The Wolfe Hunt •Attack on Tit...

By TinyMage

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As long as anyone can remember, humanity has been hidden away from the threat lurking outside behind the safe... More

The "Promise"
104th Cadets
104th Cadets (Pt. 2)
Children of the Barricade
Trost Recovery Operation
Beautiful Creatures
Moonlit Oath

Hope of Morning

116 4 1
By TinyMage

"How can we win? Our foes are gigantic. But deep within, we're just as barbaric."


Not too long after setting off, we could hear all the shouting and screams in the distance. Very vaguely we could feel tremors from the footsteps of titans somewhere- or hopefully, the falling of a defeated titan. The further into the city we went, the more buildings and houses we saw destroyed. Roofs crumbled inwards, the whole siding completely ripped off to the point only half the house stood. Not long after that, we would fly over large splatters of blood. Splashes across the houses, windows, the streets, it was everywhere. The smell of iron wafted throughout the streets from the bloodshed.

Then came the bodies.

Half-eaten soldiers, limbs tossed carelessly aside, the decapitations...

I was never comfortable at the sight of blood. But the bodies- or what was left of them, it made my stomach turn and gave me goosebumps, I forced the bile that formed in my throat down and struggled to keep my eyes forward. Ever since mom, I can't...

"It's just like our first night training, huh?" Lea asked suddenly as we flew through down the streets and over rooftops. "Well, sort of anyway. Minus Ymir and Christa." She added quickly, I could tell she was trying to distract me by the way she kept glancing between me and the road under us along with the worried crease of her brows.

"I'd prefer we weren't with you guys at all." Ymir spat out.

"Well, that's too bad, ain't it?" Connie shot back. "It's not like we wanna be with you."

I'm so glad they could be themselves.

I landed on a roof abruptly and turned, everyone landing shortly after.

"Alright, the both of you need to stop this now." I pointed to the rest of the city behind me. "Trost is under attack as we speak and you wanna argue?!" I shouted at the two annoyed with their current behavior. "Ymir, I know you don't like me but there are much bigger things happening right now than this little world you're living in your head. Get your ass in gear." The tall brunette cocked her brow at me, not bothering to hide the nasty look she was giving me. "And Connie, just shut it. You're adding fuel to the fire and it's the very last thing we need right now."

Connie just threw his hands in the air, sighing harshly. "Whatever, Red. It's your call."

"And who the hell died and made you a captain?" Ymir asked, glaring down at me.

Because Christa and I went to the infirmary together on occasions to learn some medical skills, Ymir didn't like one bit that we were together, and has just given me backhanded comments for three years.

Though, I'm sure she hasn't liked me since day one of training.

"Evie always takes the role of captain in squads, we all know that." Lea answered, shooting Ymir a dirty look of her own.

Ymir scoffed. "Well, I don't see anything that makes her a captain so I don't have to follow her orders." Is she serious right now?

Annoyance mixed with anger swelled up inside me as I took a step to her. Although she was much taller than me, it didn't sway me in the slightest the way she thought towering over me would.

"I don't see you fit to be captain either, that is not the damn point! I don't care who's captain or not! We're supposed to be supporting the middle guard and we're standing here arguing over dumb shit! Are you so self-absorbed, you don't care that more people could be dying at this very fucking moment?!" I screamed, my chest rising and falling from the exasperation and the rise of my anxiety. I didn't care who or what heard me. This was absolutely, ridiculously outrageous. Even though I'm witnessing it with my very own eyes, I couldn't believe how uncaring Ymir could be about what was going on around her.

"Ymir, Evie's right..." Christa spoke up, looking at Ymir with pleading eyes. "We have to put the fate of the city over everything right now."

Ymir looked over at Christa, her eyes softening a bit before glaring back at me and scoffing again. "Yeah, whatever."

I sighed loudly as my head vaguely began to pound again, letting my anger slip from me again. "Scout ahead, four buildings."

I pointed with my blade South, the direction we were already heading in. Without saying a word, she walked past me- glaring as she did, but did go on ahead to scout the area.

"Was that a good idea?" Lea asked me, staring off where Ymir went.

I made a wry face. "She wants to run her mouth, she better do something."

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Christa wondered out loud, obviously worried about her.

I barked out a dry laugh. "I think Ymir can take care of herself." She seemed just fine throughout the last three years.

"Can I talk now?" I gave Connie a flat look.

"I'll think about it."

"Come on, Red!"

Ymir landed back up on the roof of the fourth building and waved her arm in the air, signaling us over. "Let's go." I directed as we made our way to rendezvous with her.

"It looks like we're in for a treat." She stated sarcastically, pointing over to the other buildings.

Titans of different sizes were prowling about in between on the streets. Looking as mindless as ever. Memories flashed through my mind from five years ago, running through the streets with dad, the way they relentlessly went after people, tearing them apart, eating them.

Christa gasped in horror, putting a hand over her mouth which brought me back to the present. "There's so many already!"

"Well, we don't have a choice but to take them out right here!" Connie announced, getting ready to set off.

