Winter Soldier's Soulmate

By Her-11

41.6K 1.2K 588

The winter soldier is trying his best to figure out who he is after running away from Hydra. He thinks he's d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 16

2.7K 76 62
By Her-11


They arrived back at Avengers tower and everyone split up to get clean after the mission. That is everyone except Bruce who hadn't needed to turn into the Hulk.

Lucy heard Nat debriefing Clint on the phone about what happened as she headed to her apartment.

Bucky looked....out of place. He kept shuffling his feet and looking around.

Lucy took pity on him and grabbed his hand, dragging him towards her apartment. He needed a shower badly. She wouldn't tell him of course but he stunk.

When they got to her apartment she shoved him into the master bathroom and told him in no uncertain terms he was not allowed out until he was clean from head to toe. He gave her a look but obeyed.

Lucy used the guest bathroom. She was humming, halfway through her shower when there was a knock on the door, she turned towards it but before she could respond it swung open and Steve was standing there with a bundle of clothing, looking at her through the clear glass of the wall to the shower in just as much shock as she felt.

"Oh my god." He mumbled turning that cherry red and turning away as fast as he possibly could.

Lucy crouched in the water to hide her nudity.

"Rogers!" She shouted.

Lucy thought it couldn't get any worse but it did. Bucky came barreling naked into the room covered in suds himself. Looking read to kill.

"WHAT!" He shouted looking around "WHERE ARE THEY!"

"No enemy." Steve croaked out still covering his eyes.

"Then what happened?" Bucky asked, dropping his arms and turning to look at Steve.

"I.....she....shower....thought it was you" Steve sputtered. Still crimson, face covered, and looking like he wanted to be anywhere else but here.

"Oh," Bucky said. The brilliant conversationalist that he was.

"Both of you out," Lucy said from her curled up position. Trying very hard not to look at Bucky and keep all of her lady parts covered.

Thankfully they left, Bucky leaving a trail of water behind him. It took a while for Lucy to uncurl though and get back to her shower. She would never take the privacy of bathing as a given ever again.



Bucky sat on the couch, in the clothes that Steve had brought him. The punk had made an honest mistake thinking that Buck would be showering in the guest bathroom, but really the guy had super hearing. Did he not think to use it?

Bucky had chewed him out, and Steve had left looking like he was about to go confess all of his sins at the nearest church he could find.

Bucky listened as the shower finally kicked off and heard the shuffling of Lucy putting on her clothes. He spread his arms across the back of the couch, stretching his legs out, manspreading at its best.

She walked into the living room and gave him one of the smiles that sent him to his knees.

"Hi." She breathed out.

"Hi." He responded.

She moved towards him like a moth drawn to a flame. When she was close enough he grabbed her waist and pulled her onto his lap. She went willingly.

Soon her folded legs were settled on either side of his hips and her arms were wrapped around his neck, as her fingers lazily played with the hair at his nape.

His own hands gripped either side of her waist gently. She felt amazing right there. All soft and silky.

He let out a happy hum as she pressed her forehead against his own. She responded with her own hum of satisfaction.

"I want you." He whispered.

"I want you too."

He groaned at her response, unable to stop his hips from giving a rolling thrust up into her. Even with the clothes between them, it felt good. She must have agreed because she let out a gasp at the feeling.

He wanted to do it again, but he wanted to take his time with her more.

"Can I make love to you?" He practically begged. Trailing kisses down her face, towards her mouth.

"Please." She whimpered, catching his mouth in a heated kiss.

He responded with a groan, opening his mouth to the onslaught of her tongue. Kissing her was like a drug, all intoxicating.

She pulled him closer and ground her pelvis down into his own. He couldn't stop the shudder that ripped down his spine at the aggressive move.

Bed, they needed a bed. Bucky wrapped his hands under Lucy's butt and stood with her in his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist and locked her ankles, continuing to devour him with kisses. Bucky walked in the vague direction of the master bedroom.

Not caring when he banged his pinkie toe against the coffee table. It wasn't broken and the pain wasn't enough to distract him from Lucy's kisses.

As he walked she trailed her lips away from his mouth across the side of his face to his ear, which she licked. He didn't expect the shot of arousal that lick would give him and tripped them into a wall.

Luckily he shot his hand out in time to catch them before Lucy's back could hit the wall. In retaliation, he grabbed her own earlobe between his teeth and tugged gently. Lucy's head fell back on a gasp and she rolled her hips into Bucky's seeking friction.

Bucky growled and pressed his soulmate fully to the wall so he could thrust up at just the right angle......

Lucy let out a whimpering moan of pleasure, wrapping herself even tighter around Bucky.

Bed. They needed a bed. He wasn't going to take her for the first time against a wall, no matter how much his libido said he should.

With all of his remaining control, he shoved them away from the wall and made it to the bedroom.

