Power over me (Sherlock and M...

Por Fangirl447

7K 114 16

After the Final Problem's misadventures, John and Sherlock were back to solving crimes, as usual. Just when i... Más

A/N!! Please Read!!
1-After the call
5-Disturbing the peace
6- Musgrave Hall
7-One more riddle
8- Reunited
9- Where we left off
10- The criminal bows

4- Something Missing

630 12 5
Por Fangirl447

Another day was over, night was falling and they were getting colder and darker every time. The wind was blowing through Molly's hair which was tied up in a messy bun. She was still troubled with Sherlock's visit at the hospital. She had a killer headache and was fed up with her horrible day. She walked towards her apartment with tiredness clinging onto every inch of her being. She snapped out of her thoughts when she received a phone call. She fumbled through her purse to find her cellphone. She answered it, but no one was speaking. "Hello....? Is anyone there?" she said, confused. She shrugged and put her cellphone back in her bag to pull out her keys instead.

She fiddled with them until she found the right one. As she unlocked the door, she felt something was unusual. The door unlocked itself way too easily, as if it was already unlocked. She pushed the door open, cautiously, checking if there was anything weird inside the apartment. She got instantly relieved when she saw her cat, meowing at her. She closed the door, removed her coat and shoes to cuddle her cat and sit on her couch.

She couldn't stop thinking about Sherlock. She loved him so much, but he hurt her so many times. So many mixed feelings, it was unbearable. She was afraid to love him again because she might get hurt, but she couldn't hate him either because he was her dear friend. She dragged her feet to the kitchen to prepare some tea. She couldn't stop thinking about him, it's like he haunted her mind. She thought about all the cases she helped him with, all the lies he told, all the pain she felt. She took her cup of tea and sat back on the couch, sipping on her tea. She snapped out of her thoughts when she saw the bathroom door slowly open, letting the light into the living room. She got up from the couch, slowly approaching the bathroom, anxious of what she might find. She pushed the door gently to find Sherlock's blue dressing gown, neatly folded on the bathroom counter. A note was attached to it.

-I know you love it. I also know you don't want nothing to do with me anymore, but let me give you this so you can at least not forget me like I forgot you.- S.H.

Molly didn't really know how to react at first, she was really intrigued by this sudden, weird act of kindness. She asked herself if it was a joke, but then realized that this dressing gown is really important to Sherlock. He wears it all the time, especially when he needs to think or when he's at home and he's just bored. She unfolded it and held it against her, taking in his scent. She felt relieved, but she also thought that she shouldn't be having this. She decided to keep it anyway. She was so busy looking at the dressing gown that she didn't see the tall silhouette escaping her house by the back door.


In the meantime, Sherlock and John just solved a case and were leaving Scotland Yard, laughing about their crazy day.

"What a day, eh Sherlock?" John said, nudging his friend. "Oh I don't know, let's see...We solved a case, we caught a criminal and Gavin made a fool out of himself, once again..." "It's Greg..."John said in disbelief. "Oh right." The detective said as if he knew what he was talking about, when in fact he didn't. While on their way to Baker Street, Sherlock was really quiet.

"Sherlock...you alright?" John asked. Sherlock hummed in response.
« Yeah, I was...just thinking...nothing important... » he said, not even turning to his friend. The detective was thinking, as always, but this time it was a bit weirder like he had this thought that he couldn't shake off. It wasn't about Molly, or maybe it was he didn't know what was that about. Sherlock had an intuition that something wasn't right, didn't know what or who it involved, but he realized something happened at Baker Street. « John we need to hurry, someone is at Baker Street. » They both rushed to get the first cab, wondering what might've happened in their flat. Sherlock really couldn't get anything else from his intuition, just Baker Street, he thought about The Woman for a split second, but that wasn't it. It was driving him crazy. « What happened? » John asked, in disbelief, stumbling into the cab. « I don't know, but I have a strong intuition something happened. It doesn't involve anybody around us, it's a really strange feeling and it's driving me mad! I don't like not knowing... » Sherlock said, running his hands through his curly hair.

Once they arrived at Baker Street, they jumped out of the cab to find the door...perfectly locked and closed. Sherlock couldn't believe it. He unlocked the door, pushed it cautiously. The hallway was perfectly normal, Mrs Hudson was in her apartment, humming a song while reading. The light was still on, everything was okay. They climbed up the stairs to get to their flat. Sherlock rushed into the living room, fumbling through his stuff. Something was missing. « What are you looking for exactly, Sherlock? » John asked, searching with him. No answer from Sherlock. The detective rushed to the kitchen to find everything right where it should be. And it was the same with John's bedroom as well as his. John continued searching through the flat for anything missing when he heard Sherlock from the bathroom. « John! You'll want to see this... » the detective exclaimed. John rushed to the bathroom to find the door closed. « A-are you...er...Can I open the door? » he said as he reached for the doorknob. Sherlock opened the door quicker than him and motioned for him to come to his side of the door. John entered the bathroom, anxious. As Sherlock closed the door, John stared at it in disbelief.

« Oh dear god...not again... » he sighed, sitting on the cold bathroom tile floor.
« Not just that, but my dressing gown is missing, I usually keep it right here » Sherlock said calmly, pointing at the hanger on the door.
« Why, your dressing gown?... » John asked, confused. For a split second, Sherlock looked as confused as his friend, but then remembered what Molly said:

After work, Molly went to Sherlock and John's flat to give them results from the lab, for a case. Molly climbed up the stairs of the 221B, knocked on the door....No answer. She noticed the doorway unlocked so she pushed it open to enter the living room and see Sherlock asleep on the couch, with Rosie in his arms. He was wearing his blue dressing gown and his pyjamas underneath it. She smiled at herself. She loved it when he was wearing this, just because it was simple. It was just him. She put the files with the results on the coffee table, knocking a mug on the floor in the process. She gasped, waking Sherlock up and making Rosie move a little bit.
« I'm so sorry, I just came by to drop the results you and John asked for the case... »Molly whispered, feeling a bit guilty for waking him up. « It's fine Molls, I have work to do anyway... »Sherlock yawned with Rosie still asleep in his arms. Molly couldn't help herself but to look at how cute he looked with his goddaughter. « I'll let you work then... »Molly said, showing the door. « And Sherlock... »Sherlock hummed in response. « You should wear the gown more often...I love it » Molly joked. Sherlock chuckled to himself as Molly exited the flat.

Sherlock exited the bathroom with John on his heels, on their way to solve a new crime. As the door closed, the blood-coloured letters on the back of white door shined with the moonlight. You could read it as : MISS ME?

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