Closing Time

By SydCarv

148K 10.3K 2.3K

The entrance of a stranger into her bar brings Ryleigh a flood of problem- Demons, Angels, Hunters... and an... More

50. (End of Part 1)
Part 1 - Epilogue
51. (Part 2)
69. (End)
Sneak Peek
Epilogue II - Unwanted Flashbacks
Extra Content: Q&A Call!


2.2K 145 30
By SydCarv

I held Mike's glare and bit the inside of my cheek as mild panic swirled inside me. Breaking our staring match, I turned to look at Lou. "Forget what I said."

"No." He replied without missing a beat. His eyes glinted with interest for the first time this evening.

I clicked my tongue irritatedly as the heat rose with just that one word. "Then butt out of it. It's none of your business."

Lou raised an eyebrow and squared his shoulders as some of the glint faded. "You know, you've gotten rather ballsy ever since I resurrected you."

My lips turned down in distaste at the emphasis on himself. "Yeah, death can do that to a human."

"Is that so?" Lou licked his lips. He held my gaze as the colour in his eyes crowded over the rest of his eyes. "Still unwilling to tell me?"

My breath was shorter. It was cold and I could feel the pressure on my chest. But it didn't scare me anymore. It just felt... like a mild inconvenience. I couldn't help the smirk on my face. The demon's lack of feelings might just help me out in this respect. "Yes. Yes, I am."

I could see confusion pass through Lou's form. A few moments later, he narrowed his eyes. Exhaling softly through his teeth as he pulled back. I think he'd realised what was up.

"I should have let you die." He hissed, annoyance visible in his features.

I was almost grinning now. I gave him an apathetic shrug. "Too bad, so sad."

He growled to himself. I felt the cold spread over me once again, a bit more biting this time. If I was still a hundred percent human, this would have immobilised me. Stopped my breathing and made my mind go blank with fear and panic. However I was fine now. Mildly uncomfortable with the cold and the pressure on my chest. But mostly fine.

I jumped as Lou suddenly slammed the counter. He pushed himself away and slid off the stool. He didn't even spare me another glance as he walked to the door. "I'm leaving."

"I can see that." My voice was surprisingly cheery.

I almost expected Lou to stop and glare at me once more. But all he did was yank the door open and vanish. I'm pretty sure he would've slammed the door if we didn't have a doorstop.

I turned to look at Mike after a few moments of being amused at Lou's temper tantrum. "I'm sorry for bringing it up. It just slipped out."

"That's okay." Mike sighed as he reached for his wallet. "Humans can't be trusted to keep secrets after all."

"I can be trusted to keep secrets." I defended myself as I reached for Lou's glass. There was a sliver of whiskey left in it. "I do that for all my customers.

"Then, I'm the exception?"

"You're the accident." I replied easily and snickered as I turned away from him. "I didn't mean for that to slip out. Sorry."

"Your apologies mean nothing." That hurt. Mike sighed. I heard the shuffle of notes. "The demon knows. Can't be hidden anymore."

"It's not that important anyway." I shrugged. "It's just a bunch of useless ammo-less guns."

"Yes, but I'd rather they weren't contaminated by a demon up until the next time I need them."

"You're just a bouquet of daisies, aren't you." I mumbled and moved back to take the cash. "Oh, paying for Lou?"

"Yes." Mike paused to swig the last of his drink. "Unfortunately enough, I still owe the demon."

"Thanks. He gets grumbly when I talk about an unpaid drink."

"What are you going to do now?"

I shrugged absently. "I was going to head my boyfriend's place today after you guys were done. It's still early for me."

"Doesn't the time not changing bother you?" Mike stared at the clock. It had been ticking ever since Lou walked out.

"Not really." The glasses clinked as I placed them on the drying rack. I snickered to myself. "I'm used to slow working days."

"Ah, yes. The human concept of time seeming to crawl due to a bad day at work."

"Yes. A human concept." I picked up a towel to dry my hands off. "What is time like to you? You're both immortal, right?"

"More or less. We do still die." And angels seem to feel more strongly about death than demons. But if Lou really is the first ever formed... "Time is... nothing." Mike continued. The only thing that changes for us are the vessels we use, the others around us, the surroundings, the humans." He paused and turned his head to the side to look at me with one blue eye. "Your existence seems like a flame to me."

I raised an eyebrow and leaned forward on my elbows. "My existence or just humans in general?"

"Yours, as of now." He replied immediately. "Every human's flame burns bright at one point in their life. This might be yours. Perhaps, we've meddled enough in your life to actually extend your flame across time. You've clearly managed to impact the demon, whether it's in a positive or negative way is yet to be seen."

