Tower Of Mistakes

Por Spottedfire-Windclan

6.4K 332 180

*~* SEQUEL TO HERE COMES A THOUGHT *~* It's been two years since Tord moved back to England and disbanded the... Más

Just An Eddsworld Morning
New Shop
Bearers Of Bad News
Bad News To Worse News
Pack Up And Shipped Off
The Underground Red Army
Like An Anime, It's A Filler
Moving Through the Monster's Lair
Red Leader
It's Over, isn't it?
A Medd-ing Rampage
All Comes Crashing Down
Rise of Power
Tormedd-ing the Beast

The Boys Are Back In Town

300 15 11
Por Spottedfire-Windclan

The cell was now deathly silent as Tord was sitting in the corner by the door, legs pulled in tight with his face buried in his arms. This whole mess was his fault, he just had to go after world domination and forget to burn a few papers.

Now he's lost everything.

Patryk and Paul watch their former leader, neither knowing what to do. It was always Tord who came up with the plan, who even laughed in the face of danger. But now, everything he ever did in the Red Army has caught up with him and he's not handling it well.

Patryk sighs to look at him comrade.

"What are we going to do, Red Leader is out of commission and we're trapped." said Patryk.

Paul nods to look at the devil horned man and he stands up. The long haired man watches Paul as he walks over to their former leader.

In no time, Paul has hauled Tord up and pins him to the wall to slap him. Patryk gasps as he watches his partner slap Tord, one known for his short, murderous temper.

"Snap out of it, Tord, yes, you created the Red Army, and yes, some of the inventions used are yours, but you didn't cause this, Wheat is responsible and the one behind all this is Tori, not you, that cheap, cloned honorless bitch!" yelled Paul.

Tord is holding his cheek, looking at his former soldier in shock.

"Seriously, we don't need you beating yourself, we need our leader, now are you still that fearless man we followed, or are you a coward?!" demanded Paul.

Tord's bangs fall over his eyes, still holding his cheek. It's so quiet, Tord was silent and Paul was seething.

Then, Tord's shoulders start shaking. He makes a sound that's low but starts increasing in volume. He's laughing, he's laughing but there's no joy or sadness in it.

It sounds sinister.

Paul starts sweating when Tord raises his head, eyes a blood red and crazy looking. He punches Paul in the face and tackles him to the ground.


He wraps his hands around Paul's throat, squeezing and laughing. He never stops laughing as he stares into his eyes.

Patryk is shaking in fear, this version of Tord always scares him, but he's slowly killing Paul. He gets up and tackles Tord, pulling him off of Paul who coughs, still alive.

"Sir, please stop, killing Paul will solve nothing." pleaded Patryk.

Tord just narrows his eyes when he hears a choked laugh.

"Welcome back, sir." coughed Paul.

Tord blinks at him and soon his eyes return to normal and his breathing slows.

"You pissed me off on purpose." accused Tord with narrow eyes.

"I had to, we need you, Tord, especially your friends and Tom." said Paul.

The red hooded man gaps as he thinks of his friends and lover, they need him. Tord snorts and pushing the long haired man off him, sits up.

"Very well, we need to figure out how to disengage the field, otherwise we're not going anywhere." said Tord.

The two men nod and they get up to examine the room more closely. The walls were silver and smooth, not a line in sight.

Tord curses himself for designing the cell walls like this, it was a good idea when he was in charge. Now it's kicking him in the balls.

"You came up with these cells, there must be a weakness." said Patryk.

"I made these to be escape proof, dammit past Tord!" yelled Tord.


"Here, these will be our jail cells, get these built." ordered Past Tord.

"Yes, Red Leader." said a soldier.

The man ran off while Past Tord slowly turns with an evil grin.


The two men stare wide eyed at their leader before looking at each other. Tord was still looking towards the ceiling with his fist shaking.

"Uh, what is he looking at?" asked Paul.

"And why is he cursing his past self?" asked Patryk.

The devil haired man sighs to cross his arms.

"Never mind, we need a plan to escape." said Tord.

Just as he says this, the field goes down.

"Oh, well that worked." said Tord.

The three exit the cell to stop upon seeing the soldier before them.

"Medd." said Tord.

The soldier was indeed the fusion of his friends, dressed as a member of the Red Army with the collar shining bright.

"We need to run." said Paul.

"No, Medd, are you still you?" asked Tord.

He looked to his friend, hoping that he hasn't lost them. The fusion looks at him, face blank and void of emotion.

Medd blinks before a smile comes to his face.

"Ya it's me, we let you out." beamed Medd.

Tord smiles and soon finds himself being pulled into a tight hug.

"We're so glad that you're okay." said Medd.

"Same here, my friend, but how are you still yourself, the collar." said Tord.

Medd touches it with a small smile.

"Ya, it was scary, but our new friend helped us." said Medd.

They then point behind them and Tord sees a man he's never seen before.

"Hello, I'm Waylon Park, a trapped computers expert from the states." said the man.

"Trapped, how did you end up here?" asked Tord.

"Well, I usually do IT work or design computer programs, and my partner, well, he's a tailor and in our home, he's the best in the state, mainly for wedding dresses, he entered a contest to open his own business and it took us here to Norway, but when it was time for him to show off his designed Wedding dress, he never showed." said Waylon sadly.

