The Street (English) - Bradle...

By claireverms

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A simple girl who will see her life take a big turn following a family drama. She will meet the right people... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
New FanFic

Chapter 32 (last one)

714 14 39
By claireverms

"- Hello beautiful, here we go again. Said Lucas while I started to panic

- Let me go please ... I begged him, still on the ground, not daring to move

- You escaped me once. I was in jail because of you. He accompanied his sentence with a violent kick in my stomach. You won't make it this time

- I'm begging you ... I was whispering when my phone rang. He quickly took it in his hands and stared at the screen

- Again this fucking idiot! When will he understand that you are mine ?! He screamed, swinging my phone against a wall. You deserve better than an asshole like him!

- Brad is not an asshole ...

- Shut your mouth ! He pulled me by the hair to get up before pushing me against a wall. I was in terrible pain

- You're gonna be back in jail for that. I whispered

- What did you just say ?! Don't be clever with me. He punched me and knocked me to the ground. My head hit the ground, making me wince "

He had always had a minimum of "pity" the first time he kidnapped me but this time he was different. His eyes were filled with hatred, something I had never seen before. I was horribly afraid and I blamed myself for not having waited for Brad as he had asked me to do. My thoughts went to my boyfriend, he must have been so worried. And if something happens to me today he'll be mad at him all his life. Unfortunately Lucas is very strong physically and I do not make the weight against him.

I was desperate, my gaze was directed towards the street in the hope of finding someone who could help me but this fucking street was completely deserted. It was then that I recognized this street, it was the place where I saw Brad for the first time. The time he ran into me and left without even turning around

I could still have thought about Brad and how much I loved him but Lucas didn't give me the chance. He approached me and stared at me with a perverse look. The same look I saw on the man who tried to rape me over a year ago now. I unfortunately remembered it as if it were yesterday.

Lucas approached me as I backed away until I was pressed against a wall. He got a little closer and I had no way out

"- We're going to have fun now. He told me "

He put his face far too close to mine, I just wanted to run away. I had the reflex to put my hands on his chest but he took them firmly to block them. He wasted no time and pressed his lips violently against mine, I was completely disgusted. I moved a lot to free myself but he kept a strong pressure on me so that I did not move. He pinched my arm tightly, so I opened my mouth because of the pain and he took the opportunity to insert his tongue into my mouth. Tears flowed abundantly down my cheeks as he enjoyed doing what he was doing. But being completely absorbed by his growing excitement, he let go of my hands to put his under my sweater. I took the opportunity to bite his lip hard and push him away.

He backed away quickly, certainly not expecting that and looked at me, pissed off

"- You will regret it, bitch"

He took a knife from his pocket and it was then that I realized that I was really going to die. He took a quick step towards me before grabbing my throat and lifting me up. I was struggling, feeling the air becoming more and more rare. I did everything I could to free myself from his grip, I tried to kick him but nothing helped and I felt that my strength was slowly leaving my body. And when I was going to pass out, he dropped me on the ground. My eyes were barely open and I was struggling to catch my breath. I saw Lucas, lifting his knife before giving me the blow that would probably end my life. I felt strong pain in my chest and saw blood on the hands of my attacker.

I was weak and I felt myself leaving. But it was then that I saw a figure running towards me or more precisely towards the man who had stabbed me

Brad had finally found me. He threw his fist violently into Lucas' jaw which made him fall to the ground. My boyfriend punched him repeatedly, yelling at him how bad he was and that he was going to regret it. I had never seen Brad so violent although I could hardly look at him, my eyes closing more and more. He continued to hit Lucas, who must already have passed out due to the violence and the number of blows he had received. And it was with the little force I had left that I managed to open my mouth

- Brad, stop ... I said but it was almost inaudible. "

Yet I saw him stop all movement. His fist was frozen above Lucas' head, ready to punch him again. But he started staring at me. And after a few seconds, he realized what was happening and his body moved quickly to come to my side. He knelt near my body and looked at me, horrified

"- Mia it's gonna be okay, I'm right here ... He told me completely panicked

- I feel weak Brad... I murmured

-Fuck... you lose a lot of blood... He told me before pressing his two hands on my chest to stop the hemorrhage to a minimum

- It hurts...

