BUSINESS with PLEASUREa roman...

By micklow5173

147 1 1

This is a romance novel but it tells the story of a young lady who grew up without a mother and when her dad... More

first four chapters please comment and i'd love it if you follow me

147 1 1
By micklow5173



                         CHAPTER 1

“This is your pilot speaking please keep your seat belts fastened,” Alison looked up at the overhead console as if to hear the words more clearly. “We are experiencing some trouble with the starboard engine it’s nothing we can't handle folks. We will return to Townsville Airport for a grease and oil change and a bit of a check up in the mean time it may get a bit bumpy so keep your seat belts fastened, please.” The pilot's good humour and smooth voice had a calming effect on the passengers. “You will feel a slight dip to your left as we make the turn don’t be alarmed, we won’t fall over its all part of the manoeuvre.”

         “Too late mate,” Alison spoke quietly to herself, a habit she developed early in her life. “Most of these people are already well and truly alarmed.” She looked around at the other passengers “Still it is good we have a pilot who can use a little humour even in a situation like this,” she said, again quietly to herself. Some children had imaginary friends but to Alison this was too much like day dreaming, she felt that talking to herself was like talking to a best friend, someone she could trust. She had found no reason to change the habit as she grew older.

Flight 926 Townsville to Sydney had taken off fifteen minutes earlier. Soon after the aeroplane left the runway some of the passengers commented on a vibration that they could feel coming through the floor. One man said quite loudly that he had heard and felt a bump from below his seat as the plane left the ground.

Slipping off her high-heeled shoes to better feel the vibration Alison again looked around at the other passengers a ripple of agitated murmuring had spread throughout the aircraft, “I can feel the vibration it is getting worse.” A woman’s tension filled voice rose above the chatter.

Now, with the airport still not in view the plane started its gradual descent. Several of the people on board became more concerned, a woman sitting a few seats in front of Alison cried out, “We are going down too fast, are we going to crash?”      

A flight attendant hurried to her side “Please we are perfectly safe. We are having difficulties with one engine but we do have three and can quite easily fly and land with two.” She said loud enough for everyone to hear.

         “But that noise and the vibration...?” The man with the loud voice was determined to be heard, he was cut short.

 “Fire! Fire! The plane’s on fire!” The shout came from a man sitting in front of Alison, he pointed, finger on the window glass, rising panic in his voice.

 Alison turned to see flames shooting out from the engine nearest her window. “Oh no, not fire.” She said out loud her mind flashing back to a terrible accident she had witnessed as a child which had left her with a particular fear of being trapped in a burning building­­­ – or aeroplane.

Within seconds the fire stopped, white vapour streamed out behind the engine followed by black smoke which all but stopped again within seconds.

 “It’s alright, it’s alright, look it is out already the engines do have built-in fire suppressors.” The attendants hurried along the aisle trying desperately to keep everyone calm. They smiled and reached out to touch and reassure people but as hard as they tried to hide it the tension showed on their faces. The vibration worsened and the anxious chatter among the passengers grew, their voices husky with fear. Several times Alison noticed the attendants glancing towards the cabin as if looking for reassurance themselves.

The aeroplane steadily losing altitude turned in a great arc as the airport came into view. Alison watched the women in neat uniforms move up and down the aisle. Surprised that thoughts of the flight crew would be on her mind at a time like this she turned to look through the window. Below them emergency workers hurried to make ready several fire engines were already racing towards the runway and several more were on the road that led to the airport. Ambulances and other support vehicles followed close behind.  She could see their flashing lights and imagined she could hear the noise of the sirens. Alison clearly heard a child’s voice, “Look Mum, look at all the fire engines and the flashing lights.” She looked over to where the voice had come from in time to see a small boy’s mother lift him away from the window hushing him with a hug and a soft caress. She could see tears on the mother’s cheeks as she rocked the child in her arms. The flight attendant gently eased him from his Mother’s arms and into his seat and fastened his seatbelt.

The vibration worsened as the aeroplane neared the airport.

During her extensive travels Alison had been on aeroplanes that were experiencing troubles and she had experienced several emergency landings. This time with the vibration, the fire and the noises that had come from beneath them, the danger felt more real, more frightening, black fluid smudged the outside of the window glass, sprays of the oily liquid streaked across the wing. More bumping came from somewhere beneath the plane followed by another much louder thump.

 “They can’t get the wheels down,” an anxious voice sounded throughout the aircraft. One of the Flight Attendants moved along the aisle to stand beside the frightened passenger.

 “Sorry about all the fuss people but as you already know we are having some difficulties.” The pilot's voice sounding as calm as ever quietened the passengers. They listened for more information on their predicament, “The undercarriage is down and locked in position and all is well with the landing gear but before we use it we will make one, maybe two passes over the airport close to the control tower. This will allow experts in the tower to inspect the underside of the aircraft, just to be certain.” Alison listened intently to see if she could detect any tension in his voice, she was relieved that at least this pilot spoke to the passengers during the emergency, most don’t she thought. “Not to worry folks this is strictly a precautionary measure I am certain everything is fine. We will be on the ground and quite safe very soon. Try to relax and enjoy the drama after all it is not every day you experience an exciting situation like this. Very soon it will all be over and you will have a great story to tell your friends and lovers for a long time to come.”

Friends and lovers, Alison dropped her head back against the rest, it should be friends and lover, she thought. I have only ever had one and what a lover he turned out to be. 

“Michael” she whispered to herself as tears threatened to overflow. Then afraid that if she started to cry she wouldn’t be able to stop she said to herself, “What a fool, I was completely over this sort of thing.” She wiped her eyes with a tissue, it’s just the tension, she thought. 

Maybe it was some sort of safety valve but in spite of everything that was happening around her, in spite of the danger she was in Alison’s mind drifted to the man she at one time thought she might marry.

          I wonder where he is now, he could be so caring, so nice, I was sure we would be together forever I guess his wife and children thought the same. The shock of finding out that Michael was married stayed with her for a long time, even now she could feel the resentment cutting at her heart. With a rueful smile she said quietly to herself, “I’d be tempted to wish some sort of a hex on him but this is not the time or place for that sort of thing.”

