Like Dandelions In The Wind

By Scribble_Maniacs

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For me, freedom has always been just a word without meaning. I found it's meaning amongst the crowd of Delhi... More

Character Aesthetics
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55 - FINAL
Thank You
When The Camellia Blooms

Chapter 7

640 33 42
By Scribble_Maniacs

Zivah's POV

Ved dropped me home after the camping was over. It seems like these two days went by in a snap of a finger. I can't share the experience I had in words. It was so amazing that I feel like rewinding the days. I haven't enjoyed this much before. For me, enjoyment has always been roaming and attending parties with my gang or just spending quality time with my loved ones or just reading and writing. But camping was a new experience which I enjoyed thoroughly that too with a bunch of strangers who aren't strangers anymore. I never imagined myself doing something like this with a bunch of new people and I just did that. I was proud of myself for that. It was a huge improvement for a person like me.

I smiled a little to myself as I made my way inside the house.

"I'm here...!!!" I shouted just when I spotted Dadu, Dadi, and Cody in vision.

I sat on my knee seeing Cody running towards me. He came wagging his tail as he literally jumped on me. I stumbled and fell on the floor while that guy kept licking me putting his paws over my chest. I laughed my heart out caressing him.

Dadu and Dadi let out a laugh. I saw Alizeh making her way downstairs. She smiled widely looking at us.

"So how was the camping?" Dadi asked with a smile as I finally got up after taking Cody's kiss attack.

"It was amazing!" I said as I went and sat next to Dadu on the couch. Dadi was sitting on the couch opposite to me with Alizeh on her one side while Cody jumped on the couch and sat beside me.

"I have never been this tired my entire life," I said leaning my head backward on the couch. Those three let out a chuckle.

"I'm glad you enjoyed. Else we would have to listen to your ranting all night and day." Dadu said shaking his head. Alizeh and Dadu agreed while I frowned looking at them.

"Go and clean up. I'll ask Suku to prepare the table." Dadi said getting up. I nodded at her and she left to the kitchen with Cody following her.

Dadu resumed watching his cricket match. Alizeh came and sat beside me.

"Give me details, girl." She said making her voice a little low, getting excited.

"Details?" I asked being confused.

"I was in the balcony when Ved gave you a hug, huh?" She said making a face and poking me in the arm, "Seemed like it was so hard to part ways." She said again in her ever so dramatic tone.

"Shut up!" I whisper-yelled being irritated. Ved did get off the car and see me off at the gate and yeah we did hug but what's the big deal?! I hug my colleagues as well. I don't get Alizeh's excitement regarding me and Ved.

"Tell me everything..." She whispered shifting in her seat. The excitement never leaving her, "By that, I mean just about Ved." She finished making a duh face.

"Nothing happened, bro," I said pushing her away from me but she was persistent.

"It was a very casual hug between two friends." I finished shrugging my shoulders. Alizeh rolled her eyes.

"Friends, huh?" She said shifting closer to me yet again being careful Dadu won't hear us but I doubt that "The Zivah Chandra making new friends who casually hug her." She said putting a hand over her chest being dramatic.

"I'm touched." She said further wiping the invisible tears. I did the eye roll yet again.

"I never got a goodbye hug." She said further. I shook my head in disappointment.

"You are such a bitch, Ali." I said, "Don't talk to me." Alizeh let out a loud laugh.

"Language, ladies," Dadu said with raised eyebrows with a smirk playing in his lips. Now I don't have any doubt regarding him hearing our conversation.

"Go and wash up. Dadi doesn't like calling again and again for the same thing." He said as he moved his gaze to the TV screen again.

"Yes, of course. I'll be back." I said getting up, ignoring Alizeh who was still giving me some goofy, teasing look.


My head was banging with a severe headache when I got up around 12 in the noon. Alizeh didn't let me sleep till late at night as she wanted her details as to what happened on the trek. I told her everything excluding the kiss part, of course! I don't want her to assume things and then irritate me with her teasing.

