You're Mine

By Shy_Writer1006

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Traumatized as a child, Cassandra can't erase the details of her mother's murder from her mind. Now thirteen... More

Chapter One: The Nightmare
Chapter Two: Introductions
Chapter Three: School Sucks
Chapter Four: Halloween Party
Chapter Five: School Lockdown
Chapter Six: The Killer?
Chapter Seven: Finals Beware
Chapter Eight: Winter Break
Chapter Nine: Going Back Home
Chapter Eleven: Too Late
Chapter Twelve: The Truth
Chapter Thirteen: Shouldn't of Done That
Chapter Fourteen: All Alone
Chapter Fifteen: The Note
Chapter Sixteen: Going Back To Where It Began
Chapter Seventeen: You Choose
Chapter Eighteen: Taking One For The Team
Note from Author

Chapter Ten: Tick Tock

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By Shy_Writer1006

Morning arrives much too soon for my liking, I want to just roll over and bury myself in the pillows, but my body is telling me it's time for me to wake. With a sigh, I sit up and stretch. I look to my right and see Kara who is still fast asleep. I carefully slip out of bed to not disturb her. The floor chills my bare feet as I walk across it to my bag. I grab a pair of socks out of it and slip them on. The events of last night replay in my head as I put my shoes on. Reminder to self, be careful what you say when tired. I think as I grab my phone from the desk. I put on a coat and quietly leave the bedroom. The house is silent as I make my way through the hallways and down the stairs. I'm heading to the front door when I hear hushed voices talking down a hallway. I pause when I hear Kara's name.

"Andrew, you know this party is important for business, but it's also important for other reasons. I know she's a handful, but she truly needs to be on her best behavior during this," A voice says.

"Mrs. Michealson, I know this is important for you. Please pardon me for saying this, but you and I both know why she had an incident last party. I'm sorry ma'am, but you telling her that she was going to be his fiancee was quite shocking." He tells her.

I feel my eyes widen as I move closer to hear them better. A forced engagement? Why didn't she tell me about this? Are they still betrothed? My mind swims with questions as I learn this new piece of information.

"Well, the thing was canceled after she told him he looked like a greasy rat who crawled out of the sewer. It was beyond embarrassing having to apologize for her behavior. She's an adult now and needs to stop acting like a child. She's never going to be able to do anything in the real world." She tells him.

"Ma'am, I'll admit she didn't handle the situation very ladylike," He pauses before saying, "However, he was being rather difficult beyond the scenes which she tried to explain. I understand it embarrassed you, and you thought she was just being as you said difficult. But ma'am, she did withhold herself from smacking him which he honestly did deserve had she done so. I will be sure that she doesn't misbehave as you said. However, I think she should pick her suitor, one that she seems fit to be by her side not one who just looks the part," He finishes.

She sighs, "Andrew, I'll forgive you for speaking that way. Now, I need you to listen and understand that she can't have just anyone. She needs someone to help her take over this empire that I've created. Some sleazy fratboy simply won't do for her to have," She sighs. "She needs someone who knows how to handle this lifestyle and won't just taint it," She sounds disgusted as she says it. 

"Sophia!" He exclaims. He clears his throat and says, "Ms. Michealson, I understand what your expectations are. You need to have more faith in your daughter though. You're putting her in a chest and throwing away the key will cause you to lose her again. She has grown and matured more than you give her credit for. I still strongly believe that you need to let her make the decision. Yes, she has dated some fratboys, but she's still young and in college. Let her figure out who she wants to be, let her be happy. Please don't force a Charles on her as your mother did you," He says with his voice rising slightly.

"Andrew, if you were anyone else, I would fire you on the spot for speaking to me in such a manner. I'm not doing to her as my mother did, but I can't trust her love interests. You may think she's mature, but I know she is still a child when it comes to suitors. She will learn and understand one day why I did this," She tells him.

He sighs, "Sophia, you didn't. As I recall you fell for a simple butler until your mother banned you from speaking to him. All I'm asking is talk to her, have a civil conversation with her. The party is in one week surely you can make time for that." He says before walking away from her.

I quietly race up the stairs as I hear his shoes clack on the floor. I turn the corner praying he didn't see me. I wait a moment before leaving my hiding spot in the hallway. He's waiting for me as I turn the corner. "Shit," I whisper.

He chuckles, "Ms. Evans, would you care to accompany me for a stroll around the garden since you're dressed to go out already. I believe you may have something I could borrow from you," He tells me.

