Obey me! Boyfriend Scenarios...

By -GoldGoldGold

291K 5.4K 6.7K

I stumbled upon this game when I saw an advertisement and I thought "Hey, why not?" . . . . . I'm in love wit... More

(Closed) Requests + Intro
They ask you out
First kiss!
First date!
They drink too much!
When You're drunk!
You have nightmares!
They get jealous!
You get hurt!
Your cuts.
They get hurt
You see them fresh from the bath
Free time with them!
They walk in on you changing
You delete the game
You catch them singing
They accidentally get hard
On your period texts
"Babe I'm pregnant" texts
Drunk again
More memes hajshah
The fight (1/2)
Not a chapter uwu
Aight guys

The fight (2/2)

7.4K 111 72
By -GoldGoldGold


'come on let's go on a date!' he says 'It'll be fun!' he says 'I'll treat you like a princess!' he says 'I won't get sidetracked and bla blah blah' now here you are, waiting at the café you two planned on meeting up at. It wasn't even that far from the house. You checked your phone, he was late again it was probably cause he had to catch a beauty appointment or a spa or massage. Whatever it is, for some reason he doesn't bring you along. You sighed and finished the cup of  coffee you ordered while waiting for him. You made your way back to the house of Lamentation and went over to the kitchen to see Beel, Levi and Satan doing something "No, no.  You mix it like that." Satan said as he grabbed the bowl from Levi "I know what I'm doing! Give it!" Levi then tried to grab the bowl from him "What's going on?" You asked abruptly. The sudden question stopped Beel from snacking on some cookies, Made Levi trip over nothing and bang his chin against the counter in the process, and Satan just suddenly turning around in shock. The room was silent until Beel spoke up "Uhh...nofing." he replied with his mouth full of cookies. You shook your head and dismissed it. You sat on top of a different counter and sighed "whafs wrong?" Beel asked "Nothing. It's just, Asmo couldn't make it to the date..again." "Again?" Levi asked as he got up from the floor and moved his jaw around for a bit "I've never dated anyone before, but I know for sure he shouldn't keep leaving you like that." "This is the whst timeth now? Third? Fifth?" Satan asked while you sent death glares at him, making him shut up "sorry." He said "No. It's fine, it's whatever." You said before letting out another sigh. Beel walked over to you and held out the jar if cookies he was eating from. He shook them a bit before you smiled and took one "Thanks alot guys" you said before leaning forward to stretch and reach Beel's head, petting him. You hoped off the counter and walked out of the kitchen. Beel's expression brightened up like a happy puppy "Come on! You still gotta help us" Satan told him. He looked back at his older brothers and nodded before walking back to them and helping out whatever it was. You were making your way over to you room when you saw Mammon with a bunch of shopping bags down the hall "yo! You need help?" You called out. He looked over at you and shook his head "Uh-Uh. No way." He said then ran into his room and shut the door. Weird. Eh, it's Mammon. You walk over to your room, open the door and find..Belphie? "Oh. Hey, didn't see you there." He said "Didn't see you there either. Care to explain?" You asked as you crossed your arms. He was about to open his mouth until you cut him off "Nope. You know what? Forget it. You're off the hook. Just let me sleep" you said. He got out of your way as you took a running start and plopped onto your bed and kicked off your shoes "You look all fancy, so why are you home this early?" He asked "Dating plans are cancelled" you replied "oh. He couldn't make it again?" "Mhm." He shook his head "Asmo will be Asmo." He said "well you look really stressed. I'm gonna let you be" he said before leaving your room and closing your door. You sighed again and hugged your pillows, they seem softer than usual. Really, really soft. Lately, Asmo has been ditching your dates for spas and all that and you seriously don't know why he won't bring you along but it wasn't really your business yet you wish it was. By the power of these really soft and comfy pillows, you fell asleep straight away. The next day, you woke up feeling real good today. You took a quick shower, put your uniform on and left your room. As soon as you head out, you were greeted by Asmo "Baby, I'm sorry I couldn't make it I–" "No, no. It's fine. I get it, really." You said and moved away so you can walk to the dining hall. When you got there you took your seat and it didn't take long until Asmo entered as well. He took a seat in his usual spot and it was kind of awkward between the