1D Bromance & Normal One Shot...

By fallingforhoran_

58.1K 351 80


1D One Shots.
Larry Stylinson; Read All About It.
Lilo Tayne; Last Christmas.
Ziall Horalik; Back In December
Narry Storan; Breakeven.
Ziam Palik; Everythings Gunna Be Alright.
Lirry Stayne; Our First Kiss Went A Little Like This.
Niam Horayne; This Ends Where We Begin.
Zouis Talik; Use Somebody.
Zarry Stalik; A Year In The Making.
Harry;Casey - Those 3 Words.
Nouis Toran; Not Over At A Payphone.
Zarry Stylik; Wouldn't Change A Thing
Louis;Danielle - You Belong With Me.
Niall;Meghan - Simply Amazing.
Zayn;Ellie - Jealous.
Zayn;Danielle - Ours.
Niall;Lindzi - Aquarium.
Narry Storan; Everywhere You Go.
Niall;Sam - I Found You.
Zayn;Bhav - This Feels Like Falling In Love
Niam Horayne - Memories.
Zouis Talik; Chemistry.
Lilo Tayne; Six Degrees Of Seperation.
Niall;Allie - Thinking About You
Harry;Amihya - One And Only
Narry Storan; I'll Always Be Here.
Niall;Shannon - Then And Now.
Harry; Mariana - They Don't Know About Us.
Lilo Tayne; Six Degrees Of Seperation (Happy Ending)
Niall;Katie - Fall In Love
Harry;Courtney - I Love You.
Zayn/Niall;Tayonna - I Love You All
Niall;Sofie - Home
Authors Note;
Zarry Stalik; Already There
Nouis Toran; Save Me.
Liam; Lia - 4 Years Later.
Niall;Maggie - Turning Tables.
Niall;Maggie - Just Give Me A Reason (Part 2)
Niall;Vanessa - Standing In The Dark
Niall;Charlie - Try To Fix You.
Louis;Wikolia - Over Again.
Liam;Lia - Honeymoon In Disney Land
Liam;Paige - Still The One (Part 1)
Niall;Charlie - Try To Fix You (Part 2)
Liam;Paige - Still The One (Part 2)
Ziall Horalik; Drunken Kisses.
Ziam Mayne; Pompeii
Niam Horayne; Rainy Days.
Harry; Sarah - Opposites Attract.
Larry Stylinson; Last Kiss
Authors Note;
Larry Stylinson; Confessions. (Part 1)
Larry Stylinson; Confessions (Part 2)

Zarry Stalik; Little Things

1.1K 9 1
By fallingforhoran_

  5 hyper boys ran down the stairs and corridors of their hotel for the night not having any idea where they were heading and only the thought of causing trouble running through their minds much to the annoyance of the staff who had been placed on duty. It took them around 20 minutes to all come back together but when they were about to head back upstairs they noticed that the indoor pool was right beside them and all got the same look in their eyes.... They were going to sneak in.

 When they tried the door handle they found that unfortunatly it was locked, Now if you were a normal person you'd have just shrugged it off and gone back to your room but not these boys, Oh no. Seeing a maid going into a room a few doors down they gave eachother the same look as before pretended to be spies and crept down the hallway towards the now wide open door, As they popped their head round the door they saw the maid was nowhere in sight so began to go in Louis reaching his hand out for the key.

 However just as his long slim fingers were about to wrap around the rectangular piece of plastic that held the power to allow their fun a loud cough was heard from behind him and he instantly knew who it was... He'd been caught. Keeping his head down he began to curse under his breathe hoping no one heard him whilst the other boys watched struggling to hold back their laughter as their bestfriend looked like a deer lost in headlights as he finally lifted his head and turned around to face the eyebrow cocked maid.

"And what do you think your doing Mr Tomlinson?" She questioned him and his face changed to a look of pure shock as he didn't know how she'd recognised him so fast.

"Erm.. Well.. You see we wanted to go to the pool and then we saw you here so we thought maybe you'd let us borrow the key aslong as we put it straight back?" He stuttered suddenly becoming very nervous and that did it for the 4 on lookers as their loud laughter filled the corridor as they dropped to the floor on their knees cluthing their stomachs causing the two people trying to have a conversation look at them with the same concerned expression.

