
By Inconvenient_Ideal

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For as long as she could remember, Liruliniel had one goal, one hope, one thing she wanted to aspire to be an... More

Author's Note.


687 40 6
By Inconvenient_Ideal

To say Thranduil was angry, was an understatement; do not get him wrong, he was used to Liruliniel ignoring him and what others said at times. It was an irritating trait of hers, that he wished she had quelled years ago. He hoped that something would kick in for her and she'd learn others told her to avoid doing things, for a reason. And he said no to patrols, for her safety. Was he acting slightly paranoid? Perhaps, but Thranduil believed his paranoia was rooted to genuine worries. Liruliniel was a very spontaneous being at times, ran head long at times not thinking of the consequences.

So of course, when he knocked on her door when morning came and he got no answer, he was sceptical. It wasn't particularly early in the morning, but late enough that she would surely be up. He could be mistaken, she could be out and walking the kingdom and the corridors of the palace. But something in him was niggling, a voice in his head was saying no. So he ventured in, he felt bad for trespassing into her new room but he worried.

He knocked hesitantly on her bedroom door, he got no answer so he opened it slowly. He realised how intrusive this was, but he looked upon the made bed with a frown. He turned swiftly on his heels and his eyes landed on where her armour used to be, Thranduil cursed himself and his momentary stupidity. How did he not realise that first? None of it remained on the rickety mannequin she had clearly constructed herself. She had gone. Despite what he said, and clearly having the same worries, she still went ahead and ignored him and gone out.

Thranduil walked purposely out of her room, even slamming the door behind himself. He radiated anger so obviously that those who passed him, warily stepped aside. His eyes furiously stared ahead, he didn't look around the corridor he was walking down and he could just feel more anger rising slowly up within himself. He was wound so tight, the slightest thing was going to set him off and he really didn't care who was on the receiving end right now, because he was raging. He knew, deep down, she was likely to try and go out. But he'd hoped someone would've seen her and stopped her. So how did she sneak out? She must've gone incredibly early.

He would storm out there himself and hunt her down if he had to. He didn't want her going outside, or at least alone. If he must he'd begrudgingly let her go on patrols. In hindsight, she was right; she had learned to fight and to protect, it seemed cruel to curb that. But, but now...no, not a chance. Thranduil didn't like disobedience, nor did he like being so freely ignored. He didn't open up freely with his concerns, so for her to just push these aside had him rushing more down the stairs he was descending.

He was passing the main gates when he heard her voice, Thranduil should've felt relief, the tension he was carrying should've dissipated along with his barely kept at bay anger. It didn't. The opposite happened, he turned and stalked his way towards where Liruliniel was standing talking to a guard. They seemed to be talking as if they were old friends, and it was bad to admit but her laughing and joking was making his mood sour even more.

The guard noticed him first, Thranduil could've sworn his complexion paled when he saw his king come moving over with such a purposeful stride and an expression that was so stormy it had nothing on the bad weather that hit them yesterday. Liruliniel turned, she looked confused before she smiled at him. The smiling had his eyes growing darker and more deadly, she seemed confused by his disposition then.

"You fool!" He all but shouted, standing close to her and watching the guard scamper off awkwardly. Liruliniel jumped and took a step back. She hadn't ever really been shouted at, least of all by him in such a venomous tone, it scared her. But it also upset her, her eyes widened slightly as her eyes teared up a bit. A small part of Thranduil's mind cursed him, full on degraded his idiocy for saying those two words like he did. Shouting aggressively had her physically stepping away, but he could see emotionally she would too.