two of you. After eating for a while, Lucifer spoke up "Alright. I do not know what happened between the two of you, I just hope you won't bring the same attitude when we have a meeting with Diavolo." He said. Mammon choked on his breakfast and said—"You're only telling us now?!" He bursted "do you have a problem?" His older brother asked with a sadistic smile "N-No." He replied. You sighed and got up "thanks but I think I'll head to class early. See ya" you said before leaving the dining hall. Beel looked back and forth between you and your plate "Uhm...can I have the rest of their food?" He asked innocently. Hours and hours have passed, the day has ended. You got up from your seat and waited outside the RAD for the brothers. They walk past you at a rather fast pace as if not noticing you. Every time you tried to catch up, they'd walk faster to the point where you all started running. It went so far, they went to their demon forms and started flying, meanwhile, those without tails ran at an inhumanly. Asmo was flying to the square though. Typical. Because of them flying and inhumanly running, they got to the house first. You entered and looked around for them. Suddenly, there was a blindfold around your eyes and you couldn't see "Hey!" You yelled. Now you were hoisted over someone's shoulder "Wha- let me go!" It sounds like they entered a room because you heard a door open and close. Suddenly you were placed on a chair and your blindfold was removed "Surprise!" Everyone said as the table was lined up with a bunch of human food and some Demon food that you enjoyed "What?" You asked "It's your birthday, remember?" Belphie said "OH!...oh." you replied, earning a laugh from Mammon and Mammon earning a smack from Lucifer. There were a bunch of decorations all over the place then you remembered all the stuff Mammon bought "aww. The decorations were in those bags weren't they?" You asked him "N-No!" He replied, all flustered. Everyone was there, the brothers, Lord Diavolo, Barbatos, The two angels and Solomon. All were there except for Asmo. As time went on, you had a fun time eating the food, playing games, opening gifts, and you found out that the reason why Levi, Satan, and Beel were at the kitchen yesterday was because they were making the cake. Soon your party came to an end and everyone else but the brothers left already. Lo and behold, Asmo arrived. You couldn't even look at him "where have you been?" Satan asked sternly before covering his nose "Is that alcohol?" He asked again. Asmo looked away "M-Maybe." He replied "And just who were you drinking with?" Mammon asked, he looked pretty upset. They all did "I-...I ran into an ex fling and maybe...they invited me over to the bar and.." he trailed off. You curled up on your seat, bringing your knees to your face while Beel and Belphie comforted you "You just can't keep it in your pants for one day?" Lucifer asked as he crossed his arms and shook his head "All you had to do was pick up a gift. A gift, Asmo." He said "I-I know but then-" "Dude. Not cool." Levi cut him off "guys, guys. It's fine." You said, your voice breaking as you looked up "Clearly, he had to catch up with an old friend." You said as you got up from your seat and wiped your tears away "It's not okay." Beel told you as he had a worried expression on his face while he placed his big hand on your shoulder. You placed a hand on his "no, no, really. It's okay." You said as more tears ran down your face. You gently removed his hand from your shoulder and he looked like a sad puppy "thanks for the party guys. Really appreciate it" you said as you walked past Asmo. Meanwhile, he tried to get close to you but Belphie stopped him and shook his head. "Dude. First you ditch their date plans then you hang out with your ex on her birthday? What's wrong with you?" Levi asked. Asmo felt ashamed. You cried in your room for a good hour before receiving a knock on your door "can we talk?" Clearly it was Asmo "what do you want?" You asked "I just want to apologize for...for everything. For sticking you up on our dates and... coming home drunk from my ex's invite on your birthday..but I did get your gift though. Can you...can you forgive me?" He asked "Asmo...you can't even show up to some date..how much more to being committed to it?" "I know. I messed up big time I-" "I've heard it all before...just repeat your lines and leave..I don't want to see you anymore." He broke at that statement. Tears began flooding his eyes "O-Okay...H-Here's your gift..I leave it out here." He said. You heard a soft shuffle on the ground before hearing footsteps slowly getting farther and farther. You just stayed in your room and cried


