Konoha Journals

By shazbanana

100 3 1

A series of one shots and short stories from the Naruto-verse, specifically revolving around Naruto and Hinat... More

Author's Note

NxH1: Realizations, P1

57 3 1
By shazbanana


This is set a month after the moon events which happened in the movie Naruto: The Last but there are a few key moments I have removed from this timeline.

>Before Hinata was taken by Toneri, Naruto was not able to confess his love for her.

>Hinata never gave Naruto the scarf she had made for him. He continues to save her on the moon.

> They don't kiss in the end!!!

A flurry of a month has passed and this is where the story begins.

***thoughts are in italics!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hinata Hyuga

~Hyuga residences, training yard
afternoon, around 6pm

"Gentle step: twin lion fists!" Squeezing out every ounce of energy left in her body, Hinata was able to catch Hanabi with her finishing move, catapulting her straight into one of the bushes that surrounded their clan's exclusive training grounds. She landed with a hard thud and an exasperated yelp just as Hinata dropped to her knees, breathing hard. 

Fighting her sister was always hard, since Hanabi was as graceful as she was talented, however, Hinata carried experience as her teacher, and she has learned much from where the war had left her.

I think... I think I created more power than I should have... 

Neither sister intended to hurt the other during their sparring sessions, but in the spur of the moment, boundaries are always tested. Hinata immediately tried to stand up from the center of the grounds to go and help Hanabi but quickly lost her footing and found herself on her already bruised knees once again. She winced at the pain but held her tears back. 

I haven't been this tired in a while too..

An applause broke out, ripping Hinata from her thoughts and releasing her Byakugan. She lifted her head and smiled triumphantly. She almost forgot people were watching. She noticed all 4 sides of the courtyard were full of bystanders, some she knew, others she had only seen around rarely. Usually, Hanabi and Hinata's training sessions were governed by a couple of high-ranked Hyuga, but today, their Father attended himself and had brought along almost the entire Hyuga branches along with him to observe the two sisters spar. 

He has not watched us train since the war broke out two years ago. Something is going on.. but even so, I must show Father how strong I've become. 

Hinata's determination had only grown stronger after their recent confrontation on the moon. She had learned the enormous power of the byakugan and yearned to understand more in order to protect it and keep it from getting into the wrong hands. It's been a month since they returned from the moon. 

A month since I've seen Naruto-kun..

Before she could linger on that thought, a group of Hyuga Jonin assisted Hinata up from the floor while another group went to fetch Hanabi out of the bush she was still tangled in. She emerged with twigs in her hair, yellow kimono covered in dirt and a sour expression, aimed at Hinata.

"Ouchies, Hinata-neesan!" She rubbed her stomach, where Hinata had landed her gentle fist. "That was amazing but don't you think you hit me a little too hard?" Hinata looked away abashed and started fidgeting with her fingers.

"I'm so sorry, Hanabi. We'll grab some ointment later for you."

"Hanabi, don't make your sister feel bad." Their father interrupted. "You both were astounding." Hiashi's voice rose above the murmurs and side chatter of the clan. Everyone grew quiet. He stood apart from the rest of  the crowd in his pearly white robe, which contrasted sharply against his signature sleek, long black hair. His eyes usually showed no trace of kindness, but the War had changed that about him. He stood, staring contently at both Hinata and Hanabi.

"As you all know, as head of the main branch family, I must choose an heir... or in this case, an heiress to take over the Hyuga; it's affairs as well as its relations within the leaf and connections to other clans. To represent such a dignified, historic clan is one of the greatest honors one could hope to earn and both of my young daughters have proven their strength and courage to fulfill that role." Hiashi paused, letting the crowd process the information.

The air was thick with suspense. This was the talk of the clan ever since Neji Hyuga died protecting Hinata during the Fourth Shinobi War. Hinata was willing to step down for her late cousin because he was one of the most talented to ever hone the byakugan, despite being a part of the side branch family. The tensions between both main and side branches created visible strain in their relationship, but as time passed, they had become inseparable. Neji led the Hyuga into battle that fateful day, starting out his first mission as Hyuga heir and ending it just as quickly.

"I have been the root of toxic problems within our clan for many decades and I have done things that may never be forgiven. I do not regret what I have done, as I do not regret what I am about to do." Hiashi suddenly embraced both his children and then held both their hands at either side of him. "I refuse to choose between my children as many have done so before me. I will teach both in the upbringings of a clan leader and let the girls decide who they think is truly worthy to assume my position."

