The Choosing

由 phoenixbird1313

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The Town has already enforced and shoved the rules down everybody's throats. Evelyn Harley had always obeyed... 更多

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Eighteen

26 3 1
由 phoenixbird1313

The handcuffs put on my wrists felt much too tight. I looked to Essence to see that her eyes were soaking up our surroundings. How could she be so alert when these handcuffs were practically removing my skin? I clenched my teeth together and studied the mountain of a man in front of me. He didn't look like a Jeremy with his sandy blond hair and strong build.

"We're here," Jeremy said gruffly.

Essence and I looked at each other anxiously. We both knew what this meant.

Jeremy wordlessly led us into a room with a good amount of other kids. There had to be about thirty people ranging in age, ethnicity, and gender. I mean, it did appear that nobody was over thirty, but did that mean anything? There were no connections between us. So how did we all end up here? Was it something in our DNA that caused us not to be like everybody else?

I scanned the room again, this time looking for Cade. I couldn't see his figure in the crowd of panicking people. That was a good thing because if he were here then that meant they didn't let him go.

"Hey, are you okay?" Essence asked.

I shook my head furiously, "I don't see him anywhere."

"Are you worried?"

"No, it's a good thing! That means the deal worked! They let him go!"

Just then the door opened revealing two more people. I clenched my teeth and saw Cade get shoved into the room. But the second person caught me off guard completely. I nearly screamed as beat-up Bobby appeared inside of the room.

Once again, it was like my world was falling apart. They told me he was dead. Dead, as in can't possibly be standing ten feet away from me. But he was. But he was no longer the cocky, blond-hair kid I once beat up. No, he looked different. He looked like he had aged ten years, with the bags under his eyes. He looked defeated.

I didn't have much time to internalize Bobby as Cade practically crushed me in a hug.

"So I guess he didn't get let go," I heard Essence mumble.

"Cade, they were supposed to let you go!"

"Yeah, about that. I said there was no way in hell I was leaving you, so the deal is off."

A worried feeling flooded my body again as I thought of Cade dying with me and the fact that Bobby was here.

"I know what you are thinking," Cade whispered in my ear, "He told me everything. All you need to know is that he knows to stay away from you and yes he's not dead."

Cade pulled away from me as I processed what he just told me.

"Jeez, that kid must have taken a beating," Essence said looking at Bobby.

Cade smirked, "Well, let's just say he had it coming."

"Essence snorted, '' I like this one. You can keep him."

I smiled tightly, he did deserve it. Watching Cade and Essence look at each other confused, I decided it was time for a formal introduction.

"Cade this is Essence. She's my roommate here and pretty much the nicest person ever."

Essence smiled, "Well, thank you, honey!"

"And Essence," I continued, "this is Cade, my boyfriend."

My breath hitched in my throat. It had slipped out. What if he didn't think we were like that? What if he laughed at me?

My anxieties were silenced as a megawatt smile broke out on his face, "boyfriend, I think the sound of that shortie."

Essence and Cade shook hands. I noticed Essence shoot me a smirk which I returned with a glare.

"It has been nice, but I think I'm going to go talk to the other adults. You two love birds, enjoy yourselves."

Essence strutted away as I bit my lip so hard, I was sure it would burst.

But then I remembered why we were here. Suddenly it felt like my chest was going to explode with all of the confusion, worry, and sadness I felt. As if Cade sensed it, he pulled me into his chest.

"I can't say this is all going to be okay because I'm not sure it will be okay. But I can say that I am here and I will try my absolute best to make sure nothing happens to you."

I nodded, "You are the best boyfriend a girl could ever have."

He smiled.

"All right freaks, "Elder Ryann said.

Alistar followed in tow, looking miserable. There were bruises all over his arms. Had he been punished for what he had done? I hoped he hadn't.

Cade's eyes were set in Alistair's direction as well, but there was no emotion hinting at what he was thinking.

"A guard is going to grab you and take you to a room. There you will be strapped into a chair and given your first injections. I would advise you don't argue or fight or else you will be shot on the spot. Got it?"

Nobody made a sound.

"Great," Elder Ryann said with a fake smile.

Guards started grabbing people towards the front of the room. Cade and I moved towards the back so we could have a bit of time before we were injected.

"Do you think Alistair got in trouble over what he did for us?"  I asked.

"That's what I was wondering," Cade said quietly, "I'm not sure but honestly he deserves everything he gets."

I sighed heavily, "I guess."

Cade looked me in the eyes, pure confusion written all over his face, "How can you feel sorry for him? After everything, he has done? He fucking killed Nova!"

"I didn't say I felt sorry for him," I said defensively, "But it's not like I'm going to wish death upon him. I'm not some heartless monster."

