A New Life to Live (PJO FF)

By moomoocat666

57K 1.1K 542

Percy Jackson left his camp to wander around the world. His journey was quickly shortened when a mysterious m... More

A Fresh Start?
21 Year Old Has a 17 Year Old Son?
Shut Up Stupid!
Who in Hades are You?
Percy Can Feel?!
Killer Poodles!!
He Hates Me
Real or Fake?
You Left Me to Die!!
I'm So Confused!
What's A Ship?
The Interrogation
The Moon is Cheese
Don't Go Breaking Hearts
Magic Forest
Kids in the Dark

Good-Bye Hero

6K 89 44
By moomoocat666

Hey so this is a PJO Fanfiction that I decided to make after reading so many I'm surprised I haven't read them all yet. It is also has percico so if you don't wanna read if they get together then don't. This story won't have any sex in it, sorry for those who read that but I don't exactly feel comfortable writing that, again sorry.
I also do not own any thing from PJO or HoO but Rick Riordan does so all rights and characters go to him.
Thanks! Toodles.


He walked. He walked for days upon days through the forest and not looking back. He tried to forget but sometimes you just can't. He hoped that soon he would walk so far that he'd just forget why he was walking. He didn't have a destination to get to, but that didn't stop. Well until he saw a glowing light right in front of him.

He knew what this light was and quickly closed his eyes.

"I finally found you."

The boy slowly opened his eyes only to be met with the sight of a girl about 13 years old with auburn hair and silver eyes.

"Why hello, Lady Artemis. I had hoped I wouldn't see you for a while."

The girls eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She didn't understand why he was here. Only that he had run away from camp and no one has seen him since.

"Well, my father demand I search for you."

The boy laughed. But it wasn't a laugh of humor, more like a laugh as if he was expecting it.

"And why would he want you to search for me? To kill me? To tell me that I have been a terrible person and that I should have never came out of Tartarus? Well, if that's the case you can leave me be and let me live the rest of my days in the forest where no one will find me!"

The goddess was shocked and confused and barely knew what to say.

"Why would you say those things?"

"Well isn't it true? I wasn't supposed to be born! If I wasn't, everyone who died in the wars would still be here! I couldn't save them! So please just let me stay here and you guys will just forget I ever lived."

The girl with the silver eyes looked down. When she finally looked up she looked furious.

"Don't you ever say that again boy. You tried very hard to protect all of them and it isn't your fault that they are no longer with us. You may be a boy but you're the only decent male in the world. So don't say that it's your fault for their deaths."

The boy looked at Artemis in shock. The goddess normally would never say anything like that to anyone. But why is she saying it to me? I'm just a demigod. A man at that, and she hates males!

He looked down and asked one question.


The goddess's eyes softened and held out her hand. "Because you aren't that bad of a person. For a male anyway."

The boy took her hand and she flashed them away to Olympus.

As the boy opened his eyes he was met with the beauty of Olympus. He couldn't believe how much it changed. But he didn't want to remember. He especially didn't want to remember who had designed the new and improved Olympus. He took his focus away from the structure and instead focused on following Artemis, keeping his head down.

As they neared the throne room he started to worry why he was being sent here. What if she lied? What if this was just her way to get me to Olympus? If that's what she did, I'm definitely going to die. Zeus is going to throw the master bolt at me before I can even say 'Hera is a wacko goddess'.

His thoughts continued to swirl wondering if this was the end. He didn't have to think about it anymore as he realized they had finally reached the doors to the throne room.

Artemis opened the doors to reveal 13 gods sitting on their thrones. The boy met each of their eyes and quickly looked back down. Artemis walked over to her throne and sat down, leaving him in front of the gods.

"Uh... hey? How's it going?" He said casually even though on the inside he was freaking out. If this is gonna be my last day I might as well try not to show how absolutely terrified I am. He thought looking around.

"Welcome, Perseus Jackson." Zeus's voice boomed around the throne room confidently. "We have some questions for you."

Percy looked up to meet his eyes but was shocked to find that he wasn't angry. Only curious. He continued to look around the room at the gods and goddesses only to see curious gazes. Some seem kind of bored as if they'd rather not be here, but other than that they weren't actually angry.

This observation seemed to have left Percy even more confused than when he walked through the doors.

"Okay.. what kind of questions?"

"The type of questions regarding the reason why you left camp."

The boy snapped his head up and his face showing confusion. "You guys don't know?"

The gods only looked at each other and seemed even more confused.

"Know what?" Hera asked with a tinge of worry in her voice.

"You mean you don't know how the campers basically threw me away like last night's trash? How they said I was a disgrace and should never have been born. That the world would have been better if I've never been in it!"

The gods all looked shocked. Even Dionysus who had been staying at camp seemed to not even know about the camper's new behavior.

