The Stowaway

By littleLo

1.1M 69.8K 13.2K

Eliza Banes, her ambition for adventure and her penchant for trouble, have often been trying on her poor mama... More

Bonus Epilogue


24.4K 1.5K 388
By littleLo

"All you need is love, Love. Love is all you need." The Beatles (Lennon-McCartney)



"You did what?"

Eliza awoke with a start to the sound of her sister's voice in a tone that she had never heard before.

Katy was irate.

This Eliza had to see.

She had never risen so quickly from bed in her life then as she did in that moment, and, stupidly, it was not out of excitement for her own wedding day.

Barely throwing on her robe, she sprinted out of her own bedroom, and into her sister's next door, not bothering to knock out of pure excited curiosity.

Katy was still in her night things as well, her hair still fixed in rags. Harry stood opposite her, wearing only a nightshirt. They both turned to look at Eliza.

Katy was an expression of utter fury. It was so strange to see such an emotion on Katy's face. Eliza did not think she had ever heard Katy raise her voice before, let alone scream. It was a miracle that baby Harrison had not awoken in his basinet which lay at the foot of the bed.

Harry, on the other hand, looked incredibly guilty, and very sick, after a night of drinking. Eliza could smell the alcohol permeating from him and felt the need to order a bath post haste.

What on earth could Harry be feeling guilty about? Katy had already known that he would be drinking with Tom's crew. What on earth could he have done to ... oh, no. Eliza's jaw dropped. Harry could not have broken Katy's trust, could he? Surely he would not be so cruel. He loved Katy!

"What on earth is the matter?" Eliza demanded to know, her anxiety only growing.

Katy folded her arms across her chest in displeasure as she pursed her lips. "Go on then," she urged, in a tone that most definitely meant that, for his own health, Harry ought not to go on.

Fortunately for Eliza's curiosity, Harry was too foolish to sense that in his wife.

"I know it is not ideal, but I was most seriously inebriated," Harry said apologetically.

Eliza's heart thumped. If she was to learn that he had stepped out on Katy, then she would throttle him.

"Everyone else was doing it!" Harry continued defensively.

What? Eliza frowned. Everyone? What was everyone doing? Did everyone include Tom? Ought Eliza to be anxious? Surely Tom would not do anything stupid on the night before their wedding. Eliza trusted him.

"And that make it alright, does it?" Katy challenged. "This is the sort of news I am certain every wife wanted to wake up hearing." Katy marched over to the dresser and sat down, getting to work on removing the rags from her hair, letting the curls drop one by one.

"Katy," protested Harry, following her, and forgetting that Eliza was standing there, fretting over the dozens of stupid things that men could get up to while drunk. "I honestly thought it was romantic."

Eliza's thoughts stopped dead. Romantic? Had she heard that right?

"Let me give you a hint, darling husband," Katy said sweetly, looking at him in the mirror reflection. "Flowers, just because, is a romantic idea. A note, a compliment, anything other than this."

"What on earth did he do?" Eliza exclaimed impatiently.

Katy turned around on the dresser bench and looked at Eliza. "One of the sailors brought out ink and a needle last night," she informed Eliza. "And in my husband's drunken stupor, he thought it a romantic idea to have my name tattooed on his rear!"

All of Eliza's sudden stress and anxiety immediately disappeared, and instead, she burst out in a fit of giggles.

Poor Harry's cheeks were red as he shook his head.

"I am glad you think this is funny!" Katy exclaimed as she pulled out another one of her rags. "I am the one whose name is now permanently etched on the part of one's person that is responsible for excrement." She shuddered.

Eliza only laughed harder, needing to suddenly lean on the bed post to stop herself from falling over. "Oh, now Katy, really. I can see how Harry was trying to be romantic!" she wheezed.

Harry huffed while quickly pulling on his breeches from the night before, wincing in pain as he pulled them over his backside.

"Well, at least we know Tom won't be sleeping in the hallway tonight. Eliza won't mindhis," mumbled Harry.

Eliza's head snapped around. Tom had tattooed hername on his backside, too? The thought that she would suddenly be seeing it that evening made her blush with nerves, but the spirit in her made her desperate to laugh with him.

