The Outcast (Nigerian Play)||...

By Amyirechi

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A fictional story. #25/11/2018 āœ“āœ“28/05/2020 HRH: if this instruction was coming from man, I would have to pr... More

Meet the Characters
Act |
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The End ā€¢ ā€æ ā€¢


240 65 6
By Amyirechi

  ( In the previous chapter, we saw Princess Adaure's argument with the king and how it resulted. We also know Olaedo's predicament, being locked up in the palace dungeon).

Act XIII Scene I

  No one had found a remedy yet, to the Prince's ailment. Anxiety and confusion has gotten to its high peak in the royal household.

Amadi: I'm sorry your Majesty but I've tried every remedy and herbal drug I know of and it still hasn't solved anything, I don't know what else to do.

The Queen: So...what are you saying? (She paused). That I should stand and watch my son go, is that it? And watch the future of this kingdom go to ruins, is that what you're trying to tell me?

Eziaba: Calm down your Majesty

The Queen: (takes a deep breath).

The girl servant: Your majesty may you live long, (She prostrates) but there's a girl in the palace dungeon who claims she knows a lot about herbs.

The Queen: How did the girl end up in prison?

Girl servant: From what I know, the Prince put her in there and promised to have her released on the same morning which this tragedy struck.

The Queen: Bring her to us. (She waves her fan as a sign of command)

   Enyinna prostrates and leaves

Enyinna (the girl servant), comes in with a beautiful but haggard looking maiden.

Enyinna:  Your Majesty, here's the girl.
( The two girls curtsied.)

The Queen: Is it true you know so much about herbs?

Olaedo: Um..well my grandmother taught me a lot. In fact, there were times when we treated people with most of our herbs and remedies.

Amadi: Very well then,we'd like you to take a look at the Prince and the symptoms which have appeared on some parts of his body. I think he reacted to something he's allergic to.

Olaedo: (moves closer to the prince and looks him over). Well the rashes on his body indicates that he is reacting to something.  If he's been in this state for quite a while, then it would be better if he's administered with cure immediately. I have an idea of a medicinal herb which can help with his case but it's only found close to the area where I live.

Amadi: Describe the herb and we'll send people to get it.

The Queen:  There's no time for descriptions. Take us to the place and we're bringing the Prince along so that he can be administered with the herbs once it has been prepared. (She points a finger at Olaedo) You better pray really hard that this works, or else you would regret why you were ever born. Enyinna tell the head guard to prepare the horses and some guards who would escort us.

Enyinna prostrates and leaves.

        Scene II
Olaedo directed them to Ma Ezinne's house located at the farthest part of the kingdom, close to the border that separates their kingdom from the neighbouring kingdom.

Olaedo: All kinds of herbs used in making remedies can be found here but I'm not a master in this area, my grandmother can help you with it. Please bring him inside.
   (She pointed to the hut and the guards carried the unconscious body of the Prince towards the hut).

  As they got closer, Ma Ezinne sighted them and ran out to embrace Olaedo.

Ezinne: Olaedo! Nwam, Ì chórò ígbú m... Nwanyieze ndewo (Olaedo my child, do you want to kill me... My Queen welcome).

The Queen: Ndewo..biko anyi na acho enemaka gi. (Thank you, please we need your help).

Ezinne: Please bring him in. Lay him on the wooden bed. Olaedo go and boil water in the pot while I go get the required herbs.

  Seconds later, Ma Ezinne returned with the herbs and prepared it with the help of Amadi and Olaedo. He did not respond for some seconds but later moved his body slightly and opened his eyes slowly.

The Queen: Oh thank goodness.

Ezinne: He's still too weak and would need some rest.

The Queen: But it's already late, we have to return to the palace.

Amadi: Do not worry so much your highness, the palace needs you. You return and take some guards with you, I'll stay here with some guards to look after the Prince, we shall return tomorrow.

The Queen: Eh..are you sure? Ma, is it okay with you?

Ezinne: There's no problem my child.

The Queen: Okay, Joseph (she calls the head guard) let's go. Obinna take care and rest well so you'll be strong enough to come back tomorrow, okay?

Obinna nods in response, before the Queen left with some guards.

                  Scene ends...

    Whew!, Who have been willing to knock me for not updating... please bear with me, it's laziness to sit and write that's delaying the story but I haven't forgotten my promise

Finally my heartthrob, Obinna is awake 😘😘😘.

Thanks to UnahEbere for reminding me that someone actually reads this story❤. And success on your exams

Check out her book 'Till 21'

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