"Wait," I put my hand out shakily, stopping him from charging off as he's prone to doing. My breaths were ragged. I have to think- and fast. Otherwise, we will be done for if we're not careful. "If there's a way we can avoid bringing attention to ourselves then I prefer we take that route."

Connie shot me a look of disbelief. "What?! So we're just not gonna-"

"I mean," I interrupted pointedly looking at him, knowing what he thought I meant. "we have to take the titans down in a more discreet way. A sneak attack, if you will."

"That makes sense." Lea agreed as she checked her gas canisters, for good measure I assume being we just restocked. "It'll save us some gas."

"It's a good plan, as long as they don't pay us any mind beforehand of course." Ymir voiced as she turned around. "Christa, you should stay here so you won't get hurt." Christa didn't respond and when I turned to her, I could see she was still watching the titans with fear. Maybe that's for the best actually.

"This is a one shot kind of deal... So, let's make sure we don't screw it up." I told them as I looked back at the titans ahead of us that were stomping off. This is good since they're napes are facing us now. Five titans, that would be one for each of us but it seems Christa's too paralyzed by fear. "Lea, I hate to ask but do you think you can handle two?"

Lea brushed her bangs out of her eyes only for them to fall back into place as she shot me a smug smirk that made her look exactly like Leon.

"I got this." I noticed the sweat glean on the side of her face.

I nodded, gaining a bit more confidence in my plan and trusting my best friend to be fast enough to take on both titans consecutively.

"Okay, everyone pick a titan and directly attack the nape."

Except for Christa, we all jumped off the roof and moved to other ones that would correspond to the titan we're each targeting. I could see the other buildings where Connie, Lea and Ymir landed. Lea was the furthest ahead, then Connie. Ymir was closest to me, probably cause we were near the building we left Christa on. They looked to me to give them the signal. I took a deep, shaky breath and cursed my clammy hands internally. I readied my fingers on the triggers and tightened my grip on the hilts. I looked back over at the others with a nod of my head.

Almost simultaneously, we all shot our anchors off into the titans we chose, the one I aimed at was very skinny in comparison to the other titans in the area. As soon as my anchor hooked, I pulled the trigger to reel me in and I exhausted an extreme amount of gas to get me there in a flash, wanting to be done with this. I came flying at the titan and landed on him as I sliced my blades into him, the adrenaline rushing through me being this close to a live- now, dead- titan. As the titan I stood on slowly began to fall, I could see Lea and Connie take down their titan. The former quickly flipping through the air to take down the titan standing unaware in the front of the herd. Ymir had already sliced through her shorty titan before I did. Relief washed over me before it quickly dissipated when I heard another pair of stomping footfalls coming from the alley to the right of me. When I turned, a long haired titan was already throwing it's open hand at me.

And I wasn't fast enough to react.

It snatched me up and I immediately cried out in pain as it squished my arms tightly against my torso. I tried kicking my legs out but I could hardly do that. Panic consumed me, making tears prick at the corners of my eyes as the titan began to raise me to it's open maw giving me a full view of the row of teeth and saliva that dripped from it's lips. The black abyss that would swallow me beyond that.

Is this how I'm going to-

Before I could finish my thought, someone zoomed by and sliced the giant hand that held me clean off. I fell to the ground roughly but the hand had cushioned the fall. I instantly kicked it off me in disgust, seeing it's blood had gotten on my jacket and splattered on my face. I went to wipe it off but it had started to steam and fade. Then the titan fell violently to the ground in front of me, drawing my attention away from the blood. Ymir stood on the back of the titan, smirking knowingly at me.

"Evie!" Lea screamed rushing to my side with Connie. "Are you alright?!" She was inspecting my body, as a mother would do to their child.

I nodded, registering everything that just happened in a mental file. "I'm fine." I looked back over at Ymir who started towards me, jumping off the titan. "Thank you."

"Seems like you're in my debt now, Captain." She informed me in a condescending tone, her smirk growing.

I made a face at her, confused by what she meant and opened my mouth to retaliate but another scream in the distance grabbed our attention. We gathered Christa and made our way to where we estimated the scream came from.

It took us about 30 minutes to find the source of the shrieking but eventually we saw a single person kneeling on a roof, not seemingly aware of what's going on around them. The closer we got, it became clear who it was.

"Armin?" Connie shouted out to the blond boy but he didn't respond.

We landed on the roof and Connie didn't waste time trying to get through to Armin who seemed completely dazed. Why was he alone? Lea, Christa, Ymir and I stood in different spots, scouting to see where other titans were and if stopping here was safe for the moment. Connie continued to try to get Armin's attention but it didn't seem like it was working and it made me worry even more if that was possible. Armin never acted like this.

"We're gonna be discovered if he keeps screaming like that." Lea murmured to me as she glanced back at the two boys. "Should we just hit him?"

I gave her a look. "No." Armin was with Eren, Thomas, Mina, Nack and Millieus... So where are they?

"There you are, are you with me now?" Connie suddenly asked versus his previously shouting. "What's going on? Where's your squad?"

