LIES-PART ONE (Acquintence th...

Autorstwa KingEme0102

63 3 0

LIES is a romantic drama about Adeleke Badmus Junior, the heir to Platorax Empire and Oluchi Okoro, his perso... Więcej

Chapter 1


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Autorstwa KingEme0102

....In the Marriage



Marriage has never been for me. I never liked it and I didn't feel the need to accept it. Two weeks after our court wedding, I went back to my normal routines; work, party and sex. Though I don't think Oluchi expected things to work out that way and I could feel the shock on her face when she walked into my office that day and found Obiajulu, one of the assistants from the fifth floor; the textile department, faced down as she ate my cock passionately and deliciously.

"Oh...sorry; I didn't...." Oluchi muttered after she opened the door and took a minute to look at the scene with her mouth and eyes opened from shock.

"What brings you here?" I asked after I had pushed Obiajulu from me and hurriedly began to adjust my clothes and also urged her to do the same

Oluchi adjusted her glasses as the disappointment in her eyes couldn't hide. She smiled sadly as she closed the door and left. I could swear that it felt like a part of me got taken away but I couldn't understand what I felt and why I felt that way. I felt wrong and like a part of me had shattered another part of me.

We got a house of our own after the wedding. A big compound, two-floor apartment; three bedrooms upstairs, the parlor, kitchen and dining area downstairs.

Since we got married, we never had a proper discussion, just hey and hi. She made sure we were never in the same room at the same time but after the office incident, I could count how many times I ever saw her and it just felt like I lived alone. We ate separately, got out differently and came back at different times.

"How could you?" Henry yelled as he looked at me angrily and dropped his bottle aggressively on the table.

I felt devastated and had no choice but to bring him into the matter. I needed someone to help save my sanity so he was my run to as we drank at the bar.

"I really don't know what is wrong with me?" I replied as I sipped out of my bottle bothered and dropped it back.

"You need to make up your mind. Do you love this girl or not?"

"I really don't know Henry or rather I don't think so" I replied as I looked at me almost in tears

"Does your heart hurt?" Henry asked as he put his palm on my shoulder and tried to provide comfort

"It does but...."

Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, I heard from the last person I needed to.

"Hey boys" Temidire yelled as he walked to our part of the bar, drunk and smiled wickedly

"Oh my God, what the hell are you doing here?" I asked pissed and only God could understand the agony I felt at that moment.

"Drinking my heart Adeleke, just like you wanted since you have taken everything away from me"

"What is this nigga saying right now?" I said irritated as I looked away from him and continued sipping from my bottle quietly

"Please Temidire, don't do this now, at least not here," Henry said as he stood up and tried to take Temidire out of my sight

Temidire pulled out himself from Henry's grip, "Let go of me, Henry. Right from our days in school, you are always on his side, all the time. You are supposed to be my friend too"

"I am and that's why I'm fighting so you don't get hurt"

"Help save him" Temidire said as he came closer to the bar and looked into my eyes "Oluchi loves me Leke and she will always love just me"

"She is my wife ass hole", I replied angrily as I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt

He laughed wickedly and drunkenly "Do you want to test if I'm wrong or not?"

I released him tiredly "What do you mean?"

My head ached as Temidire got out his phone and flashed it across my face.

I would have disregarded the idea just like Henry had warned me but I also wanted to know. Did Oluchi care about him still?

I let him dial her number as we all waited silently at the bar.

It was over an hour and she didn't come and a big grin appeared on my face.

Just as I was about to talk down to Temidire; I see the glow in his eyes as he looked at the entrance with so much excitement. I and Henry followed his stare and there came Oluchi running in like a deer being chased by a lion.

She froze as she stood for a minute looking at the scene like she knew she had gotten caught in a trap. The awkward stare grew as she refused to walk closer and none of us decided to make a move.

I thought I didn't have a heart but I felt hurt as our eyes stayed glued.

She knew she fucked up but knowing how Oluchi is in nature, she just refused to admit that she had made a mistake so she stood her ground and walked straight on toward the bar silently.

