Latest Trending Hairstyles fo...

Por ameliaava123

16 1 1

It gives a very casual look and is perfect for school days. All you have to do is gather up all your hair in... Mais

Women Hairstyles for Wedding

16 1 1
Por ameliaava123

>>Casual HairstylesCasual Hairstyles


When you want to gather up all your hairs and want to go on a meeting at work. You can go for a low bun. The reason is:

● It is easy to make.

● It takes less time.

● It is a quick, formal go-to hairstyle.


1. Comb your hairs. Remove all the tangles.

2. Section your hairs from the midline with the help of a tail comb. Or section it from the sides. Do it whatever way you like to section your hairs.

3. Take all the hairs and tie a hairband.

4. Roll your hair around the hairband. Use bobby pins to fix your hairs at that point.

5. Use a spray to set down small hairs

Here is your hairstyle ready. You can also use pins at the front of your hair if you want to. This bun can also be made on any side. But! If you are looking for a hairstyle that gives your face a slimmer look then it's not, you're for you. Let see more


Straightening hair takes 10-15 mins. It gives your hair a shiny look. If you have frizzy hairs and want them to give a shiny look, then you can go for straightening options. There are also some treatments for hairs to make them straight and frizz-free. These treatments include,

● Hair Botox

● Keratin Treatment

● Rebounding

● Extenso

All of these treatments make your hair straight. Rebounding makes your hairs dead straight. This is for those peoples who want straight hairs like a needle. Keratin treatments involve the use of proteins (keratin) that is important for the growth of your hairs. Few masks are applied in these methods and then your hair is straightened. This treatment lasts for up to 8-12 months. These treatments improve the texture of your hair.

Getting these treatments are better than straightening up your hairs daily. As it can damage your hairs, making them more prone to split dead ends and damaged hairs.


If you are a fan of curls then this product is for you. Although you cannot make them daily. It is perfect for those days when you want to look a little different from your usual look. It gives your hair volume too. If you have thin hair, you can go for curls. It will increase the volume of your hairs up to two folds. It may take 20-30 mins. What you need is a:

● Curling Rod

● Hairbrush or comb

● Hair spray

There are different curling rods available. They vary in their thickness. If you want loose curls then you may need a thicker rod. Your desired curls depend on the thickness of the rod you own.


1. Take a small portion from your hairs (a small strand). Comb it.

2. Turn your rod on. Heat it for a few seconds.

3. Roll the strand around the rod.

4. Wait for 5-10 seconds. (The time may vary for different rods.

5. Now unroll your hairs and spray them with hairspray.

6. Do these steps all over your hair until it is done.

After curling your hairs, you can either make a ponytail or style them in a different way If you don't want your hairs open. Hairs can be styled in different ways after curling them. You can tuck your hairs behind your hairs from one side. Sectioning your hairs from this side, bring the lower part of your hairs in front of the shoulder from the opposite side. It looks beautiful for any event or a party.

Heatless curls can also be made either by the use of rollers or braids. Leave them overnight and open your hair in the morning. Here you are ready with your heatless curls.


If you want to bind your hairs and want your hairs away from your face, you can go for braids. One side braid with your hair opens on the opposite side. These kinds of hairstyles are very common and are trending nowadays. You can give volume to your hair through backcombing your hair. This gives your face a slimmer look. You can make this hairstyle on a day when you want to look like a barbie doll. And you want to be "The girl" at any event or want to attract everyone towards yourself. Believe or not, your hairs matter a lot in your looks. After your makeover, hairs are important.


1. Prepare your hairs first. They should be washed properly. After it, you will need a texture spray (will help in giving your hairs a smooth texture)

2. Divide your hair into few portions and curl them.

3. Now blow dry your hair so that you may get increased volume.

4. Part your hair to one side. On one side take some amount of hair and start making French braid (or any other braid of your choice). Once you have completed making a braid up to your ears then secure it with the help of few bobby pins behind your hairs.

5. When you are done with the braid, back-comb your hairs upwards to get some volume. Set your hair the way you want.

6. The final step is to spray your hair. Spraying helps in preventing your hairs from messing up.

There are many other similar hairstyles that look so elegant and graceful at the same time. Such hairstyles are perfect for evening dates or dinners. You can style braids in different ways either with a bun or ponytail. Braiding up a few sections of your hairs and then binding them with a hairband. This hairstyle is perfect for daily wear to the office or for meetings. You can also achieve a bossy look with your hairstyles.