Harry quickly put on a coat and left the bedroom, throwing Eliza a glance that willed her to help him settle things.

Eliza trotted over to the bench and sat down beside Katy, beginning to take out the rags in her hair as well. They had been at her mother's insistence, and Eliza did not mind having nice ringlets for her wedding, and not her usual mess.

Katy sighed, and turned to look at Eliza. She looked quite bewildered as she uttered, "Oh, I love him."

Eliza laughed and cuddled Katy. "Think of it like a stamp, your own personal seal," Eliza encouraged humorously.

Katy rolled her eyes and smirked. "Is that not the true test of love? Your spouse does something ridiculous and yet you love them anyway? And maybe even a little more because of it." Katy rested her head on Eliza's shoulder. "How are you this morning?"

Speaking to Katy's reflection, Eliza smiled. "Ready for my next adventure."


Tom stood at the altar of the church, wearing more layers of clothing then he had ever worn in his entire life. He could not tell if he was sweating because of nerves, or because of, what felt like, the seven, undershirts he was wearing.

The church was filled with people that he had never met before. Friends, and obligatory invitations of Mr and Mrs Banes. He had been introduced to several people as the church filled.

One story, which he would need to ask Eliza about one day, was the introduction of a man called Mr Spencer. Apparently, he was Katy's father, and his children, Emilie and Ben, were Katy's siblings. He must have missed that.

There was not a pew available in the church, and there was a hum of excitement in the air, a lot of which was coming from his crew, who were still mighty drunk from the night before, but were on their best behaviour in God's house.

His mother, Mrs Hughes sat towards the back, but in attendance, with her four children, Tom's siblings, John, Marianne, Catherine, and Ned. They had come, and Tom knew that he wanted to speak to them all afterwards. About what, and for how long, he did not know. But speaking was the beginning.

Tom rocked back and forward on his feet to settle himself, and he received a glowing smile from Mrs Banes, who sat in the front row of the church beside Harry, holding onto her infant grandson. Poor Harry did indeed look worse for wear, and Tom wagered he would think twice before drinking again with a seaman.

Tom quietly wondered if he had revealed his new adornment to his wife? He had tried to talk the man out of it, but he was quite determined that it would be the most terribly romantic gesture. Perhaps he would not have gone through with it were it not for the alcohol numbing the pain.

Most of his crew had all added to their gallery the night before. Tom hoped Eliza would approve of his addition. Eggs, too, had received his first tattoo and was properly initiated as an equal. Tom had high hopes for Eggs now that he was a learned young man. One day, if he worked as hard as Tom had when he was Eggs' age, he might be able to hand over the reins, and put down more permanent roots.

The church harmonium began to sound, and the church suddenly stood at attention.

"Are you ready, Captain?" Jackie whispered to Tom, as he stood beside him as best man.

"As ever," Tom replied, a nervous, yet excited smile on his face.

The doors of the church opened, and in trotted little Rachel and Lizzie, wearing impossibly fluffy dresses. The two girls walked dutifully down the aisle hand in hand. The congregation cooed at them as they reached their father. Harry lifted Lizzie into his arms and Rachel sat down beside him.

Katy came next, walking gracefully with a small bouquet of lily of the valley in her hands.

Tom observed a small, silent exchange between Katy and Harry, and Katy came to stand opposite Jackie at the altar.

The tune of the harmonium changed, and all heads were now turned towards the door.

A colourful vision appeared on her father's arm. Eliza entered the church, looking absolutely stunning. The bright colours of the fabric that Tom had bought for her in Kingston stood out amongst the muted pastels of the congregation. Her dress was accented with a white sash and bouquet. She could not have looked more her individual self, not even if she were wearing breeches, and Tom could not have wanted for anything else.

He couldn't help but smile as Eliza all but ran with her father up the aisle, not keeping time to the harmonium at all. Mr Banes kissed her cheek at the bottom of the stairs, and Eliza practically skipped up to meet him, eliciting a rumble of laughter from their guests.

She had wonder in her eyes, colour in her cheeks, and a jubilant smile on her mouth. And she was looking at him.


"Can I look yet?" Eliza asked impatiently.

Tom stood behind her, covering her eyes with his hands, as they walked down the pier awkwardly.

