Konoha's Own Blue-Eyed Puppet...

By Animalover9

85.3K 2.5K 585

-COMPLETED- Everything is suppose to go smoothly in Akisha's life or at least that's what she wanted... But n... More

The Free Clouds
Graduation & A New Team
A Visit From The Sand Siblings
The Written Exam
Passing The Forest Of Death
Preliminary Battles
Akisha's Fight
A Day Off?
The Final Chunin Exam
Truth Revealed
Itachi and Kisame
Knowledge Of The Felines
Meeting Tsunade
The Three Legendary Ninja Reunion
Never A Normal Day
Choji's Decision
For A Comrade
Don't Cry
It's Decided
The Free Clouds

The Forest Of Death

3.4K 127 19
By Animalover9

To the side is a picture of KibaXKisha!

I edited it for her hair color and the look of the picture but other than that I don't own it! Nor any other pictures I might post, just my own edits! Unless of course I say that I drew the picture to the side X3

There's a pretty good Forest of Death AMV for you guys too!

Oh and for this chappy I might not get the times right of when they finished the exam... I know that Gaara passed the exam in ninety minutes but here it's going to be a bit longer! >,> Sorry, I like trying to make this story accurate to the story line, but sometimes you just have to change things around. Keep this in mind for many aspects of this book too! Not everything can be exact.


Enjoy! ^__^


***Akisha's POV***

I stood in between Hinata and Kiba, Kiba examining all the other contestants, and Hinata doing the same thing I was, looking at the giant forest that laid out infront of us, tall trees causing shade down upon us despite us being twenty feet away. I have to say, it's really intimidating, but I made it this far- "You will all soon find out why this is called Forest of Death!" Anko shouted with a dark look, gathering our attention. Shino turned with the rest of our team towards her, staying ahead next to Kiba as Hinata and I continued to shrink back in our growing fear.

Soon enough, Hinata was hidden behind me while I was hidden behind Kiba. I'm really missing the written exam right now... Kiba nudged me, a small smirk lifting the right side of his lip to show his canine teeth. "Hah, not afraid, are you?" I shook my head, hastily at first, then moving it slowly. "No!...  Maybe... A little a bit." Kiba let out a laugh, "A 'little'!? That's funny for a coward like yourself." I glared at him, breaking away from my hiding stance. "Oh shut it, you loud mouth jerk!" 

His smirk erased, a taken back look on his face, and then transforming to anger. "E-excuse me! You little lazy ass, coward!!" I opened my mouth to yell at him when out of the corner of my eye I saw Anko throw a kunai at Naruto. I gasped at the shock of the action, spinning around to watch the scene along with everyone else. Worry coursed through me as I stared at the blonde. I don't really talk to Naruto but I don't want the idiot hurt!

The kunai slit his cheek and in a flash Anko appeared behind him. "Kids like you are quickly killed.." She chuckled, her tongue flicking from her mouth to Naruto's cheek, licking up the line of blood. "Spraying the red blood I love!" I grabbed onto Kiba's arm, forgetting the argument completely. "Maybe more than a little." I whispered, my face going pale, a sickly feeling swirling in my stomach. Hinata followed my example and fully hid herself behind Shino, whimpering at the thought of an injured Naruto.

A creepy looking woman slithered into sight, picking up Anko's kunai with her tongue and passing it back to Anko. "Here's your kunai." Her voice was eerie, sending chills down my spine. Anko gave a closed eye smile to the mysterious woman. "Why, thank you!" I should have stayed in bed today... A new thought occurred in my mind. When my mom finds out I went to these Chunin Exams without telling her or my father, I better hope I die in these Chunin Exams.

"But you know, you shouldn't sneak up behind me.." Anko's smile twisted to a dangerous glare. "Unless you want to die." The woman shook her head politely, a smile curved her dark lips creating a very disturbing image. "No, no. I just get excited when I see that red blood we both seem to love." Naruto shivered and rubbed his cheek, his eyes were wide open with surprise and fear. I think the poor boy was scarred.. I regained my normal stance, standing by Kiba, but Hinata was still hidden away. Shino, like always, kept his cool, standing still and letting Hinata be behind him. Kiba was mumbling things like, "What the hell is wrong with these women?"