 Sitting upright in her seat, head back against the headrest Alison let her mind take her away from her present predicament. She thought of her father the man in her life as she grew out of childhood. He could never forgive nor forget the loss he had suffered at her birth. The woman he loved had died while Alison had lived.

 Completely overlooking the fact of her loss having to grow up without a Mother to help, comfort and guide her, he never showed any real affection for her or took any interest in her upbringing except to employ nannies to look after her. Alison couldn’t decide which came first, the nannies who showed little or no interest in her or her resentment and rebellion against them, even the ones who had tried to help.

 Her Father she remembered always during any dispute took the side of the nannies. He was always very hard on her, but worse, instead of the affection she craved he more often showed resentment even hostility.

At school she was tall and gangly and didn't mix well with the other girls, the boys paid her little or no attention unless it was to tease her and call her beanpole or any other hurtful name relating to the fact that she was the tallest student in her class. Once she reached sixth grade she was the tallest in her school except for one boy in the football team. Alison had always felt out of place no matter where she was. At school though she found the work easy and was considered a top student by her teachers she felt as if no one wanted to socialise with her. Even at home with her father and the various housekeepers he had hired over the years she felt she was always in the wrong place, or perhaps out of place.

 Her father died when she was in her final year. After the funeral she left school and never returned.

The next two years of her life went by in a daze, she moved from job to job without satisfaction or any sense of achievement. In an attempt to improve her life at the age of nineteen she took a course at a secretarial school, she again found the work easy passing the course with top marks, still she felt uncomfortable with her fellow pupils, the women were mature age students with young families this formed a common bond between them but to Alison’s mind it excluded her. The one male student doing the course was in his early twenties he seemed to spend most of his time staring at her. Alison mentioned this to the other women during their graduation gathering, they laughed one of them saying, “Well you are the swan among the ducks my dear.”

The phrase, ‘swan amongst the ducks,’ stayed with Alison, this was the first inkling of her emerging beauty. That evening she stood in front of a mirror studying her blemish free face and her long lean maturing body, she wondered if perhaps she might not be so plain after all, “Maybe an ugly duckling can turn into a swan,” she said to herself.

Keen to try out her newfound skills as soon as she finished the course Alison applied for a job as secretary at a model agency. The person who interviewed her was the present secretary who was leaving in two weeks to have a baby and spend a year off work on maternity leave. Alison started work the next day as her assistant and trainee secretary.

The following year was a watershed for Alison the agency sent models all over the country and was developing a client base in other parts of the world. The challenge to keep up the running of the day to day business and liaise with the clients and models in Australia and overseas was time consuming and interesting. Several times during that first year to her surprise Alison had been mistaken for one of the models.

The owner of the agency, Bianca Carr, noting her tall elegant stature and developing beauty often talked about the prospect of Alison becoming a model suggesting that she stay on at the agency as a trainee model when the original secretary returned to work. Bianca had been a model herself nearly reaching the top of her profession when a car accident made the rigours of such a demanding career very painful. Still young and wanting to stay in the industry she loved, Bianca started a school for young hopefuls and in the process of finding work for her students became an agent, almost by chance.  She helped with all of the training and coaching Alison needed for her new career carefully choosing assignments that suited the beginner helping her climb to the top echelon of Australian modelling. Alison became by far the most successful model on Bianca's books travelling to all parts of the world sometimes featuring on the covers of the best publications.

         Now as she sat looking out of the window all fear had left her. The feeling of detachment continued. She thought back over the ten or so years that she had been modelling, many times men had tried to win her affection but her stubbornness and her need to always be in control spoiled any chance that she might have had to be involved in a continuing relationship. The one time she had let defences down, her lover, a very handsome business executive from New Zealand turned out to be married with children. His business brought him to Sydney most weeks for several days or at least that was the excuse he gave his wife.

         Alison could never forget the moment he told her about his family. The day had been so much fun breakfast at Shooster’s, a few hours skating at the ice rink, back to her place for an early lunch then a wonderful afternoon making love, they were in the shower laughing and joking when she very excitedly mentioned about them getting married one day. The man she thought loved her stepped out of the shower and picked up his towel he smiled sheepishly, looked a bit embarrassed and said. “But we can’t sweetheart I’m already married, my wife and children live with me in New Zealand.”

         Alison very nearly fainted, managing to keep control she asked him to leave and then cried as she had never cried before. She had let her defences down trusting a man with her feelings and emotions now she vowed to never let that happen again.


 I have never known what true love is and now maybe I never will. The words drifted through her mind as the aeroplane made a second pass over the control tower.

         “Crew members take your emergency landing positions, now.” Immediately the pilot spoke the flight attendants moved to their seats, “No need to worry people we will be on the ground very soon I fully intend to have dinner with my wife, in Sydney, tonight.”

 Once he stopped talking a hush enveloped the passengers, no one spoke not even a whisper. Again, the tension began to build, the children had stopped crying except for one boy who cried briefly when his Mother held his hand too tightly.

 One of the flight attendants sat in a small seat her back to a wall that separated the passengers from the cabin. She sat very straight her head back, eyes lightly closed, Alison thought she could see the smallest of movement of her lips.

         This large metal bird filled with frightened people coasted down to an inevitable meeting with the tarmac. All was quiet even the engines made less sound than usual it seemed, Alison didn’t want to look out of the window but couldn’t resist watching the unfolding drama below. Even more emergency vehicles raced to join the ones already in place. She could picture in her mind the men hurrying to get hoses and other appliances ready.

Must be close to touch down she thought, there were so many fire engines, ambulances and support vehicles it was impossible not to realise that the danger was very real indeed. The passengers sat with their seat belts pulled tight, some with their heads bent low between their knees others up straight with faces set firm and grim sinews and muscles showing in their hands and arms as they griped the armrests tightly. Then came the noise and flurry of the landing, the flaps on the wings going up, a slight bump as they touched the ground ever so lightly a landing smoother than many Alison had experienced.