Cade shook his head and scoffed, "So what? I'm a heartless monster because I feel like he deserves some sort of punishment for his actions? News flash shortie! Golden boy is a dick!"

"You two," a large male guard shouted, "Since you guys love causing scenes, why don't you come and get your injections?"

My eyes widened as fear flooded my features.

"You'll be okay," Cade whispered rubbing my back.

Even though we were utterly pissed at each other, our fear outweighed it. We both slowly trudged to the front. I spotted Essence's worried eyes. She gave me a thumbs up and a small smile.

When we made it to the front the guard gripped my arm which earned a swift glare from Cade. He too was grabbed by another guard and led in the opposite direction. I sighed in dissatisfaction, as I trudged to my doom.

We walked down a plain white hallway, lined with nothing but metal doors. A small plack on each door said the number, but that was all there was to look at. But, of course, the guard insisted on going at such a speed I could barely make out any of the numbers. What was it with these people and speed?

After what seemed like a mile of walking, the guard stopped in front of a room. This number I could read; 1313. That means there were more than a thousand rooms in this place. How big was the building?

Efficiently, the guard unlocked the door and gestured for me to walk in.

"Somebody will be in to inject you soon."

"He speaks!"

I quickly covered my mouth with my hands. Why did I pick now to let my sarcasm seep out? Was I stupid?

"I'm so sorry! Please don't hurt me!"

Surprising me completely, the guard chuckled and shut the door.

"Huh," I hummed aloud.

Shaking the odd guard from my mind, I decided to evaluate my surroundings. There was a red chair that seemed to have restraints on the ankles, wrists, and torso. Before the fear of the shot could consume me, I turned to the right further and looked at the assorted medical equipment behind a pane of glass. Some of the needles looked as if they could penetrate titanium. I winced and turned around fully to see there was nothing else left in the room. I settled for sitting on the chair to wait, as the glass looked impossible to shatter. Not that I had an ounce of confidence, that would help anyway.

Quickly a thought came to my mind. I had never been a person of faith, but a part of me hoped that maybe Nova could hear me when I spoke. A foolish part, but the part that controlled me at the moment.

"Hey Nova," I said breathlessly, "I'm not sure if you can hear me up there, but, uh, I hope you can. I'm sure you're having a great time with your parents, but I wanted you to know that CAde and I miss you so much."

A tear threatened to fall and I let it.

"I wish I could say that missing you has gotten easier, or that anything has gotten easier. It hasn't. And, I-I almost- I tried to join you, baby. These voices, they uh, they told me it would be better, and I'd be lying if I still didn't think it was. But I met this lovely woman and she saved me. Her name is Essence and- and I know you would have loved her. She's absolutely stunning, Novie. But her girlfriend is where you are now."

My throat started closing up. I don't know why, but right now it hit me that Nova was gone.

"You're both gone. I wish I could have you back."

I tiled my head back in the seat as tears flowed from my now red eyes. But I knew that I felt at peace now.

"But I can't, and I'm okay with that. I miss you baby, but I need to move on. I love you. Goodbye baby."

It hurt to say those words, but I had too. There was no way I could focus on anything without doing it. And oddly enough, thinking of her made me feel oddly motivated. I'm not giving up yet.

I stood up and planted my newly determined feet into the ground, "Do you all hear me? I'm not giving up!"

I couldn't help the smile that took over my features as I knew I'd give them hell. I walked over to the glass surface and kicked with all my might.

I don't know if it was some freak burst of adrenaline, or maybe Nova at work above, but the glass shattered. And I smiled as I shoved a shard of glass in the waistband of my pants and sat in the red chair. I wasn't going down without a fight.

Even as a bunch of guards rushed in I sat silently smirking. They were all shouting at me for an explanation but I didn't say a word. Instead, I silently stood and stabbed the shard of glass into a female guard's jugular vein and sat back down.

The guard's gaped at the woman flopping on the ground like a fish. A few of them tried to stop the bleeding, but it was much too late for that. A direct hit like that practically ensured death. I giggled at their efforts to save the woman. Perhaps I really was insane now. Nonetheless, I believed I had proven my point well enough.

The guards carried the woman out of the room and locked me in. To be honest, I was surprised they didn't restrain me. I walked towards the case to see what else I could use.

That's when I noticed the practically minuscule camera embedded in the corner of the room. I knew the Elder Ryann must be watching from there. I walked over to the chair and sat down, still facing the camera. A smile made its way onto my face as a plan practically unfolded itself in my head. Oh, how fun this would be.

"Come and get me, bitch," I said putting my hands behind my head as if I was on fucking vacation.


Hey, y'all! Please let me know what you think so far and feel free to message me whenever you want! I love talking to all you peeps. Anyway, I love you all and keep being awesome!


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