I let out a frustrated sigh letting myself fall on the bed again. Cody was nowhere to be found. I guess he already went out with Dadu. I took my specs and mobile from the side table and started scrolling through the mobile putting my specs on only to see a new message popping up.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you, Princess."

I smiled widely and sat straight in the bed. I typed rapidly without missing a second.

"What do you want now?"

I sent the message and waited but my wait didn't last long as I got a call in no time. I pressed the green button and put the phone to my ear.

"What?" I asked trying to sound plain but considering the wide smile on my face, I doubt I succeeded in that.

"I know you were missing me," Ved said chuckling from other side.

"Don't flatter yourself, Kashyap," I said containing my laugher. Ved let out a laugh.

"Can't help it, Chandra." He said. I let out a laugh shaking my head a bit.

"It really sounds weird hearing my surname," I said.

"Why? Don't you like it? You can use mine." Ved said and started laughing.

"Ewww, Ved. So cheesy. That actually gave me cringe." I said making a face while he just kept on laughing hard.

"Seriously. What happened to your high standard flirting?" I asked still with a disgusted face.

"I knew you liked it," Ved said in between his laugher. I rolled my eyes.

"Please..." I said with a small smile and thought of changing the topic, "By the way, you didn't tell me why did you call?"

"I told you." He said as I heard some noise of him moving around, "I knew you were missing me badly but don't have the courage to accept so thought of calling you anyway." I let out a sigh, shaking my head.

"Ved... I'm serious." I said making my voice a little serious.

"When you are not, Zivah." Ved said, "Just take it easy."

I shook my head again and got up from bed putting the sheets aside.

"Your smiling face is more beautiful than your grumpy serious face." He said again making me smile again. I sat on the sill of the window looking outside at the beautiful garden.

"Anyway." Ved said further, "What are you doing today?"

"I don't know..." I said letting out a sigh and stopped, "Hold on, why would I tell you?" I said raising my eyebrows. Ved chuckled a bit.

"Just..." He said, "I was thinking I could take you around the city."

I raised my eyebrows further as a small smile formed on my lips.

"Okay, and why would you do that?" I asked containing my smile from spreading further, trying to tease him a bit.

"Well, what can I say." He said and I could literally imagine his dramatic expressions, "I'm way too considerate for you." I rolled my eyes hearing him.

"How can you roam alone on the streets of Delhi." Ved continued.

"Why not?" I asked again raising my eyebrows. I know what he is pointing exactly but I thought of playing along anyway.

"I mean you are a castle princess, will you be okay in the heat and crowd?" He said in his dramatic voice sounding worried as shit. I shook my head a little. "I'm just being worried for you." He added.

"Don't be..." I said giving a mocking smile even when he can't even see me, "I'll be fine."

"No, I can't let you do that, Zivah." He said further, "Being your friend, I'm being careful enough."

"Ved..." I said, "You know you suck, right?"

"What did I do?" He asked further.

"I don't know why am I hearing something else," I said with a mischievous smile, "' Zivah, I so badly want to join you. Please take me with you'." I finished letting out a laugh. Ved didn't say anything for some time. He let out a sigh after some time.

"Is it that obvious?" He asked as I heard his soft chuckle. I let out a laugh.

"Very much." I said nodding, "You need to work on that, Kashyap."

"Well, it works for me other times." He said and I could literally see him smirking.

"It obviously is not working this time," I said resting my head against window glass with a smile.

"I don't know why it makes me happy." He said making my smile go wider.

"Where are we going then?" I asked.

"Okay. I was so sure you are gonna turn me down." He said with a chuckle, "But nevertheless, I'm gonna cut the call before you change your mind."

"Wait... Where should I come?" I asked fearing that he would actually cut call without any further details.

"Nope. I'll pick you up around 5 or something. Be ready." He said.

"Okay. Come inside then. Let me treat you for treating me so well for two days." I said.

"That's not needed, Princess." He said. I knew he was gonna reject but I know how to have my ways.

"Just do as I say, Kashyap." I said, "Else I won't be coming anywhere with you ever again." I finished sounding serious.

