The Stowaway

By littleLo

1.1M 69.8K 13.2K

Eliza Banes, her ambition for adventure and her penchant for trouble, have often been trying on her poor mama... More

Bonus Epilogue


23.5K 1.5K 138
By littleLo

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." Lao Tzu



The next few months passed very quickly, and there did not seem to be a day that went by that was not absolutely filled with things to do.

Eliza and Tom's engagement had been announced the Sunday following Tom's proposal, and of course, the next few weeks were absolutely filled with calls from neighbours absolutely desperate to meet the man who had finally turned Eliza Banes' head.

Poor Tom was entirely out of his depth, and so it was up to Eliza to rescue him for a change. She had not realised how skilled she was at navigating through society then when she was expertly guiding Tom.

It was not her circle, though, and it would not be their life, as she kept assuring him. Tom never seemed concerned when it was only them alone.

When they were not entertaining neighbours, Tom was deep in conversation with Mr Banes, and Harry, too. He had arrived to congratulate the happy couple, and to ask his wife when she would finally be along home.

Katy had extended her stay as soon as the engagement had been announced and intended to help Eliza with wedding preparations. Both Eliza and Harry had to work together to put their collective foot down, insisting that Katy finally rest having only given birth a few months earlier.

Prior to their departure, Harry would give whatever advice he could on the upcoming purchase of Tom's own ship. Eliza knew Tom did not need any help on this subject. He was a terribly clever man, who knew more about sea travel and business than Mr Banes and Harry combined twice over, but he was courteous and respectful to Eliza's family and their efforts to help, and that only made her love him more.

Eliza's time was heavily occupied in the planning of their upcoming nuptials. This even included a trip to London to visit Kensington High Street to shop in the most luxurious dressmakers in the country. Eliza came prepared with Katy's measurements, and her own fabric, and she could not be convinced by Mrs Banes, or any of the seamstresses who turned their noses up at her choice, to choose a more suitable pattern.

Eliza could not have cared less what others thought of what she would be wearing. Tom knew exactly why she would be wearing her dress, and she knew that he would appreciate it.

Eliza did have half a mind to sew the fabric into breeches to really stir her mother, but she did understand Mrs Banes was only terribly excited.

Eliza and Mrs Banes chose a gown together for Katy, and then sorted through bolts of fabric to select one that would suit her colouring best. Eliza then chose a pattern for herself, and that task in itself was enough to set the butterflies off in her stomach. There was a time, for a long while really, where she honestly thought she would never have gotten married.

But the life she had always thought married women would have would not be the life that she would have with Tom. Their life was going to be an adventure, and she could not wait for it.

The seamstresses sewed a mock up gown out of calico for her to approve, and then Eliza entrusted them with her beloved fabric. She was promised that it would be cared for, and that the finished gown would be sent to Devonshire immediately afterward.

Tom had offered his men a half wage to remain in England while he procured a ship of his own. This was in hope of loyalty from the men whom he had sailed with for years and years.

Of course, they men had the option of returning to Jamaica with the Atlantis for their normal wage, but all had elected to remain behind. Having the men forced to pay for lodgings made Tom all the more eager to find the perfect ship.

He would not be able to afford the size of ship that had been the Atlantis. He would need to purchase a much more modest vessel. But Tom was confident that he would be a success, and Eliza had complete faith in him.

Tom had sent a letter with the new crew of the Atlantis, officially tendering his resignation to Mr Kerry, and wishing him well. Perhaps in the most bitter Eliza had ever seen him, Tom had written the letter in Creole, so that he would be forced to speak to some of the people that he dehumanised working on his plantation.

Eliza split her between her home, and at the tavern with Tom's crew, after returning home from London. She was never allowed out at night, and she was never to leave Tom's side, but Eliza didn't mind. Tom dined with the Banes' every evening, and the months from May to September became some of the best of Eliza's life.

Eliza was truly proud of her parents, especially her mother. She knew that Tom was not at all like the man that Mrs Banes had envisioned for Eliza. He was dark, and scarred, and covered in tattoos and signs of a hard upbringing, but he loved Eliza, and Mrs Banes wholeheartedly accepted that.

Mrs Banes was kind and curious about Tom and respected his hesitance to discuss his life before his time at sea.

Tom had not spoken about his mother since their visit in May, but an invitation had been sent to the house, and a response was returned nearly immediately confirming the Hughes' attendance.

Eliza never pushed. She had learnt that the hard way with Tom. He would come to her when he wanted to.


September came quickly. Almost too quickly for Eliza's nerves, but her excitement soon settled them.