         The plane was still moving when the fire crews began dousing the damaged engine with foam. Then immediately the aircraft stopped the flight crew began to organise as speedy an exit for the passengers as possible. There was a little panic when one of the emergency doors jammed but soon the exit chutes were in place and someone on the ground called, “All set.”

         Because she was seated near one of the emergency exits Alison was among the first to be ready to slide down the chute. She stood back willing to wait her turn when a strong hand took hold of her arm and she heard a man's voice say, “Righto lady you first.” The next thing she knew she was hurtling towards the ground. The yellow plastic inflatable chute was covered with a fine powder and with Alison being the first to use it the powder caused her to slide much faster than those who would follow. She hit the tarmac quite hard twisting her ankle and skinning her knee. She stood up painfully mentally cursing the man who had hurried her into jumping on to the slide.

Before she limped away she heard his voice again. “I’m sorry about that, I should have gone first, I didn’t realise…” He turned with out finishing the sentence to help other passengers as they came off the chute. 

That night Alison lay in bed unable to sleep partly because of the pain in her ankle but mostly because she was thinking of the day's events. She was reliving the stress and excitement feeling the tension all over again almost hero-worshipping the crew of the aircraft. The bravery they showed, the job they did was incredible, she thought.

All of the passengers stood together on the tarmac after their hasty exit, they clapped and cheered as the aircrew slid down the chute. The pilot, last to leave the aircraft stumbled as he tried to stand after his exit slide. Regaining his footing he bowed with exaggerated aplomb and was applauded loudest of all. Just as these people had shared the tension and fear of the emergency they now shared the relief and jubilation of standing safely on the ground.

Alison, as she lay in bed thought of seeing herself on the local news, ‘Sydney woman injured in emergency landing at Townsville airport.’ “Yes the only one injured,” she said to herself, thank goodness it was the local news they at least didn’t think my being a model was note worthy, maybe they just didn’t know. Her mind drifted back over the precarious flight when there was a chance that she would die. The words ‘I've never know what love is,’ were still playing on her mind. Well true love anyway, she thought. When Alison did eventually go to sleep her dreams were of the few men she had known in her life but had not loved.

                             CHAPTER 2

The knock came again Alison looked to see where the sound had come from, there just a few metres away was fire deep orange flames engulfing the aircraft seats, the deep orange hell roared up the aisle towards her like churning molten metal whirling and surging the inferno came closer the heat searing her skin as the strong smell of scorched hair filled her nostrils. She looked around for the other passengers they were all gone, rescued while she slept. The aeroplane vibrating fiercely seemed to be ready to fall apart. Through the flames she could just make out the face of her one time lover shimmering in the heat haze behind him his wife, they were laughing and pointing at her as desperation and the terrible heat overcame her. She heard the knock again, louder this time.

 Alison rolled over pushing hard against the bed trying to hold sleep and the still vivid dream away. She rolled back and flung out her arms her eyelids parting enough to recognise bright daylight several seconds went by before she realised she was in a strange room and someone was knocking at the door. Dragging herself out of the bed and into a dressing gown she opened the door just enough to peep through.

 “I was just starting to wonder if you were here.” The voice was vaguely familiar but Alison could not remember ever seeing this man before.

         “Who are you?” She asked bluntly.

         “Don't you remember? I helped you off the plane yesterday.” Memories came flooding back the hectic ride down the chute the sudden stop at the bottom.

 “Sorry if I was a bit over the top but we didn't know if the plane was going to explode into flames and there were lots of people to get off.”

         Alison stood looking at this man wondering why he was here and if she should ask him in, after all she didn’t know him. Her fatigue and the pain in her ankle got the best of her. “Come in I'm Alison Downs. Sorry if I seem a bit vague, I don't usually sleep in this late.” Alison looked up at the clock on the wall, “Must have been the pain killers they gave me.” She shrugged her shoulders sleepily.

         “Tim Fisher,” the visitor offered without being asked, “How is the foot?”

         “The ankle actually,” Alison said with a shrug, not yet properly awake she excused herself and went to get dressed. Tim Fisher talked a little louder so as to be heard from the next room.

         “Are you catching a flight today?”

         “I don't know yet,” Alison said, as she patted her face dry, she limped from the ensuite into the bedroom, “It was too late after all that trouble yesterday to ring my agent.” Immediately she said “Ring my agent,” the words, ‘I've never known what true love is’ jumped into her mind. Even after something like this happens to me the only person I have to ring is my agent, she thought. Then giving her hair a quick brush she said quietly to herself “And of course even my agent is a woman,” She thought then about the man in the next room. It was strange that he should come calling the morning after their drama but Alison was used to men behaving strangely around her and using any excuse they could think of to talk to her.

         “You won't be able to walk down the catwalk with a sore ankle, will you?”

         “How did you know I was a model?” Alison asked in her usual frank right to the point way. She walked, trying not to limp too much, back into the lounge room.

         “I saw you on television last night the bit about the emergency landing, they gave your name.”

 “They didn't say that I was a model.”

         “No, but the Sydney papers did.”

         She had started to sit down when Tim said about the Sydney papers. “Oh no, is it in the papers?” She stood quickly, “Hey you can't get the Sydney papers way up here in Far North Queensland this early in the morning, surely?”  She said looking at her visitor with surprise.

         “Well yes we can actually, they come through on the first flight each day but I heard it from a friend on the telephone earlier. When I mentioned the trouble with our flight he said he had read about the famous model hurt in the accident and since you were the only person hurt,” Tim shrugged his shoulders as if to say he had put two and two together and come up with her being the model, “And it wasn't hard to picture you as a model,” he added with obvious admiration.

 The shrill ring of Alison’s mobile phone broke the short silence.

“You should have rang me,” Bianca said a little annoyed.

“It was late by the time everything was finished and they had found me somewhere to stay.”

“No matter you should have phoned and told me anyway I read it in the papers for goodness sake.” After being reassured that her friend was not badly injured Bianca suggested Alison take a week or so off to mend, “Make a holiday of it have a rest and come back to work refreshed and ready to make up for lost time,” was how she put it.

