Illusion: Destiny Awaits (In...

By LivinFaith

33 39 16

Two girls, two Soul Animals, and one magical, mysterious world. Christi and Sabrina have been best friends... More

Authors' Note
1 - Sabrina
1 - Christi
2 - Sabrina
2 - Christi
3 - Sabrina
3 - Christi
4 - Sabrina
4 - Christi
5 - Sabrina
5 - Christi
6 - Sabrina
6 - Christi
7 - Sabrina
7 - Christi
8 - Sabrina
8 - Christi
9 - Sabrina
9 - Christi
10 - Sabrina
10 - Christi
11 - Sabrina
11 - Christi
12 - Sabrina
12 - Christi
13 - Sabrina
13 - Christi
14 - Sabrina
14 - Christi
15 - Sabrina
15 - Christi
16 - Sabrina
16 - Christi
17 - Christi
18 - Sabrina
18 - Christi
19 - Sabrina
19 - Christi
20 - Sabrina
20 - Christi
21 - Sabrina
21 - Christi
Mini Epilogue - After the Battle

17 - Sabrina

0 0 0
By LivinFaith

Ah... blessed summer. Well, almost, I suppose. It's the last day of school! But there is something bothering me. What mistake did Christi make? She seems pretty upset about it, so she must think it was pretty bad. Honestly though, I have never really seen her make huge mistakes before. Unless you count putting too much baking soda in the cupcakes once.

I guess I will have to ask her at school. I hope she moves past it soon though. After school is out, we have a lot of time to figure out this weird web of weirdness. Yes, very descriptive.

I sigh.

I just had to be dropped off early today, just had to. Well, I suppose I could have walked. But in this heat? Uh, no thanks!

How early did I have to wake up to get here? You might ask. Let's just say around... 6:35. Okay, okay. So I know that doesn't sound very early for some of you crazy weirdos, but technically I woke up at four thirty, and then fell back asleep again. So yes, it counts!

I rest my head on my desk. Only a few other people are even at school, or at least kids I should say. Some of the teachers are here, but almost no kids.

I am about thirty or so minutes early. Most of the other kids are here to retake tests and such. But not me! Lucky, lucky me.

See, my mom had to go to a meeting, or doctor's appointment, or maybe she had to go out of town. I mean, when she told me I was half asleep, so do you blame me for not listening?! I basically just lay there, nodding my head like a bobblehead.

I glance at the clock. Ah darn. I forgot. The clock isn't working. Oh yeah! I have a watch. I glance at my left wrist. Really? I forgot my watch on the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL??? What is wrong with me. Ugghhh. Now I have to look at my phone now! Or, I can go into another classroom. Hmmm, tough decision.

Not really. I guess I will just have to trudge to another boring classroom. Ugh. Now for the choice of the day! Should I go to the math room, to the left of me? Or to the reading room, to the right of me.

I ponder, to pass time. Even though I don't know what time it is.

And the final conclusion... Reading it is! Actually, that wasn't very hard. Math sucks. I mean, don't get me wrong, math nerds. I just kind of... despise it.

So I struggle out of the classroom. My legs feel like wet noodles, because of little use. Also, I spilled water on them when I went to the water fountain. But that is beside the point! Actually, I have no idea what the point is.

I quickly poke my head into the room, to see, and see one too many things. I see the time. But the teacher sees me.

Darn it. I just wanted to know the time! Why universe must you do this?! I mean, as far as teachers go, she is absolutely awesome. But I wanted to avoid talking to people. Especially in the morning.

"Good morning Sabrina!" She greets me cheerily.

"Uh, hi, Mrs. Drail," I greet awkwardly. I mean, really. I'm just standing weirdly at her door. And yes, Drail. I actually like it. But anyway.

"Did you study for my test today?" She asks, shuffling some papers. A lightning bolt of panic shoots through me.

"Heh. Yeah! Uh huh. Studied, really hard!" I say, internally freaking out.

"Good, good," she says, looking back down at some papers. I slowly start to exit, trying to escape this awkward encounter.

As soon as I am out of there, the bell finally rings. At last! Some fellow kids. I ditch my stuff in the Social Studies classroom and go off in search of Christi.

The hallways aren't as crowded as they usually are yet, but I know it will be soon. I locate Christi's locker, and wait there, ignoring the weird stares I get from the people whose lockers are next to hers.

She takes forever to get here, I must say. Like, a whole two minutes! Yes, I know, utterly admonishing. Yay! Big words.

"Christi! There you are. I've been waiting here for a decade!" I exclaim, exasperated at her tardiness. She rolls her eyes, as she begins to turn her lock.

"Yeah right. Anyway, why were you waiting in the first place? Don't you have better things to do, than 'waiting here for a decade?' " she retorts, her locker finally open. I gaze into the purple void, drifting off in the thought, about this purple void, where when you fall through, everything turns purple, and if you get sick of the color, you get banished into the brown void. Yes, deep thoughts.

"Uh, not really. Okay, but seriously. Did you know we have a reading test today?!?" I ask, panic edging it's way into my voice. I would have written it down! Ugh, my grade is already an A-. My parents will be very disappointed if it gets to a B! Ah, the stress of school.

"Oh yeah, the one on the vocabulary. Sure I did. She told us last class!" she says casually, breaking the news to me as softly as one would break cement. So, not softly at all.

"Is it a summative or formative?" I ask, desperately hoping for the latter.

Christi slams her locker shut, the sound reverberating through my empty skull.

