Choose your Destiny (Raiden x...

By CynthiaArdell

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Two years after Shao Kahn's defeat, the Earthrealm has to face an old new enemy : the Fallen God Shinnok. Rai... More

Chapter 0 : A New Threat
Chapter 1 : I Am Trouble
Chapter 2 : The Final Hours
Chapter 3 : Big Tensions
Chapter 5 : Confessions
Chapter 6 : The Demon's Name
Chapter 7 : Witch Hunting
Chapter 8 : Redemption
Chapter 9 : Missing
Chapter 10 : Uninvited Guests
Chapter 11 : SOS
Chapter 12 : Déjà-Vu
Author's note (Sequel ?)

Chapter 4 : Dangerous Lies

277 10 3
By CynthiaArdell

Raiden watched Sakuya as she was sitting down in front of the Jinsei Tree to regain her strength. Her right hand was touching the trunk and all the muscles of her face were relaxed, she seemed in peace. But The Thunder God did not forget the miracle that she made earlier by healing his Kamidogu wound. He thought that he maybe will need to investigate a little more about the Nature Goddess' powers and their limits, as she did not know them truly herself.
Later, Sakuya woke back from the hypnosis and felt more powerful than ever. With the light of a smile on her face, she got back on her feet and led towards Raiden who kept his arms crossed on his chest as he watched her approach him. When she was close enough, he asked : "How are you ?"
"Much better. I don't know what happened to me though. Maybe I shouldn't force myself too much."
As the Thunder God nodded slowly, he questioned her. "What are you willing to do now?"
"I have told to Sonya Blade that I will help her to find Cassandra Cage. Apparently, she has been kidnapped by Erron Black. We will have to pay Kotal Kahn a visit in the Outworld."
The Thunder God felt a little anxious about the idea of letting Sakuya go in the Outworld. Even though he managed to hide behind his stoic face, he still insisted. "Are you sure that going out there with them is necessary? I think that Sonya and Johnny will be fine. Plus, they have the Special Forces team with them."
Sakura frowned at first, not understanding why Raiden would say that. But a few seconds later, she remembered how overprotective the Thunder God was.
She calmly spoke. "Raiden, I will be fine, do not worry about me."
His face started to show more of how much he worried as he dropped his arms alongside his body. He was unsure if the Nature Goddess was completely healed. What if there were side effects of closing the wound caused by a Kamidogu? No one would understand as he did, no one could protect her but him.
"You can come with me if you want to." she proposed.
"I do not think that it is necessary." he lied as he smiled. "You will be fine." the Nature Goddess smiled softly back as he turned his gaze to look at the front door and said. "Besides, I have to talk with Fujin. He will arrive soon I hope."
Sakuya took the time to examine the Thunder God's profile, the way his jawline was strongly sculpted and his nose made the real charm of his face. As he looked back at her, she was hypnotized by the light of his eyes. He did not react nor felt intimidated by her, and neither did she. Her gaze then stopped on his mouth, and she hesitated at first. But then, she cupped his face in her same right hand, and softly put her lips on his as she closed her eyes. It has been so long, she almost forgot how they tasted. It did not feel the same as the first time, the context was different, they were almost like two strangers back then. They were both unsure about their feelings. But now, it felt right for both of then.
At first surprised, Raiden frowned, then slowly kissed back as he put his hands on her waist to keep her closer to him. A few seconds later, they both stopped to catch their breaths against their own will. Sakuya held his face with both of her hands as if she wanted to feel him on her skin, to print him on her fingers forever. As if she was confused, as if this was a dream that she was living.
She finally let him go and he did the same.
"I have to go now." she whispered.
He slowly nodded, trying to hide his sadness. But then she gave him a soft kiss on his cheek, and murmured to his ear : "I will be back soon. I promise."
And without looking at him, she left the Sky Temple with a smile on her face and butterflies inside her stomach. Raiden did not move until she completely left, keeping his gaze on the Tree of the Jinsei, the only witness of their love.

