A Little Kindness

By melvintrey95

152K 4K 711

5 year old Naruto, was running from a mob of angry villagers. For what felt like the fifteenth time that week... More

Author's Note
A Friend for Life
Timeskip and Recap
Timeskip and Recap Part 2
First Fight
First Fight Part 2
Team Placements
The Bell Test
The First Mission
Sharingan Revelations
Advanced Training
Inari's Turmoil
Battle on the bridge 1
Battle on the bridge 2
Battle on the Bridge 3
Battle on the Bridge Finale
A new foe appears?!
That Time Already
The First Exam
The Second Stage
The Vipers Venom
Sasuke's Final Stand
The Cherry Blossom Wilts
The Sound of Silence
The Third Stage is.....Postponed?!?
A History Lesson
A Family Reunion
Neji versus Shikamaru: The Third Stage is finally here.
Sakura versus Tenten
The Hyuga Clan's Dark Secret
Sasuke vs. Hinata: Sharingan vs. Byakugan
Naruto versus Shino
Ino versus Kankuro and Operation Uproot
Konoha Crush Begin!!
One Man Army Kakashi
The Might of Might Gai

Enter Sasuke

9.5K 238 27
By melvintrey95

   It was just an average, ordinary day in Konoha. The birds were chirping, the kids were playing, and the parents all had happy smiles on their faces. There was a cool autumn breeze that blew through the village, as the sun had begun to set. As the parents called out to their kids, in an attempt to get their attention, so that they could make their way home. In the midst of all the commotion walked 7 year old Naruto. With his little hands in the pockets of his shorts, as he walked by with his head down deep in thought.

   "Kurama why do all of the teachers treat me so badly? I show up every day and try my hardest in class, but yet they still yell at me and get on to me for the smallest things. And all the other kids laugh at me because of it." He asked his tenant in a mix of confusion and sadness. "It's because of me and what I did kit. I hurt a lot of people, and they can't let go of all of the anger, hurt, and resentment that I gave to them. They take it out on you, since they can't get to me. Maybe things will get better next year, aren't you supposed to be getting a new instructor?" Kurama asked in an attempt to change the subject and get Naruto's mind off of the original subject. "Yeah, he'll probably be just like the rest though." Naruto responded dejectedly. "Bunch of idiots they are, I'll tell you what. Can't even tell the difference between me and a little kid. Idiots like that shouldn't even be allowed to teach if you ask me." Kurama started rambling and ranting, as Naruto started to tune him out, already way to familiar with the Fox's rants about his teacher's.

   As he continued walking and half listening to Kurama's ever growing tirade in the back of his mind. He absentmindedly started kicking a rock he had found. As anyone will tell you kicking a rock while walking will only stave off your boredom for so long. So he started thinking about his classmates, or rather a particular classmate.

   Sasuke was one of the only kids who never made fun of Naruto like the rest of the class did. The only other two being a shy, quiet girl who would always stare at him. What was her name again? Hinata, or something. He couldn't really remember, she never talked to him much so it made learning her name hard. And it seemed not many other kids talked to her either, as he could only remember her name being called when the teacher did roll call. Anyway, the other kids name was Shikamaru, and Naruto was sure that the reason why he never joined the other kids in poking fun at him was because he was always sleeping.

   Sasuke always looked at Naruto like he was sorry for him. Like he took pity on him. And Naruto didn't know how to feel about it, it was a foreign concept to him. He wasn't used to people feeling sorry for him. But he had quickly made up his mind that he hated it. Or maybe it was just because it was Sasuke that was looking at him like that. He never liked Sasuke much anyway. He was Mr. Perfect, according to all the teachers, and fangirls in the class. Naruto didn't think he was that great. Naruto would admit that Sauke was indeed smart and talented. But weren't all of the Uchiha? What was it that made him special? Was it because he was the son of the clan head? Was it because he was the brother of one of Konoha's best and most promising shinobi who would no doubt be Hokage one day? Or maybe it was because he wasn't Naruto?

   Those two couldn't have been any more different, polar opposites in fact. Sasuke had everything Naruto ever wanted: a family, friends, admirers, and he was even more talented than Naruto could ever hope to be. So why would Sasuke feel sorry for Naruto? That's the question that haunted Naruto for the longest time. Every night it would keep him awake. He just couldn't figure it out.

   As Naruto was getting deeper and deeper into his thoughts, he lost track of the rhythm he had established with the rock he was kicking, and kicked it at an awkward angle sending it spinning and flying off of the path that he had been walking on and straight down the hill to the edge of a lake that sat just on the outskirts of Konoha. Completely forgetting about all of his previous thoughts, he watched as the rock went sailing toward the water. While debating if he should go and get the rock back, or find another one to use. He saw out of the corner of his eye a dock of some kind. And upon looking closer he saw someone sitting on the edge of it. And who would've guessed that it would've been Sasuke.

   Naruto hadn't seen Sasuke in a month. Not since Sasuke stopped coming to school. And not since the tragic murder of his clan. Naruto couldn't blame Sasuke for not coming to school. He never had any family to lose, but he did have people he cared for, and he didn't know what he would do if they were taken from him. Sasuke was all alone now, just like him. Sasuke was feeling the same pain and agony that loneliness brings, the same pain that Naruto had endured his whole life. Naruto was used to it, Sasuke however was not. That much was obvious, to have gone through everything he had, and still be able to continue on was evidence enough of his strength. But as the loneliness continued to get darker and darker, his strength was starting to wane. Naruto could tell that much, as he could see, with the help of Kurama's enhanced eyesight, the silent sobs that Sasuke was trying to suppress. As Naruto stood watching Sasuke silently sob, he heard a voice from the back of his head.

   "Go help." Kurama had stated almost out of nowhere, as he had apparently finished his rant sometime ago, and was curiously watching what was going on. "What? Why?" Naruto asked somewhat surprised that Kurama was paying attention. "Because you're the only one that can. You're the only one that knows what he's going through. You're the only one that can relate even partly to what he's feeling right now. Absolute loneliness. He's not used to dealing with loneliness, but you are. Teach him how to cope with it, be there for him, be his friend." Kurama explained with no hint of sarcasm, showing he was serious. "Be friends with Sasuke?" Naruto asked as if it was a foreign language and he was having problems comprehending it. "Yes, be his friend, because he could really use one right now. Do for him, what I did for you. Save him from his loneliness. You are in the same position that he was not too long ago. You're standing here looking at him with pity. Feeling sorry for him and asking the same question he was, when he was doing the same to you. "Why him? What did he do to deserve this?" Now you know the answer. Now you know how he felt back then, and he knows how you felt. You are each standing in each others shoes right now. You both know how the other feels. Now is your chance to help him, like I did for you." Kurama spoke with passion, and vigor. Trying to desperately emphasize his point. It worked, because the next thing Kurama saw was Naruto walking down the hill to sit and have a nice long chat with his newest friend.

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