"I see, is that how they got to you?" asked Paul.

"Yes, I went looking for Eddie, and was soon grabbed by the Red Army, Red Leader wanted me to help her design the programs for the collars and other stuff, I refused and then she showed me Eddie." said Waylon, tears forming.

Medd pats his back and he took slow breathes.

"They, they did something to him, he was bloody and was just, insane, there were other people in the cell with him and he killed them, calling them darling and whores, that wasn't my Eddie, Red Leader told me he was used to test an experimental drug that causes a sense of warped reality along with extreme violence, she said she's cure him if I did what she asked." said Waylon, tearfully.

Tord frowns, he knows what she did, he had thought of it himself. But he'd canned it as it was too cruel and inhuman.

But then, Tori was made to have none of his so called 'set backs'.

"She wouldn't, she was just keep him like this as a tool against you till you were no longer useful, then kill you both." said Tord.

"I know, but Medd told me...they said you could save him." said Waylon.

The devil horned man looked at the man and then his fusion friend. Could he, he had thoughts of it but never made it, but then if Tori came up with it, surely he could solve it.

"I'll have to see the formula that she used, after I'll see what I can do, if not, then a psychiatric hospital may be more helpful." said Tord.

"Anything, just as long as Eddie gets help." said Waylon.

"Look, this is all heartwarming, but we still need to kill a bitch." reminded Paul.

"Right, Mr. Park, since you programed all of Tori's inventions, do you know what she could be up to using my boyfriend?" asked Tord.

"Well, she did have me set up a pair of the collars, but one was made to work with the other for fusing but it wouldn't effect that half of the fusion." said Waylon.

The group look confused, why would she have that, what could be useful from a fusion with one half of itself awake.

Tord's eyes widen and he shakes.

"Torm, she's going to fuse with Tom to make Torm, and if she is wearing the modified collar, she'll be in control." gasped Tord.

"We need to save Tom!" said Medd.

"We will, Medd, you stick with Waylon and try to stop any robots or fusion soldiers from getting up to the top floor, Paul and Patryk will join me in facing Tori." said Tord.

"Got it, if we're good at anything, it's causing destruction and making a scene." said Medd proudly.

The software engineer looks at the fusion to then face the red hooded man.

"I-is he serious?" asked Waylon.

"Yes, but don't worry, he'll keep you safe." said Tord.

The man doesn't look convinced but he shrugs to follow the fusion off into the base somewhere to cause a scene.

"Okay, we'll run for the elevator and wait for the signal then head up." said Tord.

He runs down the hall and his comrades follow.

"Wait, what's the signal, you guys never talked about one." said Patryk.

They reach the elevator and Tord press the call button. He leans against the wall to hold up his hand.

"" counted Tord.

Just as the elevator arrives, a loud explosion is heard and sirens go off.

"And that would be the signal." said Tord.

They get in the lift and they head to the top.

"What the hell did they do?" asked Paul with wide eyes.

"Don't know, but if you want an explosion, trust Matt and Edd to blow up the impossible, hell, I remember a time when they were making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, it blew up the kitchen." said Tord.

The two share a look to gaze at their reminiscing leader.

"Uh, how?" asked Paul.

"No clue, they just could blow up anything without a thought." said Tord with a grin.

Patryk walks back a bit to hug his bushy eyebrowed partner.

"I'm scared." said Patryk.

"Ya, let's just stay away from them when they're in the kitchen." said Paul, hugging him back.


The alarms were going off, getting a growl from Tori.

"Goddammit, what the hell is going on now?!" yelled Tori.

She looks at Wheat who is shaking as he looks over a tablet in his hand.

"There's been some kind of explosion in sector 23, the same floor as the prison cells." reported Wheat.

"Ugh, of course, my stupid brother." growled Tori.

Tom just smiles at this, Tord was out and already on a rampage.

'Or is Edd and Matt blowing up more kitchens.' he wondered.

"Red Leader, the elevator is active and heading to us, Tord is almost here." said Wheat.

The clone grinds her teeth when the lights on the collars click on.

At this, she starts laughing evilly.

"Oh, but he's too little too late." said Tori.

She walks over to Tom, who is still struggling to escape his bindings.

"Shh, it's okay, my Tomme Bear, we will be together forever now." sighed Tori.

Tom flinches as the ropes come undone and he is grabbed. Tori pulls Tom close to hold up a remote.

"Nothing like the present, right?!" she laughed.

At that, the doors burst open for Tord, Paul, and Patryk to rush in.

"Tom!" yelled Tord.

That was all that was spoken as the room filled with a burst of light.

NOTE: Ugh oh, was Tord too late?! What will happen now? Also who let Edd and Matt back into the kitchen?! Still, we shall see next update what will happen.

For those who may not know, Waylon Park and Eddie are characters from a horror video game called Outlast. Firestorm really loves that game and while the last chapter was just supposed to be an easter egg, she made me put them into the story so now I may have to change the tags...or not as they're only now in it, idk, should I?

Anyway, see you all on the next update, bye~

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