Love in Distress

By iamundaunted

689 20 0

-SAVANNAH- Search rich kid, and you'd find me. Of course you would. I had the closet that could fit the whole... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 9

32 2 0
By iamundaunted

Author's Note: Hey so, I know the previous chapter is crap, and this chapter would probably be the same crap too, but I'll try my best in the succeeding chapters.

I do have a clear plot line though, and I hope I could deliver it well.

Who am I kidding? I seriously need help.

Nway, this is getting too long. So, enjoy! :D 



“Wake her up.”

“She’s still sleeping, man. Let her rest.”

“We need her awake Ty!”

“No, we need her alive.”

“For fuck’s sake, waking her up will not kill her.”

“Are you sure? Because this face? Is drop-dead-gorgeous.”

For the past fifteen minutes or so, all I hear are the arguments of these two guys, which voices’ I recognized almost immediately. They were the ones who attempted to kidnap me last night. And my dad was right. They’re idiots.

 They don’t know I’m not sleeping anymore. They might have let me inhale some kind of sleeping powder, but the effect didn’t last that long. So here I am pretending to be fast asleep on this hard small bed. And why am I eavesdropping? Well, I might be able to use their conversation as proof in the future.

But I doubt that for now.

“Oh come on Ty! Just wake the girl!”

“Why don’t you just go do it yourself?”


A pause.

“I don’t want to.” The British accent replies.

“Oh right, women scares the shit out of you. You know, for a big guy, you’re such a wuss on the other gender.”

“What the hell?! I am not a wuss! I –”

“Where’s the girl?” a new voice suddenly interrupts following the sound of a closing door.

I never heard of this voice, but it’s intimidating. It speaks with so much authority, and I don’t get why. It’s not even too deep like how every other supposedly scary bad guy’s voice should sound. It’s just well, it just sounds like my dad’s. The kind of voice that sounds whole and demands attention, the only difference is that this new voice sounded younger.

“She’s there your highness, my king, my lor –”

“Shut up Ty.” The new voice cuts. His voice sounded near, so I shut my eyes extra closed. I don’t want to get caught.

“If you’re going to convince people that you’re sleeping, might as well relax your features.”

No no no no no. Heart, stop pumping too much blood, I don’t want to turn red right now.

“And try not blush.” He adds.

This is hopeless. 

I slowly peel my eyes open and I quickly cover the shock I felt. The guy was bending over to me, and his face was too close for my liking. I promptly noted what he looked like: not what I expected. I thought I’d be seeing a really huge guy with tattoos and piercings and the likes, but I’m completely wrong.

If anything, he looks harmless, but still definitely intimidating with his chiseled jaw, straight nose, and his serious face. He has mysterious written all over his face and I don’t know why, but maybe because everything about him seems so dark, as in dark hair, dark eyes, dark gaze, even how he purses his lips is frighteningly dark. His complexion is probably the only thing that isn’t dark.

I looked behind him to see my other kidnappers. The one nearer to me was standing and leaning on the deep-blue-colored wall. He had a curly chestnut brown hair. His built was huge. He looked like a human rock. Especially now that his muscles looked large with his arms crossed over his chest. He looked so tough, it honestly scares me.

The other one is sitting cross-legged on the wooden floor. This one is the opposite of the one leaning. He looks younger, not only because he’s just there eating a chuck load of fries, but also because his wide eyes are smiling with mischief. And if those eyes didn’t look mischievous enough, his light blonde hair that sticks out on all directions will be the finishing touch.

“Done ogling at us?” The one sitting manages to say despite of the fact that he's still chewing some fries.

I scoffed. He’s definitely what I expected: the typical cocky guy.

“Maybe if you were a mirror, I’d ogle at you.” I retort.

His eyes gleamed. “Finally, someone fun.” He grins, “I’m Tyler by the way. Remember the guy you kicked in the balls? ”


“The giant wuss over there” He points at the human rock, “is Kevin.” Kevin looked appalled.

“And of course, the one in front of you” Tyler says. I look at the person he’s referring. And I couldn’t identify whether the guy was mad or sad as he stared at me. “That’s E-”

 “Enough.” The guy in front of me finishes and stops Tyler completely.

