Closing Time

By SydCarv

148K 10.3K 2.3K

The entrance of a stranger into her bar brings Ryleigh a flood of problem- Demons, Angels, Hunters... and an... More

50. (End of Part 1)
Part 1 - Epilogue
51. (Part 2)
69. (End)
Sneak Peek
Epilogue II - Unwanted Flashbacks
Extra Content: Q&A Call!


2.1K 147 28
By SydCarv

Trace froze right in front of me. There was a flash of pink once again amidst an aura that had been edged with red since the night began. "What?"

I shifted back a bit. His hand stayed on my waist and mine on his chest. His heartbeat started to slow. "Do you... not want this?" I asked again. My stomach twisted with worry. I don't know what I wanted to hear. "Should I... leave?"

"What?" Trace repeated, slightly dumbfounded. "What do you mean?"

"I mean..." my eyes flickered over him again. His aura unsettled me. What was that red? "You... don't seem like you're into it."

Trace cocked his head. His hand tightened on my waist. "Why?"

I shrugged. "You just... don't." I tried to keep my eyes on his face. His aura was really moving. "The way you acted in the hall, the look on your face now."

Trace scoffed. He turned his head to the side as he did. "That's not true. There's nothing on my face."

My fingers curled against his chest. Was that a lie? Was I really not seeing anything? "Is it me?" I blurted out the question that had swirled in my gut, but I didn't want to say. That one ends relationships.

And as I saw Trace's eyes widen at that, I felt my stomach sink further. This will be over pretty soon. Still not my shortest relationship, but this will hit hard. I'd been pretty into him.

Trace grabbed my shoulder. He leaned in with his green eyes wide open. "Ryleigh, it's nothing like that." I could hear the desperation in his voice. "I've been thinking about you for the last week. I've been waiting for this! I like you. I like you a lot, and... I'll be honest." He gave a tiny smile. "I'm a bit nervous. It's been a while, and I... I don't want to mess this up."

I cocked my head to look over his aura once more. His hands tightened on my shoulders. He leaned in, his green eyes begged me to understand him. "I'm serious, Ryleigh. I like you. I like you so much it... it scares me. It almost feels not right."

"Not... right?" He had me in his grip. I could feel his desperation. It was the only thing kept me from pulling away "Did I do something?"

Trace looked me over in silence for a few moments. He let out a soft laugh. "No... No, you didn't." The red tinges around his aura vanished, the yellows and pinks fading away into a plain blue aura. "It's not you, it's me."

I frowned up. My hand moved to grab the wrist of the hand still on my waist. "That sounds like a breakup line."

"It's not." He shrugged, now seemingly relaxed. "It's a shitty explanation for my idiocy." My eyes flickered to his lips as he leaned in. "I'm sorry... give me another chance."

My body tingled again. But my hand tightened on his wrist. He understood immediately and stopped inches from my lips. "Are you..." I spoke up hesitantly, my voice a soft whisper. "Are you sure you want to do this... with me?"

Trace chuckled softly. "Who else?" He whispered. His lips brushing against mine with those words right before he kissed me again.

His lips were soft, his body warm, his hands strong. It was better this time. No hesitation on his side, no confusion on my side. We picked up right where we left off with the heat building as the unending need in my body took over. Trace lips whispered against my skin as my fingers slid down his taut torso. I loved it. His scent, his feel, his body. I wanted more.

I whipped my shirt off, the short pause made Trace's lips move to my neck. His hands slid under my butt me to drop my back on the sofa. I gasped in pain as the remote dug into my spine. The TV's light flickered. It moved onto a very loud teleshopping channel where a cheery seller grinned at us.


My mind was too muddled for this to click. Trace and I were breathing heavy as both our eyes turned back to each other. "Well..." I spoke up breathily. "Do you?"

Trace frowned. His hand moved down my waist to rest under my thigh as he shift-oh. "Does it seem like it?"

"No." My lips twitched upwards. He struggled to maintain his frown too.

I finally turned away from him as I burst into laughter. I could feel him shake over me too. He had his eyes closed with a reluctant smile on his face. "Dammit. Should've taken this to the bedroom."

"Y-Yes." I snickered, a hand on my lips as I tried to stop my laughter. "Can we go now?" My eyes flickered to the TV. The still grinning anchor incited a fresh set of laughter in me. My eyes were screwed shut as I failed to contain the laughter, my stomach started to hurt.

