By xoxobunnyxx

1.1K 49 19

~Wherever you are, wherever you go, may your Guardian Angel always be with you.~ For Sam and Dean Winchester... More

Leaving Bruises
Take a Sad Song and Make it Better
"I'd probably kiss you"
Shot Through the Heart
My Weakness I Feel I Must Finally Show
Surreal Late-Night Drives
Missed Memories
For the Greater Ghost
So Now It's Official?
Reunions and a Side of Confessions
Simply Fragile
Man Down. I Repeat, Man Down.
Too Good To Be True
Dead Winchester Walking
A Change Of Heart?
Time Passing
Don't Let It Make You Cry
Who Wants To Live Forever?

Town Of Ash Trees

10 1 0
By xoxobunnyxx


"Way too common."


"That doesn't sound right."


"Are you serious?"

"Sorry. What about Mia?"

"I like the 'M'."


"No." Dakota sighed loudly and flopped her head against the desk. Choosing a baby's name was harder than she thought. Sam rubbed her back soothingly, and said, "Don't give up hope, doll. We'll think of a name." 

"I'm twenty-four weeks pregnant, Sam. Why is this so difficult?" Dakota crumpled up the paper full of crossed-out names and threw it across the room into a nearby trashcan. She heard Sam stand behind her and leave the room. "Water, please," Dakota said over her shoulder, and he grunted an okay. 

Dakota's head rose from the table, and her face beamed. Finally, she knew the perfect name. As Sam reentered the room, he heard his girlfriend laugh. He sat next to her, a confused smile on his face. 

"Dakota, what is it?" he pushed his chocolate brown locks away from his face. 

Smiling, she looked at Sam. "I know what to name her."

Sam leaned closer to her. "Really? What is it?"

Dakota set down the glass of water. "Mary." 

The brunette's smile widened, and a chuckle escaped his lips. "It's perfect, Dakota," he kissed her forehead. Sam leaned down to Dakota's swollen stomach and kissed it lightly. "Hi there, Mary. I'm your dad; my name is Sam." 

Dakota giggled and kissed Sam's hair. There was a knock on the doorframe, and the couple looked to see Dodger standing there with a soft smile. Dakota motioned for her to come inside, and she sat across from Sam and Dakota. 

"Good morning," Dodger stretched. 

Sam looked at the ex-angel for a moment before smirking. "Is that...Is that Dean's shirt?"

Dodger looked down at the charcoal grey AC/DC t-shirt with rosy cheeks. She looked back up and nodded sheepishly. Dakota gushed while Sam quirked an eyebrow. "Did he give it to you? Or did you take it?" the moose of a man asked slyly. 

"I woke up this morning to see he wasn't beside me. I heard the shower running, and figured that's where Dean was. I saw the t-shirt lying next to a pair of pants, and I grabbed it," she said. 

Sam erupted into laughter, his head falling back. Dakota playfully smacked her boyfriend's arm before looking at Dodger. "You do realize he's going to come looking for it eventually, right?" Dakota grinned. 

As if on cue, a shirtless Dean Winchester sauntered into the room. Dodger bit her lip as her face turned red and hid her head in her arms. The silver-haired hunter heard Sam snicker and footsteps get closer to her side. Meekly, Dodger met bright green eyes looking her up and down. 

"So that's where my shirt went," Dean jeered. Dodger nodded, her face burning with a blush. "Am I getting it back?"

Dodger shook her head no and giggled. "Alright then," Dean snaked his arms around her waist. "I'll have to get it myself." 

In one swift movement, Dean swopped her out of the seat and into his arms bridal style. Dodger squealed and buried her face into her hands. Dean laughed before pressing a kiss to her forehead and walking out. Sam heard Dean's voice whisper something and chuckle. 

"Dean!" Dodger shouted, embarrassment dripping from her yelp. 

Sam and Dakota laughed as the footsteps faded. Sam recognized Nova's chuckle echoing down the hall and into the vault where the couple sat. "Did you two figure out a name yet?" 

"Mary," Dakota replied. 

Nova's face softened, and she smiled. "I love it." 

Dakota and Sam shared a loving glance. "Where did you get Ashton's name?" Dakota asked.

"Well," Nova sat across from her. "When I was pregnant with him, I was working a demon case in the spring. The demon was an arsonist and burnt down a building...a lot of buildings. By the time I killed the man, he'd taken out half the town and a quarter of the town's park. That was the last case I worked before I gave birth. Ashton means the town of ash trees, ironically. So, I thought Ashton was fitting because, to me, my baby boy symbolizes the new chapter of my life that I'm still living today."

"Wow," The couple said in unison, earning a chuckle from Nova.

"That's beautiful, Nova," Dakota reached her hand over the strawberry blonde's hand. 