I pat my pocket as I wonder how he knew I was going for a smoke. "If you insist Andrew, how I could I say no," I say with a forced smile.

I follow him down the stairs as he leads me. He opens the door for me before he leads me out to the lawn. He's silent at first as we walk down the gravel path turning to a small stone path. He breaks the silence as we reach it. "I'm sorry you had to hear that. I didn't know we had an eavesdropper listening to our conversation," He tells me as we pause. "I hate to ask this, but may I have a cig?" He asks me.

I reach into my pocket and pull the pack out. I give him one before taking my own out. I pass him the lighter first then light mine after he does. I pocket them both and take a small drag. I exhale the smoke before I respond, "I'm sorry for listening in. I swear that wasn't my intention. I know it's wrong, but I heard her say Kara's name. I was scared she was in trouble however I see it's more than that now," I tell him as I look at my shoes.

"Ms. Evans, you're not in trouble. I didn't mean to make it seem that way," He sighs and begins walking again. "You should also break this habit while you're young and still can," He adds.

"I could say the same for you, sir. It is a terrible habit and Kara will be furious when she finds out, but I needed something for my nerves. I'm assuming you did too?" I ask him as we walk.

"She'll get both of us if she were to find out, so I'll keep your secret," He says with a chuckle. "This isn't the reason I brought you out here Ms. Evans," He tells me before he takes a long drag. "I came because I need a favor from you I'm afraid," He sighs before he continues, "I need you to help her. I know you two are quite close, so I'm asking that you please help her enjoy this week and the party as much as you can. I'm afraid that things will soon be changing around here, and I want her to have just a bit more freedom and fun."

"You really care about her, don't you, sir?" I ask him. "And, I promise I will try to help her have fun. I believe she intends to do the same for me due to recent events."

"Yes, she informed me of those. I'm sorry you had to go through that ordeal, I truly am. As for the question, she's practically like my daughter. I helped raised her since she was a babe, so I want what's best for her. It's probably going to cost me this job though," He says with a small chuckle.

"I hope not. She needs people she can trust by her side," I tell him.

"It seems we want the same thing, Ms. Evans. If I may, I have one more favor to ask of you," He tells me as he pauses in front of a rose bush.

"What's the favor? I'll see if I can help you with it," I tell him as I brush some of the snow off it. I'm surprised to see some flowers still on it.

"Please don't tell her of the conversation you overheard, I don't want her having anymore ill will towards her mother," He tells me.

"I won't, sir. As you said, she's supposed to have fun this week after all," I tell him.

"Thank you, Ms. Evans, I have to head back now. You can take that door," He points to it. "To get back to the main hall to return to her room." He tells me before he leaves.

"Thank you," I tell his retreating figure. I sigh and pull another out of the pack to smoke before I head back.

As I arrive back at the room, Kara is already up and starting to get ready. I shed my coat and pick my clothes for the day. My mind is spinning with questions still, but I put a smile on my face to not reveal anything to her. We head to breakfast together as her stomach growls causing me to laugh.

"Oh haha, so what if I'm hungry, breakfast here is always to die for," She tells me.

"Seems everything here is so divine," I say with a smirk as we reach the dining room causing my mouth to drop. "Are you guys feeding an army or something?" I ask her as I look at the table full of different dishes to eat. 

"No, this is normal for meals. We never know what we want to eat in the morning, so the chef makes plenty of choices for all of us," She explains to me as we make our plates and sit down.

"It's like we're in mess hall again with all this food," I say before I take a bite of an omelet. The flavors hit my tongue like an explosion. "Okay, I stand corrected, this is so much better than cafeteria food," I exclaim before taking another bite.

She chuckles at me as she also takes a bite. "Welcome to the princess's life Cassie," She tells me with a smile.

We talk about food and our plans for the day. She wants to show me around town and the grounds before the guest arrive. She tells me that once they arrive, she'll have to help her mother greet them, so they all feel welcomed. Even though the party isn't until this Saturday, people will be coming from all over. She tells me it's so they can talk about designs and fashion shows. They may even want a personal design to go with their collection.

"So the party is like a mask to hide the business deals?" I ask her as my mind tries to wrap around all this new information.

"That's one way to look at it, but we look at it as a celebration for the new deals being successful and helping business," She tells me as she takes a sip of her orange juice.

"So, it's like making the customer feel welcomed and relaxed, but you're really throwing a party for your mom having some work for the year," I say to her.

"Where do you think I get part of my personality from," She says with a smile. "Speak of the devil, look who is coming to breakfast," She says as she sets her orange juice down.