- Mia, you're gonna be okay, but you have to keep your eyes open, okay? He said to me, trying to keep his calm

- Okay ... I replied, my eyes closing more and more

- You're gonna be fine because you're the strongest person I know. He said to me, tears starting to appear in the corners of his eyes

- Brad... I was trying to say, feeling like I was leaving

- Mia stay with me. I forbid you to close your eyes! Stay with me ! He was completely panicked

- I can't do it anymore ... I said, my eyes no longer wanting to stay open

- Don't leave me Mia ... You have no right to leave me ... Please be strong ... He was crying, removing his now bloody hands from my chest

- I'm sorry... I whispered, my eyes closed

- Baby open your eyes ... I beg you open your eyes ... Do it for me ... You have no right to abandon me like that ... I could hear him begging, crying. We still have too much things to live ... You can't die like that, you're strong ... I was trying my best to open my eyes for him but nothing worked, I couldn't do it. It was over"

"I love you" was the last thing I heard before I felt a kiss on my forehead and nothing. So death looked like that? A huge black hole?

Lucas had finally succeeded. I was mad at the justice for having released him after only 2 years in prison, I was mad at the police for not having listened to us when they were told that he was still dangerous. But above all I was mad at Lucas because he had destroyed the man I loved the most on this earth.

Bradley. I'm afraid for him. He will consider himself responsible for my death all his life. He will always be mad at himself, thinking that he could have avoided that. But I know the guys will be there to support him and prove to him that there was nothing he could have done to prevent this.

All my life I imagined my death, I wondered if I was going to die in a car accident, of old age, ... I wondered what there was after death, who would be there at my funeral. And today I was going to have the answers to all of those questions.

My life has been rather hectic. I had a lot of bad times, I have to admit, my mother's death was a very hard ordeal. But with Brad and the guys by my side, I could overcome everything. They brought joy to my life. I was happy every day thanks to them and I would be eternally grateful to them for that.

Despite this, I still have some regrets. I regret not being reconciled with my brother, he was so important to me and I am really sad about the last conversation we had. But I also regret what I did to Brad, we lost an entire year that we could have lived together. A year of happiness.

Brad was without a doubt the most beautiful thing in my life, he made me discover true love. It has filled me with happiness for over a year and I can only thank life for putting him on my path because he changed everything.

I thought back to our first kiss, our first time together, the day we became a couple, the day he asked me to move in, ... all of those stages in our relationship ...

Brad was my soul mate and-

"Mia ... I was cut by a voice in the distance. "

So Brad was my soul mate and I hope-

"- Mia ... The voice cut me again"

Like I said, Brad was my soul mate and I hope he will forgi-

"- Sweetheart, open your eyes ... But ... But that's Brad's voice"

But if I'm dead and I hear his voice, is it ... that he died too?

"- Please baby do it for me ..."

There is only one way to find out. I have to open my eyes as he asks me to.

I tried my best but it was very difficult

"- Yes, that's it, you're gonna get there! I heard my boyfriend's voice "

He had succeeded in motivating me. I was trying to open them for the second time and that's when I saw a blinding white light

Oh that was the white light when you die that everyone is talking about!

I opened my eyes a little more despite the light and it was then that I could see the angelic face of my boyfriend, tears running down his cheeks

"- Oh god Mia ... I was so afraid of losing you ... He hugged me tightly when I felt him crying in my neck

- You ... Are you dead ...? I murmured, being very weak

- No ! He laughed slightly despite his crying

- And I ... I am dead? I tried

- No ... But for a moment I thought you was ... He lost his smile again before returning to a chair "

It was then that my eyes scanned the room I was in and I realized that I was in a small hospital room

"I don't understand ... I thought I was dead ... I said then that Brad was taking my hands in his

- Lucas stabbed you... You had lost a lot of blood and you lost consciousness... Emergencies arrived, they put you on that stretcher... You wasn't moving, I was panicked... He paused, tears appearing again at the corner of his eyes. Your heart stopped beating and they had to give you a heart massage, it was the longest seconds of my life ... Finally your heart started beating again and you were transported here. They gave you a lot of care and exams, you were in a coma for 4 days ... He finished

- 4 days... ? And ... And Lucas ...?