"Maybe it's positive." I shrugged and pulled away from the counter to pick up my bag. "I mean, he did revive an inconsequential human."

"He's always done as he pleases." Mike replied, still in the same place. His eyes were on the clock again as I rounded the bar to exit it. "This time, I was around to make sure nothing went wrong."

"If you're talking about your help in reviving me— much appreciated." How long will they dangle this over my head? "Whatever you think it is, my life's certainly changed ever since you guys entered it. So..." I walked up to Mike to patted his shoulder. "Thanks for that, I guess."

"Are you speaking in a manner that implies that you genuinely enjoy our presence?"

I smiled to myself. "No. Not at all. God forbid I enjoy the presence of my customers." I reached the door and switched off the lights in the same move. My eyes on his reflection in the glass. "See you tomorrow, Mike. Have a good rest of the day."

He didn't reply to me as I pushed the door open. When I turned around to lock the door, he was gone. Lucky bastard. I have to book a cab now. Maybe I should've asked for a lift. Lou had teleported me thrice when I'd been dying— once to my apartment, back to the bar, and then back to my still bloodied place. Great times.

I called up Trace. He picked up almost immediately. "Hey. I was just thinking about calling you."

"Hey." I smiled at hearing his voice. It made me feel happier than the angel's depressing words. What a dark chap. "I just closed up. I'll book a cab and head over now."

"Great. I already got the pizzas, all that's missing is you."

I chuckled. "God, shut up. You're cheesier than the pizza."

"That's a compliment. That means I'm nicer than pizza."

"No one's nicer than pizza." My phone buzzed. My cab was almost here.

"Not even your boyfriend?"

"I'd get rid of you in a heartbeat for free pizza."

"Ouch." I could hear Trace laugh despite his offended tone. He suddenly cut off, I heard a soft mumble.

A frown formed on my face as a car pulled up in front of me. I verified the numbers before sitting inside. But there was still no reply from Trace in that short span of time. "Trace?" I spoke softly. "Is someone there with you?"

"Uh... no!" His voice was distant. Where was he? "I was dealing with my neighbour." His voice was back, clearer now and closer to the phone. He sounded kind of serious all of a sudden. "I had the music kind of loud earlier so she stomped over here to tell me to shut it off."

"I didn't hear any music."

"I just lowered it to be able to talk to you, Ryleigh." He paused. "You sound very suspicious."

"No, I don't." I replied hastily. "It's just music."

"Don't worry about it. I'm messing with you." That was indeed a light-hearted tone. "Anyway, I'm going to get ready for our date."

I laughed easily at that. "Get ready? I'm coming to your place. All you have to do is wear your pajamas."

"Exactly. But I have to wear my nice pajamas. Can't open the door for my hot girlfriend wearing shorts with a hole in the crotch."

I burst out into laughter at that statement, disgust in my voice as I revolted against it. "No! Ew! Wear something nice!"

"Well, of course, I was just going to do that." He scoffed, a bit offended. "Gosh, you just think I'm a slob, don't you?"

"The fact that you have a pair of shorts with a-" I quickly corrected myself. I don't want to embarrass myself in front of the driver. "-like that just goes ahead to prove you do."

"You're like, really mean. You know that, right?"

"Oh, really?" I shrugged cluelessly. "My clients seems to like me well enough."

He laughed. "Shut up. Of course they do. What's not to like?"

I rolled my eyes again. He really lays it on thick. "Go and change already."

"Yup. See you in a bit, babe."

"Bye, Trace."

I hung up the phone and glanced at the dying battery. There were a few people still out on the streets. It was the start of the weekend. Hey, it was beyond midnight, so it's technically the weekend. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to have a busy night soon. Humans or demons, it doesn't matter. I miss the energy. Halloween is in a few weeks as well, Dottie told me to come early tomorrow to help with the decorating.

I glanced at the time. It would be another twenty minutes to his place. Roads were clear. But... my mind was on the bar.

I understand demons were a bit paranoid to return considering a human had breached the barrier Lou set up. Technically, I shouldn't be there either I have more reason to fear than any of them. But at this point, it's like my second home. I thrive behind a bar when I have to listen to people and serve drinks. I enjoy creating. I enjoy the buzz. I enjoy the chatter. Sure, clean up is a bitch, but it's a part of the job. It's like cooling down after a workout where I just zone out and revert back to myself. Shut down the social me and relax.

I'm clearly not a morning person. Switching back on when I come to the bar takes a while too. The lunch rush is just enough to get me into the social zone. The dinner rush is nice and slow. And then these new guys... demons and angels- where I'm rushing around fulfilling orders, making drinks, cocktails, mocktails all while I have to entertain Lou, chat with the demons, manage the temperature differentials in the place.

