Maxerica a Different Way

By Elev77

14.5K 157 44

COMPLETED #3 maxonandamerica ALL RIGHTS GO TO KIERA CASS FOR SELECTION CHARACTERS!!!!!!! (I have some chara... More

A blond meets a red head[Edited]
5 years later [Edited]
Five more years when the bet comes to play [Edited]
The Selection Starts[Edited]
Meet again[Edited]
The First Week of The Selection[Edited]
Kriss's Birthday[Edited]
Irrevocably In Love[Edited]
Your Mine[Edited]
The Build Up[Edited]
The Truth Told[Edited]
Going Home and Saying Bye[Edited]
Never Apart Again[Edited]
Honeymoon Part 1
Honeymoon Part 2[Edited]
The Song[Edited]
NOT AN UPDATE Later today 1/7
5 years later[Edited]
10 Years Later (part 1) Ella's story[Edited]
Telling The Parents (1 week later) Part 2 Ella's Story[Edited]
Dad's Little Girl part 3 Ella's Story[Edited]
The House part 4 Ella's story
The Woods (Hunters story( part 1) 16 years old)
The sectret (Hunters story(Part 2) 17 years old)
(A day in town (17 years old) part 3)three weeks)
Telling the parents (Hunters story part 4)17 years old)1 month later)
Engament+ telling the parents+ The night +lead up (part 5 Hunters story)
The Baby (part six) Hunters story
Update schedual THIS STORY
Birth (Hunter (part 7))
Steph (part 1) Nates story
Two people one team(One year later) Nates story(part 2)
The Chase (Nates story)part 4
Makeup? (Nate's story) part 5
Wedding (Nate's story) part 6
The Wedding (Nates Story) part 7
The End
5K READS!!!!!

Back story (Nates story) part 3

80 3 0
By Elev77

"Where is she!"
"Sh- she was not in any of the safe rooms we double triple checked your highness," a guard said.
"This can't be! Well start searching for her!"
"Yes, your highness! I'll tell the general and help get more troops to look!" The guards yells.
I turn to Hunter with a frantic look.
"I should have gotten there earlier! If I had been there a mere fifteen seconds earlier. I can't help but thinking that I could have saved her," my voice broke after those words just thinking she could be being tortured right now or dead. And I didn't even get to say good bye.
I love her so much. And I never got the chance to tell her. I just want her to be okay.
I've never seen my brother this distraught.
"We will find her Nate dead or alive I promise we will find her."
"Alive I hope,"
"Me too, me too,"
He cried on my shoulder the rest of the night.
The room was badje and very dark I just wish Nate was here to warm me up with his touch or even his smile would warm me. I'm so cold they only gave me a thin blanket.
I don't even know where I am! I mean I know I'm in a rebel base but I don't know which type or in which providence. I just want to be cuddling with my Nate. He probably has already found a new girlfriend that lets him call them his dear.
"If I ever get out of here I promise to let you call me my dear." I whisper to myself.
The door suddenly slammed open and a surly man with a thick black peppered beard. The complete opposite really dang I miss Nate and I really hope he hasn't forgotten me yet. Or at all if I'm lucky.
I really hope Steph is okay I can't live without her. Why haven't they found her yet!
"Yeah little bro?"
"Why haven't they found her yet! It has been over a month!"
"I don't know Nate? I really don't they have looked everywhere in Illea for her!"
"Why not outside of Illea? She could have been taken by New Asia, Dominica, or France!"
"No! Queen daphne and dad were childhood friends and still are acquaintances! That's absurd they would not attack us!"
" Sorry! I'm just so upset Hunter! I love her so much! As soon as we find her I am proposing,"
"Good for you!"
"I-I-I just want to have her in my arms right now. I can''t sleep without knowing she's okay."
"I understand if Rose was captured by rebels I know I wouldn't be able to sleep one wink."
"I know I just really really miss her."
The door burst open again! "I told you I don't know any codes to anything important!"
"Doctor Ledger, we have come to take you back to the palace, the prince has been worried sick about you."
"Thank you for telling me, lets go then!"
I ran in to the hallway foolishly thinking he'd be there. He wasn't. Then another pair of arms wet around my waist. Knowing better I stepped on his foot.
"Ow my dear! Why did you do that?"
"NATE! What are you doing here! I thought you would be at the palace waiting!"
"I couldn't be away from you any longer my dearest." Then he kissed me deeply.
"I like the new nickname." I mumbled in to his chest.
"I have a surprise for you when we get home," he whispered for only me to hear.
"Can you give me a hint babe? Please!"
"I'm sorry but no. Trust me though the surprise is going to be the best you've ever had. At least I hope," he mumbled the last part to himself.
"I'm sure it will be," Then I kissed him.💋
"You weren't supposed to hear that,"
"Well I did, so deal you cutie."💋
"I hope you know no matter how many times you kiss me I won't tell what the surprise is."
"Fine. No more kisses until then,"
"What! I can't go more than an hour without kissing you!"
"Well... if you just told me the surprise we could make-out, right now."
"That's very tempting but I'm so so sorry, no,"
Dang now she's mad at me I should of just proposed to her as soon as we found her! Stupid! The first thing I should of said to her is that I love her and want to marry her!
"Steph, please look at me. I don't like you being mad at me." I whined.
"I just don't like secrets no matter how harmless they are. I know it's a crappy reason to be mad, I just care about you so much and I really want this to work. Also I feel like instead of moving forward we have been stuck in this limbo like state of "just dating". I'm just tired I guess. Lack of sleep, you know." She had tears in her eyes and I just wanted to hug her, kiss her, and propose to her.
"Lets just go home, okay?"
"Yeah, that might be for the best."
Back at the palace
Why am I so emotional? It's not like I could be pregnant. I've never had sex. My period was last week. I must just be really tired from being captured and having a lack of sleep.
There was knock on my door
I walk slowly over to the door. When I open it there's a maid standing there with an envelope.
"Here you are Dr.Ledger,"
"Thank you, Mia."
I open the letter it say's