"I told you", Temidire said excitedly as he looked at me and snuck out his tongue drunkenly

"Good evening" Oluchi managed to utter after she had gotten to the bar, she looked at me with a slight smile as our eyes spoke the words we couldn't utter to ourselves.

"She loves me Badmus Junior and there is nothing you can do about it" Temidire laughed out as he broke our thoughts and the stare.

I looked away and continued drinking as Henry continued to watch the scene quietly. Oluchi placed Temidire over her shoulder while he continued to babble his rubbish which came from his intoxication on alcohol.

Oluchi struggled as she dragged Temidire out of the building; I refused to look at them and continued sipping. Henry also sipped as he stared at me like he was trying to understand what was going through my mind.

I couldn't let it happen; I didn't want to let it go on. I dropped my bottle as I stood up and attempted to leave the bar. Henry stood up too as he held me by the arm.

"Are you sure Adeleke?"

"I don't know but for now, she is my wife on paper"

"If you leave and go after them. You have to decide and take responsibility"

"I don't care Henry. She is mine and I feel I'd regret it if they leave together"

I grabbed my arm from his grip as I walked out of the building.

When I got out, I found Oluchi buckling Temidire into the passenger's seat of her car packed beside mine.

She looked at me briefly as she smiled. Henry followed as he stood beside me while I stared confused and watched Oluchi walk to the driver's door as she tried to open.

I raced to her as I grabbed her by the arm. "Don't be stupid"

"What is your problem Adeleke?" She yelled as she tried to take her hand back.

I forcefully took her car key, pulled her to my car even though she resisted, opened and pushed her into the passenger's seat.

I went over to her car and pulled Temidire out of the passenger's seat and pushed him over to Henry who caught him as he tried hard not to fall to the ground from his weight.

"I'd call Segun to pick up the car. Please wait until he gets here and you can take Temidire home or just leave him here" I said after I placed the car key in Henry's hand

I smiled and walked to the car as he yelled "Don't forget the party Adeleke. It's next tomorrow, Okay?"

"Sure" I yelled after him as I got in the car, started the engine and we drove out of the premises.



Lisa and I were having quite an engaging conversation as she lectured me about how couples always have issues but what made them stronger was how they fixed it.

I kept arguing that I and Adeleke weren't a couple and our situation was totally different. The discussion got heated up and we debated for over 30 minutes until my phone suddenly beeped.

It was Temidire, pleading with me to pick him up and I jumped up from the sofa, dropped the call and told Lisa about it.

Lisa begged me not to go but I insisted that I wanted to, that I couldn't help myself.

"I could still have a chance with him, Lisa. I don't want to give up on us"

"Don't be stupid Oluchi, what about Adeleke?"

I looked at her for a bit as I took a deep breath, picked my bag from the sofa and headed for the door.

Lisa paced after me as she grabbed my arm "Don't go Oluchi"

I looked at her as I uttered the words passionately "I can't help it, Lisa"

She looked into my eyes like she was trying to read into my thoughts then she slowly let go of my arm and I walked out of the door swiftly.

As I entered the bar and found all three men looking at me; the moment became awkward, the thunderous sounds in my head as I regretted not listening to Lisa. I knew I made a mistake but I had no choice but walk confidently into the decision I had made so I did.

I had never seen Adeleke as angry as he pushed me into his car and we drove out of the scene without Temidire. He called Segun to pick up the car like he had told Henry and the rest of the drive after his phone call was a quiet one.

We got into the house as I tried to run up the stairs as fast as I could to avoid all the pricks the moment brought.

"You're going with me to the party this weekend" he said as he looked at me. I wasn't looking at him but I could feel his eyes

"I don't want to" I replied as I refused to look at him

"You have no choice really. Let's not make it look like there is an option"

I turned to look at him angrily "I have no obligations to you remember"

"Everyone wants to meet you"

"Temidire will be there. I really don't want to, look at all the discomfort that came with today. Besides, they all know about us", I said as I frowned and crossed my arms against each other

"I don't care, you fucked up. You are married now; you shouldn't have come after him"

"You call this marriage, so you're allowed to fuck up but I can't"

"I'm the man" he yelled

"And I'm in love with that ass hole so deal with it" I yelled back

"No, you're not. You just have to know that too. We both just have to deal with the fact that we keep on getting hurt in this lie"

"What does that mean?" I asked as tears began to drop down my eyes and I cleaned them

He began to climb the stairs as he got to where I was and looked into my eyes, "You're smart Oluchi. I know you've figured, if not, go figure." He said as he climbed the stairs stumping his feet and murmuring.

