Heartbreak Vacation

By Warwick_girl

18 0 0

When Dana spends a summer vacation with her parents by the sea before returning to college, she befriends bea... More

A Day at the Beach
A Surprise on TV
Coffee with friends
Unexpected Visitor
Winter Wonderland
On Top Of A Mountain
What the Future Might Bring

Time out

2 0 0
By Warwick_girl

They checked into a motel for the night. Even though it felt kind of embarrassing and cheep, it was the most beautiful night Dana had ever had. John was tender, loving, careful, wonderfully experienced. His kisses tasted good, she liked the smell of his body, the warmth of it, and how she could feel his muscles moving under his soft skin. It had been a long time since she had had sex. But John seemed to enjoy to take it slow. After they entered the practically and charmless furnished room, he pulled her close. His tongue was slowly teasing her lips until she grabbed the cuffs of his coat, drew him towards her and reciprocated his longing kiss. She could hear him inhale sharply as her hand went down his body to touch his crotch. John pushed the coat off Dana's shoulders and started to unbutton her blouse. His hand cupped her breast and caressed her nipple. Dana could not suppress a moan. She got rid of his coat, which fell to the floor right next to hers. Sweater and t-shirt followed. She broke from his kiss to look at him. How did she get so lucky? He was gorgeous. His body spoke of regular workout but had a slight softness to it that made her want to touch him even more. They locked eyes as she unzipped his jeans and let her hand slide inside his fly. He exhaled sharply and started to kiss her urgently. Slowly, he maneuvered her backwards towards the bed. With one swift motion he got rid of his pants before he joined her on the wobbly bed. "John!" Dana exclaimed breathlessly as he stared to kiss her body, sucked at her nipples and let his finger slip inside her. She was ready for him. He got up, walked over to his coat, where he extracted a condom from one of the pockets. "Got this off the concierge", he grinned. He passed it to Dana, who opened it and slip the rubber over his cock. When he entered her, she toppled over the edge. It was only him and her. Dana threw her head back. Calling his name, she looked at him imploring. He pushed deeper and fell a wave coming over him. Together they climaxed and he almost collapsed atop her. Dana lay motionless, feeling him still inside her, his breath tickling her ear. She didn't want him to move – not yet. But finally he did and flopped on his back next to her. "Man!" he exclaimed. Dana waited for more but none followed. John simply pulled her into his arms and stroke her back.

As she was laying there, a thought popped up. She didn't manage to push it away to where it had come from.

"John?" she inquired at last.

"Hmmh?" he mumbled sleepily.

"How often did you cheat on Claudia?"

He opened his eyes to look at her. She held his glance. He closed his eyes again.

"Twice." He sighted. "The first time was some girl I met at the set; the second was Melanie White."

"Melanie White?" That was the woman who played Ms. Wild.

"Mhhm. We were both kind of lonely and desperate." He seemed to know where she was driving at. "But I didn't have been with a women since I met you again."

"I didn't want to know that. I don't care how many women you have had", Dana lied. But she smiled. A minute later she was fast asleep.


After their night at the motel, they saw each other on a regular basis – mostly on the weekends. They would do what they used to do before: movies, dinner, walks, talks, flirting. Sometimes they would get a room in a hotel, where they enjoyed each others bodies.

Julie knew from the start what had happened. When Dana came back to the dorm the morning after their talk, she was "glowing", as Julie put it. She didn't say what she thought about it, even though Dana was asking. She only said: "Don't let him break your heard." Dana sensed her friends disapproval of the development, of her being the "other woman". Dana was not sure herself how to feel about this. At one hand, she enjoyed John's company – little time as they had. On the other hand, the little angel on her shoulder would whisper into her ear: How would you feel if you were Claudia?! But she was happy. And felt a little naughty, which felt good as well, she had to admit to herself.

They never talked about his family. John seemed contend with their relationship as it was. He never asked for less, he never asked for more or got more demanding. It never got boring and they always laughed a lot. Dana had feared that John would get tired of her after a while. For, who was she? A student, thirteen years his minor, with no experience of whatsoever to talk about. But in his eyes he never saw any boredom, impatience or arrogance. In the same amount as she told him about her school-days, exams and annoyances with professors and fellow students or of Julie's amorous adventures, he shared stories of this work and gossiped about his fellow actors. They talked about their common hobby - surfing - and of travel destinations that were still on their bucket-list. Dana learned about quality wines, John's favorite coffee brand and how to eat lobster properly. She never learned what John felt towards his wife. He hardly ever talked about his kids. And Dana never asked. When she pondered upon the reason, she had to admit that she feared that reality would barge in and destroy what they had. She wanted to enjoy it while it lasted, for she was sure it would end someday.