"Okay, I don't think anyone could win any argument with you." He said.

"I don't let anyone win," I said with a proud smile. Ved chuckled again.

"Okay, I'll see you in the evening then." He said.

"Yup, bye," I said and cut the call, still smiling like a maniac as I got up to get ready for the day.


Evening came pretty soon which I was glad for as there was literally nothing to do at home. Dadu and Dadi were pretty much busy with their regular stuff, Alizeh was back at her work and I don't even know anyone around here so I felt left alone. I occupied myself in the first half with watching some tutorial videos which will be useful for me when I'll join the company back.

And later in the second half, I thought of the ideas as to what I'll write about. But sadly I didn't get anything much. So instead I made an entry in my diary about the highlights ever since I have landed in Delhi. Surprisingly nothing much had happened in my life as I spent most of the days at home thinking about my life.

But whatever moments I remember clearly I saw Ved in them. The first encounter, the party and finally the camping. These are only things that are worthy of telling in my stay in Delhi till now.

I let out a sigh as I picked black ripped jeans and a grey fancy top to go with it for the evening outing with Ved. I wasn't really in the mood to go out this late in the evening as I'm the most boring person you'll meet but I have already committed to Ved. I regretted it a little but I have no other option.

I closed the cupboard and made my way towards the washroom to get ready for the evening.

It didn't take me much time to get ready but still, Ved arrived before so I just asked him to come inside and be seated. I also had already told the watchman about his coming so he'll let Ved in any way. I hurried downstairs as I didn't want to bore him on his first visit to my place and make him wait but only to get surprised.

I saw Ved was already engaged in some pleasant conversation with Dadu and Dadi. He looked like he knew them for ages. Cody was comfortably sitting beside him putting his face on his lap while Ved caressed him.

Dadu and Dadi were laughing at something he said. I made my way towards where they were sitting. Ved looked casual in a magenta hoodie paired with blue jeans. I put a smile on my face when Ved looked at me from his conversation as he returned my smile.

"Sit. Sukanya will be here with coffee in some time." Dadi said gaining my attention. I gave her a nod as I got seated beside her and opposite Dadu on the couch.

"What was so interesting?" I asked raising my eyebrows at them being curious.

"We were just discussing our common interest," Dadu said putting a smile as he looked at me and back at Ved who just smiled at him and looked back at me.

"Which is?" I asked raising my eyebrows again at them.

"Travelling and exploring new places, their culture and meeting different people," Dadu said further.

"You have chosen one amazing profession." He continued looking back at Ved. He gave a genuine smile to Dadu as he continued, "One should follow their heart and do what they love."

"So where to next?" Dadi asked gaining the attention of everyone. I and Dadu looked back at Ved.

"I'll be leaving to Antarctica pretty soon," Ved said shrugging his shoulders.

"Wow!!!" Dadi said while Dadu gave an impressive look as he continued, "That's cool."

"I would have come with you, Ved," Dadi said with a mischievous smile. I raised my eyebrows involuntarily looking at Dadi as a small smile formed on my face.

"I don't mind at all." Ved said smirking a bit as he continued, "You guys are cooler than I thought though."

"So you thought of us as some boring oldies?" Dadu asked with a complaining voice.

"No that's not what I meant." Ved said defending himself, "It's like I thought... You know you guys are business people."

"Oh, don't judge us by looking at our boring granddaughter," Dadu said making a face. I frowned at him as Ved and Dadi let out a laugh.

"Dadu..." I said frowning at him.

"That's true. We are aren't anything like her." Dadi said cutting me in middle.

"I'm glad to know that," Ved said looking at me with a playful smile.

"Really?" I asked rolling my eyes at him. He shrugged his shoulders again giving me a smile.

"Just drink that coffee," I said making an irritated face, pointing to the coffee Suku brought.

"But on a serious note." Dadu said taking his cup of coffee, "I'm actually happy that you are taking this boring soul out of this house." He finished pointing in my direction. I rolled my eyes again. "Else, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have made any efforts on her own." He said further taking a sip.