"Do not even dare to stand there and defend your actions. Don't even try. Did you not heed my words? Did you just freely ignore them as easily as you listened to them? I am not trying to keep you locked up, Liruliniel. I am trying to look out for you. And as it is, you are making it very hard. I told you no, you didn't listen and went out anyway. You do realise disobedience is not something that is exactly kindly looked upon? You ignored me once, when else are you going to do it? There is something out there that could come for you, again. And what do you do when I say this, when I express my concern? You ignore me. You ignore me, and you do what you want anyway. Liruliniel, one day you will do something you wish to without regard, and you will get in trouble and if you do it in secret, then no one will know, and no one will be able to aid you." Thranduil all but seethed at her as his eyes looked her up and down, he did note she wasn't hurt, other than her expression. "I am saying this out of wanting to keep you safe. I cannot lose you," Thranduil said, feeling like now that he'd practically exploded in his moment of anger that the worry for her could creep in. It did little, Liruliniel looked heartbroken, a look he had seen few times and hated each time appeared. She looked distressed as she stood there, her hands by her sides and Thranduil watched as she stepped back more and bowed at him before turning and walking off. Even as she walked off he could see her shoulders slowly shake.

He stood there, well aware that some were still loitering close and seemed to partially enjoy the show. Was it the fact that at long last someone had finally shouted at her and put her in her place, or was it seeing discord between them that made them satisfied? Thranduil didn't know, but he did know he would have a hard time to make up for this. A moment of deep worry and panic had overruled itself in his head and came out as immediate anger.

He knew he should go and hunt her out, but honestly he believed it was too soon. Emotions were still running high, and another argument was likely to appear; how much of those heated words would be from him or her, he didn't know. He did know though that even if he tried, even if he apologised, Liruliniel wasn't likely to respond. She had looked so scared and upset, and Thranduil didn't honestly blame her. Who wouldn't have appeared like that, or reacted a similar? He couldn't help but slide his eyes shut with a resigned sigh. He finally moved away from where he stood and walked back the way he had come.

This was not how he wished the day, or morning to go. All he intended on doing was asking her if she'd like to accompany him to breakfast, then maybe just find themselves relaxing in each other's company for the rest of the day. If a patrol returned with news, especially if the information involved the survey, then Thranduil was certain Liruliniel would wish to be present and listen. And of course he would have his own thoughts and feelings about whatever was said, but he would ask for her input too; because he was curious to her thoughts and outlooks, sometimes one point of view wasn't enough and Liruliniel definitely saw the world like no other he knew.

Thranduil turned into the throne room and sighed as inaudibly as he could, many were already gathered and ready to no doubt inform him about all sorts of things which he was apparently ill informed about happening in his own kingdom. Thranduil sat with the most casual disposition as possible as he listened to everyone have their turn to speak, at least they were all patient and not talking over each other. Honestly, he didn't need to have much of an input, he spoke now and again and those around him seemed pleased with what he said. Which was good, the last thing Thranduil needed or wanted was more displeasure surrounding him.

He let the morning bleed through to the afternoon, and then he decided enough time had passed to try and clear the air. He made one pitstop though, and that was to seek out a way to send this letter. He had carried it around within his tunic pocket all day. Once that was done, he figured that could perhaps be a good starting point to get her to talk to him. Considering her longstanding love and want to know anything about Erebor. Thranduil didn't get it, but he left it as that.

Arriving at her door, Thranduil didn't waste time knocking on it. Like earlier he got silence for a few moments before it opened. Though it wasn't the elf he expected, Anameleth looked a bit confused, even a bit judging as she frowned unhappily. Thranduil's stomach turned, Liruliniel had evidently vented something to her friend. "Be careful," Anameleth said in a warning tone as she moved passed him and out into the corridor. Thranduil watched her go before looking hesitantly into the room she just left.

Liruliniel was sitting on the window seat, her tunic sleeves were rolled up as she balanced the longsword carefully as she took to sharpening it steadily. Her concentration flickered just a little, if only for her eyes to blankly watch him shut the door and move towards her. After that, Liruliniel looked back down and the whetstone went skimming down the long blade again.

