By AnimeLuck229

16.9K 445 20

Lucy Heartfilia is just an average celestial mage that owns 10 of the golden zodiac keys, or so they thought... More

Luciana Yurine Heartfilia Apocalypse
Lucy's true family
True Colors Unfold
Meeting the Mukami's
The woman i love
Author's Note
Old Man


563 18 0
By AnimeLuck229

Yuri's pov

As I stepped inside the portal, I was greeted with a beautiful view. Tall trees and beautiful flowers was surrounding me as I looked around, a small ball of light, the size of my palm zoomed past me as I quickly realised it was one of the fairies. As I observed my surroundings, the place was full of different shades of light as they flew by, without a care in the world.

I walked towards the fairy realm and found the biggest tree that was planted in the middle of the other trees. The tree has holes in it, some has doors and some doesn't, small windows can also be spotted as they enveloped the tree.

As I look down, I see that there was also little figurines of fairies, crowns, swords, or a very amazing 3D version of magic balls. I stopped looking around as I grew out my own wings. My wings is a dark reddish color for my demon side and a bluish purple for my dragon side.

As my wings stretched, I could feel the fairies looking at me before each of them dropped down to the ground in a kneel, forming a line of light leading towards the tree before they went upwards. I followed the line of light as I fly up, finally stopping at the top of the tree which has the biggest door among them, strangely without a doorknob.

As I observed the door, I fined that it is enveloped with magic, creating a barrier throughout the tree. I raised my knucles and knocked on the toddler sized door before it suddenly disappeared. I furrowed my eyebrows strangely at the door as I see that no one was inside, that is until I felt a presence behind me.

"Princess Luciana, what brings you here to our humble realm? " I turned around as I looked at the beautiful fairy Queen behind me, Fiona.

"I was informed by my father that the Cerus flower resides in your realm, specifically at zelum falls. " I honestly answered as I looked at Fiona, expressionless.

Being Royalty, you should be serious and directly at point as to not displease or anger your fellow royalties, it is a sign of disrespect and lack of trust on your fellow King and queens.

"That is true princess, but what is it do you wish to do with it? "

"My father asked me to retrieve it and give it to him, it will be useful for future injuries or illness. "

"I see, then I grant you permission to enter the zelum falls, I wish you luck. "Fiona smiled at me before slightly bowing and returning back to her little home, the previous door going back up.

Even if I was Royalty, a top one at that, it will be disrespectful if I just enter a realm and take whatever I want without a permit from the realm's rulers.

I flew my way towards the zelum falls as I was too bored to walk but eventually went down as I neared the border. I started walking towards zerum falls, retreating my wings back as I made my way to the said place.

The place was very eerie, everything was dark and the trees looked like they have never been watered but even so, a beautiful lake was located at the very center and a waterfall falling above. Even if the place was dark, it looked like the lake was shining from the dim afternoon sunset as it reflected the beautiful sky scenery.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I paled, if the sun was going down then I only have limited time before I would be able to take the flower at the right time.

'My father is going to kill me if I don't find that flower soon enough. '

I started to walk in a path I found on the left side of the lake before eventually started running as the dark started to approach, I only have a few hours before I'll be too late.

It felt like I was walking for ages in a straight line before I perked up as a slight turn could be spotted at the near end of the path. I continued running as I neared the end before finally turning, a smile on my face. I felt my smile fall from my face as a frown replaced it before a groan, the turning just leads to two more paths I don't know where to take.

My magic would have been useful now but knowing that I will get in big trouble if I do that, I took a random guess and head straight to the right, following the path until I finally arrived at my destination.

A huge grin fell onto my face at my achievement on finally arriving here before I took the scenery in front of me. Beautiful flowers scattered everywhere in different colors and sizes while the moonlight reflected on their petals.

I groaned as I remembered that the Cerus would be hard to find, especially since daddy told me it was as the size of a thumb, it didn't help. It took me hours on finding the flower before finally spotting it beside a Daisy.

I was happy to find the flower so as to keep it safe, I opened my infinity bag and putting it inside and was about to turn back and go home when I suddenly heard a growl.

'Oh shit! '

I had completely forgot that my infinity bag uses magic power to be opened, I was too excited about finding the flower that I completely forgot.

I freeze as I turned around as I look at the creature before me. It has red eyes in slits, a giant body, black horn on it's head, pointy ears, and sharp canines.

The monster bared it's teeth at me before lunging, it took a big swing at me but I quickly Dodge before kicking it at it's head, causing it to fly back and make a crater. I lunged at the monster, not giving it time to recover with chaos magic in my hand, that was forming a fist. I punched the monster in it's stomach, causing it to spit blood before charging at me, taking me completely off guard and was flung into a tree.

I wipe some blood in my mouth before charging at the monster again. I pulled out my katana from space before slashing it's left arm. The monster cried out in pain before lunging at me again, using it's horns to stab my shoulder, blood immediately pouring out and a scream to leave my lips.

The monster seemed pleased as I shouted in pain, holding my shoulder. This monster is powerful, it was capable enough to hurt me, which is rare, and it never happened to any other monsters I fought before, unless-

I was taken out of my thoughts as I was slammed into a tree as I grunt in pain. I used my other arm as I teleport my dagger from my weapon room to my hand and stabbed the monster's leg. It cried out in pain as it staggered back before falling down, holding it's leg and glaring at me.

I looked at the monster one last time, an emotionless look on my face before using my dagger to slice it's neck, ending it's life before walking to my infinity bag and grabbing it before telepathically sending a message to Fiona that I will be leaving with a small thank you and opening up a portal and going through before I landed on the dragon realm, specifically in my father's office, which was thankfully empty and putting the flower on his desk and opening up another random portal which I hoped leads to the mukami's mansion before stepping in and completely losing consciousness, the last thing I heard was footsteps running towards me before an arm was wrapped around me, carrying me and my name being called.

"Yuri! " I heard as I finally let darkness consume me.

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