I could hear Trace laughing too. After a while, he grabbed the remote from under me and turned the TV off. There was an exasperated look on his face as I continued giggling. "Are you done yet?"

"I'm trying." I replied. Still on my back as I reached up to run my fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry."

"No big deal." Trace shrugged. He leaned back a bit. "It's an important question."

I felt a bubble of laughter form in my throat. "Stop!" I hissed. My hand hit his chest. "My stomach hurts!"

Trace chuckled at my protests. He sat up and watched me follow reluctantly. "Come on. I know how you can get rid of that."

"Hmmm..." I leaned in, my nose at the level of his chin, one leg wrapped around his waist the other trailed the floor. "And how is that?"

He grabbed my chin, his fingers pushed up my cheeks. "With some peace and quiet, and no more annoying salesmen, in my bedroom."

"It doesn't sound like I'll get a lot of peace and quiet in there." I mumbled through my squished cheeks.

Trace gave my lips a quick peck. He pulled his hand back and got to his feet. "Come on. Let's get you some 'peace and quiet'."

I stood up with a huff and reached up to squish his cheeks together. "If you're really going to give me 'peace and quiet', I'm going to start questioning you again."

Trace sighed. He rolled his eyes before he grabbed my waist. My world twisted with a simple move before he pulled me to him, my back to his front. A sharp jolt of electricity shot straight down south as lips brushed my ear. "Does this..." His hand on my waist pulled me close-oh. "... feel like you're going to get any peace and quiet?"

"No." I replied curtly. My hand found his. I tugged him towards the bedroom. Trace chuckled behind me as we walked away. The hands on my hips pulled me closer once more as we crossed his bedroom door.

He had me on the edge with his kisses. My back hit the bed and from then it was just bliss. My hands in his hair, his hands on my skin, nails dug in, lips on pulses, whispered moans and cried names.

My fingers dug into his back as my body shook under his. Trace's lips pressed to mine with a roughness till my lungs burned for air as my body went weak. He whispered my name and then me to him as he shook as well. Exhaling harshly, he pulled away before he fell to the bed beside me. My legs were still shaking, my body burned with exhaustion in the best way possible. I pushed my hands above my head to stretche leisurely before I turned to Trace.

His eyes flickered over my body as I turned to lie on my side. My elbow held up my head as I stared down at him. My lips felt slightly swollen, but I felt great. I gave him a deep kiss before I shifted closer to him. He wrapped his arm around me and pressed his nose against my neck. I liked the colour of the aura surrounding me right now. Light blue like the sky, soft flashes of green and yellow in up my vision.

Trace's fingers slid over my belly. They wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer. He hummed against my skin, the sound vibrated through my body. "Was that the 'peace and quiet' enough?"

I chuckled softly, my nose to his hair. "I'm not sure you could classify it like that but my stomach doesn't hurt from laughing anymore."

I could feel his lips turn up against my skin. "That was some great timing."

"You're telling me." I smiled too. "I'll never forget it."

"Yeah." He turned his head up to press his lips to my chin. "You're beautiful." He mumbled, green eyes hooded. There was a soft flash of pink in the corner of my eye. I ignored it as I kissed Trace instead.

He passed out shortly after. I sighed to myself in the dark as I stared at the unpacked box on the floor. If this is how empty most of my nights are going to be, it would get boring real quick

I closed my eyes in an attempt to fall asleep, but I was still fully aware of my surrounding. I think I went into some kind of state of meditation, mind blank, eyes closed, breaths slow and everything just felt peaceful. I don't know how long passed like that before my concentration broke as Trace shifted. My eyes cracked open as he shifted to the edge of the bed and sat up. As I pulled myself out of the state I'd been in, his aura started coming into focus again.

Trace twisted as he heard my breathing change. His aura turned a pleasant blue as it became visible in its full form. He smiled down at me, green eyes glowing slightly in the dark. "Did I wake you?"

"No." I shifted in bed. The sheets sliding down my chest as I raised my hands above my head to stretch. "I couldn't sleep."

He raised an eyebrow, eyes moved over my form. "Why?"

I shrugged. "I suffer from mild insomnia." A lie. But that's what I'll have to stick with.

"Damn. I never knew."

"I don't like to talk about it." I shrugged. "Going to get water?"

"Nah. Bathroom."