"Squad?" Armin repeated. Seems he's still a bit out of it.

"Alright, let's get you on your feet. You shouldn't be out here alone... And what the hell you got all over you that's so damn slimy? What happened?"


Suddenly Armin started shrieking again like earlier, making Lea, Christa and I turn to him in surprise and see him hunched over with his hands digging in his hair.

"You're worthless, why don't you just die?!" I had never heard such words come out of Armin before in the last three years and honestly, it scared me.

He was sobbing now and Connie continued to try to console him the best way he knew how, he reached out to Armin but stopped short seeming unsure if he should even touch him. Due to the state he's in or because of the slime he mentioned, I'm not sure. "Hey, you need to pull yourself together."

"Damn you!" Armin cried again. He's... directing it towards himself?

"Where is everyone?" Connie asked him again, sweat dripping down the side of his face. Armin quieted down instantly at that and then it clicked.

Armin acting like this, being by himself out here, being covered in slime... It made me think of the titan that had grabbed me earlier. Slimy like saliva. Don't tell me the worst has already happened...?

"Let it go, Connie." Ymir spoke up seemingly coming to the same conclusion I had, still not bothering to turn around. "He's it. The rest of 'em are dead."

I swallowed hard while Lea shook her head. "No, it can't be..."

"Damn it, don't talk like that!" Connie screamed at her, obviously not amused by her words but she doesn't sound like she's joking around. "We can't just assume he's the only one!"

Ymir looked over her shoulder, not a hint of her usual smugness there. This is the one time I would've appreciated it honestly.

"Take a look around you, isn't it obvious? We can't waste anymore time here with him, we've got to move on."

I hate to admit it, but...

"Ymir's right. We have to move but I don't feel comfortable leaving Armin here alone." I said, suggesting we take Armin with us.

I walked over and crouched down to put a hand on Armin's shoulder but it didn't look like he saw me.

Ymir slightly glared at me then. "Seriously?"

Connie shook his head, visibly confused. When isn't he confused though. "This doesn't make any sense! Why would the titans ignore him?"

"He makes a good point, why haven't the titans come near him?" Lea added in, agreeing with Connie.

"I don't know. Maybe they thought he was already dead or something." Ymir slightly turned her body more. "When you get right down to it, that's the real tragedy here. Eren and the others bust their asses and the one left standing is him." Her condescending tone returned but this isn't what I meant when I wished for it.

Connie glared up at her, reaching for his blades. "Alright, that does it, bitch. I'm gonna shut your mouth up permanently!" 

"Connie, no!" I instantly stood up and grabbed his arm, refraining him from unsheathing the blades.

"Both of you stop it! Right now!" Christa cried out getting in front of Ymir. Her voice wavered and she had tears in her eyes. She hasn't spoken much since we encountered the titans earlier. "Look, we're all at the end of our tether, okay? We're seeing our friends being killed like animals. It's normal to be upset."

Ymir turned then and threw an arm over Christa's shoulder, vaguely reminding me of how Lea does it to me all the time.

"Look at my Christa, keeping the peace!" She had a grin on her face which made me cringe at the fact she can smile at a time like this. "You are so gonna have to marry me when all this crap is over!" She laughed.

"Yeah, well..." Connie dropped his hands, making me release his arm. "She best get a hold of that mouth."

We both turned to Armin who was still sobbing. I sighed as my head pounded again. I just want this day to be done with now... "Come on, Armin. We have to go."

Connie reached out his hand. "Can you stand?"

Armin froze for a moment before standing up on his own.

"Sorry for being a nuisance." He barely whispered, his voice broken. He kept his eyes on his feet. "Don't worry about me. I'll rendezvous with the rearguard."

Without saying anything more, Armin walked off the roof and used his ODM gear to venture through the streets, back the way we came from.

"Armin, it's not safe!" Lea called after him but he was already gone.

I rubbed my head, hoping to ease the pain.

"Come on, we have to keep advancing." I told them turning my back to walk the opposite way Armin went.

"Is it really okay to let him go on his own though?" Lea questioned me, worry in her eyes as we all switched to our ODM gear as well and pushed on. "And what about the others? Do you think... Do you think they're really dead?"

"They have to be." Ymir spat out. "You really think they'd leave Armin behind? Eren's best friend?"

"Well no, but..." Connie mumbled before sighing. "I just wish I knew what happened."

"Let's not think about it right now. We have to focus on staying alive." I told them but I felt like a hypocrite as I did so because I was stressed out myself.

Worried about Armin being by himself. Worried about Leon and where his squad is, or did they end up...? If Marco was okay? Sasha? Reiner? Are Eren, Mina and the others really... gone?

We continued to push on in silence for awhile until Lea spoke up. "Um, we're gonna have to resupply on our gas soon."

"Where the hell is the supply depot?!" Connie rhetorically asked annoyed. "They should've been around here by now!"

"Maybe they're..." Christa trailed off sadly.

Before she could finish someone ahead of us came right for us, making us stop moving and hang off the side of the building.