"Yeah, I can understand. Actually I was surprised when she joined the camping." Ved said sipping his own coffee. I made a face looking at him. I felt like I'm stuck in some parent-teacher meetings.

"Trust me we were equally surprised," Dadi said. "She doesn't usually go out without her people. So that was new." She said further looking at me with a small smile. I just shook my head and concentrated on my coffee instead.

"That's just because you guys inspired me to try some new things in life," I said faking a smile as I looked up at them again. Dadu and Dadi exchanged a look as they looked back at me after a moment.

"What?" I asked raising my eyebrows at them.

"Nothing." Dadu said shaking his head, "Just take your time and don't bring her anytime soon." He finished looking at Ved who smiled back at him with a gentle nod.

"We are already bored of seeing her face 24X7," Dadi said in a complaining voice making everyone apart from me laugh.

"You guys are so mean," I said and moved my gaze back to the cup with the laugher echoing in the background.

Dadu, Dadi, and Ved chatted for some more time and it was good to see them bonding so well with Ved. I was actually surprised to see Ved getting along with my oldies.

It's not like they don't get along with people, in fact as Ved said they are very cool people unlike me. Always welcoming and open-minded. But what I was actually surprised at was the fact that they were very friendly and loving towards Ved. It was clear that they trusted him with me, otherwise, I don't think Dadu would tell him to take as much time to show me around, not even as a joke. Dadu is pretty protective about us although he doesn't show that in obvious ways.

So I was happy that my oldies approved of my friend I made here in Delhi. They liked him without a doubt. It's not normal for my grandparents to entertain just anyone like this. They seemed to have enjoyed his company just as much as I  do whenever I'm with him. The credit does go to him, for sure! He has that natural charm and personality to woo anyone. But I won't admit this to him ever.

After they were done with the chit-chat, Ved said his byes to my oldies as he said he won't be coming in again when he's dropping me back.  This seemed to have saddened my grandparents as they asked him to visit anytime soon when time permits him to which he nodded his head with a genuine smile. We left soon after as Dadu and Dadi waved us off telling us to have a fun night out.  


"You brought a bike?" I asked as soon as I saw a black Royal Enfield bullet parked on our porch. Ved sat on the bike and looked at me.

"Yes, I was being considerate for you." He said with a blank face taking his helmet in hand.

"Excuse me?" I gave him a confused look.

"You have had to spend extra time with me if I would have brought a car." He said shrugging his shoulders. Oh yes! How can I forget Delhi's traffic and considering its evening there will be loads of it as people will be on their way home.

I noticed a smirk found it's way to Ved's face soon after. I just kept looking at him knowing something annoying would be coming next.

"Or you are disappointed for that reason?" He asked winking at me putting his helmet over his head.

"You won't stop being annoying, won't you?" I asked rolling my eyes. He let out a laugh and shook his head a little.

I let out a sigh as I got seated behind him on his bike taking the help of his shoulders.

"So, where are we going?" I asked changing the topic as I adjusted myself on the bike still holding on his shoulders.

"You are way too curious about everything." He said without looking at me.

"I'm just being safe," I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Okay, so you are gonna open the map again?" He asked tilting his head to look back at me.

"Well, I can," I said again shrugging my shoulders. Though we both knew that's not gonna happen.

"I don't know, maybe to get you some chat?" He said starting his bike. I put my hands on my thighs carefully, "So, Chandani Chowk or maybe Karol Bagh." He finished.

"Okay," I said as he kick-started the bike, roaring and speeding to the roads of Delhi.

It was indeed way too crowded on the road. It took us about 45 minutes to one hour or something to reach Chandani Chowk from Vasant Vihar and it was exhausting.

I got down as soon as Ved pulled the breaks and instructed me to get down. He parked his bike safety and offered to walk inside the crowd as it was not possible to drive amongst the crowd.

I took a deep sigh but didn't move from my position. Ved looked at me being confused as he raised his eyebrows looking down at me.