 "Now! Before we start the second exam, there's something you all must sign!" Sign? I scratched my head, trying to think of what trick this'd be. "Sign? What for?" She pointed a threatening kunai at me. "I'm getting there, girly!" Her voice was dangerous to the point that I shrunk back again, holding my hands up in defense. "S-sorry! Sorry!"

"There will be deaths in this one." Anko let out a cheery smile, going back to her bipolar ways. "And if you don't sign these, it'll be my responsibility... Heh." A clumsy sweat drop fell down her forehead. Normally I would have fell down or face palmed at her, but my face stayed worried, a serious feeling taking over. Deaths? I mean I know it's called the Forest of Death... Still... 

Someone passed me a paper, the paper filled with warnings and places to sign. "Thanks." I mumbled, looking down at it. "In this exam, you will attempt survival. First I'll explain the area. Practice arena number forty-four. There are forty-four locked gates around this arena. After you get situated, you will wait at gate with your team. You all will compete in a no rules, scroll battle." No rules? Scroll battle? What does she mean by that?

Anko showed everyone two scrolls, going on to explain my thoughts. "You will fight over these two scrolls. Heaven and Earth. Half you will get heaven and the other half will get earth. To pass this exam, you and your team must make it to a tower which lies in the middle with both scrolls." 

I see... This exam will really cut us in half... Most likely more than half... "There is also a time limit. You have five days to complete this task." T-time limit!? What happened to 'no rules'!? "Five days!? What about food!?" Choji's voice reached me, his shouting unable to be not heard. I grinned, releasing a small laugh. Choji to be worrying about food instead of impending death? Yeah, that seems about right.

Anko shrugged carelessly. "You're own your own. The forest is full of food... Watch out for giant man eating beasts, poisonous plants, and poisonous insects though." My grin vanished. Why exactly didn't I stay in bed? Oh yeah, my team dragged me out of it, actually Kiba was the one to wake me up. Shino and Hinata waited down by my window, outside of my house. Talk about a rude awakening.

"I won't lie, some of you will die from the harshness of this course." Anko put up three fingers. "There are three things that can disqualify you. Number one: those who don't make it to the tower with both scrolls within the time limit. Number two: those who lost a team mate or have a team mate killed. And number three: you must not look at what's in the scroll." By the end she had all her fingers down. Yeah, this is no rules, for certain. No rules what so ever.

Anko looked us over, motioning to all of us. "One word of advice... DON'T DIE." 

I nodded to agree with that idea. Kiba waved all of us over to where they were handing out the scrolls. "Come on!" 


I sighed looking up at gate sixteen. Kiba had the scroll. 

"Haha! Survival is our specialty! Hinata don't get soft on us here!" Kiba shouted, grinning in anticipation. Akamaru on top of his head, yapping with the same excitement. Hinata shyly nodded, trying to put on a determined face. Shino nudged me, silently getting my attention. "Do not doubt yourself." His monotone voice reached me, making me nod to him. "Thanks."

"THE SECOND EXAM BEGINS NOW!!" Anko's voice echoed to everyone. The gates shot open, and following Kiba, we ran ahead in to the Forest of Death.


We stopped running after a bit of time had passed, deciding to stay in this area. We already set up some traps near by which is why we ran deep in the forest right away, we had to have that time to set up. That and the fact that people would be more likely to run into the traps now. Kiba looked at all of us. "So basically everyone is headed to the tower. Then setting traps near ther-" Kiba sharply looked up, grinning at something. "Hey, looks like someone fell for one." I raised an eyebrow in question. "What do you mean?" He waved me off. "Wait for it."


I nodded timidly, trying not to flinch. I'm not fond of death. Kind of hate it to be honest. "Sounds like it."  Hinata definitely flinched at the sounds. "Lead the way." Shino ordered to Kiba, making him frown and Akamaru let go of a doggy snicker. "I'll lead because I want too." Kiba murmured, jumping up to a tree branch. "Come on!"