"Leon?" I called out, recognizing who it was.

Leon landed on top of the building, pointing behind him with his blade. There was a mix of emotions swirling in his eyes. It was hard to tell what he was thinking or feeling sometimes because of the stoic mask he constantly puts up. It's actually one of the things I hate about him the most.

"There's been an order of retreat. The vanguard and the other vets have been wiped out completely."

"Are you serious?" Connie asked the ginger incredulously. "We get to pull out?"

"Leon..." Lea called softly to her brother. "Are you-" Leon turned his face away and started past us on his ODM gear.

"Let's go. We haven't much time." We followed the blonde whom I concluded is brooding.

Where is the rest of his squad?

Leon wouldn't speak any further to us, even when we asked questions. He just ignored us, much to Lea's annoyance. Ever since six months ago, Leon has kept his distance from me. He would hardly form a sentence to me unless they were strictly for training. After following him for some time, we came across a group of people gathered on several rooftops in an area. What the hell are they all doing here though?

We landed and began approaching others. Connie ran up to the first person we saw, which happened to be Jean. Lea and I followed Leon as he kept walking towards the side of the building.

"Leon!" Lea called after her brother, her annoyance reaching it's peak. Again, no response. "Hey! You can't just keep walking away from me!" She ran up and grabbed his jacket, yanking him back earning her a glare from him.

"What do you want?" He barked at her as he spun around, swatting at her arm so she could release him.

"I want you to talk to me, damn it!" Lea snarled at him.

I wasn't exactly sure what to do in this situation. They are siblings and they fight- a lot. I could never exactly relate to them but they've been like my family since the fall of Wall Maria... However, I realize butting into their arguments is not my place at all. So here I stand, awkwardly rubbing my wrist.

"What do you want me to talk about Lea?!" Leon snapped, his voice raising in several degrees.

Usually when Leon and Lea argue, Leon is more calm and arrogant about it. He very rarely loses his temper like this. If it wasn't clear things were bad before, it is now.

"The vanguard and our superiors are dead! The titans are far into Trost, I'm sure the rest of my squad is dead by now after they've sent me back to give word about the retreat when I could've stood and helped them! And for what? To be forsaken by the supply team and not have enough gas to get over the wall?! To die?! Not only that, HQ is overrun with titans! So what was it all for?!"

Leon screamed but I wasn't sure who was Lea he asking, us or himself? Surely he knew we didn't have the answers he wanted. He glared at a for another moment before cutting his sharp aqua eyes into my borderline red ones. An emotion I couldn't pinpoint crossed over his sharp features before he scoffed, storming off. What I can gather from what he said at least, he had already seen so much within the last two hours that he's given up... He doesn't think we'll make it.

I won't accept that. I can't accept it. This is not it for us. Even with the odds against us all... I will not go down without a fight. I wanted to try to calm him down, to give him a reassuring hug, but... These days it seems Leon wants nothing to do with me.

As if he hates me.

I sighed as Lea chased after him. I don't even know why he started acting like that towards me. He never gave me any explanation when I'd constantly asked him, he just... Pushed me away. I scanned the rest of the people that were here. Jean and Connie were talking, Armin was sulking not too far from where I'm standing, Sasha was trying to get the other recruits to go on ahead to HQ but... A lot of them were looking exactly how Leon expressed himself.

Like there wasn't hope for any of us.

And what words could I ever hope to say that will rally the rest of them behind me? I'm not a motivational speaker, I'm not the one everyone looks to.

On the other side, I could see Annie, Reiner, Bertholdt and Marco standing near the edge of the building overlooking the streets. Without thinking twice about it, I bolted over to the other building. I flung my arms around Marco from behind, a sigh of relief escaping my lips which were slightly quivering.

"You don't have any idea how comforting it is to know you're okay..." I breathed out hardly above a whisper.

Marco shuffled around so he was facing me. He returned my hug but I could see in his face when I looked up at him... He wasn't okay. He was feeling just as the rest of them looked.

"Evie..." A ghost of a smile washed over his expression. "Maybe the end won't be so horrible after all." I heard him murmur as he rested his head on top of mine.

The end? I pulled back, shocked at his words and admittedly, I was hurt. He's also given up on everything. "Don't talk like that! We can still get through this!"

Marco just stared at me, the smile that was barely there already gone and a melancholy look in his brown eyes. His freckles stood out more now that his complexion dropped in color. He sighed and went to say something but another had interrupted.

"Mikasa?! Weren't you with the rearguard?"

"Annie!" We turned to see the black haired beauty running over, she was obviously worried but she was doing her best to keep her calm composure. I held onto Marco's hand as she spoke. "I know how bad things have gotten. It's selfish- putting personal matters in the forefront, but have you seen Eren's squad?"

Annie's composure, however, was always calm. "Some squads made it back, but I don't know about Eren's."

Reiner pointed over his shoulder. "Armin's over there."