Having a strong boyfriend has its advantages, he has a lot of..ahem..abs that you can touch whenever you like but he's a real softy with a MAJOR HANGRY issue. He's been really helpful lately, which was good since you've been pretty busy "Oi. We're heading home already, are you sure you won't need some extra hands?" Beel asked as he entered Diavolo's office. He looked between you, Lucifer and Diavolo "Don't worry. We'll be fine" you said with a reassuring smile "She's in good hands!" Diavolo said cheerfully. He looked back at Lucifer "well then, you best be off now, the two of us still have a lot of papers to file and sort" Lucifer replied. Your orange haired boyfriend looked over at him and nodded before leaving the office. Hours passed and all the paperwork was finally finished "Finally. I think we all deserve a good rest" Diavolo said as he looked at you and Lucifer "We should really get home" you said as you got up and dusted yourself off "yes, and we still have a busy day tomorrow" Lucifer said as he got up as well "see you two tomorrow" Diavolo said as you ad Lucifer made your way to the door. You looked back at Diavolo and waved at him before going out the door while Lucifer held the door open your you, like the gentleman he is. You two left RAD and walked back to the house of Lamentation on from outside the gate you can already hear screams and yells. You and Lucifer looked at each other before rushing over, unlocking the gate and just sprinting into the house. You two bust open the door and the lobby was destroyed. You look up the stairs to see a cowering Mammon, sideview on the second floor with Satan, Asmo, Levi, and Belphie "H-Hey now let's, not get too cran— AHHH!" He screamed and ran off "damn it, he was supposed to be our meat shield!" Satan said as he ran as well, chasing Mammon and soon the rest of them followed. Suddenly, Beel started chasing after them "what the-" "I'm HUNGRY!" he roared as he chased them in his demon form "crap." You muttered before running upstairs to chase after him. Lucifer was right next to you but then suddenly he isn't. He appeared in front of Beel with his wings and horns out. He was in his demon form. He used a spell to restrain Beel before he looked over his shoulder to look at his brothers "What happened to all the food we just bought yesterday?!" He asked "Well, we sort of...ate all of it and Mammon ate the last piece of food in the fridge." Satan explained. Lucifer's face scrunched up even more "MAMMON." "H-Hey! How was I supposed to know that he was THAT hungry?" While Mammon and Lucifer had their own problems, Beel broke free from the restraints and was rampaging again. You ran in front of him and spread your arms out, blocking him from his brothers "Hey, Hey..it's me. Calm down.. we'll get you food soon." You said in a soothing tone "is she crazy? She's going to get herself killed" Asmo said before Lucifer shut him up "Come on. It's me... remember?" You smiled. You saw his expression change back and fourth from his controlled self and his monstrous self. Sadly, the monstrous self was too strong. Using his arm, he slammed you into the wall, breaking the wall and your arm in the process. You let our a yelp before Lucifer restrained him again, with an even stronger spell "Call Luke and the others in Purgatory hall, tell them to bring their food over to our place and tell them it's and emergency." He told his brothers "On it." Levi said as he whipped out his phone and began sending the message. After a while, Solomon, and Luke fed Beel their food while Beel was in restraints like as if he was a god being fed. Meanwhile, Lucifer and Simeon were tending to your wounds and the rest of the brothers tried to clean up the mess. You have a sling for your arm now. Great. When everything was calm now, you tried to talk to Beel. You walked over to his room and knocked on his door "Beel? Hey. Let's talk, yeah?" You asked "Go away...I'm just going to hurt you even more." He replied from the other side of the door. He was currently resting his back against it "What? No...No you're not going to hurt me. I know you didn't mean to, it was your demon urges" you replied "that's the problem..I let my demon urges get the best of me and now look at you..you have a broken arm now." "I'm fine. Beel, it's okay. I forgive you" "thanks but I don't forgive myself..." "It's alright, we all go through that eventually" "No. No...I promised myself I wouldn't let anything or anyone hurt you...I became the very thing I promised not to do...I don't think we should be together anymore...I might just hurt you more" what he said shocked you "What? No, no, Beel. You won't, I'll help you stay under control I-..." You said as you began crying "I-If that's what you want then....go ahead.." you told him before you walked away from his door. He began crying as well before he slumped to the floor Belphie walked over to him and began comforting him, giving his brother a hug before he hugged back. Beel clinged on to his brother's shirt and sobbed.