- He was in a bad state, but he was immediately put back in prison and he risks spending the rest of his life there. He clenched his fists

- I'm sorry...

- Dont be. I'm so glad you are fine.

- I love you Brad ...

- I love you too. He told me before kissing me like his life depends on it "

This is obviously a this moment that the guys decided to enter the room, interrupting our reunion. Their eyes widened when they saw me awake and they came to hug me.

I had managed over the past few years to build a new family with them. I found people who cared about me as much as I cared about them and I wouldn't change that for the world.

* 3 month's ellipse *

- Mia ... Mia! I heard vaguely but did not move. MIA! I jumped and got up suddenly

- What ?! I said while staring viciously at my boyfriend

- HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! He screamed when I had just emerged but his smile and his enthusiasm removed all trace of angriness in me

- Thank you ! I laughed when he jumped on me.

- I made you breakfast. He said pointing to a tray on the bedside table

- You are adorable...

- I know. But you should hurry, you work in 30 minutes.

- Already ?! I exclaimed "

I got out of bed at full speed to get ready, unfortunately I slipped and sprawled on the floor just in front of Brad. But obviously instead of helping me get up he preferred to openly make fun of me. I gave him a dark look and he finally carried me so that I found myself on my two feet. He was still laughing so I went to the shower, pretending to be upset but he quickly caught up with me and kissed me passionately.

I finally took a shower, got dressed and went to work so as not to be late

What can I tell you about those 3 months?

After waking up, I had to spend more than a week in the hospital to make sure my condition didn't get worse. Fortunately for me, my condition was perfectly stable and I was able to return to the apartment I shared with Brad.

During my stay in the hospital, Brad always stayed by my side. At first he slept on the seat next to my bed but the nurses ended up being sad for him and they put him in a small extra bed. He was so happy with his new bed, it was so cute...

And as soon as I got out of the hospital, he took care of me perfectly. He always helped me change my dressings, he cooked for me, did the housework. He also decided to pick me up every night after work, still being traumatized by my assault and I must say that I am glad he made this decision. I could not have hoped for better than someone like Brad. He was perfect

I'm really happy to have him every day by my side but I know it's not going to be final. Their album is almost finished and they will soon leave for a new world tour. They obviously offered me to accompany them but if I leave, I definitely lose my job at the bar and I can no longer afford to lose a job and the tours are not forever. So I'm going to have to get used to seeing Brad leave for several months. But I know Kirstie and Lucy are like me so I'm gonna spend time with them. That's what Brad advised me to do.

Speaking of my boyfriend, he arranged to meet me in central London after work so that we could spend the afternoon together on my birthday. And it's perfect because I just finished my service. So I put my coat on my shoulders before setting off for the park.

Once there, I saw Brad waiting on a bench. A huge smile took place on his face when he saw me and he approached me before kissing me gently

"How was work ? He asked me

- Pretty good, Leo agreed to do the end of my service so that I can go with you more quickly

¬- Oh him, again ... He answered me vaguely

- Brad! I laughed. You know very well that he doesn't interest me! I gave him a kiss on the cheek, which made him smile "

After my assault, Leo went to apologize to Brad for what he had said to me about him. Brad had accepted his apology but still doesn't really trust him.

Anyway, after this mini crisis of jealousy, my boyfriend took my hand to go for a walk in the streets of London. It's been a while since we've had an afternoon together but today,Brad was weird, he was clearly hiding something from me

"- I have a surprise for you babe ... He said to me, stressed

- Really ? What is it ? I asked him, curious

- Follow me ! He took my hand and guided me. "

We came to a street that I recognized directly. He advanced a little more before we landed in front of a small building that I knew

"- Brad no ... Do you have ...?