Without another word, Mikasa ran to her blond friend calling out to him. If anyone could get Armin to start speaking again, it would be Mikasa. "Do you think Eren's squad...?" Marco wondered out loud, giving my small hand in comparison to his a little squeeze.

"Ymir thinks so." I answered, knowing what he meant. "I... I don't know what to think anymore, if I'm being honest." I glanced around, realizing both Ymir and Christa weren't here. Where could they have gone at a time like this? "Maybe we can gather some of us and head to HQ for gas." I blurted. It'd only be a handful, but it'll be enough, right?

I watched Mikasa curiously as she stood up from Armin's sitting position and looked around, suddenly Armin looked up at her.

"The cadets of Squad 34..." Armin began, dropping his face again. He spoke loudly enough for everyone to hear. "Thomas Wagner..." My stomach did a flip as Armin started naming off everyone in his squad. Please, no... "Nack Tierce... Milieus Zeremski... Mina Carolina... Eren Jaeger..." A pang hit my chest, was it hurt? Fear? It felt as if my chest had been stabbed with a needle and it was only digging deeper as the blonde boy went on. "These brave five upheld their duties. They died valiantly in the field of battle."

My legs began to tremble and nausea was all I could feel bubbling up inside me. Memories flooded my mind of each of them filling me with dread. Nack always made sure everyone was okay after training, he was always so kind. The first time we had hand to hand combat, I gave him some pointers... Milieus wasn't so outspoken and a bit timid but he was caring... Thomas, although he was against us joining the Scouts which lead to some arguments, he was just looking out for us. Even making sure we didn't get hounded by the commandant. Mina... She was always so cheerful. Happy-go-lucky. I helped her and Thomas get a feel for the ODM gear and trained with them often. I remember telling her not to let the commandant's words get to her about being from a pigsty. She was always bothering me to read my journal while she insisted on brushing my hair in our bunks. Eren and I, we've had a similar childhood. We both wanted the same thing. To avenge our parents. He was a good friend to me, probably one of the only ones that truly understood me. We spent so many days talking about seeing the outside world. Tears formed in my eyes thinking of all the times spent with my friends. Never to happen again. All of them... They're just... The tears I wanted to hold in spilled over my eyelids, making me turn to Marco and bury my face into his chest as he put his free hand that wasn't holding mine behind my head.

This can't be real...

"Marco." Mikasa called. I couldn't face anyone right this second. I didn't make a sound but the tears kept flowing, creating a wet spot on Marco's jacket. I can't believe I'll never see them again. "If we eliminate or bypass the titans at HQ, we can then refuel our gear- allowing us to get back over the wall. Is that assessment correct?"

"Well, yeah, I guess so. Sure." His chest thrummed against my head as he spoke. "But there's just too many of them out there, even with you on point."

"I can do it." She assured with absolute confidence which made me turn my head to her, my face still wet. Everyone knows how protective Mikasa is of Eren, so how is she so calm? After hearing he's...? She turned back to face the rest of us as she was previously walking towards the other end of the roof. She seemed to not have any emotion whatsoever on her face and her eyes... I'd never seen them look so dead. "I'm strong- real strong. None of you even come close." She announced, raising her blade to the sky almost as a declaration. "You hear me? I am a warrior! Know this: I have the power to slay all of the titans that block our path, even if I have to do it alone. As far as I'm concerned, I am surrounded by a bunch of unskilled, cowardly worms!" Everyone just stared at the 1st ranker, slack jawed and bug eyed as she lowered her blade; having it point at the majority of the cadets. The word bounced around in my head. A word I called myself often. Coward. It stirred a the sense of purpose within me. "You disappoint me. You can just sit here and twiddle your thumbs and watch how it's done." The sense of dread hasn't vanished from hearing my friends being killed, but I was never planning to just stay here to begin with.

"Wait Mikasa, are you out of your mind?!" Another cadet shouted. "That's crazy!"

"You can't be serious! Trying to take them out by yourself?"

"There's no way you can hope to beat them!"

Mikasa simply regarded them with an apathetic gaze. "If I can't beat them, then I die." She stated bluntly before turning away from us. Direct, that's how she's always been. "But if I win, I live. The only way to win is to fight." Before anyone could question her again, she jumped and flew off with her gear. Everyone just stared after her, bewildered.

I dried my face with my free hand, sniffling.

"She's right." I muttered.

Now isn't the time to cry. I will not let Shiganshina repeat itself. I can't.

"Hey! Don't just stand there!" Across the way, Jean had his blade raised to us. "We weren't taught to let our comrades fight alone! Unless you are a coward in which case, stay out of my way!" Without missing a beat, Jean ran off to follow Mikasa with Connie in tow.

Reiner scoffed behind me. "Never expected that from him."

He began walking off in the same direction along with Annie. Bertholdt hesitated though, giving off an anxious aura. Yet still, he followed without a word. I could see Armin wiping his face before following as well on the other rooftop. Leon also switched to his ODM gear and joined them, Lea chasing after him but not before waving to me.

"Well come on! Or are you waiting for a personal invitation?"