"Alright, I'll get some water for myself then." Trace was able to pick up his shorts from the floor and shuffle over to the other door in the room. I waited for the door to close before I went to the living room. I found his shirt I'd thrown on the floor and tugged it on. Trace took the glass of water as I walked back into the room a while later. He greedily gulping it down and only gasped for air once the glass was empty.

Some drops of water slid down his Adam's apple. They still on his chest as he lay down beside me. I shifted on to my stomach, my chin in my hands as he looked me over with sleep in his eyes. "Thanks."

"No problem."

"Are you going to be able to sleep now?"

I shrugged. "Who knows?"

He nodded slowly, eyes on my chest. "So, now what?"

I leaned forward. "Time for some more 'peace and quiet'."

A smirk danced on his lips. He reached up to cup my cheek and pulled me to him without another word. I closed my eyes and smiled as I felt his lips against mine.

Happiness bubbled up within me. It had been a while since I'd had someone this important to me in my life. I hadn't really dated anyone ever for quite a while. The company, the warmth, the knowledge of having someone outside work who cares for me as well was just something else. Someone who actually thinks my existence is worth a damn. Someone who actually knows I'm worth a damn.

I was awake through the rest of the night... not that there was that much left of it. But I watched the ceiling, and eventually moved onto the tiny balcony that led out from the living room. I had to be at work early. And as the sun rose and my usual alarm rang, Trace still wasn't up.

I decided to help myself to his kitchen. Made a quick breakfast for myself and placed his in the oven with a note on the door.

"Ryleigh?" I heard a sleepy voice as I tugged on my shoes. Surprise crossed through me, I looked up as a shirtless, bleary-eyed Trace walked into the living room. "You're leaving already?" He mumbled behind a yawn.

I was slightly distracted by his bed head. "Uh... yeah. Need to be there early. Halloween decorations have to be put up." That's a sexy look on him. If I wasn't leaving, I'd drag him right back to the bed.

"This is very early though." He glanced at the clock. "Highly early."

I shrugged and tugged on my other shoe. "I figured I'd head home, change and head there, actually." Trace leaned down willingly for a quick peck as I walked past him to the kitchen for a glass of water.

"Stay for breakfast atleast." He yawned again as he followed me in. "I could make you... oh."

I smiled to myself, knowing he'd spotted the note on the microwave. Turning around, I leaned against the counter and sipped slowly. "Yup. It's an egg sandwich."

He smiled. "I love egg sandwiches." There was a bright flash of yellow as he said that. I think he genuinely likes it.

Trace walked over to me. His hands on the counter beside me as he pouted. "Don't leave yet."

"I have to. I have work." I gestured to his apartment. "And here is your work as well."

"Wish you were my work." He mumbled and leaned in for a kiss.

I placed the glass back on the counter. My lips pressed against his and my eyes fell shut. I tasted mint as he deepened the kiss. It confused me enough to have me pull away. "Did you brush?"

Trace smiled sheepishly. "I had a mint. I have a horrible morning breath."

I laughed. My hands on his waist pulled him in again. "Thanks for the consideration."

I loved the smile he had as I kissed him again. Unfortunately, I had to keep it short or we'd find ourselves looking for some 'peace and quiet' again.

We were breathing hard as we pulled away. Trace licked his lips, the hand on my waist tightened slightly. "Stay for a bit."

"Hmm..." I teased him a bit. My lips hovered just by his. "I have to go."

"You should stay."

"Definitely." A wry smile form on my face. "Because you're going to do my job for me now, right?"

Trace frowned. "No, but... there are a few benefits to you staying here."

I rolled my eyes. "And you can tell me all about it..." My phone buzzed. "Later. I think my cab's here."

Trace mumbled some curses under his breath as I pushed him aside to head to the door. We exchanged another quick kiss before I left.

I settled into the cab as it started to move. What a night. It had almost gone all to the dumps because I'd read Trace wrong. I don't know how genuine the aura colours were at portraying emotions, but Trace had had a lot of them last night up until he'd kissed me the second time. I forgot to put my phone to charge last night so I couldn't look it up right now. I'm getting tired of pushing it back. I have to do it tonight when I get home. Not knowing what I'm seeing is exhausting. I can't just be shoving my arm into other's aura and hope what I'm feeling is right.