"Hey, I'll head up to your room, so you guys can talk, okay," I tell her as I get up from my chair. I grab my dishes and walk over to the table to put them in the bin with the others. I head towards the door, pausing before I leave, I look back at her where she flashes me a smile. But I can tell she is nervous, I smile back at her and do a thumbs-up. "You've got this," I silently mouth to her before exiting the room.

An hour has nearly passed when she returns to the room. I'm playing on my phone, but I put it down when I hear the door closed. I look at her as she leans against the door. Her face is hidden behind her hair, yet I can tell she's tense. I stand up and walk over to her. I gently take her hand in mine as I ask her, "Was it that bad?"

She laughs and looks at me. Her eyes are swimming with emotions, but the main one I can pick out of them is determination. "I wouldn't say it went bad," She pauses, "I would say it definitely didn't go as I expected. She kind of listened to me as I talked to her. She did seem quite surprised as my choice of wanting to try designing. I explained to her that I'm not giving up modeling, but I want to show the world what I can do," She tells me. 

"And what did she say when you told her that?" I ask her as she walks to sit on the bed.

"Well, I'm going to have to prove myself. I told her it would be my work, not hers. I'm not using the Michealson name or rather the brand. I told her that all my work will be through my name, Kara," She tells me.

"Kara's fashion line does have a nice ring to it," I tell her. "So, how do you go about this? Are you going to be able to show any of your work at the party, or will you have to start at the bottom?" I curiously ask her.

"That's the part I don't know. She said she would think about it and talk to a few people who are coming, but I'm not using her name. I'm probably going to be rejected since the few things I have aren't the best," She sighs out.

"Girl, I'm going to smack you. I've seen your designs and some of your prototypes," I tell her. "Hell, I've worn some of them for that fashion show thing that the school did. If you're going to do this, you have to proud of your work. Some will suck, I'm not going to lie, but the ones you are beyond proud of you have to show to the world," I tell her as I sit beside her.

"Takes an artist to give one a prep talk, huh," She chuckles, "Though, I do believe I gave you a similar speech at your gallery night when you wanted to run for the hills," She says with a smirk.

"I paraphrased it, so it's a different speech," I say with a laugh. "Besides, you and Ash both gave me that speech, so you can't take all the credit, missy," I tell her.

She smiles and lays her head on my shoulder. "See this is why I'm glad we're friends. I don't know what I would do without you sometimes," She softly tells me.

"Oh, you would be a total diva and drama queen," I say with a laugh before a pillow smacks me. "Did you just smack with me a pillow?" I ask her in shock.

"Nope," She says before hitting me again out of spite.

"Oh, it's on!" I yell as I grab a pillow from behind me. I smirk and take the first swing as I prepare for war.

By the time Andrew comes to fetch us for our trip to town, we're a laughing mess on the bed. Our hair is a mess and a few feathers are floating around us. He raises a brow as he looks at us in questioning, "Seems like I've come into the wrong room? I thought there were two young ladies in this room, not child-," He doesn't get to finish his sentence as he's hit with a small throw pillow.

After the incident in the room, the three of us head to town. Kara is excited to do some shopping and look for dresses for the party. While she's excited about that, I'm trying to figure out how to get her a present without her seeing it. I have a few things in mind for her and Ash, but I don't know where to hide them since he will be joining us soon. Maybe I can ask Andrew to help me with that? I think to myself as he pulls into a parking space. 

"Okay, ladies we don't have to arrive back until six, so that gives you five hours maximum until we have to make the drive back. I have to get a few things for your mother while we're here too. I would prefer if you two would accompany me, however, if you want to be on your own, I won't say no," He tells us as he shuts the car door behind us.

I look at Kara to see what she wants to do. I'm okay with either plus if we're with Andrew he could distract her as I get her Christmas presents. I see her thinking about it, so I say, "Do you want to accompany him?" I ask her before saying, "It might help you get inspired for some ideas in case your mother tells you yes about the thing."

"You do have a point," She pauses thinking it over. "We'll join you Andrew since you'll also be able to help me with a few things," She says as she casts a side glanced my way.

"Okay, then girls, shall we begin then?" He asks as we nod in agreement before he leads us to the first store.

The store we went into had fabrics upon fabrics down the aisles and walls. Andrew went to the front counter to see if the packages were ready while Kara begins walking down the main area to look at different things. I walk after and ask, "Are you looking for anything in particular?"

