? Can't I compliment a naturally beautiful girl when I see her?" Tom asked innocently.

"If her name isn't Azalea Verdine, no," Azalea said smugly.

"Get a room!" Abraxas called.

Azalea looked over at Tom's closest followers, then back to Tom. With a smug grin, she stood on her tiptoes and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

"Are you trying to get bent over the sofa?" Tom asked her with a smirk.

"Yes," Azalea teased.

"Well," Tom told her, "it won't work. Sit down." He walked back to the sofa and sat down, pulling Azalea into the seat beside him.

"What if I didn't want to sit with you?" Azalea teased.

"Shut up," Tom scoffed.

"How did you sleep?" Abraxas asked with a mischievous grin.

"Well enough," Azalea replied smugly, grabbing Tom's hand and lacing her fingers in his.

"I see you have an effect on him," Rodolphus remarked.

"You would know," Tom sneered.

"Be nice," Azalea scolded, a smirk on her lips.

"What if I don't want to?" Tom asked her.

"I'll keep that in mind the next time I don't want to do something," Azalea sneered, standing up. Then, she turned to the rest of the common room. "Alright you lot!" she announced. Once she saw every pair of eyes in the Slytherin Common Room on her, she continued, "If you're coming on the Hogsmeade trip, it's time to go. Otherwise, enjoy your afternoon."

The room was filled with pleasant chaos as everyone began filing out of the common room.

Azalea turned to Tom, who stood up and kissed her forehead.

"You never cease to amaze me, mi luz," he told her with a smile.

"Good," Azalea said smugly, "Now come along. I need someone to make sure I don't get lost in Hogsmeade."

Tom smirked at Azalea, then motioned for his lackeys to prepare to leave.

"With pleasure, mi luz."

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