Onoda greeted me at the door, I waved to the daytime receptionist as I headed upstairs. I didn't have a lot of time to change and leave. However, I made it to the restaurant just in the nick of time. Dottie threw me a surprised look as she took down a customer's order. I'm sure that was because she didn't expect me to show up early. She did know what my last night's plans were.

I hurried into the storeroom after I dropped my bag behind the counter. I heard footsteps and Dottie poked her head in through the door. "Hey, don't take out those ghost lights we have. I got a replacement."

I paused with the step ladder in my hand. "But you guys bought those last year..."

"We can use them next year. Miranda DIY'ed some cute stuff."

I pouted at that. "I like those ghost lights. They look cute on the counter."

Dottie narrowed her eyes at me. "I got those here because Miranda told me to. You're putting them on the bar."

I pouted a bit more, a sulking tone in my voice as I turned my back to her. "Fine." Her daughter was more bossy than her.

Whatever. It just meant one less dusty box to unpack.

It was another compensation that Miranda had sent over some of her homemade chocolates along with the ghosts. They were rather cute. Seems like she'd made them by spraying paper napkins with hairspray so they stiffened up. Man, kids are so creative. What was I doing when I was 13?

The green slime mats went on all the bar shelves. They glowed in the dark but had dulled a bit over the years. I'll ask Sasha to get some glow-in-the-dark fluorescent paint next time he went out.

All the old photos and paintings on the wall were replaced with doctored, creepy versions. There were a few wall stickers of creepy eyes and spiders that were put up. We had small ghost shakers for salt and pepper that Dottie told me she found at a thrift store. During lunch, we all sat down and figured out what else could be refreshed or added. Miranda's handmade ghosts sat on my counter. Sasha was going to start with some some Halloween-themed recipes while Dottie was more excited about she wanted us to wear on D-day.

I was pretty zoned out while I listened to all of this. I know I had a duty to create Halloween-themed spooky drinks too, but those were easy. And considering the fact that I can't sleep anymore, I had a lot of time on my hand to make them. Maybe I could test these out on my after-midnight patrons today.

"... demon-themed."

My ears perked up. I turned to Dottie with confusion on my face. "Demon-themed?"

"Yes." She clapped her hands, clear excitement on her face. "We can wear horns, and tails, and latex. Ooh! And I have this great idea for tridents th-"

"Why demons?" I cut her off. "What's so special about them?"

"They're scary." Dottie shrugged. Determination to dress me up as a demon shone in her eyes. "And we need to be scary."

"Yeah, but..." I shrugged uncomfortably. "Latex... and tails... Don't you think that might invite creeps?"

"Creeps are a good part of this place's income." Sasha sighed as he met my eyes. "Don't worry about them. I'll take care of it."

"I trust you too." I patted his massive chest. "But I don't want to dress up as a demon."

"Why?" Sasha got there before Dottie could. "We did witches last year. You were still a temp then."

"We can do witches again." I was wasted that night. "I liked what I wore then." I didn't remember what I wore back then. "That was fun."

"Yeah, it was." Sasha nodded and tapped my forehead. "But we have to change it up. We don't do the same theme twice ever."

"Is that right..." I mumbled to myself. Lou is going to have a laugh. "Fine. We'll do it... wait, did you say latex?"

There was no way to make Dottie back off of her idea. I knew that not only the time I'd been working here, but also through the solid blue her aura turned when I tried to make her change her mind. We're sticking to this. I'll have to find some full black lenses. In for a penny, in for a pound. Might as well look completely like Lou while I'm at it. Maybe Trace will like the way I look in latex.

We finished up the rest of the decorations during the lull after the lunch hour. Black streamers, fake spiders, septic-looking eyeballs, more wall stickers and fake plastic pumpkins. Dottie said she'd get the real deal a few days before the actual Halloween celebrations.

The tissue ghosts on my counter got constantly knocked over as I moved around. It would take a few to get used to it. Dottie, like the pro she was, had no problem getting used to all of it. I waved those two goodbye at 10 as usual, stretching behind the counter a bit to wake myself up. Boring shift as usual.

I tapped the bar idly as it got late. There was still a few minutes till midnight. Lou was a no-show, which meant Mike was a no-show. But the night outside my door darkened as usual. A tired sigh escaped me. Lou was determined to keep me here with or without him.