- In the Outworld -

After a violent fight between Goro and Kotal Kahn — whose father died by the hands of the Shokan, the Emperor beat down the beast who, in agony, begged him to kill him. Kotal Kahn refused and sent him to Kuatan instead, as he found out that Mileena ran away with Reiko. The Emperor then burned down their temple to the ground.
"This one does not enjoy watching the Emperor take unnecessary risks." D'Vorah told him referring to the Kamidogu Dagger that Kotal Kahn used to beat Goro.
"I know D'Vorah. It was an extreme measure. The dagger's magic extracted a heavy toll from me. I must rest and regain my-"
But suddenly, the Emperor was shot on his torso by someone making him lose his balance and fall back, as D'Vorah yelled. "Hunters !"
Soon, a group of people hidden by hoods appeared and the leader held a gun pointed at them. As she revealed her face, followed by Sakuya and Johnny, Sonya answered. "Not quite. Just a concerned parent wondering... where the hell is my daughter?!"
"Sonya Blade." Sakuya spoke. "I do not think that this was necessary."
But the General ignored her and repeated. "Tell me where my daughter is Kotal or the next one goes between your eyes."
"Ssonya Blade." Reptile called her. "First you inssulted uss, now you ambush uss with falsse accussations !"
As the reptilian creature tried to attack her with his tongue, Johnny stopped it and responded. "You're right, Reptile. This whole situation is escalating way too fast. Sonya, obviously forgot our plan to lead with her charm offensive : me. Johnny Cage, at your service."
As Sakuya tried to approach Kotal Kahn, D'Vorah stopped her. "Stay back, you filthy humans !"
"I only want to heal your Emper-"
But then she saw larvae coming out of the wound, as the insectoid creature explained. "They ingest the bullet and secrete coagulant oils."
The Nature Goddess was strangely amazed and said as she looked closer. "That is fascinating !"
This remark put the light of a smile on D'Vorah's face as she helped Kotal Kahn to get back on his feet. The Emperor then said. "Sakuya and Raiden's champion. I will speak to you only."
"I don't blame you." Johnny answered before he continued. "Our daughter and her friend disappeared last night. We have proof that Black Dragons attacked them."
"And you think I'm connected." Kotal Kahn added, "Because Black Dragons sell technology to my army. But as a proud son... who recently suffered the loss... of his own family... I would never hire Kano to steal children."
"You may not have done this." Sakuya responded. "But Cassandra Cage took a picture of her harasser."
As Johnny Cage showed him the picture, Kotal Kahn directly recognized him. "Erron Black... I have never spoken directly with Kano or the Black Dragon. Erron Black acts as my intermediary."
"We were all frustrated by our reception in Earthrealm." D'Vorah tried to justify. "Perhaps Erron Black acted on that."
"But Erron Black is a former mercenary." Kotal Kahn added. "He did not request permission."
"You must know where he is." Sakuya told him calmly. "Can you help us to find him ?"
"Erron Black is securing our northern trade route. D'Vorah and Reptile will take you there."
"As for this mercenary." Sonya spoke finally. "Outworld's problems belong to Outworld. Agreed?"
A little later, D'Vorah, Reptile, Johnny, and Sonya got prepared to search for Cassandra Cage. Sakuya was only supposed to help them to reach Kotal and obtain information about Cassandra's kidnapping. The General spoke to the Nature Goddess one last time.
"I think that you will not need my help any longer." Sakuya smiled.
"Thank you." Sonya sighed. "And I'm sorry, I know that I am not very easy of a person, but..."
"There is no reason to apologize. You are worried about your child. It is normal. Now, I hope that you will find her."
The General smiled sadly and nodded at her before she joined the others. The Nature Goddess watched them leave, then turned at Kotal Kahn to ask him. "What happened with Mileena ?"
"She escaped," he said with exasperation. "But I will find her sooner or later. I h-"
Then he felt a huge headache and reflexively put his hand on Sakuya's shoulder like he was scared to fall down. The Nature Goddess held his back and asked : "Kotal, what is wrong ?"
A few seconds later, the headache disappeared and the Emperor spoke, weakened. "I have used... The Kamidogu dagger of Outworld to fight against Goro and his servants earlier. I think I did not heal completely from it yet."
Sakuya then frowned at him as he took his hand away from her.
She echoed. "The Kamidogu dagger? You have a Kamidogu dagger?"
This time, Kotal Kahn was the one who did not understand. "Yes, I have it for a long time. Raiden gave it to me."
This got the Nature Goddess even more confused. She then remembered when Raiden told her that he did not know where the daggers were. Did that mean that the Thunder God was hiding things from her? And if so, what else did she ignore about the daggers, the Kamidogu, maybe even about Raiden?
With confusion, Sakuya briefly murmured. "I have to go."
The Nature Goddess turned her back on the Emperor who called her many times before he realized that she would not return. Sakuya was already gone, with sadness, anger and a million unanswered questions inside her head.