An applause rang through the compound, people cheered and congratulated Hinata and Hanabi as well as their father. To be a clan leader... what an enormous responsibility. Will I be enough? I am nowhere near as strong as Neji... mentally or physically. Maybe by the time Hanabi is my age, she will be stronger than I could be... She will be a suitable leader--as long as she starts to take things more seriously that is.. She must have been lost in thought for a while because the crowd surrounding the training grounds had mostly dispersed and her father had already been ushered away by his council to plan for the necessary steps to move forward.

"You look like you're thinking a lot, Hinata-neesan" Hanabi's voice floated from behind Hinata. She twirled around, adrenaline pumping still from their sparring and the huge announcement, activated her byakugan, and aimed for one of her little sister's chakra points, but ended up completely missing as Hanabi danced out of the way while giggling.

"Are you distracted, Hinata-neesan? Are you still thinking about 'Naruto-kun'? Hanabi imitated Hinata's shy voice as she said Naruto's name.

"Hanabi, I most definitely was not!" Hinata gently pushed her sister. "Do you ever take things seriously? I was thinking about our future..." Her voice dropped as she finished her sentence. She was not going to talk about her fears and worries to her little sister. It was not fitting of an older sibling. She refused to taint Hanabi's mind with her anxiety. But why would she say it's because of Naruto-kun? We haven't spoken to each other for quite some time now. I wonder what he's doing..

"You should stop worrying and just speak to him already, Hinata-neesan!" Hanabi took her hand and led her towards the kitchen wing. "Now let's eat dinner, I'm starving!" Hinata laughed, her mind lingering on Naruto Uzumaki.


Hinata Hyuga
~Hyuga Residences

night, around 11pm

Hinata woke up to a small growl escaping from her stomach. It was dark when she finally opened her eyes. She quickly got up to check outside the window by her bed, only to find the Hyuga compound quiet, just crickets and the slight rustle of leaves heard in the wind. Small flakes of snow started to appear in the sky, the first of the winter season. Someone must have tried to summon her down for dinner but gave up when she was unresponsive. 

I was so tired I fell asleep right after having a bath. She had even left her deep violet hair wrapped in a towel, resulting in beautiful curls bellowing down and framing her face. She caught a look at herself in the mirror and smiled. I look quite different. Hinata's stomach growled louder this time, urging her to eat. What time is it anyway? She checked the clock on her bedroom wall and was astonished. It's already 11pm! The kitchen and chefs aren't awake right now... I guess I have to go around the village to find something to eat. She grabbed a pair of white fluffy sweatpants and a lavender long sleeved sweater as well as one of her backpacks to put her wallet and an extra jacket inside.

The security around the Hyuga main branch was slightly heavier than usual because of the recent moon incident but today, the constant guarding suddenly stopped. Whether it was because of the announcement, or her father's good mood, Hinata was willing to take a risk and sneak out to suffice her hunger. In case her father woke or if someone had noticed her vacant room, she had left a note at the foot of her door in the hallway that read: "I'm starving! Went out to eat. Be back soon!"

After taking her usual path around the back of the compound, she found the particularly tall tree that branched out over the Hyuga compound and beyond the wall, Hinata daintily hopped up and over the familiar branches, finding herself on the streets of Konoha. 

She had dropped onto a side street, turned left and continued to walk a few meters before she found herself on one of the main path walks leading to the center of town. The paths were peaceful and very few people walked around. I'm sure a few restaurants may be open at this time. While she continued forward trying to find a place to eat, a couple of people noticed her as she walked past, bowed and thanked Hinata for her service during the war. She blushed, embarrassed and barely mumbled a thank you before they disappeared down another path. 

The people of the village were always courteous yet for some reason, every time someone paid their respects to her, a small voice would whisper from the corners of her mind about being underserving of the acknowledgement. After the brief encounter, she found herself entertaining the self-depreciating thoughts once again.

Tired of walking, she found herself outside the playground and stopped to enter and sit on one of the swings. I'll never, ever get used to that... Absent-mindedly, she reached into the pocket where the ruined scarf she made Naruto resided, brought it out and gently unravelled the red material. People thanking me for what I did. But did I even do anything? Was I able to help as much as I could? People like Naruto-kun, Sasuke-kun, Sakura-chan and Neji-san--they sacrificed everything, they did everything in their power to change the course of history. What did I sacrifice? I... I don't deserve this. If only Neji were here. If only he hadn't protected me.