*******LIES*******IN THE MARRIAGE******************UPSIDE DOWN*****************

Saturday came and I even got a new dress.

The music in the building was really loud but our space in the club managed to get filter from the craziness going around. You could listen to the music but it wasn't distracting.

All the circular tables in the building were filled with friends and families paired, prepared to celebrate with their tables occupied with every kind of drinks.

The sofa at the back and at the VIP sections were filled with older people who seemed to be doing well catching up with old times; the stripping poles in the middle of the room were empty but I'm very sure most of the guys wished differently. Mostly men sat at the bar watching the match that was going on and it made me wonder, why not just stay home, why come to a party and decide to watch football instead?

Our table was no different and all of their friends came paired and it made me wonder what exactly had happened to the Badmus brothers, If surrounded by men who respected relationships yet they couldn't keep any of theirs.

The circular arranged table had us all tightly settled around each other with no space in between like we were asked to sit with our partners and deal with our problems. Even though I wanted to avoid Adeleke, it was impossible; the room between us was just a hand reach.

Cookie and Alex were paired; they were fashion designers who were in the business administration department with Henry and Temidire during their days at the University. Cookie and Alex were roommates with Seyi and Dolapo individually; Seyi and Diana were course mates who were in the same department with Adeleke.

One day, Cookie invited her roommate Seyi to come hang out with her boyfriend Alex and his roommate Dolapo. Seyi and Diana finished a class that day and Seyi couldn't sly Diana so in her attempt to call Cookie and cancel their date, Cookie asked her to bring her friend anyways because Henry followed Alex after their class. They all met up at the canteen to have lunch when Diana's best friend suddenly called her to ask for her location to get notes. At the same time, Henry's roommate, Temidire had called him to get his location to fetch the room key. Temidire and Adeleke arrived at the location at the same time as they called out their names in surprise and confessed themselves that they knew each other.

They made a pack, introduction began, good conversation and that begun the story of an unending relationship.

For four years, the pack took turns to pair up amongst themselves until they finally ended up with the after results; Cookie to Alex, Seyi to Dolapo, and Henry to Diana while Temidire and Adeleke remained out of the circle.

When I heard the story initially a year ago as Temidire's girlfriend on our anniversary dinner before the very moment where I sat at the club gisting and laughing as Adeleke Badmus' wife, I didn't think it was funny but now I do; I think it's due to the fact that I'm more directly involved.

"So Oluchi, how does it feel to be the one and only Mrs. Adeleke Badmus Junior?" Cookie asked as she smiled with her body rested on the table and Alex's arm across her neck as she sipped from her glass

I looked at her and smiled, remained quiet and continued drinking.

Seyi and Dolapo rested on each other with their shoulders and used one of each of their hands rested on the table to sip from their glasses. Seyi smiled as she sipped from her glass and dropped it on the table

"You both look really cute together. After dating that crazy bitch in school, what's that her name again?" Seyi asked as she looked at Dolapo who also dropped his empty glass on the table


"Oh! Yeah, that one. I never thought he'd ever choose right in his life"

I and Adeleke simultaneously stared at each other for a bit.

My eyes asked, "Who the fuck is Camry?"

And his read, "You don't care. Mind your business"

I signed as we both looked away simultaneously and continued sipping.

My eyes moved to Temidire's location as he also sat quietly drinking, I'm sure he also felt extremely awkward. Henry invited him and with their long line of friendship and relationship, I'm sure he didn't want to seem immature and had no choice but to accept the invitation.