Thranduil went to talk, only for her to beat him to it. "Unless the next words are: 'I'm sorry,' then I don't want to know." She stood and held the sword in her hands, she looked down the length of it before being satisfied with her work. She sheathed it and latched it onto place on her armour, which was back on the mannequin. Her eyes looked glaringly sidelong at him, her face deadly serious as she watched him hesitate to come closer. "Two words. It isn't hard. Shall I start? I am sorry for disobeying you. But I can't listen to you, not when it comes to certain things. I can't stay inside. I can't stay shut away behind these walls. I refuse to be a prisoner in my own home. Was it wrong to go without telling someone? Yes. But at least I can stand here and have the guts to admit to my wrongdoings and apologise. And you stand there, still and silent as if you are confused about what has transpired. Yet again, you gave me a very public outing. It was degrading, and hurtful. You upset me, Thranduil, again. Is anger the default with you? If I do another thing wrong, are you going to shout at me again? If so...I can't, I can't be dealing with that hurt. It is not something to simply be forgiven because of the love I have for you. You can love something or someone, and it can be wrong for you."

Thranduil watched as she talked evenly, sadly and heavily. She ran a hand over her eyes now and again, trying in vain to keep tears from so obviously showing. "I panicked."

Liruliniel shot him a look as she walked around her armour and to her desk. She nodded shortly, "Yes, well, I believe you overacted." She picked up the letter that she had sat and wrote while also having a bit of a rant to Anameleth, she had met her friend while retreating back to her room and the younger elf naturally wished to know what had upset her.

Thranduil looked at the floor, her words weighed heavily on his shoulders. He expected her to ignore him, or shout. But she didn't, she spoke in a monotone, her words were thought out and genuine. "I can't disagree there."

Liruliniel just hummed and moved past him, Thranduil had just managed to get to her, and here she was aiming to leave her room. Because of him or another reason, he didn't know. Liruliniel just opened the door and looked over her shoulder at him. "The survey is pointless. I was stupid for suggesting it because no amount of killing the spiders will solve the problem. The main problem is Dol Guldur, I met a wizard when I was out and he more or less said as much too. You want to protect everyone, you don't want anymore unnecessary deaths, don't send your forces out too far. I found out my answers, or rather cemented the ideals I had on the matter, so you can rest assured now because I have no need to go out. What is in the old fortress would no doubt readily kill me, or get others to bring me there to kill." She tapped the letter against her palm and just walked off.

Thranduil stood there thinking over her words before following after her. It wasn't hard, even if she took a step to the side not wanting to be so close to him. "I do not know what to say." Which was true, everything she had said had knocked him.

Liruliniel just ran down the stairs and sighed, "That's a first." She answered in a clipped tone, she eyed him sceptically though when he seemed to just be hanging around her. "Haven't you got someone else to go and belittle?" She asked with a scrutinising face as she turned into the main hub of where letters came and went. The elf regarded the letter she held out to him, his eyes reading the recipient before looking between them two. Liruliniel stiffly smiled and walked away before she could get questioned as to why she was sending a letter to Elrond. Being shouted at just made her muse, it took so much for Thranduil to write a letter to Thrór; even despite of the urgency that she spoke about, he still did not rush to write or send it. She didn't even know if he had sent it. But her...she couldn't stand back and delay. She had information, she was going to the source. She wasn't going to relay information to him, what was the point? Unlike Oropher, Thranduil didn't hastily act on her words.

"I already told you that I panicked!" He grasped a hold of her upper arm and tugged her away and off of the corridor. He all but pulled her into an alcove, the shadows from the torches hid them perfectly. "How did you honestly think I would react? That I would welcome you back with open arms? That I would be pleased that you dared to venture out further than anyone else? If you did, then you truly are more of a fool than I first thought."

"I wasn't expecting you to shout at me!" Liruliniel said loudly, her voice breaking as she looked painfully up at him.

"I didn't like doing it."

"You didn't have to do it."

Thranduil dared to reach up, he didn't like seeing her tense yet she didn't push his hand away from stroking her cheek. "No one is an exception when ignoring orders are involved."

Liruliniel scoffed, "I wasn't aware your words were an order. More, you expressing yourself. If you're going to start ordering me around, we are going to have some serious problems. Before you could use the reasoning of being my King, but considering I am basically on equal ground with you, you can't."

Thranduil stared at her for a long time, they were both silent in the alcove as others pottered past unaware to them even being there. "Did you have to be such a free spirit?"

Liruliniel smiled slowly, "Life would be boring if I weren't."

"Life would be simpler, if you were."

