My Name is Joseph

By abbyrbeiler

534 35 16

When young Joseph suddenly finds himself forced into the world of armies and battles by his jealous brothers... More

A Crazy Birthday Present
Strange Dreams
Revenge and Cruelty Part 1
Revenge and Cruelty Part 2
Friends in Exile
Seeing Yourself on the News?
Coming to Terms Part 1
Coming to Terms Part 2
Coming to Terms Part 3
Getting Promoted
My Friends Predicted This?
Of Simulations and Check-Ups
Pearls and Handsome Men
Dr. Williams and the Glasses
Set Ups

Far Away From Home

26 2 0
By abbyrbeiler

William continued driving glancing back at Joseph for the second time on the whole trip. They had been travelling for two days since ditching Joseph's car; and they had ditched his car two days after beating him up. Their elaborate plan to fool their father seemed to be working. They had texted their Dad from Joseph's phone, making it look like Joseph was going somewhere. They then made Joseph, in his bloody, torn-up clothes, drive to a certain place, where they ditched the car in a forest. They then did the best they could to make it look like there had been a struggle and that Joseph had been forcibly taken somewhere. Johnnie, convinced that might not be enough, set the car on fire to cover up any tracks. They also made Joseph drop his phone and one of his shoes somewhere near the scene.

Liam had pointed out that the police would find him automatically when they enlisted him into the army, because his name would be all over the news. Oliver had just rolled his eyes, left the room, and come back a few hours later with some fake IDs. Oh, how Joseph had stared at that! He had no idea what kind of people his brothers had connections to. The new name they gave him was Alexander Reagan, and they proceeded to call him that. They also managed to give him the age of eighteen on the IDs. So, they no longer needed to worry about any parental permission.

William had then started his "trip," leaving Joseph to sit in the back while he drove him to the army base several states away. Since leaving, Joseph had not said one word. At first, William suspected it was too painful. But now that many of his bruises were gone and scabs were all that was left of most of his cuts, Joseph's silence continued. He barely even moved. Hour after hour, he just sat. Slouched in the back. Eyes looking almost dead. William scoffed and he saw Joseph cringe. A smirk appeared on his face. This was what he deserved.


I felt dead. Well, not really dead, but inwardly dead. This was really happening. Worse than my worst nightmare. I shivered. I wasn't even old enough for the army. I wasn't ready to be in that kind of danger. Not to mention that Dad—no, I couldn't think of him. It hurt too much. A tear pricked my eye. Today they were going to show Dad the car. Today Dad's world was going to come crashing down. And Benjamin... What would happen to him? The tear leaked out of my eye and down my face. I didn't wipe it away. I had no reason to.

We would be there soon. We would arrive at the place of my exile. I didn't understand why this was happening. I was no longer even myself. I was Alexander. Alexander Reagan. Joseph was gone. My shoulders slumped even farther down. My mind tried to tell me that God was with me, but He wasn't. He hadn't helped me. He had failed me. Really failed me. I realized now that I couldn't trust Him. I was alone. Completely alone.


Joseph had just been admitted when William received the call from his father. He sighed in relief. Nothing could change now. Joseph had already taken the MEP tests, been admitted, and walked through the door into the training area, or wherever new soldiers went. William shrugged. It's not like it mattered. Joseph was gone.

He turned and walked out of the doors of the complex as he answered the phone and put it to his ear.

"Will?!" his father's anguished voice cried.

William put on his best concerned voice, "Dad? Is something wrong? Did something happen? What's going on?"

His father chocked on a sob, "Joseph! He, he was kidnapped!"

"What?!" Will answered, while trying to keep a smirk off of his face.

"He's gone, Will! What will I do now? Come home! Quickly! I can't lose another one of you. I need you here." His father's breathing was raspy on the other side of the phone.

Will tried to make it sound like he was having trouble breathing. "Oh no. Oh no. Ok, Dad, I'm on my way home right now. I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Good. Just come!" Dad's voice broke into a sob and he turned the phone off. Will smiled slowly. Yes, this was going perfectly.

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