Henry and Diana rested into each other as they sipped from their glasses, sitting directly in front of me and Adeleke as they stared at us like they had plans to pierce into our skins or open our foreheads to gain access to all the truths that we wouldn't utter.

"I really hated that girl for turning Adeleke into a monster" Diana said as she continued the conversation looking at Seyi. She dropped her glass and looked at Temidire, "Wasn't that also the day we found out that all the fights between Temidire and Adeleke was just pure facade?"

Alex laughed loudly. "True. I remember how they dealt with that babe together. Temidire even wanted to beat her to stupor"

"Really?" I asked confused as I took turns to look at Temidire and Adeleke

"They set her up at Mama Ada's canteen for stealing and she was beaten almost to a state of unconsciousness"

"Just because she broke up with Adeleke?" I asked scared and confused.

"No, because she stole all of Adeleke's gadgets from his room, whined him into giving her about five hundred thousand naira and still broke up with him" Dolapo replied excitedly

"And I remember that year; Adeleke used only apple devices so I can imagine how much she made from selling everything" added Seyi eagerly

"Jeez. Did the babe use some kind of juju?" I asked as I smiled

"It confused every single one of us too" Diana replied as they all laughed

"Temidire knew no peace until he made sure she was dealt with but she had gotten rid of everything already. That day, she cried her heart out and after facing death in the face, I doubt she ever did that to any guy in her life" Cookie replied then sipped

"Honestly, that day, both brothers were scary. It was epic" Seyi concluded

"The fact that nobody ever saw them work together before but still pulled all that fire off. It was too scary to not be considered notorious, they were like some kind of gangster group or cultist body" Henry laughed as he added

Temidire and Adeleke continued drinking as they both looked at each other, my stare went to both simultaneously as their eyes moved away from each other's and a wicked smile came on their faces that they tried to hide.

The table was filled with silence again as everyone continued drinking.

"Congratulations on your engagement Diana and Henry" I blurted out as I fought to make the table less awkward

"Thank you. It was expected, we've been stalling for long" Diana replied as she held Henry tighter.

"Henry did fight hard. He asked her out for all four years in school", Cookie said excitedly

"Honestly, it felt like if Henry didn't end up with Diana, he could have been a reverend father" Dolapo said as they all laughed.

Henry stretched as he tapped Dolapo at the back of his head, hard but playfully.

"It wasn't my fault", she looked at Temidire "I was head over heels for Temidire who ended up preferring his books over me", she said with a smile as she held Temidire's hand in hers

"It broke my heart to find that out but I think you should be arrested for dumping your best friend Adeleke and shifting friendship like the wind"

They all laughed again as I smiled and just listened.

Temidire and Adeleke also smiled at intervals but didn't say a word.

"You know, the relationship of your circle is really weird", I said after listening to several of their stories

"We know. You don't have to remind us" Seyi replied as she sipped from her glass

"I'm really glad a woman managed to trap Adeleke especially with the way he's being going. The way he treated women was despicable" Cookie said as she looked at me with adornment.

Temidire laughed as he dropped his glass on the table, rested his arms on the table and looked at Adeleke

"He knew she wasn't healthy but you know how stubborn Adeleke can be. For God sake, she came after me first and when she saw I didn't give a response, she went after the weak at heart"

Adeleke slammed his glass on the table as he looked at Temidire angrily

"You didn't tell me that until later and I'm only human. I'm allowed to make mistakes"

Temidire picked his glass again as he rested back into his chair, smiled and continued sipping

"Well, you make way too many" Temidire finished as he looked away.

"I can't believe you both are still on each other's neck over that matter" Seyi said as she took turns to look at both of them, sipping then shook her head

"I thought the reason why you both dealt with her was to get over this phase" Alex added as he rested in his chair and crossed his arms against each other

"He made a fool out of me like he always does" Adeleke said as he picked up one of the big bottles in the middle of the table and refilled his glass

"We left school like ten years ago and so much has happened so you both should finally please grow up" Dolapo said as he took the bottle from Adeleke to refill his glass after he was done

Everyone kept quiet as we all took turns to stare at each other

Cookie cleared her throat as she stared at me with a piercing expression. I wanted to avoid her gaze but I couldn't and so I picked my glass, rested my body on the table and also looked straight at her

"Just by the way, Oluchi, what happened with you and Temidire? Why are you with....?" She blurted out as she refilled her glass, she suddenly jerked like someone had tapped her to keep quiet. I guessed that will be Diana because she was the closest to her and Alex who sat at the edge of the table before her and Henry while Temidire sat at the middle of the table but he was a hand-stretch away from Diana.