"But then where's the fun?" She shrugged and leaned back against the wall behind her. "Did you want to know what I found, when I went out?" She asked after a few more moments of silence, the silence between them didn't seem as heavy and tense anymore, but it still wasn't wholly comfortable.

"Yes," Thranduil turned, he placed a hand against her shoulder and nudged her out of their hiding place. Liruliniel nodded, although she shortly spoke earlier, she went into more detail now. She explained how much the webs have covered a large area of the forest, how she saw many nests high up in the trees. She didn't hold back on telling him how the trees are dying, or falling ill to this smothering darkness around them. Radagast was quite excitedly spoken about, and Thranduil just looked a bit confused on the matter. He hadn't had many dealings with wizards, but this one sounded bizarre. All in all, Liruliniel unfortunately was the bearer of bad news, their homeland was slowly dying. "And Dol Guldur?" Thranduil chanced hesitantly, she hadn't explained her words there.

Liruliniel let out a low unhappy noise and hung her head, shaking it slowly, she looked upwards at him. "There is a Necromancer in the fortress, but I do not think he is this alone."

"That evil has been defeated, Liruliniel." Thranduil wished to point out, she stopped and watched him go a few more steps before turning and looking at her. She looked troubled, yet she was thinking over his words, he could see that all too well.

"Bodily, sure. Spiritually, no. Not while the One Ring is still out there." Liruliniel's words had him looking slightly distant, "Isildur kept it. While it remains, so will Sauron; and I hate to say this, he has moved into our old home and we do not have the strength or the numbers to do anything about it. This he knows, and this he's taking advantage of. Because we can barely keep the spiders at bay, while we are distracted with them, what is he doing?"

Thranduil walked back over, he placed his hands on her shoulders and ran them down to grasp onto her hands. Stroking his thumbs over her knuckles, he felt some calming relief that she wasn't trying to pull her hands free. Fighting pained them both, they'd think they would've learned this from the previous time, yet no. Although both looked resigned and exhausted from it even happening. There was regret on both sides, yet being near and being able to touch her had him feeling better and from her gentle expression, it was clear she felt the same too.

But it still didn't help her words hitting him hard. Even if she felt better, she wouldn't actually considering. The thought of her being plagued in her dreams had him worrying even more. And it just cemented the fact that going out wasn't going to be a good idea. Yes, she admitted to such earlier, but did he honestly think she would avoid going outside again? No. No, of course not. "This is too big for us to think about."

"That's why I wrote to Lord Elrond."

Thranduil's hands grew tense, stroking her knuckles stopped and he looked down at her with a hard to distinguish expression. "Pardon?"

Liruliniel looked sympathetic, "Easier writing what has been observed by me from me, remember?"

"Don't use that as an excuse to-"

"You're doing it again!" Liruliniel stepped back from him with a frown. "Stop trying to have a go at me. You are scared, don't you think I am too? Yes, it is too big for us, we have no control over this and you hate not being in control of a situation. I am alerting the one being I know which can, and most likely will, devise a solid plan of action. I did it for the sake of saving anyone any grief from listening to me go on about death and destruction some more...I also didn't want to bother you with it, to watch as the information ate away at your thoughts and turn you jaded. I am not going behind your back, consorting with someone who you seem to not perceive as a comrade; I am contacting a loyal friend and ally who can see this evil for what it is too. Lord Elrond is the one elf who could see this too, and if he hasn't already seen the events, then I need to tell him he may. We are all guardians of Middle-earth, Thranduil, and as such we all have a duty to be alert and ready to fend off evil."

He didn't know what to say, he didn't and that was the truth. He looked defeatedly at her before shaking his head slowly and walking away. Why couldn't she, like everyone else, just be content to not try and find a fight to take part in? Was he truly the only one here who wasn't in a hurry to fight again? Fine, he could admit that what she said was true; but was there a likelihood of her needing to leave again, for her safety? Perhaps. And he didn't want that. He couldn't bear that happening again.