"What happened?" He asked for studying my face. I looked back at him with a sorry face.

"I'm sorry," I said. He looked so confused but didn't say anything as he let me finish.

"I'm not really used to this much crowd." I looked at the crowd at the front and then back at him, "It honestly scares me that I might get suffocated with so many people around me." Ved chuckled a bit at me.

"Don't worry, Princess. I won't ever let go of your hand." He said and got hold of my hand tightly.  "I promise." He continued with a small smile, gesturing with his eyes. I smiled a little looking back at him and nodded my head taking a deep breath.

"So shall we?" He asked for the final confirmation. I nodded my head as he pulled me along with him in the crowd.

I held his hand tightly fearing the people will push me and I'll get lost. Of course, I do have a mobile and I can call him but being alone amongst so many people and looking lost scares me. I've always had this phobia and it's high time I work on it. And Delhi seems to be a perfect place for it as all the places here are too crowded and if I've to explore I'll have to deal with my fear. I can take that for the amazing adventures.

I snapped out of my thoughts when we stopped at some shop. Again the huge crowd was there as well. No queue, people were just gathered in a large group in front of the shop trying to get their order across and buy their food.

"What you want to try out first?" Ved asked looking at me.

"Umm... Gol gappe maybe." I said looking at the crowd and back at him. He gave me an impressive smile.

"Alright then." He said and pulled me further inside the crowd as I tightened my grip on his hand. We squeezed through the crowd and finally reached the counter. It's quite a difficult task to get through these people but Ved just seems to be an expert at it. Actually everyone here seems to know that except for me.

"Two pani puries." He said to the guy on the counter, letting go of my hand. I grabbed his arm as fast, sticking to his side still scared looking at the crowd around. I seriously need to work on this. I made a mental note to myself.

The guy at the counter gave us two plates and started serving gol gappes immediately. He was so fast at serving and his hands moved like he's a robot. I was pretty amused by it and by the efficiency that the guy showed in his work.

Ved was pretty good with gol gappes but I barely managed. In fact, I struggled big time. Even before I finished taking one gol gappa to my mouth other was served on my plate. It was tasty and I loved it but it was too spicy for me as I was not used to too much spicy dishes. And sadly at one point, I started coughing hard. I felt Ved's hand as he was rubbing my back.

"Hey." He said, "Are you OK?" I shook my head still coughing. I felt my throat and tongue burning while my vision was blurred by the tears forming in my eyes.

"Okay just take breaths." He said and pulled me a little to the sides. I took deep breaths sucking all the air in my lungs.

"I'll bring some water. Stay here. OK?" He said with concern. I just nodded at him wiping the tears from my eyes and sniffing my nose.

Ved came back in no time with a water bottle and tissue in his hand. He opened the cap and handed the bottle to me. I drank the water slowly and took the tissues from his hand, wiping my nose and eyes and stayed quiet for some time.

"You OK?" Ved asked again looking down at me with concern. I nodded at him and gave a small smile.

"You scared me." He said frowning at me. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"You get scared as well?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him. Ved rolled his eyes at me.

"Just too spicy for me," I said making a face. Ved shook his head a little.

"Okay. I guess I need to be extra careful with you." He said taking the bottle from me and closing it with the cap.

"I'm the faulty piece here so don't bother," I said sighing a bit. To my surprise, Ved let out a laugh.

"You are not faulty but just delicate." He said with a smile as he winked at me. I smiled a little.

"And I hate that the most... Now." I said being genuine looking at this guy standing in front me who knows how to enjoy his life.

"Don't worry, Princess. I'll make sure to change you until you go back to New York." He said with a wide smile. I let out a laugh shaking my head a little.

We roamed in the market for some time with me trying some other items like Aloo chaat, bhel puri, momos, kachodi, dahi bhalle and what not. Of course, I didn't eat everything alone as I had a partner who ate half of all dishes and was still craving for more food. I finally gave up holding my stomach surrendering to Ved who smiled from ear to ear.