We followed him and Akamaru, soon to find the team that fallen in to the trap. Huge, black leaches stuck to all of them,stuck to their bodies. Shino stepped up, looking down at the leaches. "Konoha's jumping leaches will sense life forms and attack in a group, five minutes of sucking and you die..." Shino said in a rather creepier voice.

Kiba jumped down and searched their bags, rummaging through. "Aha! Got it!" He held up the Earth scroll. I released the breath I had held in. "Whew, It's the one we needed." Kiba arched an eyebrow. "So? What if it hadn't have been?" "Huh? Oh, I didn't want an extra fight.." I shrugged at the end of my sentence, hiding how nervous I really had been. Kiba laughed, hopping back up the branch I was on. "That's too bad for you. We're gonna stock up on scrolls."

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. What is this idiot going on about? Hinata stepped forward, twiddling her fingers like normal. "W-what do you me-ean Kiba?" Her voice was soft as ever. Kiba let out a toothy grin and opened his mouth to talk, "Think, if we have more scrolls, then less teams can pass!" I scoffed. "Wow, you thought of that on your own? Bravo." Kiba shut his mouth, frowning at me, but I went on. "Besides, that's a bad idea. What happens when we run into someone stronger than us-" Gaara. "-It's best to play it safe! Right Shino?" I looked over to him, hoping for back up when he shook his head. "No, I agree with Kiba, if we do run into stronger teams, those scrolls can be used to bargain our way out of a fight."

A confident expression planted itself on Kiba's face. "See, even he agrees!" I didn't meet his eyes, looking down to the branch I stood on. "Fine.. If Shino says so." Kiba's mouth dropped, making me look back up at him. "You trust him over me!?" I stepped back, rubbing my neck sheepishly. "Wha? Of-Of course not! I simply thought because Shino was the leader and all-" "SHINO'S NOT THE LEADER! I AM!!" Kiba fumed, making Akamaru jump of his head to Hinata's arms.

Shino walked by him, swiftly sweeping Kiba's feet out from under him with his own leg. "Be quiet. Unless you want to get swarmed by teams looking for scrolls?" A vein grew on top of Kiba's forehead to the left, but instead of losing it like I was expected, he got up, glared at Shino and turned to Hinata and I. "Are you two okay with this? The scroll gathering plan"  Hinata and I shared a glance before both dipping our heads down and up. 


My lips fell downwards, into a frown. Great, more deah, pain, and suffering. "Sounds like someone else fell into another trap." I muttered, causing Kiba to shake his head. "No... It's too far away... It sounds familiar." Akamaru barked to Kiba, still in Hinata's comforting arms. Kiba's eyes widen with shock of the news. "What!? No way.."   My face twisted into concern. It wasn't Shikamaru or Choji, right? It couldn't have been. Those two have Ino on their team, she'll keep them whipped in shape... Although... If those two ran into Gaara... 

Kiba faced us. "Akamaru said it sounded like Sasuke." My concerns eased at this, but a gasp slipped out at the thought of Sasuke screaming. "Really!?" Sasuke's pretty strong, to be letting out a scream like that must mean something bad, very bad. Akamaru yipped to us, as if saying, ''It was definitely Sasuke.''

"Should we-e go look for-r them? Naruto is on h-his team." Hinata asked, looking like Akamaru was comforting her rather than the other way around. "No. Sasuke is strong, if that was him it would be wise to stay away." Shino stuck his hands in his pockets when he finished answering Hinata. Poor Hinata. She must be so worried about Naruto. I walked next her and whispered, "Don't worry about Naruto, I bet he;s saving Sasuke's ass as we speak." Hinata gave me a small smile, but the worry on her face was still evident. "T-thanks Kisha." 

'Liar.' My conscious sang loud and clear. There's no way Naruto could help Sasuke if Sasuke couldn't save himself... I didn't answer Hinata's thanks, trying to stay focus on ourselves. I turned back to Shino. "So what's our next move?" Shino started to answer when Kiba jumped infront of him. "HEY! I'M THE LEADER HERE!"  I sighed. Here we go.