- Near the Sky Temple -

Hanzo Hasashi and his disciple Takeda Takahashi stopped and decided to spend the night near the Sky Temple, their destination, after a long journey that started at the Shirai Ryu Temple. A student of Hanzo Hasashi has been possessed by the demon inside the dagger that Raiden has given to him to look after it. And with it, he massacred the entire clan. Now, only Hanzo and Takeda were remaining, and they were willing to have a serious conversation with the Thunder God.
"I'm not even tired." Takeda said. "We should have pushed on the Sky Temple tonight."
"See the storm?" Hanzo asked. "Don't want to be struck by lightning, do you?"
A few seconds after he observed the sky, the master added. "Those clouds are getting too close as it is-"
Suddenly, he was attacked by a lightning, and later, by a man, Raiden, holding his dagger with which he cut his arm. With his red eyes, the Thunder God yelled. "You should not have come!"
After crushing the ground, Hanzo turned at Raiden and tried to reason him. "Raiden, this isn't's these damn daggers!"
"The Kamidogu opened my eyes to the blood code, Hanzo. Its secrets and power!" Then the Thunder God electrocuted heavily the master. "The demon that entered Earthrealm is not here to destroy us. He's come to set us free."
Hanzo saw Takeda holding hesitantly his katana. He knew what he planned to do, but tried to stop him. "No... Takeda don't..."
The disciple did not listen, and stabbed the Thunder God, saying. "I've had it with this blood code business !"
But Raiden was not done yet. As he held the katana with both of his hands, he said : "Heed your masters, boy, or suffer the consequences !"
Then he sent electricity to the katana, and by that, to Takeda who yelled in agony. Scorpion then teleported next to him and caught him to teleport once again, but this time, they were hidden from Raiden, who took his dagger back to open another wound, this time, on his torso. "Chaos is coming to Earthrealm, and I am its-"
"Gimme that!" The specter yelled as he took the dagger from the Thunder God's hands
Right after, Scorpion started to quickly punch chain him. "Raiden, if you're in there, I hope it hurts. You gave me the dagger, you destroyed the second Shirai Ryu, you killed Takeda!"
"Master Hanzo." the disciple weakly called him from behind.
As he turned his head, he saw Takeda trying to stand, but quickly fall down on his knees. The specter then ran towards him and murmured : "He's alive..."
As he knelt next to him, the young boy whispered. "It hurts master, I... I don't want to die..."
The Thunder God got his senses back, and as he coughed and tried to catch his breath, he said. "I'm sorry Hanzo... It's over. My blood is purged. I can save Takeda, but we must act quickly, help me..."