 After a few minutes they stopped laughing and decided to just lay on the floor looking up at the scene in front of them which now consisted of an anxious Louis biting his lip out of nerves and the lady who was trying to hold back a laugh herself at the sight of the older boy who looked like he was going to cry.

"Erm...Well... Don't do it again, Take the key but if anyone asks you didn't get it from me okay?" She smiled and immediatly his face shot up from the ground and looked utterly shocked as Harry, Niall, Zayn and Liam had already taken off with the key leaving Louis and his new found friend stood outside trying to muster up a conversation.

 Now standing around the edges of the pool the four remaining boys stripped down to their underwear leaving their clothes in messy piles by a sunbed each, Once they were sure there was nothing on them that could cause harm in the water they all sat down at the sides letting their legs be submerged into the clear blue liquid.

  Zayn and Harry were placed at either end of the line with Niall and Liam inbetween looking like two lost puppies as their bestfriends started to make oogly eyes at eachother leaning forward infront of the boys in order to do so. Seconds of this turned into minutes and before anyone knew it ten minutes had passed and the others were sick of the lovey-dovey ness so Liam took it upon himself to do the 'awkward situation' cough tearing the two boys apart.

Thankfully it seemed to work as a new conversation topic was picked up and all four of them remained in concentration for the next half hour.. Until Harry stood up and started to walk up and down in front of them over and over again then eventually Liam snapped.

"Harry what are you doing?" He asked with a bit of annoyance in his tone but instead of replying Harry ignored him and turned straight to Zayn who just raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"Hey beautiful, Do you believe in love at first sight or do i have to walk by again?" He winked and while Zayn laughed and threw back a flirtatious line Liam and Niall rolled their eyes and headed towards the door leaving the two flirting boys alone.. With no way out.

They didn't notice until it was too late and missed the door by seconds but they did notice the piece of paper laying on the floor by the door and when they picked it up it read.

'When you two confess your love to eachother bang on the door twice and then we'll let you out.

- Love Li & Ni x

 Both boys looked at eachother with wide eyes and open mouths at what was written on the paper, Not being able to believe that the other loved them back and now knew about their hidden feelings that were meant to stay that way.

It took around 5 minutes of continuous staring for either of them to finally close their mouths and relax their eyes but instead of talking their gazes averted to the tile floor below them. Eventually Zayn decided that he might aswell come clean as they weren't being let out of here until they did because it was obvious their bestfriends were listening in on their conversation.

 On the other hand Harry had decided that he was just going to keep quiet because he didn't want to have to face rejection when it turned out Niall, Louis and Liam had it all wrong and Zayn only liked him as a bestfriend. Only he was about to find out that his made up method was all wrong.

 "Harry..." Zayn trailed off waiting for the younger boy to reply and come out of his daze.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Since we're not getting out of here until we get this over and done with i might aswell come clean, I love you, I've loved you since god knows when and i don't even know why but one day i just started to notice all the little beautiful things about you like the different shades of green your eyes turn in different lighting or how your lips are a certain shade of pink that i can't quite put my finger on and these are just some of the little things i love about you." Zayn spoke starting off shy and ending confidently leaving Harry stunned by his confession but now he had no doubts about telling Zayn the truth.

"Wow, I'd decided i wasn't going to confess anything a minute ago because i didn't think you felt the same way but now i know the truth i have no doubts about telling you that i love you too, And you don't realise how much everything you just said means to me" Harry replied which caused a cheshire cat smile to appear on Zayns face as both boys began to move closer un aware that the door had now opened due to Liam and Niall hearing both boys confessions and they were now stood watching the scene unfold.

 They looked at eachother getting ready to 'Aw' when the kiss finally happened but unfortunatly they never got the chance because as soon as their lips were locked an blissfully unaware Louis strolled in on cloud 9 after having the best date of his life with the maid he met mearly an hour ago and pushed both boys into the pool causing them to go down with a splash and as soon as they re surfaced Louis was looking straight back down at them.

 "BOUT TIME GUYS!" He shouted before bolting right back out the door as the angry look on both boys faces told him he was about to get in big trouble, Going to protect their friend resulted in the door being let go off and once again shutting on the two boys leaving them trapped in the pool.

 "Well we might aswell make something of the time we have alone" Zayn smirked before leaning back in and placing a second kiss on Harrys lips both of them smiling the whole way through. 

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