I began to choke on my drink from the shock of the question while Diana passed me the bottle of water from the middle of the table.

Temidire kept quiet.

Seyi rubbed my back since she was the closest to me from the right, Dolapo sat immediately after Temidire and three of us created the space that kept Temidire and Adeleke from eating each other up.

Everyone tried to help me recuperate until I was fine. The table was quiet once again.

"So how was the wedding Oluchi? I really never understood why we weren't invited. I'm guessing Henry and Adeleke missed our invitations" Diana said as she broke the silence

"I don't remember being there myself" Henry said as he looked at Diana

"So how was the wedding?" Cookie asked curiously

I stayed quiet for a bit as everyone fixed their eyes on me and when it felt like I couldn't skip the question. I blurted out the first words that came into my head.

"It was fine. Nothing grand. Simple actually. We had a court wedding with only family members present"

"Why?" Diana looked at me surprised as she continued "I thought every woman dreamt of that perfect and grand wedding. It's not like Adeleke isn't capable, you could go all the way"

"We were in a hurry" Adeleke cut in as he placed his hand in mine and looked at Temidire wickedly and smiled "You know how love is"

"Oh yeah, we read that line from the articles in the newspapers and magazines. You don't have to repeat it" Seyi said as she continued sipping from her glass

"So Oluchi, you didn't have the grand kissing, bouquet or even the long white dress?" Cookie asked as she looked at me disappointed

I smiled. "I was in a plain white twin-suit and he was in black. That straightforward and basic but memorable"

I looked at Adeleke as our eyes met and my wide smile turned to a faint one. I released my hand from his as I continued sipping.

Everyone kept quiet again and continued sipping when Seyi suddenly began to gulp loudly until she was done with the drink in her glass. She dropped the glass loudly on the table as everyone turned their attention to her.

She smiled as she rested her body on the table, smiling excitedly; she looked at Adeleke as their eyes stayed glued to each other for seconds before she unexpectedly blurted out "Kiss her"

I and Adeleke began to choke on our drinks as Temidire looked at her

We both finally got ourselves as we roared out "What?" and dropped our glasses on the table simultaneously.

Alex looked at her "Do you really want them to kiss right here. Now?"

"Yes I think they should too. All the exciting things were taken away from her. They should at least feel that sensation of kissing in front of the excited crowd" Cookie said as she also rested on the table and looked at both of us with immensity.

"I'm sure you would find it exciting" Seyi added excitedly

"I don't think they have to" Temidire said pitifully

Diana looked at Temidire's eyes as she felt sorry.

"Please you guys, he is right. You both should cool it down with such jokes" Diana said as she took Henry's hand around her neck and rested her body on the table too.

"Best friends. You both should stay away from this" Cookie said sarcastically as she took turns to look at Diana and Temidire

"You both are ridiculous" Henry said playfully as he continued to sip from his glass

"Adeleke, just kiss Oluchi, I'm sure it's not the first time" Seyi said as her eyes remained fixed on me

"A PDA? That's not Adeleke's jam" Alex said as he looked at Adeleke and sipped with a wicked smile at the side of his lips

Dolapo turned Seyi to look into his eyes from the shoulder, "Seyi, stop this. What's your own with the way they kiss" He took his gaze to Temidire then looked at them one after the other "You all are being selfish"

"She isn't the only one. I want it too" Cookie said

I dropped my glass as I stood up nervously and looked at everyone

Adeleke crossed his legs and looked away from the table while he continued sipping

"This is embarrassing" I stuttered and took turns to look at Temidire and Adeleke, waiting for one of them to put an end to the madness but both continued sipping from their glasses and looked at directions away from the table.