- Inside the Jinsei Chamber -

Scorpion watched Raiden float inside the Jinsei with Takeda lying under him.
The Thunder God explained. "Jinsei is Earthrealm's life force. It will heal me, and I will try to heal the boy."
"You'll do better than try." the specter answered.
A few minutes lasted and Hanzo started to lose his patience. "Why isn't he waking up ?"
"He absorbed the shock of a lightning bolt. He should be dead. The Netherrealm is fighting for his soul, but he's fighting back. You taught him well."
The discipline then suddenly woke back and his master knelt next to him to ask him if he was fine. "So you two didn't kill each other ?" Takeda then asked.
"Not yet." the specter answered.
"My apologies to both of you." the Thunder God added. "I owe you an explanation."
Then he told them about everything, the demon, the Kamidogu daggers, everything he knew about. As Scorpion put Raiden's dagger back to where it belonged, the Thunder God closed the Jinsei Chamber's gate. "It wasn't safe to keep the Kamidogu in one location, so I entrusted each dagger to a deadly champion like you."
"But you didn't tell us they were possessed." the master yelled. "That they take control of people, turn them into psychotic murderers !"
"It was in your best interest to think that the daggers were sacred relics, nothing more. You can't betray ignorance but I did not foresee a demon corrupting the blood magic."
"Quan Chi?" The specter asked.
"Doubtful. But Fujin is investigating the Netherrealm borders, just in case."
"Who else has these daggers?"
"All the other Kamidogu accounted for except one stolen many years ago. I sent Sub-Zero to recover it but he never returned."
"Because he betrayed you." Scorpion explained.
"Whoever corrupted the Kamidogu seeks to obtain the Amulet of Shinnok. That cannot happen. If this demon is controlling Sub-Zero, we must save him to save ourselves. Will you help me, Hanzo?"
The master turned at his disciple, who remarked. "The Shirai Ryu don't run from a fight, right, Grandmaster?"
"Right, we'll find Sub-Zero. Dead or alive."
As they nodded at the Thunder God who nodded back, they left the Sky Temple, leaving Raiden on its own. He closed his eyes for a few seconds and sighed, but then he felt a strange presence behind him. When he turned his head quickly to see who it was, he was face to face with an upset Nature Goddess.
Raiden could obviously not hide how surprised he was to see her when he expected her the least. Sakuya's face was showing a mix of sorrow and rage. Her eyes were teary and her mouth was firmly shut.
After seeing her like that, Raiden murmured : "Sakuya... I-"
"Do not waste your energy." she said curtly. "I know everything." she then angrily sighed. "Even though I wish I did not have to learn it only now, and this way."
"Sakuya." the Thunder God calmly repeated. "I wanted to protect you."
"Protect me..." she ironically echoed. "And protect me from whom exactly, Raiden?" the Nature Goddess took a step towards him. "You ?"
"Sakuya, please..."
"Stop, Raiden!" she yelled. "I am tired! You always think and make decisions for others. You try to control everyone but it only makes everything worse!"
"I am doing what seems to be the best for everyone!"
"For everyone?" she repeated. "You almost killed a child today because of this stupid dagger and this stupid demon! The Shirai Ryu members are dead because of you and Sub-Zero is next." she approached him even more to face him, and accusingly put her index on his chest. "People pay the price of your bad decisions, of your selfishness Raiden! Not you."
Tears started to roll down on her cheek, which saddened Raiden even more. The only thing that could hurt him more than Sakuya's words was the fact that she was right and he had to swallow his pride. As her lips were shaking — and so was her voice, she asked. "Did you ever worry about what I would think? Do you even care about others?"
"Sakuya..." Raiden only murmured.
"Enough." she firmly said. "This is all unnecessary."
She then turned her back and started to walk away. The Thunder God asked. "Where are you going ?"
"Away from you."
She then left him on his own. All alone. Once again.

Author's note :
Thanks for reading, this chapter was probably the longest I've ever written so I hope you've enjoyed it haha
France is entirely quarantined because of the coronavirus so I have to study from home. But that's good because I have more time for myself and I can write more lol
I will try to publish the next chapter before the end of March, so, stay tuned :)

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