Suicide Line (Completed)

By IDidntseeyou

32.3K 1.1K 557

Charlie Hutson is just trying to get through his life while trying to escape from any kind of punishment for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Everything Wrong with This Book

Chapter 12

1.1K 48 21
By IDidntseeyou

<Charlie Hutson POV>

Walking to the cafeteria, wanting to find Dean. "Charlie!" Someone called out

Turning around I saw Wendy running towards me.

"Hi Wendy." I replied, turning back around and walking still.

"You're up early." She commented.

"Yup. I want to see someone." I told her.

"Oooo," She stretched the letter, "Who?"

"Dean." I said plainly, making her confused.

"Huh? Why?" She asked

"I want to ask him something..." I said opening through doors to the cafeteria.

"Oh..." Wendy said, looking sad.

I didn't understand why she was sad, but I found Dean next to Jacob.

Walking to them, Jacob noticed my presence.

"Dean," I said, confusing Jacob, "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure." Dean said eating a part of his food before standing up to follow me out of the cafeteria.

"What's up?" He asked

"Not here." I said grabbing his arm and pulling him to the bathrooms.

Once we were in the bathroom, I dropped his arm, "So now what's up?" He asked

"I need something to kill myself with." I said plainly.

He smirked, "Sure, what do you need? Gun? Drugs? Rope? Knife? You've got options."

"How did you even get all of this?" I asked, slightly scared.

"Please, I've been here for almost a year. You pick some things up here and there." Dean said.

"You don't have Anorexia, do you?" I asked

His smirk only got wider, along with his eyes, "Of course not! Well I do a bit...but that's not what I'm here for!" He laughed

"What do you really have then?" I asked

"Schizoaffective disorder, it's like yours but more psychotic." Dean explained.

"Then why do people say you have Severe Anorexia?" I questioned

"They don't want to scare people!" Dean said laughing.

When he calmed down he stared at me, "Why would you want to kill yourself?"

"I feel like life is against me...Jacob is mad, Jason is stressed, Marley is dead, and I-" I cut myself off with a cry.

Dean pulled me into a hug, and we stayed there for a bit. Until, "Wait why would Jacob be mad?"

"...I told him...about Oscar." I whispered burying myself in Dean's chest.

"Oh...why?" Dean asked

"I slammed the door in his face and felt bad, he only wanted to know why I was guilty..." I whispered

"So besides that why do you want to kill yourself?" Dean asked, sitting down on the bathroom floor, not caring it was dirty.

I sat down beside him, "Life isn't staying the same. I hate how everything is changing..." I angrily whispered

Slowly, Dean wrapped an arm around me, "I get it. I'll help you. How do you want to go?" He asked

"Quick and painless ." I told him.

It was true. Something quick and painless is what I wanted.

"Alright, how about jumping off the roof?" He asked

"Is that the easiest way to go?" I asked him

He looked at me, "You're so cute." He said as he pinched my cheeks.

"Stw-ap di." I said trying to say 'Stop it' but since Dean was squishing my face it made that sound.

"God you're adorable. I see why Jacob likes you." He said standing up, holding out a hand to me.

Slowly I took his hand and we walked out, him leading me to a hall I've never been to.

"Where are we?" I asked

"This is where the one who stays here for a few days goes." Dean explained

I looked around and saw no one looked familiar, everyone was different, not even the staff looked like anyone I knew.

He led me to a room, where a staircase was placed.

"How many levels is this place?" I asked as he started to walk up the stairs, me following.

"7. They just don't use them. They think that if we're higher up then we'll hurt ourselves more." Dean explained

"So why did you hide your Schizoaffective?" I asked him to walk next to him.

"When I first got here they told me not to scare anyone. So they went with my small case of anorexia." He told me, "Why did you kill Oscar?"

I sighed, "He was insulting me and Jacob. Once I hit him, it made a funny sound, so I kept doing it." I told him

"Oh I see..." Dean said to me

The intercom came on scaring me, "Charlie Hutson please report to the front desk, Charlie Hutson please report to the front desk." It repeated itself.

"Wonder what that is..." I questioned stopping at the 2nd floor staircase.

"They found the recording of you killing Oscar. They're going to put you in a rehab room, It's not a nice place." Dean said to me.

"W-what? How do you know?" I asked him

"Again, my dear, I've been here for almost a year." He said to me.

"So what do you want to do? Turn in? Or keep going?" He said, 'keep going' he pointed to the staircase.

Hesitantly, I kept walking up the stairs.

"Alright, Suicide it is!" Dean said

When we got to the 4th floor staircase, where I held his hand and he smiled.

Once we got to the top of the building, I looked over the end which was guarded by a railing.

"Ready?" Dean asked me.

I nodded. He came to my side and kissed me.

It wasn't a normal kiss either, somehow he slid his tongue into my mouth.

The weird part? It was good! So good I kissed back a bit.