“Stay here a week? I can’t do that not for a week you know that Bianca and then there is that other business I’m trying to get off the ground, I have so much to do.” Alison was referring to something she had been working on for a couple of months now. She had for some time wanted to have her own line of swimwear and lingerie and had decided that she wanted to start up a company that took swimwear and maybe other clothing, from manufacture to wholesale selling.

 “Talking about that, have you made up your mind if you are in with me on this Bianca?”

“Ally for goodness sake take someone’s advice for once in your life get some rest, you can’t do a lot with a twisted ankle anyway.”

“Alright, alright, maybe a few days I can do some of the organising on the phone anyway but you make sure you let me know immediately anything comes through on that warehouse hey. You still haven’t answered my question are you in this new company with me or not.”

“I see my accountant tomorrow and I will let you know then, ok?” Bianca hadn’t made up her mind if she wanted to, or even if she could afford to take the rather large step into the world of clothing manufacturing. “You get some rest and get out for a bit have some fun life is not all work you know, haven’t I taught you anything? That is why men were put on this earth so we ladies could have some fun so get with it girlie,” Bianca was teasing Alison about her reluctance to have anything much to do with the opposite sex.

Replacing the phone Alison turned to her visitor and said, “Well it looks like I'm here for a little while anyway what are you doing for the next week or so?” It was meant as a light-hearted joke but immediately she saw the spark in Tim’s eyes and just as immediate she felt that feeling in the pit of her stomach it spread up through her chest until it caught in her throat. It was like some sort of resentment to any man who showed any sort of interest in her.

 She was careful not to meet the look in Tim’s eyes.

Townsville surprised Alison she didn't expect such a small city so far from what she thought of as civilisation to be so vibrant, so alive. She knew she could come to love this place but Tim Fisher was a different story. She had managed to enjoy his company most of the time and while she was with him almost forget her aversion to men. She still felt a little out of place, he was a perfect gentleman always and she could feel a friendship developing as she got to know him better. At times she wondered if she might be falling in love but she couldn't help thinking there should be more, we have only known each other for such a little while maybe that will come later she reasoned then thought, what is going on in my head? Anybody would think I was looking for someone to fall in love with. Nothing could be further from the truth. She mentally scolded herself, why would I want to start any kind of relationship at this time of my life? I'm just starting to get going in the business world and I don't need any distractions now.

One week after her unexpected return to Townsville Alison accompanied Tim to the Casino. Not in the mood for the tables and more than a little worried about Tim's apparent romantic intentions she kept a little distance between them.

She was standing in the gallery looking out over the Coral Sea, the lights of a nearby island flashed and twinkled in the tropical darkness.

“A beautiful sight,” from behind her a voice so deep so vibrant Alison seemed to feel it rather than hear it.

She turned slightly to see his reflection in the window. The proverbial tall dark and handsome stranger she thought as he stepped up beside her. Her heart began to move in her breast in a way she hadn’t experienced before, it was almost painful yet exquisite. The sensation spread to her mind then back through her body taking with it a feeling of helplessness. Even in thought she couldn't find the words to describe this intrusion into her mind.

Turning to look at him she said, “Yes the sea is blue even at night, it is so beautiful.”

His eyes turned away from her to look through the large window, “Yes the view is also beautiful.” Then as he turned back to face her, their eyes met and were held transfixed for the longest moment. They stood locked in each other's gaze her cheeks flushed and her heart beat even faster.

 Wanting to say something but unable to find the words and realising she would be incapable of saying them anyway she turned and hurried back to the gaming tables and Tim. Once again the words, I've never known what true love is, came this time screaming at her. Holding Tim's arm and seeing the surprise and delight in his eyes she thought, maybe this is what love is this safe comfortable feeling knowing that the man I choose to spend my life with would never challenge my spirit and would always treat me like a lady.

 Even as she had this thought her eyes darted over the crowded room. Her heart pumping not so much faster but heavier so that she was aware of each beat like a thump in her breast.  Alison, unable to stay at the casino was home in bed earlier than expected that evening, several times during the night she saw ‘him’ and each time his eyes seemed to seek out her eyes and hold them transfixed until panic started to rise from her chest to her throat.

 She was used to men admiring her fine figure, casting their eyes over her long slender legs and sometimes she caught some man's eyes roaming over her beautifully featured face, never before had she encountered a man like this who seemed not to notice the rest of her, he seemed to look only for her eyes and when he found them he didn't want to let them go, as his eyes held her eyes he moved towards her and she felt the urge to move towards him. Alison knew that because of the panic she felt when they were near she wouldn’t be able to speak so each time trying not to be too obvious about it she retreated.

Early in the evening she told Tim that she had a headache and asked if he would mind her going back to her room. She was staying at Jupiter’s, part of the casino complex so it would be easy and quite safe for her to leave on her own. He of course insisted on accompanying her and because of her headache after opening her door he said goodnight and suggested she go straight to bed and have a good sleep. Alison did have a quick shower and go straight to bed but sleep was a long time coming. Her mind was crowded with thoughts of the man with the penetrating eyes. When sleep did eventually come the thoughts didn't go away they merely turned into dreams.

Alison was used to the early mornings and the long days of a successful model. Even when she wasn't working she woke before daylight and was quickly out of bed and into her exercise routine. This morning she stretched out her arms and sliding them back and forth felt the smoothness of the clean sheets, immediately her thoughts went to him, who was this man with the magic eyes? Those eyes she thought smiling widely as she stretched yet again.