Eliza knew exactly what he would be showing her, but that did not stop Tom from wanting to surprise her.

"Not yet," teased Tom. "A little further."

God knew what time it was. The wedding breakfast had been incredible, not that they could have expected anything less when Mrs Banes was responsible for the planning, and dear Mrs Meade had prepared the food. The dancing celebration had gone on for hours, and a wonderful time had been had by all.

Katy and Harry had come back together. Tom and Eliza had spent time with Tom's family, and his mother had been introduced to the Banes'. They had talked with and met several dozen guests for the very first time at their wedding. And then they had danced to the musical talents of Cian and Diarmuid, playing their jovial Irish folk music. The tunes had entertained all the guests, getting almost everyone off of their feet.

Eliza especially loved dancing with Tom. She had never danced with him before their wedding. It seemed so strange to be thinking of their wedding in the past now. They were married. They were a married couple.

"Now?" moaned Eliza.

"So impatient," Tom tsked.

They walked a little further, before Tom finally took his hands away. It took Eliza a moment for her eyes to focus, before she saw a ship in front of her, entirely lit up by lanterns. The lanterns made it look like a ship of dreams, and Eliza knew that this was to be their ship. Their livelihood.

"She arrived yesterday, but I wanted it to be a surprise. What do you think?" Tom whispered in her ear from behind her, the pride in his voice evident. "It's ours."

Eliza beamed, spinning around and hugging Tom tightly. "It's perfect!" she exclaimed.

Tom leaned down and kissed Eliza deeply. When he pulled away, he uttered, "At the moment she is called Caoimhe's Mercy." Smiling, he continued. "But I have a mind to rechristen her."

Eliza sensed mischief. "To what?"

"Eliza Buckley, meet Eliza Lee." Tom grinned, gesturing up to the vessel.

Eliza laughed, but she could not help feeling completely honoured at be a namesake for a ship. This was everything that Tom had dreamed of achieving, and he was naming it after her. She deeply felt the honour.

"It is a pleasure, Eliza Lee." Eliza curtseyed, giggling.

"Come on," Tom urged, "I want to show you on board."

Grabbing his hand, Eliza stopped him. "Wait," she said. "I have to ask. I have been curious all day."

Cocking his head, Tom asked, "What?"

"Harry got a tattoo of Katy's name last night," Eliza said tentatively. "He mentioned something about you getting my name as well. Is that true?"

Tom nodded. "Yes, it's true. Do you want to see it now?"

Eliza's eyes widened. "Here?" she exclaimed, turning her head around to search for onlookers.

"Why not?" Tom asked, confused, before shaking it off. "I had the idea a while ago, and when the ink was brought out, I thought of no better time. Men don't wear rings when they marry. I am not one for jewellery or trinkets, but I could think of no better way than to honour my new wife on the same finger where she would be honouring me." Tom held out his left hand and spread his fingers.

In the light given off by all the lanterns, Eliza could see her name elegantly written along the inside of his left ring finger. Eliza's heart began to rapidly melt at the sheer consideration and thought that he had put into this gesture.

She kissed him this time, hard and passionate, before saying, "You can show me the ship now."

Tom laughed, before suddenly stopping in his tracks. Frowning, he said, "Hold on, you seemed a little shocked that I would show you my tattoo out here." A cheeky smile spread across his face. "Where did you think it was?"


Hope you enjoyed it!!

Next chapter will be the epilogue!

Side note, Caoimhe is my faaaaaaavourite Irish name. I would totally name a character that one day except I know too many people read names phonetically and would spend my entire book reading her as "CA-OH-IM-HE". There are two pronunciations, but my favourite is where is is pronounced "Keeva".

I've enjoyed writing this book so much. I'm going to miss it now that it's finishing. Eliza has quite possibly been my favourite character to write. Take a leaf out of her book and just be so unapologetically yourselves! Life is too short to not have your fair share of adventures.

Interesting coinkydink though - every Saturday for the last 18 years I have spent up at my netball club. EVERY SATURDAY. And today ... nope. All games were cancelled because our government has banned gatherings of more than 500 people.

World has gone mad.

Stay safe and wash your hands. Building a fort of the toilet paper some people are hoarding won't stop germs if you have crappy hygiene.

Vote and comment!

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