"Well, I figured I could make a few skirts, but I want to make a big project to also show off my skills. I just don't know what I want to do yet," She tells me.

"I'm sure it'll come to you," I tell her as we walk down the different aisles to look at all the unique pieces. She picks a few out that she likes before heading up to the front counter to check out. After that, Andrew helps her take them and the packages to the car. We then move on to the next store. While I'm excited to see Kara focusing on her task, I have to admit I feel out of my element. I look out the store window and see a photography store across the street. I bite my lip and think, Should I ask her? I don't want to seem rude or bored. I look at her and Andrew talking about different layers as they hold two patterns together. With a boost of courage, I ask, "Hey, Kara, do you care if I pop into the store next door while you think about these?" I ask her before adding, "I don't want to bother you while you're in the zone, but I'm curious if they have something that I'm looking for."

"Huh?" She asks before looking over at me. "Yeah, Cassie, go ahead. I'm sorry that this is boring," She tells me.

"It's not boring at all. It's nice to see the gears turning in your head as you plan things and think out what you could do with something as simple as this," I say as I hold up an orange fabric. "I just think I may be more bothersome than helpful in this department," I say with a chuckle.

"You're never bothersome, but you're free to go. We'll come to get you when we finish up here okay?" She tells me. 

I nod and leave the store. I breathe a small sigh of relief before I cross the street and walk into the store Photography Life, my world. Now let's see what they have that I can work with. I think as I walk down to the aisle that has what I need.

I hadn't even noticed the time that had passed before I hear Kara call my name. I look at the clock and see that I've been in here for over an hour. I walk over to where she is, "Hey, I'll meet you outside. I just have to buy these few things then I'll be out."

She raises a brow and tries to see what I'm hiding. She stops when I give her a look. "Fine, I'll be right outside," She tells me.

Andrew is about to go with her when I stop him, "Andrew, wait!" I say a bit too loudly. "Sorry, would you mind hanging back a second. I would like your opinion on something," I tell him.

He gives me a slightly confused look before he walks over. "I can try to be of assistance, but I don't know if I can help much ma'am," He tells me.

A few moments later, Andrew and I join her outside. She gives us a look, but I ignore it as I smile at her. She rolls her eyes as she links her arm with mine. "So, I figured we could take a break from fabrics and get down to our real mission," She tells me excitedly.

"Our real mission?" I ask her a bit puzzled. It's then I remember and sigh, "Dress shopping," I groan which makes her laugh.

"It'll be fun I promise!" She says as she drags me into a boutique. "Besides, we might even find it today," She says.

Three hours later, I sit in a chair tired. She's already put me in this skin-tight corset thing, this poofy ballgown that made me look like a cupcake, and this far too revealing dress. At this rate, we'll never find me a dress that I'm going to be comfortable in. Ugh! I think with a sigh as she clears her throat. She's in this beautiful, aline, sky blue dress. It has a sheer layer of glitter that hangs over it. "That's pretty Kara," I tell her.

She looks in the floor-length mirror and turns one way than another. "I don't know about this one. It's like it's almost there, but it's not quite what I'm looking for," She says as she sits down on a chair. "I've tried on nearly twenty dress, but I can't find one that's like this image I have in my mind," She tells me.

"Kara, we don't have to find it today, remember? Besides it's not the dresses fault that you look like a queen in everything," I joke.

"That's true. This is only the first store after all. I wish they had more green options for you," She tells me. "I really don't want you wearing black at the party since that's the go-to color for everyone that's coming," She says as she scrunches up her nose at the thought.

"Well, emerald green isn't that popular in dresses. I also happen to like black; it's a girl's best friend to look slimmer," I respond.

"More like it's for a funeral," She mutters to me with a huff. 

"We can argue all day about black, but I don't feel like being right so close to Christmas," I say before sticking my tongue out at her in a teasing manner.

She rolls her eyes at me before leaning back in the chair, "What do you want for Christmas?" She asks me.

"I honestly have no clue, so I'm okay with anything," I say with a shrug which makes her groan.

"You and Ash are so alike sometimes that it's frustrating," She says exasperated. "He says he'll like anything I get him, but I want to get him something he really wants, and I want the same thing for you. You two are so thoughtful with your gifts that I want to return the favor," She tells me with a soft smile.

"You'll think of something," I tell her with a wink. I pull my phone to look at the time. "We have exactly one hour left before we have to go, so how about you change and we go present shopping instead. Who knows I may find something I absolutely need," I say with a grin making her smile.