The bed was welcome as he fell forward onto it with Lucy in his arms. She gave a satisfied moan as her back hit the soft surface.

Her hands trailed from his neck down to the hem of his shirt. She rucked it up, obviously wanting it off.

He agreed, leaning up and away from her to yank the offending article of clothing off. She gave an appreciative hum as she started to trace the scars that covered his body. He had a moment to feel self-conscious about them but Lucy spoke stopping his thoughts:

"Beautiful." She whispered.

"Yea?" He asked feeling all choked up again.

She looked him in the eyes when she responded. "Yes, and it's all mine."

Bucky couldn't stop the tear that fell from his eyes. "Yes, all yours, doll, for always."

"Good." She whispered then reared up and licked his left nipple with one long slow stroke of her tongue.

Bucky shuddered with emotion and pleasure. He pulled Lucy's mouth to his own and kissed it, putting all his emotions into that kiss. She responded in kind.

He reached down and pulled at her own shirt. She helped him yank it up her body. Both were displeased that they had to end the kiss to get the shirt all the way off. But it was quick and Bucky gave an apologetic nip to Lucy's bottom lip.

Bucky couldn't stop his hand from tracing the new skin that was revealed to him. Lucy gave an appreciative purr as he cupped her breasts through her bra.

"Yea?" He mumbled into her neck as he trailed kisses across it and down to her collar bone. He used one thumb to caress her left nipple through the fabric.

"Feels good." She gasped out. "Please Bucky, stop teasing me."

He let out a huff of a laugh against her collar bone. "Didn't realize I was teasing you."

"Yes, you do." She panted out. Her hands reached down and fiddled with the front of her bra. Suddenly the bra came apart and Lucy's perk breasts were revealed to Bucky.

Bucky stopped to swallow the saliva pooling in his mouth at the sight of Lucy's succulent curves.

His Lucy was no stick. She had those perfect hourglass curves that reminded Bucky of the pinup girls that they used to put up in the barracks.

"Well don't just look at them. They need some attention." Lucy said dragging Bucky's hands back to her breasts. He cupped them gently and lowered his head to lick first one nipple then the other.

However, he was worried that his metal hand might be too cold on her skin. He pulled it away and placed it on her still clothed hip.

She grunted in irritation at him. "What are you doing?" She demanded.

"Lavishing your breasts with my attention. Why am I doing it wrong?" He asked quickly backing off.

"No not that. That feels good. What are you doing with this hand?" She asked grabbing his metal one and pulling it from her hip and back to her breast.

"Oh, I thought the metal might be too cold."

She shook her head and gave him a very Lucy look. "I love this metal hand and arm. I think it's hot that it's metal. I want it on my bare skin, not my clothed hip."

She traced up and down the metal arm with her fingers as she spoke.

Bucky swallowed the lump in his throat. "I didn't know."

"That's why I'm telling you. Bucky you are the sexiest man I have ever laid eyes on. I want to trace every single scar on your body, so I can memorize them and pick my favorite. I want to get to know just how much feeling you have in this metal arm and hand. I want to know what it feels like to have your metal fingers inside me, versus your flesh ones. I bet I know which will be my favorites."

"Yea?" He croaked out, more turned on then he had ever been.

She gave that Lucy smile. "Yea." She leaned up and whispered in his ear. "It will be the metal ones."

"Lucy." He groaned out dropping his head down to her chest. "You're gonna kill me."

"But what a way to go." She responded laughing.

He couldn't disagree. In retaliation for her words. He suckled on her closest breast, drawing it up into his mouth.

Lucy let out a strangled whimper and clutched his head to her breast as he lavished it with his attention.

Bucky took his time to figure out what she just liked and what she loved. He was quick to discover that a gentle pull with his teeth would cause Lucy to roll her hips up into his own, and a flicking lick afterward would get her to tug at his hair restlessly.

She seemed to get frustrated with how slow he was taking this because she reached her hand out and trailed her fingers down his snail trail so she could unbutton his jeans.

It was fine until her little fingers slipped in and grabbed his length. Her right nipple popped from his mouth on a gasp and his head dropped to her chest on a groan.

He couldn't stop his hips jerking forward into her hand. She felt so goddamn good with her hands around his hard length.

He heard her give an appreciative chuckle from above him as she stroked him. Well if that was how it was going to be, two could play at this game.

He trailed his fingers down and pulled the waistbands of her legging and panties down. He pulled away so he could drag them off her legs. Her hand slipped from the opening in his jeans and she lifted up on her elbows to look at him.

Once she was completely naked, he couldn't help but stop and stare at Lucy. She was so fucking beautiful.

"Bucky, you just gonna look, or get back to touching?" she asked. She was trying to go for humor, but Bucky could hear the insecurity underneath.