I looked up at Marco. "Tell me you don't plan on actually sitting here." It was a partial plead, partially taunting statement. 

He dragged a hand down the side of his face, a habit I realized I picked up from him, before he sighed. "No, I guess not but still," We began walking off together, releasing each others hand to get ready to use our gear. "this is such a gamble."

I looked down at my feet as we moved, hearing the shingles shuffle underneath each of our footsteps. A sudden memory coming to mind making me snort a bit. "I heard my father say something once... "If you don't gamble, you'll never win"." Granted, he wasn't talking to me when he said it. I happened to be eavesdropping while I was with him at the tavern. I didn't understand what he meant back then, but I think I do now.

Marco and I set off, following behind Leon, Lea, Bertholdt, Reiner and Annie who were behind Jean, Connie, Armin and Mikasa. The rest of the cadets were not too far behind us after shouting a war cry, something to psyche themselves up before they threw themselves in the midst of hell once more. Ahead of us stood a titan but it wasn't long before Mikasa swiftly sliced her blades through it as she zoomed by.

"She makes it look so easy." Marco commented, keeping a good distance beside me.

I nodded, though I'm sure he didn't see my agreement. Maybe it isn't as difficult as we imagined. A flash of Eren, Mina, Nack, Milieus and Thomas crossed my mind but I was forced to sweep it and the pain to the back of my mind for now. Reeling myself in as I unhooked my anchor from a distant building sent me soaring through the air briefly before I hooked into another and repeated the process. One thing at a time.

"Hurry up!" Jean called back to us. "Follow Mikasa! Avoid fighting if you can and get to HQ before you run out of gas!"

We all trailed behind Mikasa who was speeding through the air, exerting her gas to the max. Like I had a habit of doing. I watched as she flung herself into the air at top speed and sliced through another titan before releasing another anchor. I see. She's using her momentum plus her gas. Clever.

We rounded a corner and suddenly, Mikasa fell out of the sky.

"Mikasa!" Armin shouted in panic as he went to her aide.

"Jean, lead the rest to HQ!" Connie called to the hot head now the only one in the front. "I'm going after Armin!"

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Marco asked, glancing at me with a squint and his little black bangs whipping around due to the gust of wind blowing past us.

I swallowed hard as we continued to ascend through the air, the breeze also making my hair whip about.

"I have faith in Mikasa's skill..." I answered honestly. "But I think we should worry about making it to HQ." Marco nodded in agreement with me as we pushed on.

Not too long after Jean being the lead, the group in the back started going off in their own direction causing a complete split. HQ came closer into view but so did the titans swarming it. Jean landed on the roof of a small house while the rest of us who kept up- Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Leon, Lea, Marco, Sasha, a handful of other cadets and myself- also landed on the surrounding houses. I instantly realized down below us on the street were a couple of mini titans. Not tall enough to reach the rooftops where we were seeing as they noticed our presence and started reaching for us to no avail.

I turned my gaze towards HQ but still kept a watchful eye on the titans below. I watched the titans claw at the tower where the supply depot or perhaps just the supplies were, the smaller ones actually being able to climb onto it and look through the windows.

Are we going to be able to do it?

"It's no use." Jean voiced his pessimistic thoughts. "We're not getting anywhere near Headquarters. Unless of course, you don't mind dying." He finished with a sarcastic scoff.

"We're not gonna get anywhere if we keep hesitating." I pointed out, giving him a side glace while he returned it with a glare.

Our attention was drawn to the streets, seeing a lone cadet crying in hysteria. He frantically clicked his triggers but he didn't have any gas to get him on the rooftop. Several titans began charging at him, making him turn.

"No, stay back!" He cried, hoping with desperation that the titans would understand him and listen.

We all knew that wouldn't happen. One of the titans that had similar shaggy brown hair as the cadet picked him up with both hands, holding him as if he were a sandwich. A squirming one at that.

"Tom, I'll save you!"

"I'm coming!"

Two other cadets came to aid their friend and I wanted them to succeed; my feet felt glued to the roof and I hated myself for it. As soon as they charged in, they were picked right out of the air. I, along with the others, watched helplessly as the titans devoured them. Half eaten, they're blood spilling over the titans hands and dripping onto the concrete ground. They were still alive though, screaming horribly. Their cries made my hair stand on end and sent chills throughout my entire being. I couldn't help but cringe.

I can't take it.

My hands flew over my ears while still gripping onto my hilts and my face twisted up.

"Please, make it stop..." I whimpered, shutting my eyes. All of the noise: their screaming, their crying, the sounds of their bones crunching as the titans took a bite out of them, the blood hitting everything in radius... It was all too much. Too overwhelming, I couldn't even hear myself think. "Stop it, please." I murmured to myself more than anything. I couldn't help but think of Mina and Thomas, Nack and Milieus. Eren

Is this what happened to them? Did they scream til their last breath as well? The thought wrenched my heart painfully.

"Let's go!" Jean shouted, making my eyes snap open. "Make a break for HQ while they're distracted!" Then he ran off down the roof before leaping into the air once more.