"Uh, I think it's a formative. Not sure though. We also have a math test, and a social studies test today. Both summative. Please tell me you at least studied for those." She sighs, heading down towards her homeroom. Which just so happens to be mine as well.

"Oh. I remembered those tests. Just not the reading one..." I trail off, trying to at least recall one of the vocabulary words. Christi rolls her eyes, and sets her stuff down at her desk. Since it's the last day of school, we really don't need a lot of materials. Just a pencil, pen, science notebook, math notebook, and some extra paper. Oh, and a stupid planner that's only good for drawing.

"All right. But off the topic of the test you forgot to study for, we do really have the necklaces back, right?" Christi inquires nervously. I understand her concern. Even though Zaraho stole the actual necklaces, these ones harbor the Soul Animals, so they are basically just as important.

I nod.

"Yeah. I can feel Lupo now. But I wonder why they haven't come out yet. We could really use some help right now." I say, very pointedly towards my necklace charm. No response. Well, of course. Why would he now? I mean, they gave us the riddle, and it's basically the end of school, so I suppose we don't quite need their help yet.

"I suppose Adelaide is mad at us now." Christi sighs again. And I have to agree. She saw me on my escape route, so she must be fuming.

"Yeah, I think she also knows it was us. She maybe, just might have seen me, soo..." I tell her, pulling out my planner to doodle.

"Really, Sabrina?" Christi says, also doodling in her planner.

"What? It's not my fault she has eyes on the back of her head!" I exclaim defensively.

"Well, yes, but it is your fault that she saw you, because I hope that she doesn't really have eyes on the back of her head," Christi points out. I admit defeat, and decide to now draw a chocolate chip family. No questions, I am a very weird person.

"Christi, check it out, I made a chocolate chip family! That one is Steven, that one is Matthew, and that one is Natasha!" I say, pointing to the absolutely wonderful chocolate family.

"Well, I made a corn cob family! So ha!" She proudly points toward her corn family.

"Oooh! Can I help name them?" I ask excitedly, dropping my own family. Just then the bell rings. Oh great, the rest of our strange homeroom is here to bug us. Joyousness!

I quickly plop myself into my seat, and try not to bounce impatiently in it. It is the last day of school for crying out loud, shouldn't we have a shorter day at least? Well, that's apparently not what the school board thinks.

Mr. W comes up to the front of the classroom for attendance. I hate attendance actually. They basically want you to sit there like an angel, hearing all these other names, and then when you hear your specific name, you call out one word. So stupid I must say.

"Sabrina!" Mr. W calls. I snap out of my trance, and say, very smoothly;

"What? Oh, uh, here." I blush, and try to awkwardly busy myself. Christi nudges me, smirking slightly at my misfortune.

"All right class, today you can just have some free time, play some games, do whatever. Enjoy your last day of school!" Mr. W announces. I immediately turn back towards Christi.

"Adelaide is in my core one. Help me Christi, I can't die like this!" I wail.

"Geez Sabrina, chill! It's not the end of the world. Just try to ignore her!" she advises. I nod, trying to form a plan of not dying.

"Hey Christi," I grin, remembering something. "Isn't Jace in this homeroom too?"

Her face pales.

"Oh gosh, Sabrina, I can't go talk to him, it would be so awkward, and I made a huge mistake and I just can't!" she panics.

"Well, if you never apologize, then you will just continue to feel bad. Go on, it won't be that bad." I start pushing her over to his table.

The room is divided into six different tables. Each table has about four or five different spots, and one rolling chair. I always want to sit in the rolling chair, but almost never do. Curse my luck. But anyway, the room is also decorated a fair amount, with a flag, and pictures of presidents and such. But I think my favorite thing about his room, is the super big poster of Washington D.C.

The poster has such detail, that I could honestly stare at it every single day, and still find new things in the picture. Currently, my favorite part of it is the one person who is wearing a purple hat. Yes, I know, it's like the smallest detail there probably is. But I still enjoy it.

"Hi Jace! Christi just wants to talk to you. So, I'll leave you to it!" I say cheerily, shoving my best friend along. Christi sends the most deathly glare ever seen, but I just grin, and turn away.

I know that I have sent Christi to her ultimate doom in her mind, but in my mind, I just helped her. I make a mental note to have her thank me when it is over.

I pretend to be busy, but in all honesty, I just listen to the very awkward conversation. And I must say, it is very entertaining.

"So, you, uh, wanted to talk to me?" I hear Jace ask. I lift my head up slightly from my book to see what Christi is doing.

Even from here, I can tell that she is blushing fiercely, and I am overjoyed at the prospect of embarrassing my best friend. It's practically what best friends are for!

"Uh, well, yes..." she stutters. I go back to pretending to read Capture the Flag by Kate Messner. It is actually a very good book, but I sure as heck am not reading it now, when I have this show.

"Okay. About what?" Jace presses. I laugh evilly in my head.

"Well, about, you know, yesterday..." Christi trails off embarrassed.

Jace laughs awkwardly.

Heheheh, I definitely have at least half of a blackened soul.

"Yeah, about that. So, I uh, had some things to talk to Adelaide about. Family things. We're second cousins." He explains. Christi nods her head, looking slightly relieved.

"Oh, okay." She says, "Sorry by the way, I got very, uh, upset didn't I." She apologizes.

"It's fine, I get it. Seeing me at Adelaide's must have shaken you, considering you're basically sworn enemies or something," Jace laughs a little. "But what were you doing there?" He asks. Christi turns over to me, her eyes asking.

I, understanding, pause, thinking for a moment.

And I nod my consent.

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