A Kiss to Remember (Completed)

By prijongsuk

91.6K 4.6K 779

Mew, the young CEO of Suppasit Corp. is kinda forced into an arranged marriage with a soccer player the natio... More

Chapter - 1
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8

Chapter - 4

7.2K 484 90
By prijongsuk

Gulf heard his mother's footsteps nearing his room; and as an instinct, he stumbled into the bathroom.

Mew's eyes widened at the sudden entry of Gulf into the bathroom, but he closed them and started the countdown.

"5.. 4.. 3.."

Gulf hurriedly lowered himself into the bathtub; the towel that was on his waist lay discarded on the bathroom floor.

"2.. 1." Mew opened his eyes to find Gulf sitting opposite from him, gathering all the foam and bubbles towards himself.

Gulf looked up to find Mew staring at him, an amused expression on his face; and he instantly averted his eyes from Mew's direction, but some way or the other they would land on the barely exposed skin of the man.

His collar bones and a bit of his chest was exposed. It looked firm yet soft; very delicate, as if even touching it would bruise it and mark the flawless milky skin. He wanted to touch it, feel the softness.. and he heard Mew clear his throat.

He knew he was staring and was now caught red handed; his eyes grew wide, he felt like a deer caught in headlights.

He immediately turned away, looking everywhere but at Mew; and an awkward silence grew in between them, and he knew it was awkward for him alone, because the amused expression on Mew's face clearly told him that he was enjoying it.

He looked at Mew again and found him staring at him, as if waiting for him to speak something.

And Gulf gave in to the awkwardness and Mew's gaze and blurted out the question that was troubling him since a few days.

"Th-that night did something happen between...us?"

"Which night Gulf?" Mew said as he rubbed his lower lip with the pad of this thumb.

Gulf followed that action with his eyes and gulped.

"The night I was drunk."

"If you want something to happen, then it did happen; if you didn't want anything to happen, then nothing happened." Mew said, locking his gaze with Gulf's.

Gulf squirmed under Mew's gaze, but he couldn't break the contact, he was too mesmerized by those dark brown irises and also he was confused by Mew's answer. He tried again.

"So did something happen between us?"

"Maybe; maybe not." Mew said with a smirk.

Gulf bit his lip and cursed himself for even asking Mew something like that. He saw small waves coming towards him; he looked up to find Mew's arms resting on the edge of the bathtub.

"You work out." Gulf said, his brain-to-mouth filter not functioning, as he eyed the guns on display.

Mew flexed his arms, making his biceps bulge a little more. "Yeah I work out."

Gulf saw Mew rise up, revealing a bit more of that milky skin; and as more and more of Mew's skin came into view as the bubbles were soon dying out, Gulf slumped down into the water, till his chin nearly touched the water.

"Are you trying to drown yourself?" Mew asked, amused at Gulf's reaction.

"N-no." and Gulf straightened himself, spilling the water out of the tub.

"Woah Woah. Easy there Tiger."

Gulf glared at him.

"What? Gonna freeze up the water?" Mew asked.

The intensity of Gulf's glare increased.

"Shall I help you wash your back?" Mew asked ignoring the glare directed towards him, as he reached for the hand shower beside him.

Gulf shook his head furiously. He understood, Mew was teasing him purposely.

"Your wish. Though when you were small you always bathed with me, only allowing me to help you clean up here and there." Mew said with a teasing smile.

Gulf blushed at that. "S-stop teasing me."

"What? I'm just telling the truth." Mew said faking innocence.

Gulf watched Mew wash himself up. The water from the hand shower cleaning up the soap suds that still lingered on his body. He watched as the water ran down his neck, down his chest and disappeared into the tub.

"Enjoying yourself?" Mew said with a prominent smirk.

Gulf gasped loudly, but before he could try to denying everything, he saw Mew get up from the tub. He immediately closed his eyes; his mind and heart were not ready to see such a sight.

He felt the water lapping up to him as Mew left the bathtub, and after some time he felt something soft and wet press against his cheek.

"Don't stay in the water too long; your skin will get wrinkly." Mew whispered into Gulf's ears.

Gulf felt Mew's warm breath ghosting over his ear, making the temperature of his whole body rise up.

"And I never told you to close your eyes. I don't mind you looking at me like a hungry kitten." Mew breathed into Gulf's ears.

