By isha_mhaske

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What happens when someone whom you used to call as 'bestfriend' turns out to be someone who you never thought... More

Author's Note 1
2.5 ROYAL?!
Announcement 1
Announcement 2
40.OH GOD!
48.OH MY MY!
Author's Note 2


103 8 12
By isha_mhaske

We'll never make it
~ Nico Collins

Don't say all the words ,
your goodbyes now.
Just wait,
no we don't have to slow down.

Lets make the most of all our days
coz soon they'll slowly fade.
Your face it could light up the sky.
The look that you give
is a permanent high.
But eventually the sun goes out
and we'll be coming down.

When the world is catching up to us, we'll forget.

I don't ever wanna say it.
Ever wanna face it.
Cuz we'll never make it.
So stay in the moment.
Take my heart and hold it.
We're going out of focus.

We'll become strangers,
Sooner or later.
Time's gonna take us away.

It's not what we planned
but it happened.
Two souls looking for a distraction.
They intertwined but as of now
the stars they don't align.

They'll say I wasted my time.
But nothing is wasted
when your heart's with mine.
No the feelings won't die.
I pray that
I'll find you in some other life !




Next day ,


It's Royal's surprise birthday party !

Miller family will be here anytime now .

Rest of us have already done the preparation .

As of Ro , since Riley wants to wish him first , she'd bring Ro here , exactly at 12 .

Till then they are having siblings' time .

Believe it or not , I managed to make Cheesecake by mom's advice and youtube tutorial .

Even though Mom wanted to help me , but me being me , wanted to do this all by myself .

I didn't taste it , wrong move , agreed ! But it was because I was quite nervous about it .

It took me quite long to do so but somehow it appeared appetizing . About taste , let Ro be the judge .

As mentioned earlier , I also invited his friends from institute who also agreed to come all the way here for him !

It's funny that the surprised I planned for him was also executed on me by my friends and I couldn't be any more happier .

When I asked Mom about ideas
as to what should I gift Royal , she just said , "Whatever your heart feels ".

I'm like 'Mom , not helping ' .

So I ended up asking what did she gift dad in the initial stages of their relationships and she turned red like a tomato , which only made me more curious that I already was. 

She finally confessed that
that's when she lost her virginity and I was like 'say no more' .

In my case , no , I'm not ready !

Whenever I'll be , at least I know,
it's gonna be Ro and no one else .

Then I was about to make a greeting card , only to realise that I lack artistic skills .

So I did the next best thing , plan this whole surprise thingy out and cooking , which is not my best foot but anything for Ro !

After getting ready which includes having bath for the second time today , straightening my hair as if it's my birthday and as usual wearing tight fit jeans , t back and a denim jacket , I looked somewhat 'cool' .

I also ended up adding a face cream to look better I suppose and
applied lip balm , because I don't like lip stick personally .
And if we end up .... kissing , I don't want him eating it , lol!

Today , I was missing Aunt Summer
a lot more , reason being his birthday is incomplete without her .

Who says she is not with us ?

I smiled at that thought.

Right now , Day and Lu are in my room , humming Justin Bieber's songs while we wait for the clock to strike 12 !


I asked everyone to hide .

I knew Ro would figure something was fishy.

But I am also sure that he wouldn't guess the other things like Fred and Jess being here or the fact that 'Isabella' cooked something especially for him.

Alas , Ben and Beca couldn't make it .

All lights were turned off .

I was standing near the switch , behind the curtain , in an attempt to hide myself .

From the window , I can see the siblings get off and Riley walking forward .

The door is unlocked and she pushes it slightly while gesturing Ro to enter .

He gives her a confused look , before getting inside .

His immediate reflex is to turn the lights on , so he ends up extending his arm which accidently lands on my body's specific part instead of the switch !

I stopped breathing for that mere second when his fingers brushed my chest area!

Note , there's my clothes and a layer of curtain between his hand and my boob.

Then he slowly moves his hand from there upwards to my shoulder and turns towards me .

I quickly turn the lights on and
as informed , everyone except me , shouts "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROYAL" .

His attention is quickly diverted to them and not me .

Now , I can finally see his expressions , which express gratitude and the fact that he is overwhelmed by the gesture .

He ends up shouting ,
"Thank you so much everyone" .

His father comes forward and hugs him , while wishing him personally , followed by my parents , Fred and Daisy .

Then Jessica comes and is about to hug him but he pulls back !

Her eyes give out the fact that she is still very much in love with him and
I can't help but feel a bit selfish about myself and how she deserves happiness too.

Just as I was going to go in front of him and wish him , Meghan comes and wishes him , while giving him a hug in the process .
Not to mention, she also let her hand roam around his back !

At that moment , all I wanted to do was hang a label on his forehead stating , ' Taken by Izzy '

Possessive much?

Kinda !

After everyone's turn as they get engaged in their own world ,
I step forward and hug him from behind .

"Finally" he whispers

"Happiest Birthday Ro" I say and he turns around .

"Thank you . Riley told me that this was your plan "

"You need not to thank me "

"What did I ever do to deserve you ?" he smiles

"The fact that you were born to my bestfriend!" Dad intervenes

We both pull away immediately and Riley chuckles .

Ro glares at her and she sticks her tongue out at him .

" Um" Ro mumbles

I look questioningly at dad .

"You come with me " he says sternly and I won't lie , I am kinda scared !

Riley turns on the music in the background while me and dad stand in the corner

"Is there something going on between you two that I don't know about ?"


"I'm listening"

"We are not in a relationship 'yet' "

"So you both are planning to ?
Did he confess that he feels the same about you ? And is he sure that he's in love with you and not just attracted ?"