Before I know it, we're on our way back to the mansion. I'm exhausted and hungry, but I'm pleased with the few things I got today for them. I need somewhere to hide her gifts since I know she's going to snoop for them. She hates waiting for presents. I think as I look out the window. The snow is starting to fall again making everything look like a winter wonderland especially with the sun starting to set. It's last rays paint the sky being the only source of color as we ascend the mountain.

Dinner seems to pass by rather quickly which I'm thankful for. I'm tired but I can also feel the itch of a cigarette calling me. I know I can't just disappear without telling her why, so I'm trying to think of a lie when she interrupts my thoughts.

"Hey Cassie, I'm going to talk to my mom for a bit if you want to go ahead and head to bed," She tells me as she gets up.

"Okay, I can't promise that I'll be up when you come back," I say with a fake yawn. More like I need you asleep, so I can work on your Christmas present. I think as I walk out of the dining room with her. We part ways at the stairs, but it's only a few moments later that I'm sneaking down them again. I go out the back way that Andrew showed me and feel the day fade away as I take the first drag. I don't know how much longer I can hide this secret from her.

The guest begins arriving Tuesday afternoon causing Kara to be pulled here and there. She apologizes each time she sees me for being so busy, but I tell her it's fine each time. She already told me that she was going to be busy for the next couple of days, so I don't see why she keeps apologizing. I'm just curious when the two special guests will arrive. I received my answer when I hear scream echo down the hallway. I race down the hallway to see her hugging a man that I can only assume is her father. He has her in a bear hug causing her to hover off the ground. I softly smile as I watch them catch up. Her father is exactly as you would expect from a famous surgeon, clean-cut hair that's slick back, clean-shaven face, muscular build. He's much taller than I expected and has a surprising booming laugh. I give them one last glance before going back down the hallway, taking a right turn, and entering the library where I'll end up spending my time the next couple of days. 

When Thursday rolls around, I couldn't be happier. I finally got some of their presents done and wrapped. One of Kara's is ready just in time since I think it will help her, so I hope when she gets it tonight she'll like it. I'm also excited since Ash will be joining us today. He was going to be here when Kara's father arrived, but he got tied up with a few things. He called explaining and told us not to be mad at him, but how could we be? Things happen all the time, after all, so we managed to reassure him that we were perfectly content with him coming later. I sigh as I lean back in the chair and look up at the windows where the sunlight is streaming through. I didn't realize anyone had entered the library until I hear a slight cough. I look over to see Kara's father at the door. "Good Morning sir, are you needing the room? I can leave," I say as I begin to get up.

"No, no you're fine," He quickly reassures me. "I was actually wondering if you have a moment for us to have a chat?" He asks me as he walks over to the table.

"Of course Mr. Michealson, let me get my mess out of your way," I say as I quickly begin stacking my papers and moving the presents out of the way. "I'm sorry about the clutter, I didn't think anyone would be in here until later today," I apologize.

He takes a seat in front of me. "You're fine, I can promise you I've seen worse messes than this. You should see Sophia's workroom when she's working on multiple projects," He jokes.

I chuckle before asking, "What can I help you with, sir?"

"Ah, yes," He pauses a moment to gather his thoughts before asking, "How is Kara doing as in school wise and life?"

"Life wise, I would say she's living it as best as she can. She's persuading a dream that she has a passion and the talent for. She knows what she wants, and she's doing what she can to achieve it," I tell him with a small smile. "As for academics, well she's doing really well in them too. She's been passing with flying colors even if some view her as..." I trail off as I try to think how to word it.

"As an airhead?" He asks me. "I promise anything you say won't hurt my feelings. In fact, I'm quite glad you're being honest about it. Most of her friends just say whatever sounds good or can earn them brownie points in our eyes," He tells me.

"I'm afraid I can't do that sir. I was raised with the phrase that honesty is the best policy," I say with a shrug. "I personally don't see a point in sucking up," I say before my eyes widen at what I just said. "Ah! I didn't mean that in a bad way!" I burst out. Nice going dumb wit! I think as I look down at the table until I hear him start laughing.

"I know she said you're blunt and honest, but I didn't think she meant it so literally, so please don't be sorry about it. It's refreshing to have someone different," He tells me.

I give a sheepish smile in return. "In all honesty Mr. Michealson, you're daughter is brilliant. She may not have to work hard in academics field, but she doesn't let it get to her head. She even helps others if they need it. I don't think you'll have to worry about her grades. She may seem a bit like an airhead as you said, but she still has a well-rounded head on her shoulders," I tell him.