"I really have to go." "What?" He asked as you stood up from his lap. You two were supposed to have your little alone time, you know, reading books, cuddling. The usual but you had some partner exam. What exam was that? It was supposed to be a magic circle exam, you and your partner had to choose and memorize a circle, one that could summon a strong magical beast. You and your partner chose to summon a unicorn. It was risky since the pattern and the style of the unicorn circle was almost the same as a Basilik's a creature that could petrify and turn you into stones in seconds. You and your partner have been told that it was a dangerous circle to do but your partner wanted to prove them wrong. "right now?" Satan asked again as he got up and watched you walk to the door "Yeah. I'm really sorry our us time had to be cut short. I'll make it up to you next week?" You replied as you opened the door "Hmm...I don't like where this is going." He said as he crossed his arms and leaned against his bookshelf. You let out a sigh as you left the door open then walked over to him "It won't be bad. I swear" you said before pecking his lips then walking out of his room, closing the door behind you. "Eh? He's isolated himself in his room?" Mammon asked as he was having a little gossip with Asmo "Mhm. Apparently, he hasn't seen them in weeks and it's driving him insane" Asmo replied, letting out a little giggle "so why doesn't he just go over and see them in their room?" Mon asked "Ah. They're staying over their partner's place and stuff. The least he could get from them are text messages and he doesn't see them alot in class or at free time either cause they're always with their study buddy" "..that's why he's isolating himself?? Over some..person?" "Tsk. It isn't just 'Some' person, Mammon but..yes." "huh. He's starting to sound a lot like Levi"  the white haired male replied, receiving a figurine to the doll from Levi "Shut up, stupid Mammon" He said before getting his figurine back and then walking back to his room, closing and locking the door. Note to self, never gossip outside Levi's room. "Neeehhh??? Satan! Open the door pleaaasseeee" Asmo said as he knocked on his door, receiving a groan from his blonde haired brother "What is it, Asmo?" He asked from the other side of the door "We want to help you feel better~" "I don't wanna be a part of whatever..Sexual deed you're going to do...wait. did you say 'we'?" ""Ugh! One, Sex isn't the only thing I do in my spare time okay?? Two, yes. We" He replied "I'm here too" Mammon spoke up "Let's help you get your mind off of them" he added. The two waited outside until they saw the door knob rattle, followed by the door opening "Alright, Alright. What are we gonna do?" Satan asked as he looked at the two. Asmo and Mammon looked at each other before crying—"Shoppiiinngg~!!". There Satan was, just standing around while his brothers go on a shopping spree. Asmo buying whatever cosmetics and clothes while Mammon buying.. whatever he wanted until something caught his eye "Hmm..A book café huh? Alright.. I'll give it a shot" he said to himself "Hey guys, I'm gonna go get a drink" he told his brothers but, as if they heard him. He walked over to the café and who does he see? The person he was supposed to get his mind off of leaned in so close to their study partner that it had to be kissing. He felt like he was about to explode. He even turned into his demon form out of rage but he bottled it in, saving it for later. He turned back to normal and walked back to his brothers who had a mountain of stuff they bought "so how was the drink you got?" Mammon asked "Oo~ was it alcohol?" Asmo peeped in "Oh. No, no. Forget about it let's...go home" Satan replied, giving his usual deceitful smile as he walked back home "Hm?" The two other brothers looked at each other before shrugging then walking with him. Meanwhile, "Aaaghh...Randyyy" you whined as your partner, Randy was wiping off some of the foam that you got on your face, he was pretty close too "what's there to whine about? Aaaannnddd....done* he said as he completely wiped off all the foam from your mouth then sat back down on his seat "I could do it myself, you know" you said as you looked down at your book "Meh. It's a lot cleaner if someone else does it, they can see your face better" "I have a phone and a mirror" You said as you looked at him "Aww come on. Can't I just be nice?" He replied before chuckling and you two went on studying. The misunderstandings have begun. Fast forward to three more days later, you aced the exam, luckily, no basilisk was summoned and no one was petrified and turned to stone. You walked over to Satan's door, knocking then opening it "Hey! Great news! I aced the exa-" "get out of my room." He coldly cut you off, he was sitting on a pile of books, his nose stuck in a book. He won't even look at you "What? But..I just got he-" "yes and it was a lovely visit. Now please leave." He said as he flipped a page, still not looking at you "could you please just tell me what's wrong?" You asked, sick of the attitude he was giving you "Really now? Answering my question with another question? Fine then. Two can play at that game" he said as he set his book down, got up, and walked over to you "Why. Were you kissing. Randy?" He asked as you saw his horns and his tail slowly start to peek out "What? Kiss- why would I kiss him? Wait. We're you at the-" "Answer the question!" He yelled, cutting you off, making you flinch "look. I don't know who you saw or whatever cause I did not kids Randy. I repeat. I did not kiss Randy" You replied, looking him dead in the eye "...you're cheating on me" he said "What- NO! did you not just hear what I said?!" You yelled "then tell me, dear. Why have you been neglecting me hm? Why have you been ignoring me for the past week, acting like I wasn't there?" "Because the magic circle was a big risk! One mistake and people could have died!" "What? Could you not have given time to me? At least even a fraction of it?" "Look. You want attention so badly? Where here I am! GIVING YOU ALL THE FUCKING ATTENTION YOU WANT" "THATS NOT THE ATTENTION I WANT" "WELL TOO BAD CAUSE YOU ARENT GETTING ANY OTHER KIND RIGHT NOW!" You yelled back as he transformed into his full demon form "Get out." He simply replied with a sickening smile "No. I won't get out." You replied and the next thing you know it, everything was black. Apparently, Satan literally kicked you out of his room. He was in his demon form too so you bet it packed quiet a kick. He earned a pretty big scolding from Lucifer and you were teleported to Purgatory Hall to get all patched up. Did he feel remorse? A little bit but he was still clouded by anger and rage. Guess this is the end for the two of you. For now


Heyo. I'm back. Sorry I took so long. I won't be explaining why I disappeared, I'm sorry. My whereabouts aren't much of a concern, carry along. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you didn't then sorry, not sorry. This was meant to please others who like it uwu

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