That's my life now.

Demons and angels. And I was one of them as well.

I looked down at my hand. I couldn't see my own aura. It was either not there like a demon, or something in my brain wouldn't me see it. It was rather weird. My head fall back on the springy headrest. Still not sleepy, and near forty-eight hours since I'd last slept. And that had been the light coma.

Still have to talk to Lou and Mike about that. Couldn't bring it up today. I wonder how long Lou's tantrum will last. That was pretty funny. Also kind of interesting how he doesn't seem to affect me as much anymore.

I turned my attention out the window and watched the streets blankly as my mind wandered between work and what was left of my social life. Trace popped up once in a while, and made me smile at my reflection in the dark interior of the car. When I finally saw him as he opened the door, I practically fell into his arms.

Trace laughed and stumbled back a bit as I buried my nose in his shirt. He wrapped his arms around me, his lips pressed to the top of my head. "You're very excited."

I raised my head to look at him. My chin rested on his collarbone. "I was thinking about you on the way here." My eyes went to his lips. "It's so nice to have someone else outside of work to think about."

"Is that so?" His green eyes were soft, warm. His aura felt nice. It enveloped me like the heat from his body. "Now, will you let me close the door or should we just stand here?"

I pouted. "I'm not letting go. You do what you have to with me like this."

Trace looked me over. And then sighed softly as he saw that I meant it. "Fine."

His arm tightened around my waist. I pressed my nose into his neck again as he leaned forward to push the door closed. I heard a click, the chain rattled and I was upright again. He looked down again. "Let go of me now, please?"

"What if I say no?"

He shrugged, my head rose and fell with it. "That's fine with me." He grinned as he cupped my cheek and suddenly captured my lips in a kiss.

I smiled at that and parted my lips to deepen the kiss. Trace took the invitation, the other hand wrapped around the back of my neck. His fingers slid into my hair. My hands tightened on the back of his shirt, a soft moan escaped me as he nipped my lip.

"Fuck." I whispered, my hand moved to grab his collar and pull him to me. Trace groaned against my lips, the other hand on my waist rose up my side. The feel of his rough skin against mine sent electricity through my veins.

Trace suddenly stiffened. He pulled away, breath heavily as his hand kept me steady. He held me still as I tried to continue the kiss. His aura fluttered, pinks and yellows again. "Maybe we should... eat first."

I frowned at the sudden change in tone. My body was fired up. I wanted him, he clearly wanted me. Pizza could wai-

"I'm kind of starving." He reached up to scratch his head. "My stomach's growling."

I couldn't help a breathless laugh at that. I moved forward, against his hand to land a soft kiss on his lips. "Come on, let's eat."

"We should." He turned to the side and gestured down the hall with one hand still on my lower back... still on my heated skin. "I'm guessing you haven't eaten since breakfast."

I shrugged. "What can I say? The smoothies kept me quite full. But I did eat half a sandwich."

"Half a-" Trace shook his head exasperatedly. "How are you alive?"

I rolled my eyes and separated from him to kick off my shoes. He watched me as I placed them by the entrance. "Food isn't everything, you know."

"It is, though." Trace walked towards the kitchen. "It's so good."

"I agree. But I don't eat unless I'm hungry."

"And are you hungry now?" Trace looked up as I walked into the kitchen. I could see two pizza boxes on the counter. There was a slice missing from each box.

"Yup." I inhaled deeply. The cheesy scent woke up my stomach. "What are we watching?"

Rush pointed at the couch as he pulled out some plates. "Take the plates and go decide. I'll get the drinks."

"Okay." I walked over to pick out a few pieces of each pizza for the both of us before I turned away. "I'll just have soda. Or juice, if you have it."

"What?" Trace sounded confused. "You're not drinking?"

"I am." The plates clinked on the glass coffee table. "Soda, or juice."

"No, I mean." I picked up the remote as I heard the fridge open. "Wine, beer, whiskey... nothing?"

"Nope. I'm not drinking for a year."

"W... What?"

"Yeah." I adjusted myself on the couch, reach for the plate and the remote. "I'm about eleven months through."

"So... you can drink, right?"

"No. It's not been a year."

"Come on." I heard him laugh, it drew my eyes back to him. He was still buried in the fridge. "You'll spring for some wine, right? Red or white?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Trace, I'm not drinking." He paused his rifling through the fridge before he looked up and met my eyes. His blue aura was tinged with red. Was that confusion? "I'm serious."

"I... don't get it." Trace shrugged, a hapless look on his face. "You're a bartender. Why wouldn't you drink?"