- Yes. He smiled at me greatly. Come on in. He opened the door before letting me in "

For the first time in more than 2 years, I entered my musical instrument store. This store that I loved more than anything in the world but that I lost when my mother died after I broke all my instruments. Brad knew how unhappy it had been for me to lose this store and this job that I loved so much. And today he had invested to make it functional again. I was going to be able to resume my work as before. I couldn't hide the huge smile that adorned my face, I was surrounded by guitars, pianos, and above all I had the man I loved by my side.

I turned to Brad, tears in my eyes, before I jumped into his arms and kissed him passionately

"- I don't know what to tell you ... Thank you so much ... This is the most beautiful thing that someone have ever done for me ... I told him while contemplating my new store

- You deserve it. He smiled before kissing me again

- How did you do ? I asked

- I bought the place, I repaired everything that was broken with the help of the boys and I contacted several suppliers who were ready to provide you with instruments for you to sell them.

- But it must have cost you a fortune!

- Mia ... I can afford it. He argued

- I would reimburse you when I will sold some instruments

- Yeah yeah... He mumbled, not convinced

-Brad! I was moaning

- Okay, fine. He raised his two hands in the air as a sign of peace

- Thank you. I gave him a kiss on the cheek

- You will finally be able to go on tour with us again!

- I can't Brad ... I can't close the store for several months ... It's bankruptcy insured ... I said, disappointed

- Yeah, about that... I found someone who knows something about music and who agrees to take care of the shop when you go on tour with us. He smirked at me

- Seriously? Who ? I asked, surprised "

He walked away from me to go open the door and let the person in. I stared at him, shocked.

"- I'll let you chat. Brad told us before leaving the store "

So I found myself alone with my brother, having absolutely no idea what to say to him

"- Hi ... He started, staying a good distance from me

- What are you doing here ...?

- Brad contacted me after this whole story of assault. He told me everything, it made me think a lot about my behavior towards you and I took the first plane to London

- But it was 3 months ago ...

- I didn't know how to come and talk to you after all I had done to you ...

- Martin ...

- And then Bradley came to tell me about your store and I thought it was great. So I obviously agreed to take care of it so you could follow Brad on tour. He gave me a slight smile. I'm sorry Mia ... For everything ... You are my little sister and I should have been there for you. He bowed his head. I stared at him for a few seconds before I jumped into his arms. He was surprised but quickly wrapped his arms around me

- I missed you so much ... I whispered in his neck

- You too ... He said hugging me even harder. "

We stayed for a few more moments like this, taking advantage of being reunited after several years. I had no resentment towards him. He was my brother and the last person in my family. He had hurt me but I couldn't forget all of his years of happiness before mom died.

After a few minutes, Brad entered my shop again with the boys, their girlfriends and a few other friends. I was going to see each person to hug them and thank them for coming and contributing to everything around us. Then I finished with my boyfriend. He saw me move towards him and a smile took place on his face. Once at his height he put his hands on my hips while I passed mine around his neck.

" - Thank you for everything. You cannot imagine how happy I am today thanks to you. I smiled sincerely at him

- I could never get tired of seeing that smile on your face. He told me by staring at me

- This is the best birthday present anyone could have given me ... Thanks for Martin ...

- I knew this story bothered you a lot. He's your brother and you love him, that was the least I could do. He smiled.

- You're perfect ... I'm so happy to have you ...

- I love you. He smiled at me

- I love you too. I kissed him

- And again Happy Birthday, sweetheart. He added once our lips had separated "

What more could I wish for ? I was surrounded by all the people I loved, in a place that I loved above all, I was so thankful for everything I had today. It was a new life that was beginning.

* 2 months' ellipse*

"- Mia! Brad is looking for you! I heard Tristan screaming on the bus

- We're on a bus and he can't find me? I laughed while getting out of the shower to join my boyfriend who was near the fridge

- Stop making fun of me ! He pretended to sulk and I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

- Why were you looking for me? I asked him

- Would you like to go for a walk? We have nothing planned tonight. He proposed to me

- Yes, but do you know that it's almost six o'clock?

- I know thanks. He laughed. We're leaving in 15 minutes. He told me before getting out of the bus "

Yep, I'm on tour with the guys. They released their album a month ago and wanted to continue on their tour of America. I had a little heartache when I left my store but I knew it was in good hands and then I was so happy to be able to accompany the guys as before. On top of that I would have really struggled to part with Brad for so long. So I obviously agreed to resume my work as an instrument technician during their world tour.