Your hairs really help in telling your personality. Your hairs MATTER, so also take care of them. So that you can style them in every way you want. Otherwise, there will only damage your hair.>>Casual Hairstyles

Casual Hairstyles


When you want to gather up all your hairs and want to go on a meeting at work. You can go for a low bun. The reason is:

● It is easy to make.

● It takes less time.

● It is a quick, formal go-to hairstyle.


1. Comb your hairs. Remove all the tangles.

2. Section your hairs from the midline with the help of a tail comb. Or section it from the sides. Do it whatever way you like to section your hairs.

3. Take all the hairs and tie a hairband.

4. Roll your hair around the hairband. Use bobby pins to fix your hairs at that point.

5. Use a spray to set down small hairs

Here is your hairstyle ready. You can also use pins at the front of your hair if you want to. This bun can also be made on any side. But! If you are looking for a hairstyle that gives your face a slimmer look then it's not, you're for you.


Straightening hair takes 10-15 mins. It gives your hair a shiny look. If you have frizzy hairs and want them to give a shiny look, then you can go for straightening options. There are also some treatments for hairs to make them straight and frizz-free. These treatments include,

● Hair Botox

● Keratin Treatment

● Rebounding

● Extenso

All of these treatments make your hair straight. Rebounding makes your hairs dead straight. This is for those peoples who want straight hairs like a needle. Keratin treatments involve the use of proteins (keratin) that is important for the growth of your hairs. Few masks are applied in these methods and then your hair is straightened. This treatment lasts for up to 8-12 months. These treatments improve the texture of your hair.

Getting these treatments are better than straightening up your hairs daily. As it can damage your hairs, making them more prone to split dead ends and damaged hairs.


If you are a fan of curls then this product is for you. Although you cannot make them daily. It is perfect for those days when you want to look a little different from your usual look. It gives your hair volume too. If you have thin hair, you can go for curls. It will increase the volume of your hairs up to two folds. It may take 20-30 mins. What you need is a:

● Curling Rod

● Hairbrush or comb

● Hair spray

There are different curling rods available. They vary in their thickness. If you want loose curls then you may need a thicker rod. Your desired curls depend on the thickness of the rod you own.


1. Take a small portion from your hairs (a small strand). Comb it.

2. Turn your rod on. Heat it for a few seconds.

3. Roll the strand around the rod.

4. Wait for 5-10 seconds. (The time may vary for different rods.

5. Now unroll your hairs and spray them with hairspray.

6. Do these steps all over your hair until it is done.

After curling your hairs, you can either make a ponytail or style them in a different way If you don't want your hairs open. Hairs can be styled in different ways after curling them. You can tuck your hairs behind your hairs from one side. Sectioning your hairs from this side, bring the lower part of your hairs in front of the shoulder from the opposite side. It looks beautiful for any event or a party.

Heatless curls can also be made either by the use of rollers or braids. Leave them overnight and open your hair in the morning. Here you are ready with your heatless curls.


If you want to bind your hairs and want your hairs away from your face, you can go for braids. One side braid with your hair opens on the opposite side. These kinds of hairstyles are very common and are trending nowadays. You can give volume to your hair through backcombing your hair. This gives your face a slimmer look. You can make this hairstyle on a day when you want to look like a barbie doll. And you want to be "The girl" at any event or want to attract everyone towards yourself. Believe or not, your hairs matter a lot in your looks. After your makeover, hairs are important.


1. Prepare your hairs first. They should be washed properly. After it, you will need a texture spray (will help in giving your hairs a smooth texture)

2. Divide your hair into few portions and curl them.

3. Now blow dry your hair so that you may get increased volume.

4. Part your hair to one side. On one side take some amount of hair and start making French braid (or any other braid of your choice). Once you have completed making a braid up to your ears then secure it with the help of few bobby pins behind your hairs.

5. When you are done with the braid, back-comb your hairs upwards to get some volume. Set your hair the way you want.

6. The final step is to spray your hair. Spraying helps in preventing your hairs from messing up.

There are many other similar hairstyles that look so elegant and graceful at the same time. Such hairstyles are perfect for evening dates or dinners. You can style braids in different ways either with a bun or ponytail. Braiding up a few sections of your hairs and then binding them with a hairband. This hairstyle is perfect for daily wear to the office or for meetings. You can also achieve a bossy look with your hairstyles.