"I'm happy to hear that," He tells me with a hint of a smile.

He asks me a few more questions before we're interrupted by her, "Dad! You said you wouldn't bother my friends while they're here," She whines as she walks over to me. She wraps her arms around my shoulder, "Please tell me he hasn't scared you away?" She asks me.

"No, he and I were just talking about you. We were having a charming conversation about loads of things to embarrass you with," I say with a smirk.

She glares at me, "I could murder you." She then looks at her father. "Mom is looking for you. Thankfully I found you first, she's in a mood so good luck," She warns him.

He sighs and gets up, "Duty calls, it was a pleasure talking to you Cassandra," He tells me before he looks at her. "I'm glad to see you have made a good friend after all," He kisses the top of her head before he leaves.

"You're dad is not at all how I expected him to be," I say as I look up at her. "He was worried about you, but he seems more scared that you were being lazy," I joke.

"That's how he is. He's the down to Earth one, and mom is the stiff as a board one," She rolls her eyes. "But now that he's gone, I have to admit I told a little lie," She says sheepishly.

"What did you do?" I ask her with a sigh before saying, "But let me guess, I'm involved with this scheme of yours."

"Yep!" She exclaims. "Now get your stuff up and let's go! We're busting out of this joint while everyone is distracted," She grins at my confused look. "We're going to pick up Ash; his plane will be landing in thirty minutes or so," She tells me.

"Kara, you do realize that we're almost two hours from the airport right?" I ask as I pick my things up.

"It's called being fashionably late, duh!" She grabs my hand and pulls me towards the door. "Now let's go!" She grins.

"This is how I die. You're going to drive like a manic," I mutter.

"You'll be fine, so quit being a baby and get that cute butt in gear. We're on a mission to bust out and make it back before they realize I'm gone," She tells me.

When I say that she drove like a manic, I wasn't lying though I wish I was. We made it to the airport in record time meaning Ash didn't have to wait long on us. Though we did get weird looks at the squeals and laughter that happened as we hugged. The whole ride back we caught up on what the other had missed before they started talking about the party. To say there were excited would be an understatement, but I will admit having the three of us together again was just what we needed especially when we arrived back at her house to her mother waiting for us.

"Shit," She mumbles as we get out of the car. "Cassie, take Ash to my room. I'll join you guys in a minute," She tells us before she walks over to her mother.

Ash and I head up to the room, so he can set his stuff down until we can get him a room. I ask him if he wants to take a walk around the grounds since it'll be a while before she joins us again. He agrees and we soon find ourselves in the garden.

"So, you two haven't found a dress yet, and the party is in two days?" He asks me in shock.

"Yeah, Kara's been beyond busy. The three of us are supposed to go gift shopping again tomorrow, but I don't know if we'll be able to anymore," I sigh. "I didn't realize how much work went into events like these," I tell him.

"Welcome to the high life," He tells me. "Everything is done differently here, and from what I've heard Kara's mom's parties are the party to be at," He explains.

I sigh and pat my pocket. I know I shouldn't smoke one, but I feel like now is my only chance. So I pull it out and light it up, "Before you judge, I'm quitting after this pack is done," I tell him before taking a drag.

"Long as you quit, I won't judge," He tells me as he crosses his heart.

We fall into idle chit chat as we walk around the grounds. We pause to look at the snowfall over the valley down below us. This place is truly beautiful, but it also feels so isolated. I use to dream of having a house on the mountain with a view like this, but I'm not so sure anymore. I sigh and take out another. I can feel my stress building up, but I don't know what I'm so anxious about. I don't know if it's the party, if something is going to ruin it, or if another type of storm is brewing. I just know my stomach is churning at everything.

It's not until later that night when Kara finally joins us in her room again. She flops on her bed with a groan. Ash and I share a look before we sit down beside her. We both groan as we fall back. "Haha guys, it's not going to help though," She mumbles.

"Why?" I ask her as I turn on my side to look at her. "Are you in that much trouble?" I question.

"If you need to, just say it was my fault. I'm sure we can come up with a convincing enough lie," He tells her. 

"It's not that guys," She sighs, "My mother seems to think, I shouldn't bother her precious guests with my design ideas especially with me not having a portfolio," She tells us.

I bite my lip as I think Should I go ahead and give it to her? I mean we could do an early friend's Christmas present. I hop off the bed and go to the bottom dresser drawer that she's letting me borrow. "I might be able to help with that," I tell her as I grab it. I walk over to her and hold it out. "I was going to give it to you tomorrow since we always exchange one gift on Christmas Eve, but I think you receiving it early won't hurt," I tell her.