Gulf's heart skipped a beat, and raced at a speed he knew was not good for his mind or heart, and he shut his eyes even more tightly.

Mew pulled away, took a last look at the blushing Gulf below, and went outside to get dressed, chuckling to himself.

Gulf only opened his eyes when he heard the bathroom door close. He took in deep breaths, trying to calm down his erratic heart and mind.

He got dressed and went out where his parents and Mew were waiting for him, and they soon left.


Gulf was sitting behind Mew, who was driving. He was eyeing Mew's reflection in the rear view mirror, when suddenly he made eye contact with Mew. He felt the color rise up in his cheeks and ears and he turned away, suddenly the view outside the window becoming interesting. If he would have looked again he would have found Mew smirking.

They reached the rehearsal dinner quite late, but everything went well. They toasted to the wedding that was going to take place tomorrow.

After dinner, Cheer showed around the wedding venue to Mew, but he wasn't the least bit interested.

He could feel Gulf's gaze on him, he turned around, their gazes met. He saw Gulf get flustered and blush and look away in another direction.

And whenever he felt Gulf staring at him, he would stare back at him. He liked the way the younger blushed, he was happy as well as amused at Gulf's reaction to him.

"I see there is small progress." Cheer said observing Gulf and Mew.

"It's more than small." Mew said winking at her.

"Oh My God! What happened to that Grandfather who I had as a best friend? Who are you and what did you do to our Mew?" Cheer asked, teasingly.

Mew smiled sheepishly at her. "He's still here."

"I'm happy for both of you." she said smiling at him.

Mew just smiled in reply.


They soon parted ways, getting death threats from Cheer if they were late for tomorrow.

The ride back home was a quiet one, except for the few glances that were shared between Gulf and Mew.

They reached home and retired for the night, tomorrow is a big day so everyone needs to get their share of sleep, was what Gulf's mother said.

But all sleep left Gulf, when Mew lay down beside him on the bed, their backs facing each other.

"It's good to know that I have such an effect on you, but you need to breathe Yaii Nong. Breathe." Mew said.

Gulf took in an audible gulp of air, he had never realized that he had held his breath when Mew had lay down beside him. He willed the bed to swallow him up till sleep found him, when he heard the older snicker behind him.

The next morning Mew woke up to the now familiar heat, he wanted to tease Gulf, but the peaceful look on his face stopped him, instead he opted for observing him sleep.

After sometime he got up, got dressed and left for work, smiling to himself at the good start of day he had.


All the schedules that Gulf had for the day were cancelled; instead he had to help in the wedding arrangements.

It was decided beforehand that Mew and Gulf would have to come in different cars, as they didn't want any scandal erupting or anyone getting a hint about their relationship.

So Mew arrived at the wedding hall with his parents, and soon the ceremony began.

After the vows were exchanged and the kiss was shared it was time for the reception.

After dinner, Mew was dragged to the dance floor by his mother. They danced for a few minutes to only be interrupted by Tae, his bodyguard.

"Sir, Mr. Gun from the GMM Corporation was searching for you. He said he was interested in your project and would like to talk to you about it."

"Where is he?" Mew asked, excited at the thought of having a new investor for his project.

"This is so like you to drag business here." Mew's mother complained.

Mee shook his head at her. "You wouldn't understand."

"Whatever." and she walked away.

"He said he will wait for you at the lounge area Sir." Tae said.

I can't meet him like this. Mew groaned. My breath stinks of garlic. I can't meet a potential investor with a bad breath. First impression is the best impression.

"By chance do you have any mint or gum?" Mew asked hopefully.

"I'm sorry Sir."

Mew looked around the hall, his eyes landed on Gulf.

He is bound to have a mouth freshener.

He went to Gulf and apologized to the group of people he was talking to and led him outside the hall.

"Do you have any mint or a gum stick?" Mew asked in a rush.


"Do you have any mint?" Mew said again.

"The last one's here." Gulf pointed to the small blue ball in his mouth.

"You seriously don't have any other?"


Mew was desperate, he couldn't go to a potential investor with a stinky breath and ruin this chance for the development of his company, and he couldn't keep Mr. Gun waiting any longer.

He looked around once and leaned in, kissing Gulf as he stole the gum from his mouth.

"Thank you very much." Mew said as he hurried off to the lounge area.



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