When he pulled back I was confused, "What?"

Dean laughed a bit, "You know I pointed Jacob out to you? I told him you were the cutest boy I've ever seen."

My face went red, I knew it did. Hell I could feel it was burning.

"I let him have you. You seem to be thinking you messed up with him though..." Dean said to me.

"Come with me." I said to him

"What?" He laughed a bit

"Come with me, come on." I said pulling him towards the railing.

"Charlie I can't die yet." Dean said, removing my arm.

"Why not?" I asked pouting

"I'm needed here. Jacob needs someone to blow up at." Dean said, smiling sadly.

"I get it..." I whispered.

"No Charlie I don't think you do. Why do you think I'm not jumping?" Dean asked

"Cause you think I'm a child, a stupid one..." I whispered not meeting eye contact anymore.

"Charlie I don't think you're stupid, nor a child. Well, you are a child, since you're only 14, but I'm only 15. I think you're extraordinary, I saw your file." Dean said, making me flinch.

"What did it say?" I asked

"Well, it said all about how they found you. Jason, Marley, Weston? I think his name was. Anyway I read all about what you've been through. You're not stupid at all, just have a bit of brain damage. Nothing big." Dean said brushing hair out of my eyes.

"Then why am I here and not outside?" I asked him

"Cause they think something is wrong with you. Nothing is wrong with you, you just have a bit of traumatic events holding you back." Dean explained.

"Why is Jacob mad at me?" I asked, throwing him off.

"People don't react kindly to violence. I don't know why Jacob reacted the way he did but it's done now." Dean responded

I sighed looking over the railing

"Hey," Dean made me look at him, "If he doesn't like you the way you are, screw him. I think you're perfect just how you are, even if you're a 14 year old who has Mental issues." Dean told me, making me smile a bit.

"I just want life to be normal for a day..." I said.

"It's nice to want, but maybe what you're getting is better." Dean said, trying to make me feel better.

"Charlie! Dean!" Someone yelled at us.

We both turned, but I turned a bit too quickly and almost fell. Dean caught me before I hit the ground though.

Mrs. Grace was standing there holding a walkie-talkie. "I found them. They're on the roof." She said.

"Shit..." Dean said quietly

"Charlie, come with me." Mrs. Grace said, scaring me.

I heard footsteps coming closer, they were the guards that took Wendy and Jacob to the isolation rooms.

They came toward me, scaring me more. So the logical thing to do?

Run around.

On a rooftop.

Of a 7 story building.

'Not stupid' my ass.

Still, they were coming close to me. To close for comfort.

Looking at the railing, I was so close to jumping! Until they grabbed me.

I started screaming as they held me down. From the corner of my eye I saw them holding Dean.

Even though I barely knew him. He understood what I was going through.

"LET GO OF ME!" "DON'T TOUCH ME!" and, "DON'T DO IT!" Were some of the things I screamed for them to stop grabbing me.

After all the screaming, they didn't let go. My screaming turned into crying, crying to pleading, pleading to whimpering, and whimpering to acceptance.

When it was all done, I laid on the floor. Face red from crying, not moving, accepting my fate.

As I was calm mom came to my side, the guard still holding me down, but gently now.

"Hi Charlie..." Mom said to me

"What are they going to do to me mom?" I asked cutting to the chase.

She took a second to process the question, "They're going to put you in a safer place."

"'Safe place' my ass." Dean said from the sideline.

"Mom...what's wrong with me?" I finally asked

Again, she stopped. Unsure on how to answer the question.

How could she answer it?

"Charlie. Nothing is wrong with you! They're telling you something is wrong, nothing is wrong! You're fine the way you are!" Dean yelled struggling against the guards

"Charlie. I'm going to be honest with you, because I don't know any other way to put it. To me: Nothing is wrong with you. You're just a kid who went through bad things.

To society: You're a dangerous person. Someone unstable. They think of you as different in all the wrong ways.

You have to believe me Charlie when I say, there's nothing wrong with you to me. Nothing wrong with you to Jason, or Marley. Society is the one who thinks there's something wrong." Mom explained to me

"What about Dean?" I asked

"Same with Dean. Same with everyone here. People close to them don't see anything wrong with them. It's society that sees something wrong since they're different, dangerous." Mom continued.

"I don't want to go to the rehab room mom..." I whimpered

"I know. I don't want you to go." Mom said stroking her fingers through my hair.

Slowly they injected something into me, making me sleepy.

"Goodnight sweetie." Mom said to me, tears running down her face.

"Night mom..." I whispered.

I heard Dean yelling in the background. Something about becoming a god.

Oh well.


Fun Fact: The line-
"Wait why would Jacob be mad?"

Was supposed to carry on with Dean getting mad at Charlie for telling Jacob that he killed Oscar.

Then Dean leaves Charlie in the bathroom to go find Jacob. Until it got messy, and I changed it to him, saying calmly.

Words: 1908

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