We made our way back to the bike with me holding Ved's arm tightly in the crowd. Everyone there seems to know the place too well including Ved. They all seemed happy and comfortable while I found the place extremely confusing and easy to get lost in. But despite that it was amazing. In fact, it was the crowd and the liveliness of that place which made it more attractive for some reason. There were a lot of shops for everything! Literally everything! I would love to visit here again and do some actual shopping.

"We could have seen some places as well but all of them are closed by now so we can see those other times when you'll actually make it a little early," Ved said snapping me out of my thoughts as he took his helmet shaking his head a bit. I frowned looking at him.

"Excuse me." I said folding my arms over my chest, "You said you'll pick me up at 5. I was anyway doing nothing sitting at home."

"I was busy," Ved said shrugging his shoulders looking in his mobile.

"Well, it's a matter of priorities," I said almost immediately and regretted looking at the smirk forming on his face.

"So you actually want me to prioritize you?" He asked with the same smirk as he raised his eyebrows.

"Don't dream high." I said defending myself by rolling my eyes and thought of changing the topic, "Busy with what? You said you are on holiday as well?"

"I'm sorry sweetheart that I didn't give you enough time but I'll make sure I won't repeat the same mistake." He said containing his wide smile. I made a face looking at him and he let out a laugh.

"There you go," I said shaking my head a little.

"What? You were getting possessive." He said still laughing.

"I wasn't possessive." I said with irritation, "I just asked a simple question."

"Where are we going?" I asked. Ved looked in his watch thinking for some time.

"It's 9 so it depends on you." He said, "Whether you want to roam a little or go back home." He finished raising his brows.

"I anyway don't have anyone to answer." He said further letting out a small smile. I gave him a smirk as Ved gave me a confused look.

"I'm an obedient granddaughter so I'm not gonna go home early and will roam around a little," I said smiling widely looking at him. He smiled and nodded at me.

"Let me see Delhi's life a bit," I said looking around and then back at him with a smile.

"Okay, ma'am whatever you say." He said and turned around to sit on his bike.

"But..." I said giving him a mischievous smile. Ved threw another confused look at me.

"You are going to let me drive," I said shrugging my shoulders pushing him a bit.

"You kidding right?" He asked with wide eyes.

"I'm not," I said shaking my head with a plain face. Ved cocked his eyebrows at me.

"That's not a very good idea, Zivah." He said calmly shaking his head in disbelief.

"Why not?" I asked frowning at him, "I know how to drive a bike besides I have an international license as well."

"Yes, but you are not familiar with traffic." He said trying to change my mind. But he doesn't know me well yet. I know how to get things.

"What does that mean?" I asked deepening my frown, "Don't give me any shitty excuses, Ved."

"I'm not giving excuses," Ved said and ran his hand through his hair.

"Then what? You think I can't drive because I'm a girl?" I asked in a challenging tone raising my eyebrows at him. Ved gave me an annoyed look.

"What? When did I say that?" He asked defending himself.

"Your actions suggest that," I said pointing at him. He let out a frustrated groan closing his eyes for a moment. He then looked back at me.

"It's almost impossible to win an argument with you." He said shaking his head a little as I smiled looking him.

"You need to wear a helmet." He said after a small pause, giving in to me demand.

"It's too big," I said looking at the helmet in his hand.

"Just wait..." He said, "Let me drive to near the shop where we can buy you a helmet." He finished with that same annoying face. I contained my laughter looking at him and gave him an unpleasant look.

"You can trust me..." He said looking at me.

"Okay..." I said shrugging my shoulders.

There was an automobile shop nearby thankfully. Ved rejected the helmet I selected for myself stating it's unsafe and instead chose one by himself. It went well with me as I don't have much knowledge about it. That guy even didn't let me pay for my own helmet asking me to keep it as a gift from him. I already owe him whole camping and now another thing. I guess he won't take any money from me so instead I will buy something for him and make it even.

I started the bike balancing it on my toes as it was a little taller for me. I looked at Ved who was standing beside and looking at us carefully and with concern. I can tell by just looking at that face that he was more concerned about his bike than me. A typical boy thing. I rolled my eyes and gestured him to sit behind.