Shino tripped Kiba which once again had him lying on his back in pain. "Be quiet, enemies will hear you. " The fact Shino's voice was still mono-tone made me snicker. To harm someone and be so normal about it... That's Shino for you. Kiba groaned as he stood up. "Ki-iba are you o-okay!?" Hinata asked, Akamaru jumping from her arms to his master. Kiba sighing, barely nodding as Akamaru whined at him.

I looked up at the sky. It's was getting dark and we still haven't found a spot to rest or get food. "Kiba?" He looked at me with a question mark above his head. "It's getting dark, we need to eat and find a safe spot." Kiba's eyes ran up to the sky, then back down to all of us. "Got it... Uhh.." Shino pointed northeast. "That way is the river, if we head there we can get fish and set up camp near by."  Kiba balled up his fist and shook it at Shino, red anger flashing on his face. "Stop acting like the leader, damn it!"

Shino looked down at him. "I had my insects scope the area while you were searching the bags for the scroll. To the northeast is the river. When we get there we can set traps around our camp. Did you think of any of this?" Kiba didn't reply, turning his head away. "Sounds good, you lead the way, Shino." Shino nodded, ready to move on when Kiba jumped towards me, pointing to Shino. "Whoa! Why does he get to lead the way??" A dull expression took hold as I stared at him. "Because Shino knows where to go, Kiba." Kiba's face went blank. "Oh yeah." "You idiot." "Ah, you love it." "Shut up please." 

Shino hopped up on a branch, breaking our chat. "Let's go." 


We stopped at the edge of the river. Kiba and Shino were speaking to each other, without Kiba's arguments leaking in the conversation. "Shino. You, I, and Akamaru will go set the traps. Even if you're not finished, be back here in twenty minutes." "Understood." Shino hopped off to go set the traps. Kiba looked to Hinata and I. " You two can catch some fish and fill our canteens with water. Be wary of enemies." 

Hinata nodded. "Y-yes." I walked over to the river and crouched down, trying to see if there was any fish in here at all. Several of the scaly serpents swam past. My knees bent straight up, letting me stand and turn to the obnoxious boy. "We'll try our best... Be safe, okay?"

Kiba smiled. "When am I not? You guys be safe too." His tone was soft during the last sentence. In a second he and Akamaru ran off to join Shino in setting the traps. I looked over to Hinata. "Let's get this over with, I need you to use Byakugan to spot them and tell me where they are."  She stepped up to the river. "Ri-right!"



I sighed as we hopped tree from tree. Turns out camp fire can attract really big animals... We should have seen that coming. The sun was inching it's way lower at a snail like pace, signaling the first day to be over soon. Kiba stopped on a branch, making me stop next to him as well as our team mates. "Hinata can you take a look in that direction?" He pointed to the left of us. "Th-there seems to be people fighting..." Hinata shyly answered. Shino pressed his ear against a tree. "I sense that there are six." Kiba grinned. "Let's go check it out! "

I smacked his head. "Are you that stupid!?" He stepped away, rubbing his head of his pain. "Kisha is correct, Kiba. We shouldn't get involved in another's fight." Shino said, stepping away from the tree. "I also agree.." Hinata spoke worriedly, as if we would get involved in this. I swear she worries too much. However, given we are in the Forest of Death, I can't say I blame her.

"If it looks bad then we leave! But first we'll watch and hang low."  Kiba hopped to the branch in front of us. "What makes this a good idea in your head?" I asked, hopping right next to him again. "When both teams fight, one will die, the other will be injured from battle. It's like throwing away a free scroll if we do nothing!" He answered, the cocky smile hanging off his features. "Alright." I sighed out, following along.

...I don't feel good about this one...

My face twisted into concern as I continued to follow my team. The aura here feels too familiar... Something's not right.

