By TonySheilla

496K 18.7K 1K

Kennedy Knight. A 'straight' drunkard billionaire has to fight his demons, embrace his tormenting past and li... More

1[Edward Sanders]
2[Edward Sanders]
3[Kennedy Knight]
4[Edward Sanders]
5[Kennedy Knight]
6[Edward Sanders]
7[Kennedy Knight]
8[Kennedy Knight]
9[Edward Sanders]
10[Kennedy Knight]
11[Edward Sanders]
12[Kennedy Knight]
13[Edward Sanders]
14[Kennedy Knight]
15[Edward Sanders]
16[Kennedy Knight]
17[Edward Sanders]
[18]Kennedy Knight
19 [Kennedy Knight]
20[Edward Sanders]
21[Kennedy Knight]
22 [Edward & Kennedy]
23 [Edward Sanders]
24 [Kennedy Knight]
25[Edward & Kennedy]
26 [Kennedy Knight]
27[Edward Sanders]
28 [Kennedy Knight]
29 [Edward Sanders]
30[Kennedy Knight]
32[Kennedy knight]
33[Edward Sanders]
34[Kennedy & Edward]
35 [Edward & Kennedy]

31[Edward Sanders]

10.3K 428 16
By TonySheilla

"Mr. Knight"




"Give us a statement"

"Is it true?"

"Are you gay?"

"Can you confirm your relationship with your assistant?"

"Mr. Sanders, Are you dating your boss?"

"Is it true that he cheated on you?"

I could swear to God that my ears were aching by the end of the day so did my dress shoes clad feet and so did my whole body but I forgot all that when I felt a warm hand rest on the top of mine.

In the passenger seat sat Ken and I smiled at his slightly pink face as he shyly let go quickly, making a move to keep his hand to himself but I made a dash for it and wrapped my bigger one with his smooth and smaller one.

I had driven a car for far too long to be able to drive a car with one hand and most of all, I craved any little bit of physical contact I could get from Ken and with his warm fingers in mine and his cheeks pink in embarrassment, it was safe to that I loved these little moments and they did wonders to my moods and Ken's too.

"Are you hungry?" I asked after a second and as if cue, Ken's stomach rumbled and I laughed out loud and laughed some more when Ken's eyes bulged wide. open almost comically when his stomach rumbled.

"You're so cute" I mumbled and turned to catch a glimpse at the guy once more since I couldn't keep my eyes away from him even if I wanted to but I was meant with both his eyes and mouth wide open as he open stared at me as if in wonder.


"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked eagerly, getting a little subconscious and skittish in my seat.

"You just laughed and then you smiled. Oh My God" Ken whispered dreamily and it took every tiny bit of my sanity not to jump the guy and fuck his open mouth.

"You do know, you look hella attractive when you smile right?" Ken asked and even though his voice was firm and his tone playful, his cheeks were still pink and he tried so hard to keep that cute sight to himself but as hard as he tried to stare out the window, the tip of his ears still gave him away and once again I was shocked by how much my boss had changed.

I had never seen this guy blush in my life and now days he blushed like a fucking Virgin in distress and I wouldn't lie and say I didn't like it even though it made want to fold him up and drink him all in until he was nothing but mine in every way possible to be owned.

"What are you thinking about? I asked you a question"

When Ken uttered those words, I was brought back to the real world and all I had to do was smirk and wink at him and he was back to shyly staring out the window which gave me enough time to wipe the dreamy love struck look on my face and put that tiny smile on my face.

"We're here" I announced when I parked the car in the underground parking lot and we made our way out of the car and walked into the private elavator, moving up to Ken's penthouse.

In the small silent cell, I could hear every shallow breath escaping Kennedy's parted wet pink lips and I could hear my own breathing pattern quicken as I tried to hold back and not rape his mouth, my hand wrapped around his milky neck, just the thought made my pants tighten but luckily, the elavator dinged and opened and within a blink of an eye, Ken was gone.

"Fuck" I cursed when I tried to follow the guy but I ended up awkwardly bringing friction to my aching cock so I adjusted my so obvious arousal in the tight dress pants I wore and made way over to the door Ken seemed to be stuck trying to open.

"It's 20123 Ken" I mocked in amusement and smiled some more when Ken did as told while pouting and flashing red at the tips of his ears. God, he was a sight and I was afraid if he kept up acting like this while we were only the two of us in the house then I couldn't promise not to lose my cool or my control.

Finally, the door opened and Ken made his way into the house and I followed after. As he made his way to his room to change, I made my way to the kitchen, shrugging off my blazer and pulling up my sleeves getting ready to work.

In silence and concentration, I retrieved the ingredients I needed and took my time making the best chicken my brain could come up with and I could promise you I didn't dissapoint.

"Damn, this smells amazing." I heard Ken say behind me and I tensed at the close proximity but when he tried to step back further, clearly having sensed my behaviour. I turned instead and wrapped my arm around his waist, pulling his body flush against mine and I smirked when I heard his intake of breath. I dipped my head down in his neck, inhaling his lingering cologne, mint and a fruity detargent in his new t-shirt. Yum.

My body shivered as his scent filled me up and I loved seeing goosebumps decorate his skin when I pecked his jawline.

"As much as I'd like to keep you in my arms like this. I know you're hungry so let's eat first" I mumbled against his milky neck and his responsive body trembled in my arms, making my slight hard on harden even more. Good thing I was wearing dress pants because Ken's sweatpants did him dirty and once again his cute face blasted into flames when he noticed me noticing his arousal.

I set up the table and pushed Ken into his chair while sitting in mine and smiled for the hundredth time today when I saw his hungry eyes take in the meal in front of him.

I could help but think about how much I liked this guy deeply because I couldn't even remember the last time, I had smiled this much in a day.

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