She imagined herself alone in the hotel's swimming pool lazing in the cool water enjoying Townsville's beautiful clean air and bright sunshine. She heard the click of the entrance gate and looked up to see the handsome stranger walk to the waters edge at the other end of the pool. He put the white towel he was carrying on one of the poolside seats. He slid his suit-coat from his shoulders and laid it carefully on a bench, he then removed his white shirt and singlet undid his belt and carefully lowered his suit pants. In her mind she could see him at the end of the pool his body was so tanned in contrast to the white swimmers he was wearing, ever so slowly he lowered himself into the water when only his head and shoulders were visible he looked at Alison seeming to see her for the first time. His eyes met her eyes and without altering his gaze he moved towards her. She felt herself being drawn to him and as their fingers touched she felt this incredible tingling throughout her whole being as his strong hands slid along her wet arms and clasped her bare shoulders slowly drawing her to him until their faces were so close she could feel the warmth of his breath on her cheek. His lips so gently touched her lips his hands moved over her back and slid under the strap of her bikini top. She thought herself so brazen accepting his lips so eagerly the kiss was firm yet gentle and so romantic, as their lips parted there was the slightest touch of his tongue, she gasped, the clip of her bikini top released.

Alison gave a little start as she came back to reality and was surprised to find herself still in bed with the first hint of daylight spreading over the scene outside her window she felt as if she had been in another world, what on earth has happened to me? She thought I seem to have lost control of my senses. Alison had always seen herself as a hard working practical person not at all a dreamer. She had dreams when she was a child and they never did her any good, “Dreams are for dreamers they get you nowhere,” she told herself. In reality this was the first sexual fantasy she’d ever had and deep inside she felt a little excited, a little ashamed and very much like a fifteen year old girl. Something she had never felt before not even when she was fifteen. “Enough of this,” she told herself.  “It's time to get back into a serious routine,” with that she jumped out of bed and started her warm ups which led to the heaviest exercise session she had done since she hurt her ankle.

Nearly every day of the past week Alison had spent some time with Tim, she suspected that he had put off his flight to Sydney just to spend time with her. She felt as if she could really love this man. They enjoyed each other's company and although she didn't know anything about his business interests he was obviously as successful as he was good looking. He was a man any woman would be proud to be with ‘but,’ Alison could not explain the ‘but’ that always came up at the end of any thoughts she had about Tim. He was a good man better than most and although he was obviously attracted to her he had never in all of the times they had been alone together tried to take advantage, not even a good night kiss.

“Maybe that’s the problem,” she said to herself.


                     CHAPTER 3

Alison, having decided on a quiet lunch was sitting alone at a table in the mall organising her thoughts and scribbling notes, a young couple walked past hand in hand immediately she wondered what it would be like walking along hand in hand with 'him' as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Two days ago I didn't know he existed now I think about him all day and fantasise about him most of the night. She thought for a second then correcting herself said “Not only at night either.” She mentally shook herself I have to stop this she thought, I’ll be back in Sydney soon and I’ll have to have my wits about myself then.

With determination she shifted her mind to the new business idea she had been working on before she left Sydney. The plan was to develop a company that would be tied to designing, manufacturing and wholesale selling of swimwear with its own models on staff. Preliminary talks with some of the people she hoped would become personnel in the new project had already happened. She had organised a meeting with several people from the industry along with others she hoped would help finance the new company. The meeting was just fifteen days away and there was a lot to do and decide on still her mind drifted back to last night.

I wonder if I am having the same effect on him or any effect at all for that matter. Alison sat sipping her juice thinking back to the night at the casino. The way he looked at me seeming to scoop me up with those eyes of his and carry me away to some secret hide-away. Surely it must mean something. He must at least think of me sometimes. 

Nearby a busker was singing the eighties hit song 'You’re my number one.' “I wish,” Alison said to herself as she stood ready to leave. She picked up her glass to finish her juice then she stepped away from the table looked back to see if she had left anything behind and waited for a second to organise her mind and think about what she was going to do next.

Maybe I could ask Tim to take me to the casino tonight. Before she had considered it she dismissed the idea because she thought it unfair to Tim. She began to turn to be on her way.

“Each time I see you, you seem to be on a different horizon, somewhere far away.” A deep voice came from behind her, “Hello Alison,” the handsome stranger stepped up beside her.

It's him and he knows my name was all she could think as she turned to look at him. Later that evening when reflecting on this moment Alison was sure her heart had stopped and then had to beat very heavily to make up for lost time.

“You're a hard person to find” he said, “I was told that you were heading down to the marina to look at the boats,” they stood facing each other, “When I couldn't see you there I thought I'd try the mall and sure enough…” He didn't need to finish the sentence.

“You know my name?” Alison blurted out and then felt embarrassed about saying it.

“The other night at the casino when you disappeared I asked around it didn't take long to find out about the beautiful model who had been hurt in a plane crash only a week before.”

“It wasn't a plane crash” Alison said quickly, “Only an emergency landing and I wasn't really hurt just a sprained ankle.”

“And how is the ankle?”

“Oh, no worries, the pain only lasted a day or so — see it pays to keep fit.”

He laughed briefly, “You're staying with Tim Fisher aren’t you?”

“No!” The answer was a little too quick, regaining her composure she went on, “No, I'm not, I only met Tim last week we've become friends since then, only friends.” She felt the need to emphasise the point.

“That's good,” he said causing her heart to perform little tricks of its own. He went on, “I'm Craig Andrews I own a small helicopter business.” With a little laugh he said, “So if you ever need a small helicopter,” He raised his eye brows, “I'm your man”

I wish you were, Alison nearly said but managed to keep it to a thought, “I'll keep that in mind but I don't know about flying in anything at the moment,” she joked noting that his laugh was deep and even, a delight to listen to she thought, this man just might be perfect.

“I'm about to have lunch would you like to join me?” Craig asked.

“I've had lunch but coffee would be nice.” Alison wasn't usually a coffee drinker but the words were out before she could stop them, she wanted an excuse to stay with him a little longer.

A 'little longer,' turned out to be much more, as they sat and chatted over coffee Alison could feel all of the unexplainable fears she had about this man fade away. She loved the way he listened to what she had to say. He seemed be really interested and asked questions as if he really wanted to know about the things that interested her. She felt more confident while talking to Craig than she had with any other man. They spent the afternoon walking around Townsville Central and then down to the marina looking at boats, Craig told her about his sailing boat which was in dry dock undergoing minor repairs.