She sits up and takes the present with a questioning look. She carefully opens the silver snowflake wrapper, so it falls off the book she's holding. She looks at the black book with small spirals going down it in an elegant design before she flips it over. In bold letters across the front, it reads A reminder of where I started... She opens it to see photographs of her work. The different outfits she's made, her dresses from the fashion show, and a few pieces she made just for fun. They're categorized by seasons and casual to dressy. "Cassie, when did you," She trails off. "I love it, absolutely love it, but when did you do all this?" She asks me.

"I always took pictures of your work, so you could have them if you ever needed them, but when you told me the idea you had. I figured a book with all your work in it would also help too. Andrew helped me pick the book out since I couldn't decide. He also picked what it should say, so I can't take all the credit," I tell her.

She gets up and hugs me tightly. "Thank you, this is perfect," She says softly to me. She releases me from the hug and sets the book down. "I have a gift for you as well," She tells me before leaving the room.

I look over at Ash who just shrugs, but I can see that he's hiding a smile. "Fine don't reveal your secrets," I jokingly say. "Are you going to want an early present too?" I ask him as I sit down on the bed.

"I'm not going to say no to a present, but I also don't mind waiting. I think you two need these more I do," He tells me as she arrives back to the room.

I look over as she hands me a large white box with a green ribbon wrapped around it. I raise a brow as I take it. "Hm, whatever could this be?" I ask as I shake it. I'm surprised when it makes no sound. "Did you get me an empty box?" I ask her.

"No! Now hurry up and open it," She tells me as she grows impatient while Ash snickers.

I untie the ribbon and open the box. I reach inside and move the tissue paper out of the way. My fingers brush across something soft and smooth. I carefully lift it up to see it's a dress. The skirt is emerald green and made of silk that's creamy to the touch. The top of the dress is this elegant, lace material that's see-through. I can see green peeking through and realize that the same material as the dress is underneath the lace to make it unrevealing. I turn it over and see its a low back, but that's the only part that's revealing. "Kara, this dress is beautiful, but where did you get it? And how much was it?" I ask her as I run my hands over it. I look up to see her smiling. "What?" I question. 

"I didn't buy it, Cassie, I made this for you," She tells me. "I couldn't find anything I liked for you online or in-store, so I decided to make it for you. That's one of the reasons I was constantly busy," She explains.

"It's beautiful Kara," I tell her as I hop up. "I'll be back," I say as I go into the bathroom. I carefully slip it on and admire it in the bathroom mirror. The dress fits like a glove, and the emerald helps make my eyes pop. The lace, despite being see-through, stands out against my pale skin. I'm thankful she added sleeves to it even if they are only quarter length. To say I'm in shock would be an understatement, but to say I'm in awe of her skill would be closer to how I feel. I look one more time in the mirror before I walk out to show them the dress. "What do you think?" I shyly ask them.

"You look incredible Cas!" Ash tells me excitedly. "It definitely looks better on you than the mannequin," He jokes.

"What do think?" Kara asks me as she analyzes my face. "Are you comfortable? Do you like it?" She questions me.

I give a small twirl causing the dress to poof around me before it settles back down. "Do I like it, no," I shake my head. "I love it, and it is very comfortable," I tell her with a grin. "I might even say I'm excited about a party for once," I add which makes them smile.

After I change and place the dress back in the box, I join the two of them on the bed. Ash had already told us we had to wait until tomorrow for his gifts. So we were now trying to guess what they could be before we hear a knock on the door. I look as it opens to reveal Andrew.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but it's time for dinner. All are requested to be in attendance tonight," He tells us with a small bow.

The three of us follow him down to the dining hall where we are the last three to arrive inside. All the guests are seated and talking amongst themselves. Kara goes to sit with us, but Andrew shakes his head. He leads her to her seat at the head of the table, beside her mom, where he pulls her chair out for her. Ash and I sit at the other end of the table facing them.

Soon as everyone is seated, her mother stands up, "I'm glad to have everyone here tonight and hope you enjoy the meal," She smiles, "However, before we begin, I want to let you all know that you may see tighter security as the festivities draw near. This is for protocol due to events that have happened recently. I want everyone to feel safe and comfortable as you all stay with us," She tells us as the doors open.

