The Embodiment Of The Relics(...

By Day-The-Theif

537 10 126

We all know that the God of Light and the God of Darkness created Remnant. How they created magic and taking... More

When The Numbers Were Created
Number 3
Number 2, part 1

Number 2, part 2

11 0 2
By Day-The-Theif

*Salem's Throne Room*

The main bad guy Salem, was sitting in her throne. She was admiring his nails as she was sweep with a sense of tiredness, she yawns as she hears, what sounds like a guitar. All of a sudden, Sark busts through one of the windows. Guitar in hand, Betty on his shoulder, he screams.


Sark plays a kickass rift, pointing at Salem.


Sark continues to jam out while Salem stared at him blankly, only for Sark to stop playing as he is blown away by an unknown force kissing his Guitar bye. Sark throws his hands out for the musical instrument, but he quickly turns back glaring at Salem. She stays still watching him calmly, as he starts moving his hands around like a weirdo.

Sark: "Betty! Attack!"

He throws Betty the Beatle at her only for the insect to be sliced in half by a black tendril. Sark watches as Betty's body falls to the floor below her, his eyes water. Queuing the sad music from all around, Sark falls to his knees.

Sark: "Noooooooo! Betty!"

He looks up at her with tears of determination in his eyes.

Sark: "You damned Tentacle Fuck! You will pay, you beautiful second Ursula. You are way more attractive!"

Sark points at Salem, though what he was saying wasn't that threatening he still spoke in a threatening tone.

Sark: "Die!"

Running at the women he leaps up preparing a punch, but right as contact was made a light shines and Sark disappears from the scene.
Back with Ozpin and Blare were at the summoning circle. Oz just summoned the Guardian, who appears along with the familiar white light. Reaper was in the air watching for any Grimm activity, seeing movements to his left. The older man had to shield his eyes for a second time while the Guardian next to him focus on the one summoned. Blare walks forward guarding the Headmaster who places his hand on the podium, he says the numbers and the area in front of him lights up brightly. And there, Sark falls to the ground face first.

Sark: "Ow.......I was in the middle of a simulation."

Blare: "Good to see that your dumbass is still the same."

The third Guardian stands up and turns his head at his fellow Guardian, Oz could feel the intense tense between the two and decides he should try to break it up. To do that, he steps in between the two's lines of sight and looks towards Sark.

Ozpin: "Nice to meet you, I'm Ozpin and I'm sure you know the man behind me."

Sark smirks and 'hmmm's.

Sark: "So this is where you were, ya know the Boss wasn't happy with you being gone. Doubled up on our training ten fold."

Blare: "Oh shut it, you trained the least out of the four. And if one of us is summoned, we all know what happened."

Ozpin had been looking between the two once more, neither acted like he was there, that he was just air.

Sark: "True, I haven't spared with you in awhile. Let's have at it junior."

Sark cracks his knuckles while Blare gives a glare, Ozpin lifts up his finger to speak but all this gets interrupted by Reaper screaming at the three men below.


Sark: "Heh, this should be easy."

Looking towards the East side the three see a horde of Grimm charging towards their position. A collection of King Taijitus, Lancers, Ravager, and some Nevermores were making they're way to kill. Reaper flys up a bit pulls back turning the large Bullhead to the left, he presses a button labeled 'standby fly' (this was labeled with tape) the  aircraft hovers as the Pilot presses another button labeled 'Fun Time Mode' (Again, with tape) dual chain guns pop out from below the cockpit. Reaps aims at the horse of flying and groin Grimm straight ahead of him, he doesn't ask for orders, or waits, he just begins to squeeze the trigger and let the bullets fly. As the bullets tear up some Grimm Sark runs towards them fist clenched he throws it at his right side a maroon light sparks in his hand, he opens and aims it at the horde and they begin to glow in the same outline as Sark's hand. Clenching quickly, turning it over and pulling his elbow in, every Grimm spontaneously combusted from within. As the dust clears, nothing stands left and the Guardian turns around and walks back to Ozpin and Blare.

Sark: "Name Sark Volos, third Guardian, I've got quite the 'destructive' personality."

Blare: "Oooh shut it up."

Ozpin: "Well, it's good to meet you young man, Oz is the name."

Sark: "Alrighty then, lets get out of here so I can meet so ladies! I hope. That is hehe."

Blare groans as Reaper lands the 'The Flaming Gold Hawk' in front of them.

Ozpin: "Come along gentlemen, time is ticking."

Sark: "I can already tell this is gonna be fun, and a seer shit show."

Blare groans again as the three board the Bullhead, it lifts off headed back to Beacon.

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