Naruto Uzumaki
~within Konoha
night, around 11pm

Naruto loved walking through Konoha during this late hour. He wore his regular orange t-shirt with the Uzumaki clan crest on the back as well as black sweatpants, usual Naruto attire. The brisk wind on his face, the lack of annoying fan girls and no one to accompany him was exactly the way he liked his late dinners. Not that he liked being alone, definitely not that. He had enough of being lonely as a child. The past couple of years have been a huge change to what he was used to. 

Ever since he became the hero of the Shinobi world, people have started to fuss over him and anything that he was involved with. Especially with the whole talk about him becoming the hokage some time soon. Even on normal missions he was always recognized and stopped for autographs. Now that he was a couple years older, girls have started to show interest in him. A lot of interest. His apartment is full of presents that haven't been opened, chocolates and an assortment of photographs and fan made letters.

All this attention.... is kind of annoying. 

The only attention he needed right now was from old man Teuchi! 

Well him and Hinata maybe... Naruto hit himself on the head lightly. What was I really expecting? I was only protecting her because someone was threatening her. We held hands until I had to let her go in Kakashi-sensei's--oh, I mean, the Hokage's office. Hinata wouldn't waste a thought on me. I was just guarding her. I haven't even seen her since then. 

Even thinking about it made his heart break a little. 

It's been a month and I still have nothing. I've never even felt for anyone like that... Sakura definitely did not count, this is.. a different feeling. I just... don't know what to say to her.

He took his usual detour passing the view of the Hokage rock before he walked through the children's playground until his final stop, Ichiraku. Every single day for the past month he had stopped here first to recollect his thoughts. The peacefulness of Konoha radiated within him the most in this spot. This was the exact same bench where he came to reminisce about Jiraiya-sensei after his passing. His mind and emotions have been out of tune lately, and this was the only place he felt the most like himself. 

Naruto sat down and gazed at the Hokages before him. 

One day, I'll be up there. Just like dad. 

He sat in silence for a while and decided to gather nature energy to enter Sage mode. He had been finding himself doing this often, checking on his friends and the people of the village, making sure everyone is accounted for to bring his mind some peace. 

As he widened his field, he noticed right away an all too familiar purple haze hovering around so close to where he was. 

Hinata is here? But it's so late... and she's alone. 

Without a second thought, he stood up and followed the direction of her life force.

Damn! What if it's that stupid Toneri guy again? I think she's in the playground where we first encountered him! I have to hurry. 

Naruto quickly sprinted onto the path that winded down a hill to an overview of the playground. The wind flickered cooly across his face as he frantically surveyed the area around him for Hinata. He finally spotted her walking towards the same swing set where they encountered trouble a month ago. 

Thank goodness, she's okay. 

He took a few steps back and discreetly hid himself behind one of the trees near where he was standing so she wouldn't be able to spot him. He couldn't go up to her now. He needed to think first. Naruto started pacing, making sure he wasn't seen as well as having a clear view of Hinata. She took a seat on one of the swings with her back still facing him.

What am I going to say to her? Do I even have anything to say to her? 

He continued to pace for a few more seconds until he finally face palmed in exasperation. 

What kind of man am I if I can't even tell her the truth?

He straightened his back, took a deep breath and walked out from behind the trees. She didn't seem to notice him approaching since he was coming from behind her so he called out her name when he was a few meters away.

"Hinata." Naruto called out to her.

When she finally spotted him, she quickly stood up from the swing in shock, still holding the red scarf. Time seemed to slow and at that very moment snowflakes started to fall all around them. 

The first thing he noticed were the waves in her hair, perfectly caressing down her face and flowing in the wind. She never wore her hair in that manner but it allowed her beautiful face to show more. The light colors she chose to wear brought out the sharp contrast between her fair skin and her deep violet locks as well as tightly hugged and flattered her figure. Her pale eyes seem to glitter in the moonlight that encompassed the playground.

"N-Naruto-kun." Her cheeks tinted crimson as she picked up her bag from the floor and started to stuff the red scarf in her bag. "What are you doing here?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Hi, I hope you enjoyed my very first published piece of work! There will definitely be a part 2 and I am working on it right now, so hopefully it will be up soon.

Please don't hesitate to give me your comments and reactions because I want to continue getting better with the flow of my words. 


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