The others started running after him but I still haven't moved, not until Marco grabbed my hand and forced me to run with him. I couldn't feel my legs running with him, they were numb from the fear and anxiety. It felt as though my nerves were shot.

It wasn't until Marco took to the air that I regained control over myself. I was so dazed by the horrific scene that I hadn't even noticed when he released my hand to hoist me up. He held me with one arm firmly around my waist as we flew over the street. I frantically tightened my grip on the hilts and shot out an anchor and reeled myself into the air; taking my weight off of Marco, giving my boyfriend a nod as a sign that I was okay right now. In return, he nodded back and cautiously released me.

"Sorry," I got out, my breaths ragged. "I just..."

"It's okay." I glanced at the brown eyed boy to see him giving me a reassuring smile. The hope shone in his eyes again, giving me some comfort.

All of us continued to zip through the air, following Jean. Ahead, I could see another wave of titans. I could hear my heart pounding faster in my ears the closer we became. Marco and I made a bigger gap between us, passing a titan on either side. I shot out another anchor into a taller building and reeled myself in while pushing out more gas. HQ is right there...

Jean landed on another rooftop running across it to converse what little gas he had left, I'm sure we all were just moments away from getting fumes. Marco and I landed behind him and started running to catch up to him.

"Jean!" Marco called out to his friend. "You really came through for us, man. We owe you big time." I cocked my brow. I hate to admit it since it's about Jean, but Marco's right. If not for Jean getting everyone's attention, we would still be on that rooftop- or I would at least. Jean just stared at him incredulously with sweat dripping down the side of his long face, not really believing he was the reason for it. "I'm serious, don't shrug it off!" Marco continued, being his encouraging self once more. "Like I said, you make a great leader."

I snorted at that while Jean scoffed doubtfully. "Watch it with that crap, we're not out of this yet!"

I shook my head. "Why can't he take a compliment?"

"Look who's talking." Marco stated, raising a fine black brow at me.

"Right now isn't the time for flirting, you know." Lea called running by us, her peachy braid flying behind her. "We're almost there!"

We all jumped off the roof and anchored into the different buildings around us, taking flight. I pressed the trigger to reel me in and once again, released more gas than necessary in order to bypass the last horde of titans blocking the way into HQ. I flung myself high into the air, getting a birds eye view of everything. I hooked myself into the side of HQ and retracted myself in, towards the very top of the tower. Right where I just was, another cadet was following after Jean but instantly got grabbed out of the air. Everyone pushed forward, bursting into the windows a good 10 meters below me. I watched miserably as it devoured him, his screaming finally ceasing. If it weren't for the circumstances of gas, would I have...?

I sighed and looked down to see what stood between me and those windows was a tiny titan.

That titan, clinging onto the side of the building similar to myself was just staring up at me with this disturbing child-like smile on its features. It had blond tousled hair and huge dark eyes which made it all the more creepy. That thing is what's standing between me and getting the hell out of Trost safely, between me and Marco, between me and all my friends.

I could feel my body shaking, whether it was from the titan making it's way up to me or from my own nervousness racking my body, I can't tell. Probably both. My amber colored bangs hung over my face, shielding my eyes from the sun which I was grateful for. I didn't want to have any visual barriers if it would cost me my life. I took a few deep breaths. preparing myself.

"I won't let you kill me." I told it, uncaring if it could comprehend language or not.

I lowered myself quickly as I kicked off the side, planning to come around. I held my blades tightly as I pulled both my arms back over my shoulder, getting ready for the impact. Using my own weight and gas, I swung myself back towards the titan and sliced across it's relatively small nape with a war cry as a way to exert the stress, adrenaline and effort. The blonde titan's body fell off the building and I didn't pause another moment longer to swing myself lower into an already broken window.

"It's your job to deal with it and back us up anyway!"

Upon entering, I could see everyone standing around. Marco was holding Jean from behind who was yelling at two other cadets. One male and female. The boy was unconscious on the floor and the girl was crouched over him, crying. I noticed she had blood splattered on the side of her face. Behind them, a third body. It wasn't moving and didn't look like he had in awhile. There was a musket also near him.

Half of their head was blown off. Bile rose again in my throat but I had to swallow it, turning away from the sight. I can't even imagine what was going through the Support Squads heads when everything went to hell.

"Evie!" Lea exclaimed, a smile forming on her face. "You made it!"

"Hit the deck!" Reiner shouted immediately after.

Before I could turn to him to see why, the whole building shook violently and debris filled the room, making me cough due to the unexpected dust getting sucked into my lungs. I was launched to the ground along with most of the others from the impact and was thankful for it because chunks of the wall also came flying in. When I could finally breathe again and the smoke cleared, I looked over to where to sudden ray of light came from only to see a grinning titan peering in and looking at us.

"There's too many people. They can smell us." Leon stated, still standing along with Jean, Reiner and a few other cadets that had either made it in with us or were part of the supply squad.