My dearest Steph,
I know you are mad with me right now. But I would love it if you would meet me in the place we first met as children.
Your love,

I start walk to the ball room. But when I get there its pitch black and empty. But I remember the first time and the first place we met.

We were 15
It was our first ball I was very nervous. I thought I would trip or spill on my dress and be the laughing stock of the palace. Even though my parents are very important people in the palace I've never been to a ball.
Also the hottest guy in the palace will be here for his first ball too. Prince Nathaniel .
At the ball
When I finally got to the ball and as I was walking down the staircase I saw him talking to his mom, Queen America. She's so pretty no wonder Nathaniel doesn't even look at me. His standards are so high. He probably has the same taste as his dad. Classically beautiful.
Then I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Would you like to dance Lady Stephanie?"
It was Nathaniel! Why is he even talking to me? I mean it's not like he has ever noticed me before this. Our mom's always made us have play dates when we were kids. But after we got old enough to not be forced to play together he forgot I existed. So why was he talking to me now?
"Um, lady Stephanie is that a no then?"
"NO! I-I mean yes I would love to dance with you Prince Nathaniel," then I did an awkward curtsy thing.
Wait. Dance what? I can't dance! Oh no I'm going to make a fool of myself in front of my crush! None the less!
"You can just call me Nate all my friends do."
"We're friends? We haven't talked in over five years!"
"Yeah. It's just um after our mom's stopped making us hang out I couldn't think of any reasons to. Yah know, hang out. So do you wanna hang out sometime?"
"Yeah, that would be fun, Nate."
Then we danced and talked the rest of the night.
But the first place we technically met was in the nursery! Because of those stupid god forsaken play dates! But it's how we met so they weren't all that bad. So off to the nursery!
At the nursery
I can't wait till she gets here! This Is going to be the best surprise ever! I still remember the first time I saw her.
"MOM I DON'T WANT TO HAVE A PLAY DATE WITH MRS.LUCY'S DAUGHTER! It's going to be too weird. She has cooties because she's a girl."
"Well I'm a girl and I don't have cooties, right?"
"Yeah, but your my mom! That's different,"
"If your really going to make me say it. Your old and my mom so you obviously don't have cooties."
To my surprise she had a little chuckle then said "Well since I don't have cooties that means that Stephanie will not have cooties. Ready?"
"Fine, But I won't talk to her!"
"Oh yes you will if you want to not be grounded."
"Okay mom lets go I'm ready!" This was going to suck.
The nursery
When we walked in I saw Mrs.Lucy and a girl about my age standing next to her. She looked...pretty.
"Hi miss,"
"Hi Nathaniel! I'm Stephanie!"
"That is prince Nathaniel to you!"
"Nathaniel! Be polite!" My mom scolded.
"Yes, mom. Sorry Stephanie,"
"Thank you Prince Nathaniel you are forgiven," then she did a weird curtsy-bow thing that was kind of cute. Wait what!? Why would I think that!
"Mama what's wrong with Prince Nathaniel's face?" She whispered to Mrs.Lucy. Dang! There goes my chance to impress her. Why do I want to impress her again? Who knows!
"Okay you too play now we'll just be in the other room, play nice Nate."
"Yes mom." They walked out the room and left us to our own devices.
"So what do you want to do now?" She asked.
"Lets play hide and seek!"
A knock sounded on the door which brought mr out of my thoughts.
"Come in!"
"Nate are you in here?"
"Yes darling I'-" as I turn around expecting to see my amazing girlfriend my beautiful Steph. But to my surprise it is the French princess Mila.
"You haven't called me that in a while babe."
"What are you doing here Mila?"
"Why aren't you happy to see me?"
"No actually I'm not I am waiting for my girlfriend."
"In a nursery? Are you telling her your pregnant? Ha!"
"No, actually I am planning on proposing in the first place we met. Aka the nursery." I say waving my hand in a sweeping motion.
"Oh so this little set isn't because you wanted to have a new make-out spot," She started walking towards me then grabbed my face and brought it to hers.
I start to open the door to the nursery when I hear moaning? I open the door and see Nate kissing the French princess! Probably French kissing he's really good at that. He probably learned it from her or he taught her!
She ran out crying I wanted to run after her so bad but Mila grabbed my face and tried to kiss me again but this time I pushed her away better than before. Then I sprinted out of the nursery trying to catch up with the love of my life.

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