"I can't help myself, Luce. You're just so goddamn beautiful. How did I get so lucky?" He said letting his emotions show through.

She blushed "I could ask you the same thing."

Bucky gave her his roguish grin and placed his hands around her ankles. He slowly pushed them up her legs to her thighs.

"Lucy, baby?"

"Yea?" She gasped out.

"Can I see my mark again?"

She nodded frantically.

He gently pushed her thighs apart and looked at his name. James Bucanan Barnes. There it was, where it had been the first night they met. He traced it with gentle fingers. Each letter of his name.

She shivered under his touch. He looked up and met her eyes.

"You're mine."

She nodded at his words.

"And if you ever forget you can just look right there." She responded.

He gave her a smile before leaning down and placing a kiss on each letter of his name. This time going the opposite direction. In towards her center.

She gave a little gasp as his mouth settled over her center. Bucky took his time with this like he had her breasts, learning what she liked and what she truly loved.

Finally, she couldn't take it anymore and tugged on his hair hard enough that he got the message. She tugged him up her body. He trailed kisses up as he went finally ending with her mouth. He settled his weight over her.

But Lucy wasn't having it. She tugged at his pants pushing them down his hips. He got the message and tugged them off, along with his boxers.

Now they were both fully naked. Bucky gave a groan of happiness feeling the first full body contact of skin on skin. Lucy hummed in agreement.

They continued kissing while Lucy traced his length with her fingers and he tested her readiness with his own.

Bucky broke off the kiss. "Condoms." He gasped.

"Shit," Lucy replied. "In the pile of clothes over there are the bottom."

Bucky launched up and off of her to dig through it. With a victorious shout, he pulled them out.

Then looked at them, really looked at them. "Katerina?" He asked.

Lucy couldn't keep in the little giggle she let out. "The very same."

Bucky rolled his eyes but peeled one off and crawled back on top of Lucy giving her another kiss. She grabbed the condom from him, opened the packet and helped him put it on. He groaned at the feel of her fingers on him.

"Baby, you ready?" He asked.

"Very, please I want you inside me."

"Ok." He said lining himself up and pushing slowly inside.

She tightened up at the unfamiliar stretch but Bucky kissed her through it. Whispering words of encouragement and praise to her.

Finally, he was fully seated and waited for her to be ready to proceed.

It took a few minutes of slow gentle kisses, a pillow being nudged under her hips, and shifting for her to finally nod.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yes, please move, I want to feel you."

He gave her another deep kiss. "Ok, I'll go slow."

She nodded as he started a slow rocking with his hips. She adjusted and started to whimper in pleasure. He moved a little faster snapping his hips. Her legs wrapped around his hips, pulling him in.

"Feel good?" He asked.

She nodded, eyes closed biting her bottom lip.

Bucky moved his metal hand down there bodies and found her little bud of pleasure, rubbing it gently with his fingers.

Lucy let out a gasp and canted her hips farther up giving them an even better angle. Bucky groaned as he sunk that much deeper with each stroke.

Their rhythm quickened with their rising arousal. Bucky could tell Lucy was close.

"That's it, Luce. Come for me, baby. I want to see you fly." Bucky huffed out.

She nodded whimpering out little sounds of pleasure. "So close."

Bucky did one last perfect thrust right into her g-spot, while still rubbing her bud.

Bucky watched as Lucy clamped around him and tensed her arms and legs. "Oh God, Bucky!" She called out as she fell apart.

Bucky coaxed her through it until things got too sensitive to her. Finally, Bucky could seek his own orgasm.

Lucy whispered encouragement to him as his hips snapped back and forth. He felt the rush of it coming. He reached for it and fell over the edge cumming into the condom.

Bucky pulled out, took off the condom, tied it, and tossed it with perfect aim into the trash bin. He pulled Lucy into his arms and cuddled her while they both came down from their high.

"Much better than masturbating," Bucky mumbled into her hair.

"What was that?" She grumbled too tired to move.

"Nothing. Tell you later." He responded kissing her on the top of the head.

He had just enough energy to grab the throw at the bottom of the bed and pull it over them before he fell asleep, surrounded by Lucy's presence.

Yea, he was the luckiest man in the world. 


Author's note:

So that's it for now.

Yes Lucy and Bucky will be back in Steve's story


I have set it up so that Jamie will be Steve's soul mate. I understand that that would mean the next piece in this series would be gay. I am also aware that not everyone will be ok with that. However, I think it would be a nice change for Steve. Jamie is def. a rebel, full of spunk but has a really good heart. Steve will be struggling with having Jamie (a man) as his soulmate because he was raised in the 1920s and 30s plus he has a catholic background. If you are not ok with this or if you are ok with it please COMMENT, it's not set in stone but as a writer, I would like to follow this. However, I am very open to constructive criticism so don't be afraid to SPEAK YOUR MIND.

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