Nova took her hand and smiled. Sam stood and kissed his sister's head. However, this content silence was short-lived. 

"Ashton, get back here and put some pants on!" Gabriel's voice whined from another floor. 

"Never!" A little voice giggled. 

Nova rolled her eyes and laughed before standing to find her son. She didn't have to look long. Ashton ran through the vault in only his underwear, laughing uncontrollably. Nova scooped the curly-haired boy into her arms, and he squealed as his mother blew raspberries onto his bare stomach. Gabriel jogged in, a pair of pants in his hand. He looked up at his family and grinned. 

"What are you doing with no pants on, mister?" Nova chuckled. 

"Uncle Dean said I don't have to wear them," Ashton said. 

"Is that so?" the Winchester quirked an eyebrow. "And why's that?"

"Because sometimes you just gotta run free," the boy said matter-of-factly.

Sam snorted before doubling over in laughter. Dakota exploded into fits of giggles while Gabriel howled with laughter. Nova let out a long breath as a chuckle escaped her lips. "Oh, he's going to pay for this later," she whispered. 

Ashton smiled before kissing his mother's cheek. Nova looked down at her son and kissed his nose, earning a giggle from the boy. Chuckling, Gabriel hugged Nova and placed his lips on hers.

"Ew, mommy, and daddy are smooshing their faces together again!" Ashton gagged. 

Nova and Gabriel broke apart snorting. Dakota's laugh doubled in volume, and Sam nearly fell off his chair. "Oh my god," Sam howled. 

Dean entered the room with messy hair; his face scrunched up in confusion. Dodger peeked over his shoulder, and everyone looked at the couple before bursting into fits of laughter again. Dean saw Ashton without pants and chuckled. "I see you took my advice," the hunter smirked as he walked toward him.

The little boy nodded proudly. Dodger followed Dean, looking even more confused. "What advice?" she quipped. 

"Sometimes, you just gotta keep it all free, ya know?" Dean winked at his girl. 

Dodger's face turned bright red, and she swatted Dean's shoulder. "Dean!" she yelped. 

"That's my name," the sandy-brown haired man cooed, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Don't overuse it." 

Dodger gave him an unamused look and pursed her lips. Dean chuckled into the kiss he placed on her lips. Ashton gagged once again. "Now Uncle Dean and Auntie Dodger are smooshing their faces together! Ick!"

"You'll do it too one day, Ash," Dean looked over his shoulder before returning his attention to Dodger. "When you find someone you love." 

"Sap!" Gabriel taunted. 

"So what? I can be a sap for my beautiful girl if I want to," Dean pecked her lips. 

"Oh, I'm yours now, am I?" Dodger chuckled. 

A smirk fell over Dean's pink lips. "That's what you told me."

Dodger hid her face in her hands as the room exploded into laughter once again. "You're such a jerk," Dodger whined. 

"But you love me, don't ya?" 

"If that's what you think," Dodger mocked. 

Dean got a look of fake horror before laughing slowly in his memorizing husky voice. Dodger rolled her eyes. "Of course I love you," she said. "But sometimes, you know how to get on my nerves." 

"It's my job, babe." 

Dodger smiled. But her face quickly fell at the sound of a scream. Dean sprinted down the hall, Sam at his heels. Adrenaline pumping, they kicked open Boston's door to see tears falling from her forget me not blue eyes. Dean ran over to her. "Boston, what's wrong?" 

"I can't believe it," she whispered. 

"Believe what?" Sam stood beside his brother.

"I'm going to be a dad!" Castiel cheered. 

"What?" Dean raised his eyebrows. 

Boston nodded, revealing the pregnancy test in her hands. Castiel hugged Boston from behind and kissed her cheek. The brothers looked at it with shocked faces before they smiled nobly. 

"What in the devil's name is going on in here?" Bobby walked into the room, scratching his head. 

Boston looked at her father with the broadest smile he'd ever seen on her face. She walked over to Bobby and handed him the pregnancy test. He gazed down and his face lit up with delight. "I'm gonna be a grandpa," he chuckled. "I'm gonna be a grandpa!" he hugged Castiel and Boston. 

"Did you see this, boys?" Bobby held the test up. Sam and Dean nodded, both of them extremely happy for Bobby and their friends. Only then did Dean notice the rings on Boston and Castiel's hands. 

Boston made eye contact with Dean and smiled. The oldest Winchester nodded toward her hand and she chuckled. "Cas and I signed a marriage paper a couple of months ago. We were going to tell you but we decided to wait a while. I guess now is better than never." 

"I'm proud of you, Cas," Dean clapped a hand on his friend's shoulder. 

"Thank you, Dean." The angel beamed. "I've finally found it."

"Found what?"

The angel wrapped his arms around Boston's shoulders. "My purpose." 

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