Hoping that they could go on into the night enjoying each other's company Alison suggested they take in a movie at the Omnimax theatre, Craig said that as much as he would have liked to he had to be elsewhere but suggested that they get together tomorrow maybe for a walk or an early morning swim.  For a fleeting heart-stopping moment Alison thought he was going to kiss her before he left instead he reached for her shoulder with an affectionate touch then spun around and strode off.

Later that evening at the casino Alison stood on the spot where she had first seen Craig even the lights of Picnic Bay on Magnetic Island seem to twinkle brighter she thought as she looked out of the window. A brightly-lit cruise ship moved out through the channel to the waters of The Great Barrier Reef, probably headed for Cairns she thought. Immediately she began to imagine what it would be like cruising north through the waters of The Great Barrier Reef visiting islands that she had never seen before with Craig by her side. She thought of lazing on deck with his golden brown arm around her. It could even be a honeymoon! She smiled as her mind drifted. Then her habit of saying things to herself checked in “What are you thinking girl? You have only just met the man and here you are fantasising about being married to him.” She found it hard to believe that it was only two days since she first set eyes on this man and just a few hours since she actually met him. The shrill of the phone interrupted her thoughts, she contemplated ignoring it and let it ring a few times and then thinking it might be Craig she reached out to answer it, Alison had to hide her disappointment when she recognised Bianca’s voice.

They talked about Craig and the encounter at the mall earlier, then Alison explained how they first met at the Casino. “Even in reflection he made my heart thump harder than I ever remember,” Alison said referring to seeing Craig's reflection in the window at the Casino. Just the thought of Craig and telling her friend about him made her pulse quicken and her breathing heavy enough for Bianca to notice it over the telephone.

“My, this bloke really has got you going hasn't he Ally?”  Bianca used the shorter nickname usually when teasing Alison.

“What do you mean 'Got me going?' Nobody ‘gets me going’, as you put it. I’m not that sort of person I just think he is nice, good looking and all that sort of thing Oh! You know what I mean Bianca.” 

“Yes I do know just what you mean, he has really ‘got you going’ is what you mean,” Bianca laughed and Alison couldn't help joining in.

“Stop joking around Bianca, it's not that he ‘gets me going’ at all it's just that – well I can't explain it.”

 Don't worry I do know what you mean, maybe even better than you know what you mean,” Bianca tried not to sound too condescending. They talked very excitedly about the prospect of a romance developing between Alison and Craig then resolved that it would not interfere with their plans for the new company.

The conversation gradually swung around to the business of designing and manufacturing clothing, particularly swimwear. They made up their minds to start the wheels turning by ringing their accountants and solicitors tomorrow to get the necessary papers drawn up for a partnership agreement. “First thing tomorrow now that you are in with me we will get that offer for the warehouse to the real-estate agent, it’s all drawn up on the computer ready to go,” Alison was pleased that they had made the very first real decision about their new company. Next they would call the people they hoped would be at the all-important meeting and try to encourage as many as possible to attend. They knew that they didn't have sufficient funds between them to finance the project mainly because against the advice of some financial advisors Alison had decided to buy the warehouse out-right. She had found the derelict building in a not real good part of Sydney and after asking advice from friends who should know about such things she decided it could be refurbished to house the factory she wanted to start up. After going over the quotes for this work she knew she would need investors to help finance the company. Now even with Bianca in with her there would have to be another partner, or other partners. It was a matter of convincing someone with sufficient capital that her idea linked with her name, is a good investment.

When Alison went to bed that night her thoughts were not of partnerships or modelling or even of the new business, they were of Craig and romance, her mind wandered over their few encounters remembering every little detail of their conversations.

She gave an involuntary jump something that always happened just before she dropped off to sleep it was like a signal that had been with her since she was a little girl when she lay in bed worrying about school or about the way her father worked all of the time and always looked tired. Once she gave this subconscious jump she knew sleep was not far off and she relaxed as if to surrender to the night. Now she thought dreamily of the lights of the cruise ship she had seen earlier, then she dreamed of cruising the waters of the Coral Sea visiting islands and diving on reefs with Craig, soon with these pleasant thoughts she drifted off to sleep.

Seven thirty next morning Craig rang to talk about the days outing or at least that was the excuse he gave, Alison thought and hoped he really rang because he was missing her and wanted to hear her voice. He worried that he might have woken her but she told him she had been up since before daylight and had already completed her modified exercise routine. She didn’t do her skipping for fear of aggravating her injury, the pain had quickly disappeared but she still nursed her ankle a little. They talked for over half an hour when Craig finally said, “Why are we talking on the phone when we could be together sitting at the breakfast table pick you up in a few minutes.” It was less then ten minutes later when Craig said 'good morning ' to Alison in person.


The tide was high and the water calm and clear they sat on a large rock and watched the big wave-piercing catamaran head out to sea, Alison commented that they would be hard pressed to find a wave to pierce this morning. The sea was like a sheet of glass except for tiny waves made by the small boats as they moved around. Alison made a mental note to be here earlier tomorrow before sun up “I can't believe this place” she said, “A lovely breakfast in the Mall right in the city centre then a short walk to the shores of the Coral Sea, it's so beautiful, so perfect.”

 “Yes it is here we are looking out at this almost perfect vista and yet we are more or less in the middle of a small city. I can't understand why everyone doesn't live in Townsville or North Queensland at least.” Craig’s eyes held hers as he spoke causing ripples of pleasure deep within her.

Alison looked at this man who had so recently invaded her life.  Can he be as perfect as he seems? For a few seconds she felt some doubts begin to creep into her mind, she quickly brushed them aside and wished that they could move on a bit, as if on cue Craig stood up and sighed as he stretched his body reaching with his arms high into the air arching his back and flexing his shoulders.

Alison had to control herself or she would have stretched also, letting this man know the effect that his body was having on her. He reached down for her hand and asked, “Would you like to walk with me, pretty lady?” They walked hand in hand along the lush green grass of the strand,

 already there were people relaxing out on the lawn sunbaking in the early morning brightness.  The beautiful Coral Sea looked like silvery blue foil spread out to the horizon glistening in the sunlight broken only by an island a few kilometres off shore, “It's not far to the salt-water pool we'll enjoy a swim when we get there,” he said as they walked.                          