So much authority and bitterness in that tone.

I’m calling him Espresso.

Espresso stands up – this guy is seriously tall, he then looks at me straight in the eyes, and I try not to squirm under his scrutinizing gaze. Why is he just staring at me like he’s freaking reading me? Now I just feel stupid lying down doing nothing as three guys watch me without a sound. This is far too awkward for me. I could practically hear crickets right now.

But Espresso sighs, breaking the silence.

“Do what you have to do.” Espresso tells the two guys behind him, and turns around.

I involuntarily shiver. Is this the part where they’re finally going to butcher me or something? No, I can’t let that happen. I love all parts of my body!

I stand up almost immediately, held my chin up high, and “Hey Espresso!”

Espresso stops walking, and for the longest second, he turns around ever so slowly.

“What” he scowls at me, “What did you just call me?” Espresso growls.

I try not to gulp the lump in my throat. This guy really knows how to intimidate people because honestly, never in my life have I been this frightened by just mere words, but I smoothed my features expertly. “Espresso” I repeated calmly, “I called you Espresso.”

“Don’t call me that.” He growls, and starts to turn around again, but I’m quite stubborn.

“You can’t order me to do things I don’t want to do!” I yelled. “So I’m going to call you Espresso whenever the hell I want because I want to.”

After that little tantrum I threw, I could see the impressed looks from the two guys behind, and that’s enough boost for me to continue being a stubborn brat. If being a stubborn brat would slow down my possible near death, than I would be the most stubborn brat as I can be, and I’d do it with pleasure.

Espresso menacingly walks back to me, and when he’s only an inch apart from me, he grips my arm so tightly that I almost let out a whimper. Then he bends down so I could see him at eye level.

“You listen here, you brat.” Espresso hisses, “I can order you things you don’t want to do because I” he points at himself, “am not the one trapped here. You,” he points at me “however, are. So you start respecting me.”

 I scoffed at him, and held his gaze defiantly, “How am I supposed to respect you when you clearly don’t respect me?”

Espresso purses his lips into a thin line, and for a moment, I thought he’d suddenly get a knife and slice my tongue off, but shockingly, he let me go. He looked at me for a moment and began turning around once more. He walks towards Tyler and Kevin. He mutters something to the two, and they both looked at me, nodding.

Why do I feel like Espresso’s ordering the other two kidnappers to kill me? Yeah, I think they’re going to chop off my limbs now and sell it to vampires, and I’m not going to look pretty inside my coffin anymore. I trembled. What a horrible, horrible death.

“And, I forgot.” Espresso says before he walks out the door, “Don’t tell her any crucial information.” He looks at Tyler, “And that includes my name.” Then he went out, leaving me alone with these two guys, who might I add, looking at me like I was their Math test – they don’t know what to do.

“You can’t butcher me.” I tell them blatantly.

Tyler blinks and then laughs. “We won’t princess.”

A sigh of relief escaped my mouth.

“But we will make your life miserable though.” Kevin adds.

My eyes widen. I officially hate this Kevin guy even if his accent fascinates me.

 “Stop scaring the girl Kev.” Tyler addresses Kevin as he stands up. Tyler is relatively smaller and thinner than Kevin. Although Tyler is not that small. In fact, he actually looks lean and tall for me. But not tall enough so that Kevin doesn’t dwarf him.

“Are you hungry?” Tyler asks.

Am I hearing this right? They’re kidnappers and yet they still have the conscience to not let me starve to death. “Excuse me?” I asked.

“I asked you if you're hungry.” Tyler repeats slower this time, emphasizing every syllable in each word.

I just looked at him like he was crazy. Maybe I’m just imagining all this. Is this because of the cement last night again?

“Woman, the guy just asked you if you were hungry.” Kevin says.

My eyes snapped to his direction. “So what if I’m hungry? Aren’t you supposed to be kidnappers? Not some charity volunteers.”

Kevin rolls his eyes. “It’s not like we have a choice. So are you hungry or not?”

“What do you mean you don’t have a cho–”

“She’s hungry.” Tyler interrupts.

“I’m not hungry.” I lied despite that it’s probably late in the afternoon right now and I still haven’t eaten my lunch.