"Because I've been drinking since I was sixteen." I paused. "Not that frequently, but I've had blackouts, overnighters, long binges. I don't think it counts as an addiction, but it was a pretty constant part of my life. Especially since I work with it."

"Oh..." He looked away and swallowed softly. "Has it... changed anything for you?"

"Yeah." I shrugged and turned back to the TV. "I lost quite a few friends for one. But they were all pieces of shit anyway. I get more stuff done on my day off. No more hangovers, or a trashed apartment, or an unknown apartment. Lot more time to... myself." I trailed off as I spotted an interesting summary. "Hey, have you seen this one yet?"

"Uh, wait." I leaned back against the sofa. The movie wasn't marked watched, but it had come out a few years ago. Never got around to checking it out.

I heard a clink, my eyes moved to Trace as he placed two wine glasses on the table. Irritation crossed through me. "I-"

"I know you're not drinking." Trace twisted the cork. "It's just here in case you want some. I won't force you." He smiled. "You can put juice in it."

My body relaxed slightly. That does make sense. It is a romantic night in. I might change my mind in between. But wine... "Thanks." I held out my hand. "But let me do that. You clearly haven't ever opened a bottle of wine in your life."

Trace laughed sheepishly. He held the bottle after a few moments. "Don't be rude... I've opened a few."

"Yup." I chuckled as I removed the cork with much more ease than Trace. He went slightly red as I handed it to him. My hand went to one of the wine glasses, and Trace's eyes lit up for a moment until I filled it up and handed that to him as well. "Here you go."

"Yup." He corked the bottle again and settled down on the sofa beside me as we scrolled through a few other movies.

His arm went around me. I pulled my legs up onto the sofa to lean against him and we started the movie. I was actually rather interested in the movie. However, about halfway through as I got up to keep my plate and refill my soda, I realised that Trace hadn't made a single move.

I mean, I can too. But considering how abruptly he stopped, maybe he doesn't want to... Am I not giving the right signs? My full attention has been on the movie. Is it me?

My eyes went to the wine bottle as I walked back over. Half empty already. Is he drunk?

I snuggled back up to Trace. He lazily ran his fingers through my hair. "Should I continue the movie?"

"I..." I hesitated a bit at the doubt that swirled within me. Trace looked at me, the frozen screen lit up part of his face as I sat up, away from him. "Are you drunk?"

Trace glanced at his glass, the bottle and then back at me. There was a skeptical look in his eyes. "Do I look drunk?"

"No." I replied truthfully. "But..." I shifted closer. "You haven't made a move."

Trace raised an eyebrow and shifted forward too. "I haven't?"


"I thought you were enjoying the movie."

"Yes, I am." I replied exasperatedly. "But come on! It's our fourth date and you called me over to your place for drinks and a movie! We're both adults, we both know what that means."

A small smirk danced on Trace's lips. He placed the wine glass on the table as he his body to face me. My breath hitched slightly as I met his hooded eyes. "And what does it mean?"

"Exactly what you're thinking right now." I leaned in as I my lips parted. It drew his attention. "Now, make a move."

"It's up to me?" His breath brushed my lips and sent chills down my body.

"Of course." I replied. The intense kiss at the entrance on my mind. "What are you waiting for?" I asked after a few moments went by. Was he not...

He raised his hand. His fingers tipped my chin up. "You know, since you're begging..."

I frowned. "I'm not-" Trace cut me off with a deep kiss. He was able to deepen it easily as me mid-sentence, lips parted.

The kiss dissolved every bit of doubt I was feeling inside. The intensity of it spurred me into action as well. I leaned into the kiss as I grabbed his shirt again. Trace wasted no time during this kiss. His hand went straight to my waist and he pulled me right against his chest. The heat built up between us again. My shirt was uncomfortable, his shirt was rough against my hands. Suddenly it was gone, and now it was his skin under my hand. Smooth, warm, with a speeding heartbeat under it.

He pulled back for breath, my eyes fluttered open to meet his... reluctant ones. Surprise crossed through me. Right as his lips were about to touch mine, I whispered. "Do you not want this?"


Hey everyone! How are you guys doing? You know, with the quarantine and the situation outside. Is everyone okay? Is your family okay?
It's nuts out there, to be honest. My exams have been postponed by a month which means anything I had planned after it can happen now but then again, what the hell? I wanted to get my finals over with atleast.
Also, I know I promised a birthday chapter, but I was a bit drunk to provide one honestly. Whoops.
But since we're all shut in, I'll try and see what I can do to make this more interesting for you guys. I might start releasing and updating some drafts. They need to see the light of Wattpad's day sometime or the other.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter!
Vote and comment!

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