They came to a short patch of sandy beach Alison stepped into the clear water she playfully kicked some water at Craig he jumped back then pretended to push her in she held on to him a little hug then they walked on. A slight breeze off the sea caressed them as they continued hand in hand along the Strand like it was the most natural thing in the world Alison had never felt this free in the presence of a man. This is love it has to be love, she thought, and it’s wonderful I might never leave North Queensland. Alison was beginning to think that maybe she should reconsider her decision to go into business. The thought of going back to Sydney and leaving Craig horrified her, maybe we could manufacture the swimwear here she thought.

At a spot where the green lawn gave way to golden sand they stopped to admire the colours of a sailing craft that was barely making way out to sea. Craig noticed a young couple walking towards a car parked not far from where they were standing, “Oh! Hold on,” he called to them then turned back to Alison, “Back in a sec, have to see this bloke,” he let go of her hand and strode purposefully off towards the car.  

“Hey Craig, hello mate,” the man said as he got nearer. Alison smiled as she heard the familiar greeting from his friend. The voice lowered as the two men drew closer but Alison was sure she heard the next few words the man said with a laugh. “How’s the wife? You’re not neglecting her I hope,” he laughed some more. Immediately Alison felt as if her heart had been wrenched out of her body, her mind flashed back to the moment Michael had told her he was married then to the dream about the fire engulfing her as her ex lover and his wife watched and laughed.

“Oh no not again, I couldn’t bear it, not Craig, please,” she whispered to herself. She tried not to look at them as she strained to hear what they were talking about but she couldn’t make out anything else, Craig turned to walk back hesitating as they said their goodbyes a little louder now. Alison turned her face to the sea she stood with her eyes closed trying not to believe what she was sure she had overheard.

Fighting to control herself she began to walk slowly as he came up beside her. He didn’t take her hand immediately but put his hand gently in the small of her back and fell in beside her he didn’t realise that she had overheard his friend’s greeting.

 Words, questions, excuses raced through her mind as she struggled with her inner turmoil, she wanted to ask him questions but was afraid of the answers, she was even afraid to talk she knew she would cry or worse, scream. She walked on feeling the warmth of his hand in the small of her back, again that feeling of mistrust and not just of Craig of herself, doubts of her own worthiness flooded her mind, insecurities she thought she had left behind her surfaced with a vengeance. Somewhere inside her head she was sure it was something wrong with her that made these things happen. The self-doubt was even worse than the hurt she felt at Craig’s deception.

Alison’s training as a model was so complete her composure so sure Craig hadn’t noticed the change in her finally she braced herself to talk, to ask the questions even as she dreaded the answers. The answers she was sure she already knew. She lifted up his hand to hold it close to her body as if hoping it would give her strength or maybe it was to feel the warmth one last time.

“Craig?” She started, “that man back there.” At that moment she squeezed his hand even tighter then entwining his fingers in hers. She felt something that made her look down at the hand she was holding, a ring, she looked again, it was on his left-hand third finger, a wedding ring? She let go of Craig’s hand and stopped walking her mind in turmoil, I hadn’t noticed, I should have looked, checked.  Her mind raced, her whole being seemed to be tumbling down around her she felt the colour drain from her face and tears well up in her eyes, she stumbled barely hearing Craig’s concerned voice as she bent forward almost falling.

“Alison, Alison are you alright?” Craig reached to put an arm around her but she twisted around out of his grip not wanting him to touch her. She sat on a seat and crouched down not game to look at this man, not game to talk as she strained hard trying not to cry. The tears she could not stop streamed down her cheeks though she remained silent. He kneeled beside her trying to look into her face trying to put his hand on her forehead. “Stay there, I’ll get the car, no a taxi will be quicker,” Craig stroked her hair, “Damn it, I haven’t got my phone.” He looked around to see if help was near by “And wouldn’t you know it, no one within calling distance either,” It sounded like a curse as he knelt down beside her holding her tenderly. “Look sweetie hold on I’ll have to run for the public phone just around the corner. I’ll be as quick as I can.” He kissed her gently on the forehead and stood up had one last look around and began to run in the direction they had been walking.

It was the first time Craig had kissed her. Instead of the wonderful feeling of her dreams she felt the bitter memory of her one lover who could be so gentle and loving and yet made her feel so bad when he told her he was married, “I wonder how long Craig would have waited to tell me he was married,” she said to herself.

After a few seconds when she was sure he had gone she stood up, the tears flowing freely as she walked quickly across the lawn over the road and along a footpath that led away from the seaside.

The next few hours were among the hardest Alison had spent in her life. Her head was aching and she felt as if her heart was breaking, maybe I had never known what love is she thought, but now I do and it's not worth it, it really isn't. She walked for a long time then sat on a secluded park bench for even longer not wanting to be anywhere Craig might find her.

It was nearly dark when she caught a taxi back to Jupiter’s, she asked the attendant to tell anyone who called, either in person or on the phone she was not in.  He informed her that there had been many calls already and a man had been several times looking for her, “He seemed very concerned,” the young man said.

Alison locked her door and flopped on the bed and cried some more then trying to exhaust herself she exercised harder than she had ever exercised in her life before. Still, the rest of the evening was spent trying to keep her mind off this morning and Craig Andrews without success. It was a broken restless sleep for Alison that night, she lay in bed thinking how dare he approach me while he is married and then, I don't care if he is married I love him and I will fight for him, his wife is probably hateful anyway.  By morning she knew she could never be happy with a married man even if he did leave his wife. At the break of a new day she said out loud, “Life keeps going and I'm here for the full ride.” She sprang out of bed ready for the new day as she did her warm up routine she decided, “Today I will hire a car and go for a long drive.”




