Truth or Dare (BTS horror fan...

By babymochi101

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"Let's play a game of truth or dare" said Min Yoongi. "If you win, you get the reward but if you lose, there... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Author's note
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Author's note

Chapter 9

6.8K 443 140
By babymochi101

I watched in horror as the tube closed over Namjoon, ruining any chance of escape. The fire continued to blaze heavily and the screams from Namjoon were muffled from the sound of the roaring flames. I sprinted over to the tube, closely followed by Jimin, and banged on the tube door. "NAMJOON" Jimin and I chorused. My heart was beating fast and my hands were even more sweaty from the heat of the glass. Jimin fought the tube in a rage but it was no use: there was no way the tube would even crack. I turned around in a frenzy and saw Jisoo standing there rigidly with her mouth wide open from shock.

"DO SOMETHING BITCH" I screamed at her but she was too shocked to move. I barged past her, knocking her to the ground, as I went over to the machine. Maybe the red button would work I thought, completely panicked by the fact that my best friend was being burnt alive. I pushed the button. Nothing happened. I continued to push the button but still nothing happened. "FUCK" I screamed again. My head began to the spin rapidly as it began to fill with the sound of Namjoon's screams for help, the roaring fire, Jisoo's crying and Jimin banging desperately on the glass. I stumbled back to Namjoon, whose face was barely recognisable and tears poured down my face. The last thing I heard was Jimin's voice shouting my name and I dropped onto the ground.


"There were fucking arrows at the back of the machine Jisoo. You could have used the arrows to guide Namjoon out of death's way and onto safe ground but instead you dropped him straight into the fucking fire" 

"For the last time, how was I supposed to find those arrows when they were so hidden from view?"



I heard familiar voices shouting back and forth as my eyes fluttered open. Flashbacks came back to me in a rush. The tube. Namjoon. The screams. Me supposedly blacking out. I tried to get up but I felt arms around me gently holding me down. I smelt a familiar, lavender scent surrounding me and my hand was holding another large one. I looked up at the person and my heart slightly fluttered when I saw that it was Jungkook. Realising that I was awake, he looked down, making eye contact with me. His face was full of distress and concern which could be seen by the forming lines on his forehead but when he saw me, he allowed himself to smile a little.

"Guys, Y/N is awake" Jungkook said. Jimin, Jisoo and Jin rushed over to me and gawped at me worriedly. 

"I'm fine, I just..." My sentence was interrupted by Jimin yanking me out of Jungkook's arms which caused me to feel empty yet again. 

"I don't think you should grab her like that after she passed out" Jisoo said. She too was distressed from practically murdering one of my best friends. She stood there awkwardly with her arms behind her back and her head down in shame. 

"Shut up Jisoo, you don't have the right to say shit after what you have just done"

"I didn't mean to do it and you know that"

"I don't care about what you tried to do. You killed my best friend when we trusted your dumb ass and there is nothing you could do to change that"

"Well now you know how I felt Jungkook murdered my best friend"

"Was that your point then? Let's kill Namjoon so that you know what it feels like to lose a friend?" Jimin said. Jungkook shuddered and looked down in shame. I could tell that the thought that he was a 'murderer' had really gotten to him. This was not the time to be thinking about this when we had to get out of here. With our lives.

"OH MY GOD STOP" Jimin and Jisoo both looked at me with a frustrated look on their faces. "Stop arguing for God's sake. Jungkook didn't mean to kill Lisa and Jisoo didn't man to kill Namjoon." My emotions changed drastically when I realised that it was the first time I had said Namjoon's name since his death. My tears returned and I was soon being pulled into a hug by Jungkook. My best friend was dead. My mind repeated that over and over again and I struggled to embrace the fact. Images of Namjoon struggling to stay alive flooded my brain which caused me to cry even harder. As much as I wanted to break away from reality, there was nothing I could do to bring him back. 

"I'm sorry about Namjoon" Jungkook whispered in my ear. Jimin's words echoed in my brain and I was filled with sudden anger. I pushed Jungkook away violently causing him to retaliate in confusion. 

"You bullied me for years and destroyed my life Jungkook and now you are being nice? Well it's too late. Namjoon had to save me from your crazy ass and now he is gone. Don't you dare talk to me ever again"

"Y/N I didn't..."

"Fuck you Jungkook." I had no patience to listen to anything Jungkook had to say. He ruined my life and I have to deal with him trying to be my friend now that Namjoon is gone. Who does he think he is? I ran over to Jimin and he pulled me into a hug willingly.

"Well done" He said as he tightened the hug. Anything I may had felt for Jungkook had now disappeared along with my best friend. 

"Um guys, I think we should move on... we don't have much time..." Jin said. I hadn't heard him speak since announcing that it was Namjoon's turn to complete the task. Why was he so damn quiet? Jin stood by the next door, fidgeting endlessly as he looked back and forth at his watch. I looked at my watch and he was right: we only had 7 hours and 3 minutes left. How long had I been passed out for? 

"He is right" I confirmed, "we have just over 7 hours left"

"What about the body?" Jisoo asked. Nobody dared to look back at the remains of Namjoon and there was silence for what seemed like another hour. 

"We have to leave it; there is nothing we could possibly do without making this 10 times more difficult for ourselves. He can have a proper burial when we get out of here" Jungkook said. Although it was hard to think about leaving Namjoon behind, it had to be done. I looked over at Jungkook and caught him staring at me which caused us to look away awkwardly. 

"He is right... we need to go" Jimin said with a sigh. He took my hand and led me towards the door solemnly. Time for the next task.

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