"Just take it easy, Zivah." He said sitting behind me on the bike. I nodded my head and contained my laughter as I started the bike. Ved held on to the back of the bike as I raced through the less crowded road.

"Slow down..." Ved said being horrified. I let out a laugh.

"Don't worry..." I said making my voice louder enough for him to hear through the roaring of the bullet, "I'm an experienced driver." I was honest about that. I'm quite good at motorbike riding.

I started driving bike since I was 15 or something. Vihaan was my teacher and it was because of him I developed a craze for bike riding. I used to ride on his bike often and we used to go on bike rides on the outskirts of the city. Those were the days... I actually missed that Vihaan and those beautiful memories.

I felt Ved's grip on my shoulders but he didn't say anything.

"Hold on, boy. You might fall." I said racing the bike a little.

I drove the bike on the street taking any of the routes which were less crowded. I don't even know where we were going anymore. It was just the road I liked and I chose it.

To my surprise, Ved didn't say anything and let me have my ways which for me, who was used to following the orders until now was something new. I liked it in fact, I loved this change a lot.

I parked the bike on some road after roaming around for a bit.

"Happy?" Ved asked me as soon as he got off the bike. I gave him my ever so wide smile stating how happy it has made me. Ved chuckled looking back at me.

"Did we come too far?" I asked looking around the road and in the vicinity. There were bungalows around and the street was a little empty.

"Well, not too far but it will now take us around one and a half hour at least to reach your house and then another hour for me to reach mine." He said giving me a mocking smile.

I pouted looking at him. Ved chuckled again.

"Please, don't you dare to feel sorry again." He said putting on his helmet as I moved to the backseat.

"Of course I'm not, Kashyap," I said to which he let out another chuckle and shook his head a little. He sat on his bike ready to speed into the empty street as I held tightly on his shoulders.

It was around 12 when we finally reached my house. Ved stopped outside the gate as I mentioned him too. It's already late and I don't want him to waste any more of his time with me. I don't know whether he actually lives at one hour distance from me or not but for whatever. It didn't feel right to bother him more, he was really being considerate to me from the start and I don't want to exploit it.

I got off the bike and stood beside him taking my helmet off. Ved put his helmet at the front on the tank of bike and looked at me adjusting his hair.

"So bye, Ved," I said with a smile and turned around teasing him a bit.

"What? That's it?" Ved asked with surprise and held my wrist, pulling me closer to him. My body collided with his as he put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Yes... What do you want more?" I asked raising my eyebrows as I put one of my hand over his shoulder.

"I want you to stay a little longer." He said pecking me on my cheek. I blushed a little as a smile found it's way to my lips.

"Tell me one thing." I said pushing him away, a little, "Do you flirt with all girls like this?"

"You are always curious about the girls I date." He said with a smirk. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Date?" I asked narrowing my eyes, "Isn't it a big word for you?" Ved let out a chuckle.

"Okay, flirt or fling or whatever you like to call it." He said with a small smirk. I rolled my eyes but didn't bother to push him away further.

"Anyway, boys are having a concert in a few days. Want to join?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"Umm...." I said making a face. I don't want to say no to him as I actually enjoy his company. But I'm not a concert person. That's what I think. But again, I haven't attended one ever though. I don't know how it will be.

"I know you are not a fan." He said mocking me. I rolled my eyes as he let out a small chuckle, "But you can come. Alizeh must be coming as well as Renee is gonna be there."

"Okay..." I said letting out a sigh, "I'll think about it."

"I'll see you there then." He said winking at me with so much confidence and smile. I let out a laugh and shook my head a little.

"And yes, don't go out on your own." He said adjusting himself on the bike with me still in his tight grip, standing so close to him.

"I'll accompany you." He said further, his voice calm and his eyes soft as they stared back at me. I don't know what was it but I felt butterflies in my stomach at his words and that look in his eyes, "As we both are jobless at the moment let's be considerate about each other." He added in a playful tone. I chuckled at him as he smiled at me.