Tom had purchased a ship from a merchant in Ireland, and it was supposed to be arriving in Plymouth soon. Eliza could tell he was getting antsy on land, and he was ready to return to sea.

It was agreed upon between them that Eliza would travel with Tom six months out of the year, and Tom would travel a second journey by himself. Eliza had argued for staying with him, but Tom had helped her to see that her parents, especially as they got older, could not do with never seeing her.

With Tom's connections, and his good business relationships with several suppliers, he was hoping to be able to employ a captain in the coming years in order to reduce his own travel. This would suit them well if they ever had a child.

Eliza was afraid for the period of separation, but she had to tell herself that it would not be like the half year just gone. They would be married, and he would have every intention of returning to her.

It was the day before the wedding.

The church was prepared. The gowns had arrived, although Mrs Banes had quickly confiscated Eliza's to keep it secret from her in anticipation. The flowers organised. The musicians were ready. The wedding breakfast preparations were in full swing.

Eliza, Katy, and Harry had joined Tom and his men at the Plymouth Harbour Tavern, for the pre-wedding festivities. Of course, Eliza and Katy would be expected to depart before long so that the men could get good and drunk, not that Eliza would have to worry about Tom.

Cian had missed the brief and was already good and drunk. Sloshing his ale around in his mug, he sang, "Oh, Eliza Lee all on my knee!" he slurred, but sang in his commanding, jovial voice. "Ah he, ah ho, are you most done? Was as pretty a sight as any could see!"

The song of Eliza Lee made its way around the tavern, as the friends that Eliza had made over the last year toasted her in their own way.

Eliza spied up at Tom, who had a smile on his face, as he, too, watched his friends sing at the top of their lungs. He had such a nice smile, and she was glad that he finally felt happy enough to show it.

When Eggs was sent up to bed by Cookie, and Harry was drunk enough to be learning a céilí dance from Cian and Diarmuid for the following day, Katy and Eliza decided it was time to return home.

Tom immediately followed, escorting them to the waiting carriage.

"You will look after my husband, won't you?" Katy stressed.

"Your husband will be just fine," assured Tom. "He'll only have a wee headache in the morning to remind him to never attempt to outdrink a sailor."

His tone was teasing. Eliza laughed, while Katy pursed her lips in displeasure.

"If he is sick, then he shall be sleeping in the hallway. Be sure to tell him that," Katy huffed, but even she couldn't conceal her smile. It was a celebratory occasion.

She took her seat and Eliza stood up on the step, turning to face Tom. With a leg up, she was almost at his eye level.

"Cold feet?" she whispered.

Tom smile, shaking his head. "No," he promised. "And you?"

"Toasty." She grinned.

Tom chuckled. "I'm glad."

Eliza leaned forward, resting her torso on Tom's, looking up into his calm gaze. "We will take care of each other, won't we?"

Tom leaned down and place a soft peck on her lips. "I will make a vow to you tomorrow that I will mean with every fibre of my being. We will take care of each other." Smiling coyly, he urged, "Go on then. The bride needs her rest."

Eliza sat down next to Katy and watched from the window as the carriage pulled away from the dock. Tom disappeared back inside the tavern.

Katy took Eliza's hand in hers and sighed contently. "I really think my husband is going to vomit on Mrs Banes' hall carpet."

It was completely the opposite of what Eliza thought that Katy would say in that moment, and in surprise, she burst into a fit of laughter. Oh, how it felt good to laugh with her.

"My husband to be will look after him," promised Eliza with a giddy smile on her face. Just as we will look after each other, she thought. 


Hope you enjoyed it!

Hey, so my wish came true. This chapter was going to be too long so I've split it. We'll end on 42 parts after all, yayyy even number! 

Exciting news!! Due to the overwhelming success of "The Accidental Duchess" in the paid story program (THANK. YOU!), Wattpad have kindly offered to include "The Coveted Countess" and "The Reluctant Marchioness" in the program, too!! I can't believe it!! 

This is because of you guys, and I can't thank you enough from the bottom of my heart for supporting me. 

TCC and TRM are both currently down for editing and beautifying, but will be relaunched, TCC in a few months (I think) and TRM closer to my birthday. 

I cannot articulate how grateful I am. 

I also wanted to THANK YOU for your beautiful, kind and compassionate support on the last chapter. I know better than to let a few negative people get me down, and it's silly of me ever to focus on that, and not on our beautiful community. 

Thank you for making this such a nice place to spend a small part of my day. I sincerely hope I can do the same in putting a smile on your face. 

All my love xxx

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