Tim Fisher had had enough he was irritable and his mood was getting worse, for three days now Alison was nowhere to be found he had searched the city without a trace of her, he rang her number night and day she had not checked out of Jupiter’s but she had not been there either. He flopped down despondently on a chair wondering what else he could do to find her. The phone rang dragging him back to reality, if this is that Craig Andrews again I'll… The thought didn't need finishing. “Hello this is Tim Fisher,” he said.

“Hello Tim,” was all Alison had a chance to say before he interrupted her.

“Where on earth have you been?” He almost shouted into the phone, “I have been searching for you for three days,” the words tumbled out, “I see you every day and almost every night for over a week and then you disappear from the face of the earth.” Tim knew that he did not have any right to dictate to Alison what she did or did not do or when she should do it but frustration made it impossible for him to stop. He quietened down a little, “Ally I have been so worried about you,” it was the first time Tim had used her nickname. “I managed to get in touch with your agent after a lot of trouble she told me you are booked to fly out Thursday that’s tomorrow. When I couldn't find you I thought you had left sooner without saying goodbye or anything.”

The sound of desperation and frustration in Tim's voice and the fact that she knew that she should have rung him to let him know everything was alright was all that stopped her from being very angry at his intrusion into her private affairs. Alison had always been very protective of her privacy. He was obviously upset that she might leave without seeing him or maybe that she was leaving at all, Tim's obvious affection for her worried Alison, she was genuinely sorry that she could not return the feeling for this truly gentle man.

“I’m sorry Tim,” Alison said in answer to his outburst, “I hired a car and went for a drive into the 'outback'.”

“The 'outback' where exactly did you go in the 'outback'?”

“Charters Towers.”

“Hardly the 'outback' but in the right direction I suppose,” Tim just managed to keep a sarcastic tone out of his voice, “Why did you go out there?”

“I was restless and a little upset and I have always wanted to see a bit of the interior.” Alison went on, “Tim, I loved it. Charters Towers is lovely all those old buildings beautifully restored.”

“I just don't understand why you went on your own. You did go on your own, didn't you?”

Alison couldn't help smiling at the worried question, “Yes Tim I went on my own I had something to think over and I wanted to be on my own to do it.” Alison said but she thought, I was really trying to get away from a certain Craig Andrews and I think I have succeeded. The next thing Tim said nearly made Alison fall down.

“Did it have anything to do with that Craig Andrews bloke has he been bothering you?

“Craig Andrews?” The way she said the name made it a question. Her voice was almost squeaky, “What made you mention him? I met him at the Casino only last week I didn't know you knew him.” The mention of his name and the effect it had on her made Alison realise that she had not, 'gotten away from him,' as she had hoped.

Tim continued, “He has been ringing me incessantly the last few days asking about you, what happened? Did he upset you?”

“No, well sort of, no, not really, I just misunderstood something he said – well it was just that I didn't know he was married and well–,” Alison's voice trailed off.

“Married? I didn't know he was married either well except to his boat of his that is.” Tim stopped talking for a second to think, “I suppose he could be – no I'm sure he's not, I know him fairly well. We use his helicopters for a lot of our survey work.”

By now Alison was no longer listening. Her heart was thumping, her mind racing. Could it be that he is not married? She thought, but I heard, I should have checked, asked him or something, her mind was struggling for an explanation. Why didn’t I just ask? She questioned herself I was just feeling so bad so— her thoughts stopped mid sentence. Realising that she had made a bad mistake and wondering if it was too late she said, “But he had a wedding ring on.”

Tim said, “Well I don't know I think if he was married I would know I would have heard surely, he spends most of his time with those helicopters of his and that precious yacht.” Tim stopped talking just starting to realise what this conversation was all about.

Alison could hardly hear what Tim had been saying there was a loud noise coming from outside her balcony window. Tim shouted into the phone “What on earth is that noise? It sounds like a helicopter, Alison can you hear me? I said it sounds like…” The phone was lying on the desk there was no one to hear Tim shouting over the line.

Alison ran through the swinging doors, there, not more than twenty metres away was a helicopter hovering level with the balcony. She could see Craig in the pilot's seat, she waved frantically at him laughing with her whole being. He held up a mobile phone pointing from Alison to the phone and back to Alison again. She immediately knew what he meant and she raced inside picked up the receiver listened for a second and said, “Sorry Tim I have to go it's Craig, he wants me.” Her own words, 'he wants me', 'he wants me,' echoed through her mind as she waited the few seconds it took for the phone to ring.   

Alison could barely contain her excitement as she listened. Craig made her wait just a second before saying, “My but you’re a hard girl to find, are you alright?”

“Yes I'm fine Craig,” Alison walked to the window holding the phone to her ear the cord stretched out behind her. Craig had landed the helicopter in the car park, “Won't you get into trouble for landing that thing there?”

“Not if you hurry we'll be out of here in a minute, are you coming?”

Grabbing a coat and hurrying to the elevator, she was on the ground running towards Craig in less than a minute. He scooped her up in his arms, “What happened? I thought I'd lost you almost as soon as I'd found you.” The look on Craig's face, bewilderment, questioning, boyish, so cute, Alison's skin tingled with excitement.

“I'm sorry. It was – it was… I’ll tell you about it some other time,” was all she could say. They were in each other's arms Alison reached hungrily for his lips and they kissed passionately oblivious to the murmurs of the people who had gathered around the car park. “You went to lots of trouble coming here in this thing and landing in a car park how could you be so sure I would be here now?” she looked into his smiling eyes as she asked.

“Well they were tired of me phoning all of the time to see if you had returned so with a little persuasion someone in the building agreed to tip me off when you returned.” They kissed yet again Alison could feel herself slipping into paradise with only the tiniest of doubts, Tim hadn't been completely sure, could Craig be married? The doubts slipped away as Craig swept her towards the helicopter his arms around her as if to protect her from the world. He opened the door, “Wait where are we going?” Alison asked.

“I know a beautiful hill top where no one can disturb us well not unless they have a helicopter anyway.

For many nights to come Alison would, just before going to sleep relive in her mind this moment and the feeling that she was experiencing right now.

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