"You are something, huh," I said. Ved just smiled.

"So when are you showing me around places then?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Just concentrate on your writing for a couple of days and then I'll take you around after this concert." He said giving me a smile. That's right. I need to focus a little on writing now. It makes me wonder how well he knows me in this short span.

I nodded my head agreeing to whatever he said with a small smile playing on my lips.

"Okay, go now." I said pushing him away, "Good Night..."

"Oh, hello!" Ved pulled me back closer to him holding my waist.

"Is this how you say goodnight in your castle?" He asked raising his eyebrows, giving me some shocked expressions. "It's a little different with us." He said further as a smirk found it's way on his face. I let out a smile and shook my head a little.

I closed the small gap between us and pressed my lips against his cheek.

"Good Night, Ved," I whispered in his ear and pulled back looking at him with a small smile playing on my lips. Ved gave me a gentle smile as he finally let go of me.

"Good Night, Zivah." He said and gestured me to go inside the gate.

I nodded at him and turned around. I walked towards the gate as one of the guards opened it for me from inside. I turned around and looked at him as I waved. Ved waved back at me and put his helmet on his head as he started his bike and vanished down the road.

I made my way back towards the front porch through the driveway with a small smile refusing to leave my face. As I neared the house I heard Alizeh calling out my name and I looked up at the window of Alizeh's room only to see her waving at me with a playful smile on her lips with Cody barking, wagging his tail rapidly. I waved back at them happily and ran towards the front door and waited for Ali to open the door.

Dadi and Dadu might have already slept as they already knew I'll be late and I told them to not wait for me either. So I didn't want to disturb them at this hour. Anyway, Ali is there to let me in, so it was alright.

Alizeh opened the door in few moments and pulled me in getting all excited. She closed the door behind and looked at me with a teasing smile. Right then I knew I was going to have another sleepless night.

We walked back to my room followed by Cody. Alizeh waited in my room as I washed up and got ready for the bed. I filled her up about the whole evening with details, from the time Ved entered the house to the time he dropped me off at our main gate. But I obviously excluded the peck part. Even without that Alizeh was getting all excited about our friendship or rather 'flirtationship' as she would like to call it. 

I ignored her teasing and put up an act completely denying the chemistry and the flirting between us. I knew she is not gonna stop even though I try to deny it and she knew whatever she's teasing me about was true to an extent. I just didn't want to talk about it yet and give it the attention that it doesn't deserve. I obviously like him and love spending time with him. He seems to be a great guy and an awesome friend. He has helped me from the day we met and he's still there ready to show me around and let me taste freedom. I couldn't possibly ask for a better friend and I actually see this friendship beyond this vacation, I actually hope it lasts beyond these months.

All this is true but I don't think I should talk about it and change my mindset into something different and complicate things. We both are aware of the spark and the chemistry between us and we are okay with it. At the moment feelings and emotions are not involved and I'm glad about that. He's a good friend now, a friend I could actually connect to many levels. And that's exactly how I want it to stay. 

After some more chit-chat, Alizeh left to her room kissing me goodnight on my forehead. I smiled at her as she switched off the light and closed the door. Cody was already asleep beside me. 

It indeed was a long night and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. I couldn't wait to explore more places in Delhi but I also need to focus on my writing as well. I should really spend some time on it and try to get some ideas. I can't waste my time. I just have these two months and I should spend it wisely giving proper time to my writing along with having fun, exploring and sightseeing. 

I made a mental note to start focusing on writing as I don't have many plans in the next few days so I could use it wisely by writing, reading and doing something useful as well in the house. 

I closed my eyes falling into sleep almost immediately due to the tiring night out. I smiled to myself as tonight's events with Ved flashed in my mind before I completely slipped off to a deep slumber.


Author's Note

So that was it. Do tell us in comments as to what you feel about this chapter. We would love to hear your thoughts if you are liking Ved and Zivah.

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Zivah will be back next Friday with another chapter.

Till then, bye.

Loads of love.❤️

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