"Calm down Dad. I don't know about Love right now . But yes , he likes me just as much , maybe more than I do "

I like him more !

"You are happy?" he asks

"More than happy"

" But I'm not ! " he says sternly

" Dad , please don't say like that "

"Oh don't cry ! I was just kidding .
And yes , I'll have to start calling Royal 'son' soon then " , he says quickly .

His 'son' comment makes me smile and I hug him tightly !

"Go , enjoy the party and send Royal here " he says and I nod.

" Ro dad wants to talk to you "

" Okay " he says

After their mini conversation which I couldn't figure out at all , Ro smiles at me . As if to reassure me that everything's fine and I let out a 'hush' .

After that , we cut the cake .

Riley feeds him the first bite and he does the same .

After the family members have eaten their bites and feeded him ,
I move forward .

Instead of me feeding him , he feeds me first and I accept it happily .

As for me , even though Mom had warned me about not wasting the cake , I end up doing exactly that as my hand which was initially pointed towards his mouth , lands on his cheeks , nose and forehead .

" Isabella Winston!" He yells and I chuckle .

Fred also joins me and makes sure
Ro is having the perfect cake facial !

Christian click his pictures and I go beside him to check them .

They are fudging funny and we high five .

Then I look back at Ro , who looks away instantly .

I gulp ...

Everyone gives him gifts which he acknowledges quite gentlemanly .

My friends contributed and bought a beautiful show piece for his room , which is basically a glass dolphin .

Riley paid for his expenses for the whole day in which he could do whatever he likes , gifted him cookbooks , like literally and he was really happy with it .

My parents teased him by saying that
' he got me from them' and I saw him blush at their comment .

But then , they gave him sport shoes , how they got the perfect size is not a mystery , it's just that Uncle Nate's show size is the same .

His father gave him Aunt Summer's prized possession I.e her secret diary which she maintained over the years.

I never really understood the importance of it until now !

He was at the verge of crying and no one can deny it was the best birthday gift he can ever receive !

After that, he went upstairs to my room and shut the door .

I knew he was emotional and crying too , but I let him be alone for a while .

" What's going on in that lil head of yours?" Mom asks

"Royal , I think he's crying "

" Then go and be with him "

" But what if he wants to be alone ?"

" Moments like this , where in one feels to be left alone , that's when they actually need someone special "

I nod at my Mom's words and rush upstairs .

I knock at the door but he doesn't answer.

So I enter anyway to find him laying on the floor with that specific book in his hand and him caressing it.

I slowly go and sit beside him .

" Izzy what if Mom was here , with us ?" He asks , his voice vulnerable

" Then she would have kissed your tears away " I replied and he looks at me .

A few tear drops still prominent on his cheek , I snuggle closer and kiss them , each one of them .
Yes , it tastes salty but who cares ,
this little gesture of mine makes him feel better , that's what counts.

Then he rests his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes for a brief second.

" It's your birthday ! Aunt Summer would want you to enjoy your special day and not be sad " I say and he nods.

He gets up , forces a smile .

" Did I tell you  that you look really stunning today ?"

" Shut up!"

" I'm being honest " he says

" By the way , I have something for you "

" My birthday gift?"

" I didn't bought you one"

" You are lying "

"Technically I'm not " I reply

" What do you mean ?"

And I get hold of the tiffin which I kept on the table .

" Because I made it " I say happily and hands him the same .

He opens it . Then looks at it , then back at me .

" You didnt?!"

" Mm I did" I say cheekily

" You actually baked this for me ?"

" Tried to "

" Does it come with a guarantee that my health will not be affected ?" ,
He teases

" Luckily NO it doesn't "

" What do you mean by 'Luckily' ?! "

" Eat it and tell me how is it !"

" Okay okay ... He picks up a already cut slice from the large box and
eats it "

He swallows it , all at once .

" Izzy it's damn tasty! "

" Seriously ?"

" Yeah 100%" he says and finishes his slice .

" Let me taste it then " I say

He takes away the box from me and says ,

" No , I want it all for myself "

" One bite, please?"

" You gotta listen to the birthday boy "

" I am having one " saying that , I somehow manage to snatch a piece.
And before he could take it away from me , it goes straight in my mouth and then right outside on the floor !

That explains how ............ it tastes .


"After eating it , there was no doubt that you made it " he says sheepishly while scratching the back of his head

"You idiot! Why did you even ate the whole slice ?"

"Because 'you' made it "

Save me , I'm dying . My heart is melting . I feel like I'm olaf ...

"Sorry . I shouldn't have taken any chances "

" It's alright. The fact that you tried to do something special for me makes me feel special , thank you " ,
he says and kisses my forehead.

" I'll teach you how to cook "

" As if you had a choice"

He chuckles. 

" I think we should go downstairs "

" Yaa we should " .

" By the way , Ro ? "

" Yes?"

" Talk to Jess . She missed you a lot "

" I will . But 'you' don't talk with 'Chris' "

" Seriously Ro!"

" What? Now that he broke up with Patricia , he may want to be with
you "

" We are just good friends slash roomies. "

" Right ! You are changing rooms as well . Now I don't want you to stay with him "

" You are over-reacting " I say casually

" Will you just do what I told ?"

" No Royal , I won't "

" Fine! " he says

" Ro , what's going in ?"

" I'm really concerned about us " he says sternly and leaves .

The way he says it , it's more like he doubts our Bond !

How can he go from really sweet to really mean in 0.5 seconds !


Word count : 2240

I initially assumed that the story
will take 50 chapters ,
Now I suppose we crossed it !

A few more to go !!
Gosh , I'm so gonna miss all of it .

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