“You are.” Tyler sees through my lie. Kevin and Tyler looks at each other like they’re having this telepathic conversation. Then they look at me.

“I’ll get the food.” Kevin spoke. “I’ll give her the clothes.” Tyler says at the same time.

I just stare at them not hiding the fact that my mind is going haywire by what's happening right now. I’m so confused. What are they doing?

“You stay here okay?” Tyler tells me after throwing his pile of empty food wrappers.

“Why do you even worry?” Kevin says glancing at me for a second, “It’s not like she could escape.”

“Oh, I will escape.” I told him.

“Nope.” He replies curtly and went out the door.

I hate him.

“What’s your bra size?”

I blink several seconds to clearly register what I was hearing. My bra size?

“W-what?” I sputter.

“Oh sorry, didn’t mean to be so blunt. I need to know your size so I can pick up the clothes that fit you.” Tyler says in a monotone.

I stare at Tyler for a moment. This is all too much for me. Why the hell do they even want me to change clothes when they’re going to kill me? I swear these guys are high on drugs.

“Are you even going to reply? Because if you won’t, I’m getting a cup A.”

“What?! I’m cup B!”

He grins. “Humble much?”

I roll my eyes. I don’t know what that word is.

“You know, for someone being kidnapped, you look pretty calm.” Tyler comments.

Calm? Calm? Boy, you do not know how terrified I am right now.

“Of course.” I say nonchalantly despite my true emotions, “I’m sure my dad can get me out of here. I mean, you guys are in it for the money, right?”

Tyler snorted. “No, actually.”

I furrowed my brows, this is really too confusing. If they don’t want a ransom, what do they really want? They’re not killing me. They’re not harassing me. They’re giving me food and clothing. But despite all those seemingly kind deeds, there's still this one great big bad deed that cannot be overlooked: they freaking kidnapped me.

“What do you want then?” I ask.

“Sorry princess, can’t tell you.” He winks.

I turned around and massaged my temples. This is all so stressful.

“Are you guys mentally ill? Or is this just one big prank? Because I swear this is not funny.”

Then I slumped face first on the bed because I'm extra exhausted. But the moment I rolled to my back, and looked up, I was greeted with Tyler’s sly grin.

“No” Tyler answers as he gets my right wrist so quickly and handcuffed it to bed, “and no” he answers again and did the same process with my other wrist.

I gasp. “What the hell?!” I exclaim, while furiously kicking him, but he got hold of both feet and handcuffed each to the bed as well.

As soon as I  realized that I’m helplessly chained to the bed, and that there's a guy I barely even know looking down at me triumphantly, my heart began beating wildly. So I was right all this time? They didn’t kidnapped Levi, because they wanted a girl. They wanted to rape me?

Oh God.

“Please tell me you’re not going to do what I think you’re about to do.” I say trying to steady my shaking voice.

“Well that depends on what you think.” He whispers.

I shiver as his breath fans on my cheek, and gulped. “Please don’t do it. Please, I still have no experience, and I really don’t want to experience it yet. No wait, I really don’t want to experience it at all. Please don’t rape me.” I plead, and I felt like puking at how desperate I sound. I don’t feel like me at all.

One. Two. Three seconds passed and Tyler still hadn’t reacted, but when he did. It was in the form of a loud, humorous laugh.

“You’re adorable.” He says while trying to wipe the imaginary tears from his eyes, “You actually thought I was going to rape you.” Then he laughs again, while I just glare at him. He almost gave me a heart attack.

When Tyler’s laugh died out, he was still flustered, and I still kept glaring at him.  

“Take these handcuffs off!” I demand.

“Aw, but you sound way cuter when you were pleading.” He grins at me and then made a serious face, “I'm really sorry though because even if you do plead, I can’t. I’m going to be dead if ever you escaped.” Then he stands up. “But don’t worry. I’d be back soon and you won’t be handcuffed anymore. Alright?”

“Alright?!” I hiss, “What kind of demented brain do you have? How am I going to be alright at this state?!

“Ugh, just try to be alright. I’d be back. Bye!” and he closes the door, leaving me cursing to the whole damn universe.

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