But much to my surprise, demons started to come in. There was a smattering of angels here and there too, but I had a crowd. Barely two days after the shooting I had people, outwardly speaking that is, in my bar. The Halloween drinks I'd chalked up to try out on the bar's chalkboard were mostly a hit.

Angels on my right, demons on my left. Not a lot of them, but they were still here. Laughing, drinking, exchanging glares— they were here. But... Lou and Mike weren't. I hated to admit it but it was kind of lonely without them.

Two hours seemed to crawl by, a rarity when the two stooges were here to entertain me and mess with my body's temperature. By the time the darkness lifted outside my door, there was only one group of three demons left in a booth. They stood up after a glance outside, and walked over to the register to pay the bill.

"Nice drinks tonight, Ryleigh." The lady walking up to the bar grinned. "Will these be around for the rest of month?"

I nodded. "Yeah, definitely. I'll be switching out a few here and there to test their popularity— but they'll be here."

"Ah, right. Halloween." She held out her card to me as her friends waited by the door. "Any plans?" She licked her lips and leaned in a bit. "You can party with us, if you want."

I could hear the sexual promise in that voice. I just gave her a simple smile and took the card from her fingers. "That sounds great, but I have to be here. This place stays open pretty late to humans on festivals like that."

She raised an eyebrow. "So no entry for demons?"

I shrugged apologetically and swiped the card. "Sorry. It's a big earner for all of us working here. The waitress and the cook stay back all night too."

"Aww." She sounded genuinely sad, her dark eyes turned towards her friends. "We were planning to come here." She turned to the side, raising her voice a bit. "Change of plan, guys! Ryleigh's is off the table for Halloween."

"What?" A male demon from their group turned towards me. "Why?" He continued before I could respond. "Come on, Ryleigh! Even with the feathers around these days, we all love this place. Can we come?" He gave me a lopsided grin. "Pretty please?" He did look cute with that grin.

I shook my head, a smile on my face as I returned the card to the female demon in front of me. "No can do, guys. It's a big tips night for everyone working here. I can hog you guys at night, but the others need the cash as well."

"Then..." He cocked his head. "We can join the humans?"

I couldn't help the worry that crossed my face. "Will that be... okay for you guys?"

"Why wouldn't it?" The female demon narrowed her eyes, slightly offended. "We've lived among humans far longer than you've been alive."

"Hey, hey..." I raised my hands and backed away from the register as I saw some black trickle into her eyeball. "I'm just asking. It's all cool. You guys can come here whenever as long as no one makes a scene."

"Of course, we won't make a scene." The male demon snickered. He didn't seem to have taken offense. "That's the night we can hang loose." A chill formed in the air, not as strong as Lou's as his eyes shifted to their true form. Sharp teeth were visible in his smirk, almost complimenting his pale skin and predator-like features. "It's fun."

I shrugged again, hands still up. "Come over. I have to dress up as a demon that night too."

The girl raised an eyebrow as she turned away. "That should be interesting. Let me guess. Horns and a tail?"

"Yeah. I'm planning to find some sclera lens to full look the part though."

"Aww." She turned back around to face me, colour rose in her cheeks. "Really? That's so sweet!"

"Uh, no problem." I started to drop my hands. "I do have the real deal around me everyday."

"Good one." The male demon winked as he reached for the doorknob. "See you tomorrow, Ryleigh."

"Uh, yeah." I paused as I heard the door ring. "Wait, I've got to..." And they're gone.

I forgot to ask them about Lou. If he wasn't going to come anymore, there's nothing keeping me at this bar. I could go home. Have a bit of a normal life. Maybe even get to go to Trace's again. But all that's left to do here is clean up and stack the chairs... as usual.

I took the walk back home as I read the texts Trace had sent me through the day. I did miss him a bit. Maybe we can meet up tomorrow after I'm done again.

Onoda gave me his usual hat tip. The receptionist gave me her usual disinterested look. My reflection in the lift gave me a once-over. I looked good today. Maybe I would even look good in latex.

The lift dinged open and I pushed myself off the wall. I felt a bit fatigued. My body isn't used to being up continuously. I might not able to sleep, but if my physical body can't keep up, we're going to have a prob...

I paused outside my door. A chill ran up my spine. It wasn't cold or anything, it was just...

I pushed the door open, a familiar name in my mind and an exasperated tone in my voice as I spotted the figure on my couch with the lights off. "What the fuck are you doing in my apartment, Lou?"

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