Liruliniel watched him go for a few moments before jogging to catch up with him. She looked up at his face, only to see his eyes staring somewhat dully at the corridor before them. "Thranduil," she whispered, earning his eyes to slide sidelong down at her. "I am sorry," she meant this perhaps for everything. Now he faced a similar problem to his father, a great evil was encroaching on his land only Thranduil didn't have the forces to fend it off, not like when Oropher was still alive. They were stuck between a rock and a hard place, and all they could do was struggle to keep surviving against whatever evil was going to come knocking on their door.

"I know you are." Thranduil was under no illusion, she regretted having to tell him this. But also, she was sorry for going without telling anyone.

"You still haven't apologised, just so you know I haven't looked passed that." Liruliniel crossed her arms with a pointed look sent his way.

Thranduil's eyes rolled to the ceiling, he stopped and turned to face her. Him stopping had her stopping too, she uncrossed her arms and clasped her hands behind her back. "I don't know how many times I need to tell you that I fear for you. If what you say is true, there is more need for you to not venture out. Should I have handled the situation like I did? No. But I was afraid that you had disappeared."

Liruliniel sighed, "Just say it, Thranduil." She smirked slowly, she felt lightened by his words, honestly she did. But that still wasn't him saying sorry, that was him explaining his actions in a calm fashion.

Thranduil frowned, Liruliniel raised an eyebrow and rocked on her heels. She could see him practically brooding there on the spot before he reached out and stopped her rocking. "I apologise." He whispered, others were around and had on and off watched them guardedly and confusedly. He didn't wish others to hear this, Liruliniel smiled, she finally got her apology and she reached out to wrap her arms around him.

"That wasn't too hard, was it?" She whispered, getting a very short sigh from him as she stood there holding onto him. Thranduil wasn't so open with the affection, he placed a hand to the top of her head and gently patted her back before pushing her gently away. She looked a little put out, before noticing elves getting on with their business around them. She let out a quiet 'oh' sound before smiling sheepishly at him. Affection in private was fine, outside in the corridors, not fine. "So...what have you done with your day, other than you know...be livid at me?"

Thranduil sighed heavily, she was joking, yet it was partially the truth. "I sent the letter," he said watching as her eyes widened and she jumped to walk in front of him. Her backwards steps measured his perfectly and she was looking at him for more information. "Liruliniel, you are expecting too much still. I doubt anything will happen."

Liruliniel narrowed her eyes at him, "You believe that, I do not. Come, seems we are both free can we at least try and enjoy the rest of the day together?" The day so far had been...not brilliant, so she hoped to end the day on a better note than what it started on.

But Thranduil's words were ultimately right, much to Liruliniel's unhappiness; nothing did happen, there was no word sent back from his letter, no reply and no response just made Thranduil try and put across to her, that the dwarves did not wish to share words with them. However, many, many years passed by and much to his surprise, word did come. The dwarves of Erebor had discovered something in one of their mines, a treasure so wonderful it was hard to truly take in.

Thranduil had shown Liruliniel the letter, and he had watched as she looked tense and uncomfortable. Lowering the parchment, her eyes looked up at him and her one response was: "It is the beginning of the end." Thranduil's eyes shut over those words, they sat together on the window seat in her room. It had become a sort of tradition, her within his lap as she was either curled up or had her legs stretched out with his too. He hoped she had said anything else but that. Liruliniel's head tilted against his shoulder to spy his face, he looked troubled. "Thranduil..."

"It is to show off their might, and what they have. A power grab to show superiority." His eyes slowly opened as he tilted his head to look down at her. He stroked the back of his hand down her cheek, Liruliniel tilted her face against his fingers and smiled at his touch. Thranduil however did not feel as peaceful as she did. "Where written words fail, perhaps spoke words won't." She double took at that, Thranduil just remained stoic faced.

"Are you saying...what I think you are saying?" She whispered unbelievably, even turning in his lap to kneel between his legs.