They all began to chorus "Kiss her...Kiss her...Kiss her...Kiss her"

"It's no big deal Oluchi, we are all grownups here" Cookie said as she continued to chorus and tapped the table lightly

"Kiss her Adeleke or are you a chicken?" Seyi added as she looked at Adeleke who looked at her too

My head was sweaty now, this had become a challenge for Adeleke and he hated being challenged. I couldn't believe this lunacy was really happening, the thought of kissing Adeleke was outrageous.

"You guys should stop. I think we all know this is out of their depth" Henry said as he looked at all of them one after the other. They all stopped with their chorus and laughed. They filled their glasses again one after the other and begun to sip silently curled up into each other.

Adeleke looked at me as our eyes met briefly then we looked at everyone else.

He continued to drink as I took a deep breath and also took my sit and sipped.

Adeleke separated his legs as he dropped his glass on the table. For a second, it felt like I saw him lost in thoughts but that seemed weird. Adeleke Badmus never thought and I never thought even if he wanted to start, it will begin at a party

Everything else after that, I imagined in slow motion

I dropped my glass on the table as I smiled and watched everyone around the table. Adeleke grasped me by my waist as our eyes met and my palms stayed flat on his chest.

Our eyes glowed and I wondered what exactly was going on.

He looked at Temidire and smiled then looked at me again. He closed his eyes and slowly placed his lips on mine.

I could feel everyone's stare piercing through our skin as they suddenly began to laugh and clap in cheer.

When Adeleke let go of me, things were back to their pace but my heart felt like it was going to explode out of my chest and I couldn't hide the blush on my face

Temidire banged the table angrily as he left.

Diana stood up and called after him as she looked at Seyi angrily; "I hope you all are satisfied now?" she followed after him

They all laughed as Dolapo also stood up and followed Seyi.

"Look at you blushing; what's with you both looking so cute?" Cookie said as she caressed my face

"Do you both always look like it's your first kiss after every kiss?" Seyi said and laughed

"Love is absolutely so beautiful" Alex said as he pecked Cookie

I remained quiet and just looked at each of them. I picked up one of the big bottles from the center of the table and began to gulp as fast as I could

"Hey, take it easy Oluchi. Are you shy or is there something we are missing?" Alex asked as they looked at me confused

I didn't respond as I continued gulping loudly. Henry and Adeleke remained quiet until I finished the whole bottle and dropped it empty on the table.

I began to hiccup as I felt drowsy and hot. I fanned myself with my palm as I stood up

"This place is getting hot"

I shook everyone's hand one after the other "Thank you all for making my night delightful" I said tipsy as I staggered. "See you all next time"

I smiled as I tried leaving and almost fell, Adeleke stood up as he held me still. I released myself violently and left.

I heard him say his thank you and goodbyes as he followed me afterward.

My problem wasn't that I haven't kissed before. It was just so obvious that the kiss made me speechless and even though I refused to admit, I felt something that I didn't think existed so it was hidden and waiting to be unleashed so it scared me.



I know I shouldn't have kissed her but I wanted to and so I had to.

Her lips tasted so good. Different from any I have ever had and I wanted more.

The drive back home that day was a quiet one and even though I felt I should have apologized, I didn't think it was necessary so I didn't bother.

We entered into the house as Oluchi continued to stagger drunk and murmured to herself as she headed for the stairs, I couldn't let the awkwardness continue so I began the conversation

"Oluchi" I whispered, scared that she might yell at me

She ignored me as she continued her struggle to climb the stairs

"Oluchi" I called out louder as she paused and took a minute before she turned to look at me

"What is it Adeleke?"

"I'm very sorry about today. I didn't mean it". I looked at her apologetically

"You never mean anything. You just do whatever you like" she replied angrily

"I didn't want the others to suspect anything so I had to act along"

"It's fine. Thank you for tonight, I had fun but as you can see, I'm really tipsy and tired so goodnight" she said harshly.