As for the American tour, we are coming to the end of it soon. Today we are in Los Angeles, but we are leaving in two days for a last date in New York. They will then have a month-long break before leaving for the European tour

Anyway, I only have 5 minutes left to prepare, otherwise Brad won't be happy. He hates when I'm late

But luckily for me, 5 minutes later, I was in front of the bus with him, ready to leave. Brad took my hand and we set off. I had always enjoyed L.A. but the evening was really beautiful.

We wandered for almost an hour before we get to the bottom of the hills.

"Do you want to go there? He questioned me

- With pleasure ! I smiled at him "

We climbed the hill hand in hand. Neither of us wanted to turn around, wanting being surprise by the view when we were gonna be at the top. We finally got to the top after a few minutes.

" - That's wonderful. I said, dazzled by the view that was in front of me "

We had arrived in time to watch the sunset. There was a magnificent panorama of the whole city and I had never seen anything so pretty in my life. I looked to Brad who was just as amazed as I was. Feeling my gaze on him he turned to me and stared at me. His eyes had changed, he was nervous. My boyfriend walked slowly towards me before taking my hands in his.

"- I need to talk to you about something but you shouldn't interrupt me, okay? He told me and I started to stress

- Okay ... I said, not sure of myself

- Do you remember the first time we came here? I nodded positively. It's the day we first got together. I was so happy that day, but I didn't understand what I had done to deserve a girl like you who cared about me. An intelligent and beautiful girl, who had her feet on the ground while I was only a boy who had little confidence in him and who did bullshit. But you believed in me, you knew that I was hiding behind this bad boy image and you always wanted to succeed in finding the real person that I was. I spent the best months of my life with you. There were some obstacles in our relationship but we managed to overcome all of that to get back together a second time. I was so happy but if you knew how afraid I was to screw everything up ... He sighed. And then I decided to ask you to move in with me, you can't imagine how stressed I was that day, I was so afraid that you would refuse. But you agreed and I was so relieved. It was a big step in our relationship and you believed in us, you knew we would get there. Unfortunately life wanted to separate us a second time, I was lost, I did not see myself living my life with someone other than you. But you were so strong, strong enough to come back to my side. And now, every day of my life I wake up with a smile on my face because I know you are by my side. You make me the happiest man in the world Mia. He took a deep breath. I thought about it for a long time, wondering if we were ready, if you would agree, but now I'm sure. We're 27 years old now and our couple is no longer as fragile as it used to be. I want to make my life with you, to have children with you, to wake up every morning by your side because I love you Mia, more than anything. You are the woman of my life. He let go of my hands and put a knee on the ground as my eyes started to enlarge, realizing what he was going to do. So Mia Summer Davis ... He took a small case from his pocket and opened it in front of me, revealing a magnificent ring adorned with diamonds. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife ...? He asked me, his eyes filled with joy and stress.

- I ... Yes! I told him, tears in my eyes. Of course yes! I was crying now as he got up to put the ring on my finger. I love you so much ... I whispered as he took me in his arms and kissed me "

He let go of me and I looked at my engagement ring. It was magnificent. I couldn't believe it, was I in a dream? Was I going to marry Brad ?! I stared at my boyfriend again or rather my future husband before I jumped into his arms again. We were the happiest, in front of this magnificent sunset.

I never thought when I ran into him that day that he would change my life so much. I didn't think the first time we came to this hill that almost 3 years later he would ask me to marry him in the same place. He had managed in a few years to make my life so much better than it was. I can finally say it, my life is perfect, he has made it perfect.

And never in my life I would regret having crossed the path of this man called Bradley Will Simpson.


And that's the end of The Street !!! I hope it will live up to your expectations. I loved writing this fiction and this chapter in particular. I'm glad you enjoyed the story so much because it's the first one I write and it was close to my heart. In any case, a big thank you to everyone for your support from start to finish. And maybe I'll come back with a new story if I find ideas! Thanks again! Claire. xx

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