Bughead Oneshots❤

By nolongeractive12309

76.9K 1.2K 412

A collection of fluffy and angsty bughead oneshots. Requests are open. I will put trigger warnings if I think... More

Falling hard
Cancer Ă— listen before i go
Best day ever!
Bully-Part 2
The perfect life
Sick Day
Seizure Part 2
Leaving- (prequel to sick day)
Thankyou!Xx- (A/N)
Bruises-Part 2
Foster home
Impotant Notice (A/N)
Hi♡- (A/N)
My Hero
Let me go
30K!! (A/N)
Bad past
Got lucky
Forbidden romance
Merry Christmas!!

Secret Confession

2.1K 37 25
By nolongeractive12309

Betty's Pov



I was looking through the box Charles brought back from Stonewall Prep, when I found it. Ok this could be good evidence against the stonies. Maybe this is a confession to what they did to Jughead. Honeslty I wouldn't have thought the evidence against their whole plan would be this easy to find. But I mean I aren't complaining either. The more evidence, the stronger of the case I can have against them. I stood up and walked over to the TV.

I placed the tape in the family TV. At first I didn't see anything till I saw Brett, Donna, Joan, Jonathan and Jughead?! sat in a dark basement looking place. Ok as much as I like seeing his face. I was not expecting him to be in this tape. I kept watching.

The tape skipped randomly. Like it had been cut.

""We'll tell you ours first" I heard Donna say.

"When I was 13...my uncle made a pass at me, and when I told my mom, she didn't believe me" I looked at the screen in shock. Her uncle did what?!

"And that's...when I started cutting myself." I saw her sleeve roll up however couldn't see any cuts but judging from Jughead's face on the camera it wasn't good.

Donna then passed something to Brett that looked to be a skull.

"When i was 14..." Bretts voice sounded through the screen.

"My father got me a hooker and said 'now it's your time to be a man' I cried the whole time I was with her." I felt bad for Brett and Donna for the first time. I really did.

"But I never...told my father because the truth is, I was afraid he'd kill me.
For real" I was mortified with the words he was saying. It was almost like it wasn't Brett saying them. These were things clearly that he didn't want anyone to know, so why was he saying them. Unless it was like a secret confession of some sort?

I saw Brett hold his hand out with the skull placed in it. Jughead hesitantly grabbed it. I should've turned it off but I couldn't. I would know the secret anyway, surely.

"I used to be homeless." Jughead said. What? Jughead used to be homeless?

"And I would crash underneath this bridge by the dock on the southside.
It was kind of a rough place.
There was this one guy named Doc.
He would stay up all night just to make sure the junkies didn't mess with me." I smiled at the thought that at least he had someone looking after him. Where the hell was FP? Or his mom?

"Then one day.... these drunken businessmen who heard about our little shantytown, they found Doc...they beat the life out of him.
I didn't move. I didn't say anything.
And I watched. I just watched it." I didn't realise I was crying till I heard my own muffled cries.

"It's probably my greatest shame. I've never even told that story...
Not even to Betty." I turned off the TV not bothering to hear Joan and Jonathan's secrets, and ran up the staircase in distraught.

My face hit my pillow as heavy sobs made their way through my body. Why didn't he tell me? I told him everything? How long had it gone on for? Where was his family when he was living on the streets? The thoughts made my cry harder. It even made my angry. Not with him but for all the people that have let him down. All of a sudden I hear the front door open and close. With his voice ringing out.

"Hello? Anybody home?" I sprinted down the stairs.

Jughead's PoV

"Hello? Anybody home?" I just came home from meeting Archie to work on an assignment when I hear footsteps walking swiftly down the stairs. Immediately knowing they were Betty's.

I opened my arms to give her a hug. When she smacked her arms into my chest shoving me back a step or two.

"Hey? What's wrong?" I said quickly noticing her red eyes, tear stained face and and her angry/upset attitude.

"Do you even trust me?" She questioned taking me off guard.

"W-what are you talking about Betts? Of course I do. I trust you with my whole life." I spoke calmly to sooth her however she seemed angrier and tears rushed down from her eyes.

"So while I was telling you about all my secrets. You didn't at least bother to tell me about any of yours"

"W-what do you mean?" I stuttered nervously.

"I mean the fact that you failed to mention that you were homeless and lived on the streers. You know? A pretty big part of your life?" My heart sped up at her enraged words.

"H-how do you know th-that?" I said, tears forming in my own eyes.

"Ohhh that's the funny part. You told a bunch of preppies, that you hate may I add, instead of telling me! Remember the secret confessions you all made?" She seemes pretty pissed now. I couldn't handle it. I snapped.

"Are you seriously getting angry at me right now? For something I couldn't control. For something I hate myself for, more and more everyday. I am embarrased. Embarrased how I couldn't get the fancy new shoes everybody had because I was too busy trying to survive. Betty, it tortured me to pack a bag and leave my dad behind in the trailer but I-I had to do it. I wanted to block it out. I haven't even told my own fucking dad about what I saw happen to Doc. So I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings but I was scared." Tears of rage and regret tumbling down my cheeks.

"Scared of what?" Betty said. Her face softening slightly.

"I was scared of you seeing me differently. Scared that you would view me as a burden or problematic. I really didn't want to keep it from you or make you upset. I'm sorry." I downcasted my eyes to the floor not wanting to look into her eyes. Tears silently dripping down my face.

"Oh Juggie" She whimpered latching her arms around my body.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. I shouldn't of reacted the way I did. But Jug you are the only person for me. I don't know how many times I have to tell you that but you are. I'm sorry you had to go through all that. Do you want to talk about it?" She asked. I nodded.

"There isn't really much to talk about Betty. My mom left, taking my sister with her. My dad was jobless and an alchoholic. I couldn't surround myself in that environment. I was struggling Betty. So I saw it better to look after myself. I had already done it for most my life anyway so it wasn't hard. I packed my clothes and a bit of money I had saved up and took off... At first I didn't have a sense of direction so I ended up under the bridge. It was rough but I was managing. Days at school and Pop's and nights under the bridge. Doc then discovered that there was a teenage boy living there. So he watched over me as you heard of the tape. Once everything happened I couldn't look him in the face again after he recovered. So I got a job at the Twilight Drive In a few months before Jason was murdered and slept there." I explained.

"But the Twilight Drive In closed down a few weeks after. Where did you go after that?" She deadpanned.

"I was already using the showers at school each morning so I just managed to find a place to sleep there. Archie found me a couple days later. For all I know, he only knows that I stayed at the Twilight for a bit. But after that the Andrews took me in. So when my dad cleaned up his act I could go back." I finished. I had never said the full story but it felt good to finally get it out.

"I'm so sorry Jug. You must have been so alone. I promise you'll never feel like that again. I love you Jughead Jones."

Our lips met in perfect synchronisation.

"I love you too Betty Cooper. Now how about we go to Pop's. I'll even treat you to a sundae." I planted a kiss to her nose.

"Sounds like a plan" She giggled.

Narrator's PoV

They didn't talk about Jughead's past the rest of the night. It was just filled with sweet kisses, laughter and a lot of milkshakes.

She promised that Jughead would never feel alone again and he definitely did not feel lonely anymore.

(A/N: Hi guys! I really hoped you liked it. I really want this to happen in the show. I hope you all stay well. Sorry I haven't been active lately. My parents got Covid-19 so I didn't really have time to write. Dw they are better now. But I hope you all stay well. Stay home and save lives. Love you all Xx💫💕)

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