We all turn to look as a few men enter the room. They're all dressed in standard uniform, but my heart leaps when I see familiar blazing, red hair among them. I lean slightly to the side to see if it's him. I can't help the smile that forms on my face when I see my brother standing there. He gives a small wink in my direction before going back stone-faced as he looks at Mrs. Michealson.

"Thank you, Gentlemen, for joining us for the next couple of days and for joining us for dinner as well. As soon as you find a seat, dinner will begin," She tells us as she sits back down.

Once the men are seated, the staff begins serving different dishes and drinks. My mind is preoccupied with wonder and questions that I didn't realize that Ash has been trying to get my attention until he waves a hand in front of my face. "Huh?" I ask as I focus my attention on him.

He rolls his eyes as he repeats himself, "Are you going to eat or keep staring at it like it's going to fight back?"

I pick my fork up and take a bite while giving him a slight glare, "Happy now?" I mumble before taking a sip of water.

"Yes, now for the real question." He leans close to me and whispers, "Why are your brother and the guards here?"

"I have no clue. It can't be because of the school events since we're states away, so I'm curious if something else has happened," I whisper back to him. "Do you think Kara knows?" I ask.

"I doubt it, she looked just as surprised as you did," He mumbles as he strokes his chin in thought. "Maybe we can question him after the meal is over," He says.

"Maybe," I whisper back. "Now you need to eat before we look like we're plotting something," I say half-joking, half-serious. The truth is, for Mrs. Michealson to have tightened security means something big happened or is going to happen. That leaves the question of what? I think as I slowly chew my food.

When everyone begins to get up, meaning the meal is over, I couldn't be happier. I calmly wait before falling in line. I see my brother is a few people ahead of me, so I carefully slip past others before I'm by his side. I lower my voice to a whisper and ask, "Why are you here?"

"Business," He whispers back as his eyes dart around the crowd. "Later," He adds before he slips away from me to join rank with the others.

I fall back and join Ash's side where I relay the message to him. His eyebrows furrow in thought as he thinks about everything. You can see the wheels turning behind his eyes. I sigh as we reach the bedroom where Kara is pacing beside us. Her olive skin looking pale on her face. "So you two need to sit," She says as she shuts the door.

Once we sat, she fills us in on what she learned at dinner from her mother and father. "She's so selfish!" She finishes. 

"So another murder happened, but it happened in town?" I ask as my mind reels from this information.

"Yes, it's been very hush-hush, but a few guests learned about it. So, my mother hired some people to calm everyone's nerves. There are people patrolling the grounds, and they will be stationed around at the party and among the guest," She says as she sits down. "I mean I always say it's going to be the party, but I'm afraid this time it's going to be one hell of a party," She breathes out.

The three of us sit-in silence as we all try to process the information we just learned. Are they connected to what happened at school? I ponder as I sigh. If they are, does that mean that they found me? The thought of that sends a chill down my spine. I look at Ash and Kara. I still haven't told them what the detectives told me before I left. Should I tell them? I really don't want to get them involved in this crazy mess. I'm saved from my inner turmoil as my phone dings from a message. I look over to see a text from my brother, that reads: Is there we can meet without anyone seeing or hearing us?

"Hey guys, I've got to go," I tell them as I quickly type a message back. I don't give them time to answer as I leave the room. I quietly go down the hallways and down the main stairs where I see him waiting. "Follow me," I whisper to him as I lead him out the back door to the garden. I take him all the back to the rosebushes that Andrew had lead me to. "No one can see us here, and we're far enough away from the windows to not be heard," I tell him.

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair before saying, "You can not repeat this to anyone," He warns me, "I'll lose my job, but I have a feeling you will found out one way or another," He sighs out as he gets his cigarettes out.

"Is it about the murder that happened in town?" I ask him as I pat my pocket for my own pack. I groan when I realize that I had hidden it when Ash and I came back inside. "Can I have one?" I ask him.

"Firstly, how did you hear about that?" He holds his pack out, "Secondly, when did you start smoking?" He asks me.

"Kara and after all the school stuff happened," I answer him before lighting up my own. "Answer me this Alister, is it the same guy?" I whisper.

He blows some smoke out before answering, "We're not sure since it was a different memo, but the detectives seem to think so."

"So they found me," I pause to take a puff as my nerves startup, "But how did they? I'm states away," I say as I look at him.

"That's what I'm here to find out," He tells me before adding, "No one is going to hurt you shortcake, not while I'm here." He gives me a hug while avoiding burning me with his cigarette.

"That's what I'm scared of since I'm cursed by death," I whisper as I hug him back. 

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