The Other Side Of Me

By Night_Fury_Lover13

14.7K 241 50

Hiccup is different, everyone knows that. But, they don't understand how deep that difference runs. Hiccup is... More

Chapter 1: A Call From the Unknown
Chapter 2: Old Enemy
Chapter 3: Not a Time to Panic (?)
Chapter 4: In the Grip of Fear
Chapter 5: Behind Closed Doors
Chapter 6: In a Moment
Chapter 7: The Weight of Waiting
Answer Me
Just Leave Me Alone
Where Is He
Are you okay
Arriving At Berk
Lost Control (part 1)
What Have I Done
Into The Forest
What Do We Do (part 1)
What do we do (part 2)
Please Eat
On the Hunt
Where Am I
Dragon Fight
The Right Thing To Do
The Flyers pt. 1
The Flyers pt. 2
Until We Meet Again
Authors Note

Lost Control ( part 2)

492 8 0
By Night_Fury_Lover13

Astrid POV

He was down on all fours like a wild animal. Stoick slowly approached him but he growled fiercely, which made Stoick stop instantly. It was very clear he may attack anyone. So it was best to keep a safe distance. Then a couple of Vikings tried to get closer in an attempt to hold him down. But again he just growled. They didn't stop but they did slow down. The suddenly Spitelout came out of no where charging toward him with a hammer. " No!" Stoick screamed. But it was to late. Spitelout slammed the hammer on the ground but Hiccup had swiftly moved out if the way. That had done it. Hiccup then jumped up and... attacked Spitelout! The gang and I watched in fear as Hiccup had launched himself toward Spitelout and bit into his shoulder. Spitelout let out a cry of pain while everyone else was trying to get Hiccup off of him but nothing was working. When he finally let go we saw how bad the wound was. It was gushing blood everywhere. Spitelout crawled off before Hiccup could latch onto him again. Snotlout went to his father to help him. I never thought Hiccup would do something like that. I could tell the other riders didn't either by the look of pure shock on their faces. Everyone started to surround Hiccup and he growled loudly. Then his spines split into two rows. I saw little sparks of lightning being conducted between them. I didn't know night furies could do that. It must be a warning. It seemed to work to the others saw it and began to back up slowly. Apparently Spitelout hadn't had enough because he ran toward Hiccup once more who again easily dodged his attack. He then pounced onto his back and bit him again but closer to his neck. Hiccup wrapped his tail around Spitelout and pulled him to the ground. Snotlout then ran to try and pry Hiccup off of his father. The gang and I just stood there we weren't sure off what to do. Before I knew it there was a pile of about 5 Vikings on top of hiccup to hold him down. Spitelout was taken straight to Gothi to tend to his wounds. His second one was just as bad, if not worse than the first one. I looked at the pile with Hiccup under it. I heard a small crackling sound. It came from under the pile. It then got louder the others heard it as well. We then saw small sparks coming from the center of the pile. They got bigger until they were the size of small lightning bolts. The Vikings were practically blown off of Hiccup. He stood there looked and looked at all of us before hastily running toward the woods. The gang and I, along with a couple other Vikings tried to run after him but was to vast and the chief advised us not to so that no one else would be hurt. "We can't just let him go!" I argued. "Listen lass, it's to dangerous to go after him right now. You saw what he did to Spitelout, and I don't what anyone else to get hurt. Had we not stopped Hiccup, Spitelout may have died." I looked at him. I can't believe Hiccup, Hiccup of all people almost killed someone. I looked back at the others. They also wanted to go find him, especially Snotlout. But they listened to the chief and understood the danger. "We can't just leave him out there all night. He needs help because something is obviously wrong with him."  I say to him them nod there heads in agreement. " how about we go look for him just before sunset. We will make sure to bring things like shields, weapons, and maybe even a net." I explain they seemed like they agreed but were still a little cautious. " oh when I get my hands on him..." said Snotlout. I interrupted him "Snotlout you know it wasn't his fault..." before I could continue I was interrupted by Heather "but what if it was, Astrid" said Heather. "What if he knew exactly what he was doing." She explained. I thought about it but I refuse to believe it. Hiccup would never do something like that intentionally, right? "Okay whatever. I still think we should go find and a least bring him back to the village so we can help him." I said. "Fine Astrid. But if anything happens to any of us I'm telling the chief it was your idea." Snotlout said as he stared into my eyes. "Okay" I said. We all went off to get ready. We only had a couple hours till sunset. And we all wanted to be prepared as possible.

When sunset came we were all ready to head into the forest. We didn't know what exactly to expect but we hoped we were ready for it. We needed to help Hiccup no matter what the cost.

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