Poseidon though was livid. His eyes burned with fury. "THEY DID WHAT?"

Everyone flinched at the Sea God's voice. He never acted this way before so it was a shock to all of them.

Athena was the first to get over her shock and looked over at the King of the Gods. "Father perhaps you should call Iris and allow her to show us exactly what happened at camp."

"Of course." He called Iris and only had to wait a few seconds before she stepped in the throne room.

"Yes, Zeus?"

"I need you to show us what happened to Perseus Jackson before he left camp."

Iris had a sad look on her face and look towards Percy as if asking if it was okay. Since he really didn't feel like explaining it he nodded his head and Iris pulled up the video.

The video showed Percy walking towards the dining pavilion for breakfast but was confused as to why everyone was keeping their distance from him. As if they were scared. He continued walking before he went up to the Poseidon table and asked for blue pancakes. After scraping some into the fire he poured buckets of syrup on the pancakes until he saw someone place a plate across from him.

"Stop drowning your pancakes." Percy looked up to see Nico di Angelo sitting down with some fruit on his plate.

"I've said this before and I'll say it again, if I can't drown, neither can my pancakes." Percy smirked and stuffed some of the blue goodness into his mouth.

Nico wrinkled his nose. "Your logic is shit."

"Oh, well, excuse me Mr. I-don't-like-the-sun." Nico rolled his eyes and continued eating his breakfast. He looked around only to see people looking at him as if he's grown a second head. Sure he was used to not being noticed most of the time but now looking as if he was doing something terrible. The son of Hades looked across from him to Percy to see his head down slowly eating his pancakes.

"Yo, Perce, why are people looking over here?"

He just shrugged and walked away leaving a confused Nico at the Poseidon table.

Percy continued walking towards the beach only to be stopped by a few campers. He looked up to see Jason, Piper, and an Ares camper.

"Oh, hey guys, what's up?"

The campers looked at Percy with distaste and Jason out a small dagger. The Ares camper grabbed Percy to keep him from moving.

"Don't scream." Piper said, using her charm speak to ensure he follows orders.

Percy shuts his mouth and looks at Jason, silently pleading with his eyes to let him go. This just causes Jason to bring the dagger to Percy's arm and make a long cut down his arm.

He does the same to his other arm until he hears a voice call out Percy's name.

"Percy! Where did you go?" Jason and the two other campers run out of sight and Percy quickly finds some water to heal his wounds.

"Percy?" Percy turns around to see Nico standing there with a look of confusion written on his face. "What are you doing here?"

"Ohuh, I'm just walking around."

"Uh-huh. Alright." Nico doesn't believe him for a second but decides not to say anything and walks up to Percy.

"Well I've got training so I'll see you around Nico." And with that he walks away.

The Iris message skips to a new scene with Percy casually walking around camp.

"Did you hear what she said about him?"

"Yeah, something about killing a goddess."

"And about how he just let her go on some suicide mission."

"I know it's just terrible."

Percy could hear conversations like this everywhere he went. He didn't understand it. Yeah, he broke up with Annabeth because she always seemed jumpy around him but then things like this are running around camp.

He was absolutely sure it was Annabeth starting all these rumors. Some were close to the truth, but others never even happened.

The campers didn't seem to get that he didn't kill that goddess and that the mission Annabeth went on was a mission he wasn't allowed to even know about. Another rumor was that he had tried to help Gaea the first few months he was sent away and just pretended to be on the camps' side.

They didn't seem to know that because his fatal flaw was loyalty he couldn't be on Gaea's side, but Annabeth can get anyone to believe anything.

Like right now as he was making his way to the Hades cabin he could hear them yelling at him to leave and that he was a traitor. So that's what he was going to do. He was going to leave and not come back.

Percy knocked on the door to Hades's cabin and waited for Nico to open the door.

Nico was surprised to see Percy there but let him in anyway. They didn't speak for a few minutes until Percy took a deep breath.

"I'm leaving, Nico."

To say the son of Hades was stunned didn't even cross the line to how he was actually feeling. Of course he knew why he was leaving. Everyone kept telling him to leave and he was getting sick of it. Nico looked down unsure of what to say. He would've asked if he could go with him, but he knew Percy needed to be alone for a while. So he nodded.

"Nico, I'm sorry. But I can't stay here. Not right now. Maybe when everything's blown over I'll come back."

"Promise me you'll be safe okay?" Percy looks at him and gives him a small smile.

"Of course." Nico saw that Percy was struggling with something in his head but he didn't know whether he should do it or not. He looked down then back up to Nico. It was then he ran and give Nico a hug. The son of Hades tensed up, but quickly hugged the son of Poseidon back. "I'll see you again, Nico. Soon. I promise."

And then he walked out the door.

Thanks for reading, hopefully my writing will get better as the story progresses.


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