"Alright. Goodnight"

She didn't reply as she turned and continued with the stairs staggering.

I kept an eye on her, I wanted to help but I felt it was best I kept my distance until she was calm, besides, it was okay to watch her waist swing and lustfully satisfy my desires from afar

Just when I thought things got exciting, my eyes widely opened as I watched Oluchi missed a step and rolled down the stairs.

I was so scared; I raced over to her at the end of the stairs as I took her in my hand unconscious and ran out as fast as I could.

*********LIES*******************IN THE MARRIAGE************UPSIDE DOWN*********

I stayed with her all night as I watched her sleep.

The doctor and nurses had placed a bandage around her forehead and neck.

I felt hurt as I imagined how painful that fall would have been. My hand stayed in hers while I sat on the chair beside the bed.

Her lips looked so beautiful, her skin glowed.

I didn't know when I slept off as my head rested on her body.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder as she lightly shook me and called out my name.

"Oluchi, you are awake. Are you okay?" I asked bothered as I raised my head, found out it was suddenly morning and stretched.

"I'm fine" She replied as she took out her hand from mine and touched the bandage around her neck. "This bandage is so uncomfortable"

"The doctor said you need it for a few days"

"Please ask them to get it off. I can't go to work like this"

"You plan to go to work?"

"Yes I do and in a hurry at the matter of fact"

Our eyes met as they stared at each other, trying to understand what our thoughts spoke about. Honestly, I was confused, what exactly was her problem?

She sat up from the bed as she tried to stand up but yelled in pain and held her neck. I hurriedly held her by the wrist as she sat back down and I stood up

"What are you trying to do?" I asked amazed by how stubborn she could be

"Getting out of here, I hate hospitals and I've been here multiple times lately. I'm tired of it" She replied

"Let me help you" I said as I tried to help her lay back but she sat still and held my hand

"If you want to do that, get the doctor and get this bandage off me so we can leave here"

I looked at her and she did the same. Her eyes looked so pitiful, I couldn't resist


She smiled as I let go of her and left the room.

Oluchi did get that bandage off, even though the doctor didn't want her to, he still had no choice but to listen to her.

We got home that day and while I struggled to help her up the stairs, our eyes met once again. I admit it was uncomfortable but her reaction was so dramatic. She yelled that I left her alone and asked me to stay away from her.

As I watched her struggle on the stairs that day, I did acknowledge that I was in love with her but still I debunked it and preferred to go look for sex.

I know I made a mistake that night like I always did.

I came back home with a girl, a random one which I planned to just have sex with but found Oluchi seated on the dining table, well prepared as she looked like she had been waiting for me for hours.

I never forgot the look in her face as we giggled into the house or the tears in her eyes as she banged the table in anger and ran upstairs.

I knew I had fucked shit up again; I couldn't have sex with the random babe and just gave her money to leave. I thought about how to make things up but I couldn't find any answer except to go back downstairs and ate the prepared meal ice cold.

I thought to live with her was hell from the beginning but later, we were simply in ghost mode.

I waited for her at the end of the stairs another day to apologize and take her to work but even with everything I said and did, she didn't say a word back, she didn't even look at me. It was like I didn't exist.

Work was worse. I could count how many words I got from her. It felt like we only spoke when we had a general meeting at the office and any personal message; I got by sticker papers on my table.

I tried to apologize in public and got shunned. I sent over flowers and cards and found them in the bin.

I didn't know what to do so I told Henry. He advised me to try involving family, which I did, I couldn't tell but at that point, it was very clear that every of my wall was down.

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961K 26.6K 56
(Earlier title: Not the first choice!!) Alyssa Adoms : is not any normal girl that has some kind of boyfriend or bad boy love story problem but her p...
8.1K 361 24
This story is written by Blushy_Auntacid All Copyright claims are reserved to her.
265K 7.5K 90
The coming of age Tessa Young finds herself in a difficult position when she has to chose between what feels right and what is best. The bad boy play...
95.8K 6.4K 57
They said marriage was for better and for worse but what can she do when her husband dumps her for a mistress he barely knew? This books uncovers all...