"We're going to Erebor, Liruliniel. I would not look so excited, for this is not a friendly visit. You say that this is the beginning of the end, then perhaps you can get through to another stubborn dwarf-King and let him know that. If his greed and wants of his kin are going to bring a dragon to our lands, we are another line of defence to stop it truly unleashing itself on the world. Do not misunderstand me, I do not wish to put everyone's lives at risk, I do not wholly wish to go to Erebor, but I know if we don't you will try and go anyway." Thranduil said curtly and to the point while she looked sympathetic. She knew he didn't want to leave his kingdom, likewise like he knew she'd try and go anyway. Over the past years they had peacefully fallen into a routine which was most natural for them, there was no more disputes or arguments, no more wishing to run out on patrol from her; though Liruliniel wasn't inactive, she aided with training and helped on the council still. The Woodland Realm had become quite peaceful, despite the lack of peace within the forest itself due to the spider infestation. But that was being kept at a steady, manageable level. Whenever they had free time, they would both venture out together in the safe parts of the forest that their home was near, during one of these times however Liruliniel had noted that Ithilwen was not well, the horse had grown old before Liruliniel's eyes and passed away. The horse had been a present, and she had mourned the loss of her greatly, Thranduil had been a comfort to her and now when they went out, they were usually on foot or riding Arthion.

"When do we go?"

Thranduil glanced out of the window, he thought about it for a long time before looking back at her. "Are you free now?" Liruliniel smiled and nodded, she turned and hopped off the seat and pottered over to her armour. "You do not need to go as if dressed for war, Liruliniel." Thranduil sighed, she was already tugging pieces off the mannequin as he sat there watching her.

She raised an eyebrow and smirked his way, "I believe going as if dressed for war, will get the point across, especially where my words are involved. I'm not joking, and they should know as such by how serious I will look."

"You usually look so happy in your armour, I am not sure they'll think you're being serious while you're smiling away." Thranduil hated to point out, it was true. He hadn't ever seen someone so happy to be in armour, but lone exception over there was happily shrugging off his words with a smile.

"Fine, well, if I fail there's you." Liruliniel pointed out while stopping and looking at him.

Thranduil couldn't help but frown over that, although he wasn't taking her words seriously he still stood and slowly made his way to her. His boots barely made a noise against the ground and he soon stopped in front of her, "What are you implying?"

"I am implying that I do not doubt you'll have any qualms about shooting them down. You really do like to make it known that you're getting your point across, regardless of who it is to; they will listen to you because you'll make them listen." Liruliniel pointed out with a cheeky grin, Thranduil tilted his head and just stared at her for a while, watching her finishing relieving her mannequin of her gear.

"Sometimes one has to be extra blunt, for others to see sense."

Liruliniel laughed, she looked at him and left her armour resting to one side. She reached up and straightened out the collar of his robe before bypassing it completely and wrapping her arms around his middle. Her hands gently stroked up and down his back, the soft material of his tunic under her hands felt warm and comforting. Thranduil moved hair over her shoulder, for these was one of those rare moments where she didn't have it braided up. Eventually his hands rested against her cheeks, his fingers threading into the back of her hair as his thumbs stroked at her cheeks. "No, you're just saying that because they're dwarves, and sometimes, just sometimes, they don't like to listen and think they know best."

"And this is one of those times," he commented obviously with a look sent downwards at her, she just smiled slowly and shook her head in his hands. "You just don't wish to admit I am right," Thranduil's expression turned steadily more smug the more she stood there in denial shaking her head. "I will not deter you from armouring up, I will go gather a few guards and we shall leave as soon as we are all ready. I must speak with the council too, set into place a plan of action for them while we are away."

"Meet at the gates?"

"That's as good of a place as any," Thranduil agreed, save running about half the kingdom trying to find each other. He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead, Liruliniel let out a content sound and tightened her hold on him.

"This is exciting though...admit it, despite of the reason...we're going to Erebor!" Liruliniel all but quietly exclaimed as she buried her face against his chest before jumping back and grinning excitedly. He sighed, now she was showing her true feelings and excitement on the moment.

"I will see you soon," he merely said, he wasn't going to entertain her moment. He just turned on his heels, not before Liruliniel grabbed his arm and stopped him. She tugged him gently to her level and pressed her lips against his softly, Thranduil tilted her head upwards to deepen it slightly before retreating out of the room, leaving her smiling and plucking her armour up and taking too putting it on.


(A/N: Didn't much like this chapter, but eh...to Erebor!~~)

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