On a Friday, after they had eaten dinner at Walkers, John dapped his mouth with his napkin and said: "Spring break is coming up, or am I mistaken?" When Dana shook her head No he continued: "I thought we could do with a vacation. California, beaches, water, surfing. What do you think? And don't think about the money. My treat."

Of course Dana agreed. She didn't want to think about what he would tell Claudia, or whether he told her at all. She had decided that she would take as much from his time as she could get. And going to California was much.


John had booked a room at the same hotel where they had met for the first time. He had not only chosen it for it's sentimental worth, but because it was kind of unpopular as well. "Ah, Mr. and Ms. Lewis", the concierge said. And Dana could hardly refrain from laughing out loud.

They brought their bags up to their room, and then looked at each other. "Beach?" Jonathan asked.

"Definitely!" Dana laughed, and they changed their clothes, and went to the shore to rent surfboards, which they immediately took on the water.

The time passed at lightning speed and Dana enjoyed herself tremendously. John seemed completely relaxed and was fun to be around - which he was most of the time, even when they were seeing each other in Montana. To be with John was so easy, Dana thought as they were cruising through town in their rental car to find the best ice-cream place. With hin, she never felt judged; they laughed about the same stuff, enjoyed the same sports and were able to just sit on the beach in silence. Dana didn't dare to think what would happen once they went back to Montana. For sooner or later they had to untangle this situation.

When John went down to the breakfast room the last morning of their holidays, a surprise was awaiting him: a paparazzo. A bright flashlight illuminated the room before he heard Mr. Avarez, the concierge, call out: "Out with you! Out. I said, you are not wanted in here!"

John ducked into the restaurant's entrance. A few minutes later Mr. Avarez came to him.

"I am so sorry. He appeared here this morning, asking if you were staying here, and who this lady was you had with you. I said, that you checked in as Mr. and Ms. Lewis, and that I don't care to know more. I send him away, but he must have sneaked in. I am so sorry, Mr. Lewis!"

"It's not your fault, Simon. Don't blame yourself."

"You know", Mr. Avarez continued, "I also saw this in the morning paper...", and he presented a picture to John, which showed him and Dana, in front of the Chinese restaurant they had been to last night. WHO IS SHE? the headline read. Dana was wearing a base-cap, and was captured from behind, so one could hardly make out her features.

John reached for the paper. The text beneath the picture said: While the film crew is taking a break, Hermes Jones, ("Attempts to Tame the West"), spend his vacation in California – and this woman is NOT his wife. That was all. Nothing really said, but everything said, if one could read between lines. It was a good thing they were leaving today.

John rolled up the paper and went back up into their room. Dana was brushing her teeth. She saw the concern in his face when he appeared in the doorway.

"What is it?"

"A paparazzo stalked me at the lobby. And we are in the yellow press today."

Dana stopped brushing her teeth's.

"May I see?" she asked, demanding the paper

John handed it to her. Dana was relieved, because one couldn't make out that it was her. In the picture, Jonathan's hand was on her back. He was laughing, Dana was looking at John. She read the by-line.

"We could as well be friends", she finally said. John kissed her on the forehead. "But we aren't."


They left two hours later. Claudia called just after they had arrived at the airport in Billings.

"Where are you?" were her first words.

"In Montana."

"Aha. How come, I saw a picture of you and some girl in California?"

"Well, I am back in Montana now." Silence.

"I will be there tomorrow at 4 p.m." Then she hung up.

John closed his eyes for a second. Dana was looking at him. He didn't say anything, and Dana didn't make him. He probably had to sort his thoughts. But he didn't drive towards downtown Billings or the campus area; he headed for their park. For some reason, this had become their thing - to walk and talk.

"I decided to divorce Claudia."

Dana swallowed. "When did you decide that?" she wondered.

"I think I made up my mind on the weekend she was visiting me here in Montana. But I didn't want to admit it."

Dana kept on walking and didn't give a reply. Then, she looked up at him. A sad smile was playing around his mouth, and he drew her into his arms. They kept walking arm in arm in silence.

When he dropped her off in front of her dorm, he held her back: "I won't be calling you for a few days. I have to wrap this up first."

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