At that, everyone panicked. Bolting for the door to get further in, screaming, shouting incoherent things. I felt an arm go around me and pull me back some, dragging me further away from the opening big enough for the titans to reach in. Looking over my shoulder, it was Marco. Behind him was Lea sitting on the floor, still trying to comprehend everything in the chaos.

"I got you, don't worry." He reassured me, but his eyes were full of fear and his voice wavered but it was still comforting knowing he was right here.

I didn't say anything, just reached for his hand and when I found it, gave it a squeeze.

Another titans face peered through the opening, also grinning at us. I could only assume they were pleased to see their meal on a platter before them. We were like trapped rats. I couldn't think of a worst possible time for my mind to wander back to class, remembering the lecture. Titans don't eat us because they're hungry. It's just for the kill. But why?



Just then, a giant fist came crashing into the first titans face and as a result, knocked him into the second titan. We all watched as another titan, one with a lipless mouth that had revealed his teeth in its entirety and a oddly set jaw. From my sitting position, all I could see was mostly it's head. It had long shaggy dark brown hair that just touched its shoulders, a pointed nose along with pointed ears, poking through his hair. It had sunken-in green eyes that didn't even care to look in our direction. All of it's attention were on the titans he had just knocked down and it was baffling. He let out a roar, directing it towards them.

"What the hell was that?" Lea asked the question we were all thinking out loud, just coming out of her daze.

Before anyone could think of a response, a window shattered and in came Mikasa, followed by Connie who was carrying Armin. Collapsing on the ground after their entrance, Connie laughed. He unscrewed one of his gas tanks and knocked on it; a hollow sound echoing.

"Wow, a close one! I was running on fumes. We made it here, though. Crazy, but we did."

I stared at the three of them, a bit lost for words. Regardless, I was happy they were alive.

"You guys made it." Marco voiced my thoughts.

"Am I dreaming this or what?" Jean asked, honestly unsure as he took a few steps to Mikasa who was getting to her feet.

Connie smacked Armin on the back, an endearing action to Connie although Armin obviously didn't enjoy it if his face of pain was anything to go by.

"You're a certified genius! From now on as far as I'm concerned, your word is law!" Marco helped me stand up, asking if I was okay. I aimed the question back at him, being more concerned about his safety than my own and then Lea joined us making a sarcastic comment about no one caring about her safety. Leon stood in front of us near Jean and the others. "Check it out, we found an Abnormal that's got a bone to pick with its own kind." The buzz cut cadet announced happily, pointing over his shoulder. "And the best part? He couldn't care less about us!" As Connie was informing us, the strange titan began walking off, most likely to continue to beat down on the other titans. "That's right! This big, beautiful, S.O.B. is our ticket out of here!"

"You mean like fighting fire with fire?" A cadet asked in the back.

Is that even possible? In all our years of training, we've never heard of titans fighting against other titans. The fact that I see it happening right before me was hard to register alone, never mind Connie's word. I wasn't sure what to believe right now.

"Listen to yourselves," Jean spat out, looking at Connie like he lost his mind. For once, I don't blame him. "A titan's not gonna help us. You're out of your mind if you think this is gonna work."

"It is working." Mikasa pointed out quickly. "For whatever reason, he's rampaging against them. Stand back and let him do it. Trust me, you'll see." I noticed Mikasa's eyes didn't look as dead as the last time I seen her. A bored expression to them, yes, but not lifeless. There was a tremor and then a roar coming from outside, the same one as before. The Rogue Titan was howling again, sounding like he was furious. "Either way, what choice do we have? That thing is our best chance at surviving."

Leon walked over to the opening in the wall, no doubt gazing after the Rogue Titan. Lea, Marco and I walked over also curious. Now that I have a full view, I can see the Rogue 15 meter titan had a strangely athletic body; very chiseled lined with solid muscle and it was completely slaughtering any nearby titans. Like they don't even have a chance in hell against him.

It was a bit mesmerizing watching the Rogue Titan fight. He threw punches and even punted the smaller ones... Like a human were fighting.

"Look at him go." Connie mused. "This guy makes the other ones look like total weaklings."

"He seems to understand a sense of hand-to-hand combat." Leon concluded, crossing his arms over his chest.

He seemed lost in thought as he continued to watch intently, his eyes reminded me of a hawks the way he stares.

"It's also aware of their weak point, I think that says a lot." Armin added, finally standing up and dusting his legs off.

Lea's brows were knitted together and she was excessively scratching her head with both hands, something she did when she was extremely confused.

"I don't get it, why is this happening now? How come we weren't told about this before?"

I rubbed my forehead, feeling the familiar throb again.

"It's possible it never occurred until now." But it still doesn't make any sense. I guess we should consider ourselves lucky.

"What if..." Leon murmured, though I'm not sure who he was specifically talking to or if he was just thinking out loud. "What if it has the capability of thinking, besides killing? From what I'm seeing... It looks like its intelligent."

We all stiffened at the thought. The possibility. If Leon's judgement turns out to be true, and he's hardly ever wrong... How many other titans have the same level of intelligence?

What if this is the beginning of something greater?

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