Your hairs really help in telling your personality. Your hairs MATTER, so also take care of them. So that you can style them in every way you want. Otherwise, there will only damage your hair.

Casual Hairstyles


When you want to gather up all your hairs and want to go on a meeting at work. You can go for a low bun. The reason is:

● It is easy to make.

● It takes less time.

● It is a quick, formal go-to hairstyle.


1. Comb your hairs. Remove all the tangles.

2. Section your hairs from the midline with the help of a tail comb. Or section it from the sides. Do it whatever way you like to section your hairs.

3. Take all the hairs and tie a hairband.

4. Roll your hair around the hairband. Use bobby pins to fix your hairs at that point.

5. Use a spray to set down small hairs

Here is your hairstyle ready. You can also use pins at the front of your hair if you want to. This bun can also be made on any side. But! If you are looking for a hairstyle that gives your face a slimmer look then it's not, you're for you.


Straightening hair takes 10-15 mins. It gives your hair a shiny look. If you have frizzy hairs and want them to give a shiny look, then you can go for straightening options. There are also some treatments for hairs to make them straight and frizz-free. These treatments include,

● Hair Botox

● Keratin Treatment

● Rebounding

● Extenso

All of these treatments make your hair straight. Rebounding makes your hairs dead straight. This is for those peoples who want straight hairs like a needle. Keratin treatments involve the use of proteins (keratin) that is important for the growth of your hairs. Few masks are applied in these methods and then your hair is straightened. This treatment lasts for up to 8-12 months. These treatments improve the texture of your hair.

Getting these treatments are better than straightening up your hairs daily. As it can damage your hairs, making them more prone to split dead ends and damaged hairs.


If you are a fan of curls then this product is for you. Although you cannot make them daily. It is perfect for those days when you want to look a little different from your usual look. It gives your hair volume too. If you have thin hair, you can go for curls. It will increase the volume of your hairs up to two folds. It may take 20-30 mins. What you need is a:

● Curling Rod

● Hairbrush or comb

● Hair spray

There are different curling rods available. They vary in their thickness. If you want loose curls then you may need a thicker rod. Your desired curls depend on the thickness of the rod you own.


1. Take a small portion from your hairs (a small strand). Comb it.

2. Turn your rod on. Heat it for a few seconds.

3. Roll the strand around the rod.

4. Wait for 5-10 seconds. (The time may vary for different rods.

5. Now unroll your hairs and spray them with hairspray.

6. Do these steps all over your hair until it is done.

After curling your hairs, you can either make a ponytail or style them in a different way If you don't want your hairs open. Hairs can be styled in different ways after curling them. You can tuck your hairs behind your hairs from one side. Sectioning your hairs from this side, bring the lower part of your hairs in front of the shoulder from the opposite side. It looks beautiful for any event or a party.

Heatless curls can also be made either by the use of rollers or braids. Leave them overnight and open your hair in the morning. Here you are ready with your heatless curls.


If you want to bind your hairs and want your hairs away from your face, you can go for braids. One side braid with your hair opens on the opposite side. These kinds of hairstyles are very common and are trending nowadays. You can give volume to your hair through backcombing your hair. This gives your face a slimmer look. You can make this hairstyle on a day when you want to look like a barbie doll. And you want to be "The girl" at any event or want to attract everyone towards yourself. Believe or not, your hairs matter a lot in your looks. After your makeover, hairs are important.


1. Prepare your hairs first. They should be washed properly. After it, you will need a texture spray (will help in giving your hairs a smooth texture)

2. Divide your hair into few portions and curl them.

3. Now blow dry your hair so that you may get increased volume.

4. Part your hair to one side. On one side take some amount of hair and start making French braid (or any other braid of your choice). Once you have completed making a braid up to your ears then secure it with the help of few bobby pins behind your hairs.

5. When you are done with the braid, back-comb your hairs upwards to get some volume. Set your hair the way you want.

6. The final step is to spray your hair. Spraying helps in preventing your hairs from messing up.

There are many other similar hairstyles that look so elegant and graceful at the same time. Such hairstyles are perfect for evening dates or dinners. You can style braids in different ways either with a bun or ponytail. Braiding up a few sections of your hairs and then binding them with a hairband. This hairstyle is perfect for daily wear to the office or for meetings. You can also achieve a bossy look with your hairstyles.

Your hairs really help in telling your personality. Your hairs MATTER, so also take care of them. So that you can style them in every way you want. Otherwise, there will only damage your hair.

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