After jumping a bit, we hid in a bush. I didn't get to see the faces of the ones we were watching right away due to Akamaru starting to whimper. "He's shaking? What's wrong with him?" I whispered to Kiba. Kiba's eyes didn't leave Akamaru as he answered me, strong worry filling them. "Akamaru can smell enemy chakra and sense their strength, for him to start shaking... The guy fighting in front of us is not your average guy."

I peeked through the bushes. And who are we watching-

My eyes peeled open.

We need to leave.

I could feel my heart beat faster and panic race through me. I grabbed Kiba's arm, my eyes never leaving the scene in front of me. "Kiba... We have to leave." My entire team's eyes on me. "What do you mean?My grip tighten. "If that guy sees us we'll be killed."  My voice started getting shaky. I could feel someone grab my shoulders and face me to them. My eyes met the sharp eyes of Kiba. "Hey calm down! We can't leave now. If we do we'll be seen... Stay calm, please.."

My head nodded stiffly, his words didn't have much of an effect but I have to try for my team. I looked up, everyone's attention went back to the deadly fight that I knew was about to occur. Kiba kept his hand around my wrist, not tightly, more calmly. For the real purpose escaped my mind. Why'd he hold on to me? To comfort me? Keep me calm? Maybe he was just as scared or worried? I don't know.

Gaara... I closed my eyes. 

Gaara was here... And no doubt about to kill..... And my team is witnessing it... Like I have so many times in the past... I don't want to see it again... I hate the death he brings. So violent and undeserving. I hate it.

I opened my eyes and looked at my team mates. Horror and amazement etched on their faces. Reluctantly, I looked at Gaara and the full scene ahead. Sand consumed a man and held him midair. Gaara raised his hand slowly. Oh no. 

I whimpered and buried my face into Kiba's jacket. Kiba didn't move as I'm sure he's in shock just as I was the first time I saw Gaara kill someone. 


"GAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I tightened my grip at the sounds of screams, trying to hide the weak tears the built around my eyes. "H-here take the scroll, leave us be!!"  I know what happens next... I refuse to look at it. I won't see it again. Not again.

"Bye bye!" The femine voice of Temari drifted to my ears right before the screams rang out. "No-NO! PLEASE!! AHHHH!!! GGAAAHHHHHH-" The men's screaming sent violent chills down my back.... I felt Kiba grab me to my feet but I couldn't move. Those people died. They're dead. They'll never see their family. They don't exist anymore. Gone.

They're dead.

I tried moving but I couldn't feel anything. I can't move. My mind is screaming at me to run, yet nothing's listening.

...I don't want to die...

***Kiba's POV***

Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. This guy is freaking insane! I tried pulling Akisha up to her feet but she wouldn't budge. She was frozen. A scared look clung to her face with tears clutching at the edge of her eyelids. We don't have time for this. Quickly, I grabbed her in my arms and carried her away from here. We needed to go now, or else we'd be seen. And to be seen by those people... Not a good idea.

Hinata seemed terrified too but was leaping away from here at an incredible speed instead of being frozen like Akisha. Man... Even Shino seems scared. After wide range of distance from that monster, we stopped. I set Akisha down to look at, making sure she was alright. She looked to be asleep, must have passed out from fear. I sighed. "That was really close..."

Hinata quickly stepped to Ki's side and crouched down, examining her. "W-will she b-be okay!?" A nervous smile spread across my face. "Yeah, I think so.."

I hope so.

"Hinata, which way is the tower?" My voice was sturdy, back to the point. Never mind the extra scrolls, we have the one we need, we should go. She pointed north. "Okay!" I picked up Akisha, knowing she won't be moving on her own. "Would you rather I carry her and you lead?" Shino asked, making me move back with her in my arms. "Hell no!" Hinata and Shino stared at me peculiarly. My mouth fell only a little. "I-Uh-I mean... I have her..." Shino stared at me before turning off. "Then I'll lead."

I looked back down at Akisha. Her normal bright eyes tightly shut. Hopefully she'll wake up when we reach the tower.



Sorry for the wait!! ^-^ 

So far Kiba is winning the votes for who should be with Akisha!?

Plus this chapter probably made people think that even more XD But continue your votes!


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