Prison Bait: Bryson: Recovery

By BeautyHeartBouquet

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All Rights Reserved!!! BoyxBoy, Book Two of Prison Bait Series Knowing life is too short to hold... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Four

740 30 0
By BeautyHeartBouquet

I knew it was a bad idea the moment they put me in the cell with Freddie but no, this was something completely different and while I was ready to deny Freddie up and down, I knew there was nothing I could say. Freddie was the leader of the gang surrounding us and there were at least thirty people in the area and taking up most of the tables with trays of food, laughing and joking with one another like it was a huge reunion. Of course, Freddie made it no better by openly picking with Lloyd about somebody named Mautrice, who I hadn't met and wasn't sure if I wanted to meet. She seemed... decent enough, but I didn't want people like that around me, why couldn't these five years just go by smooth? 

No, instead I was stuck with the leader of a gang all up my ass, and trying to get in my ass, and crazy motherfuckers that thought I was their type. This was amazing, no... this was fantastic, tape a note that says virgin on my ass and push me in front of a large group of horny men, I was FUCKED. I wiggled uncomfortably as Freddie suddenly wrapped his arm around my shoulder while forcing the conversation of Lloyd and his crazy girlfriend on me.

"Yo, you'd ever try to fuck around on me?" Freddie asked, and I just shrugged cause it didn't sound like a bad idea, definitely not with this fine ass Lloyd guy across from us.

"Damn..." Someone chuckled at my reaction as Freddie face went stoic and he removed his arm from my shoulder as I stared at the breakfast burrito Lloyd had finished for dinner.

I was hungry and food was the only thing really on my mind right now, I glanced around at someone eating a ham sandwich for their dinner and I was stuck deciding if I wanted a breakfast burrito or if I wanted a ham sandwich instead. I looked over at Freddie as he was focused on his conversation with the other guys around, I rolled my eyes and sighed while patiently waiting for him to give me his attention so I could tell him I wanted something to eat. I bit my lip as the smell of broccoli and cheese steamed through the air as Mickey returned to the table, he gotten it from the nearby vending machine that took a special coin. My stomach cramped with hunger as I glanced over at Freddie, who was speaking to someone else at the table now and I couldn't help but groan a little louder for him to hear me, maybe that'll get his attention. 

"Freddie." I whispered, gently tapping his thigh under the table, to which he rejected my touch and ignored me.

I pinched my lips as I glanced over at him, I then repeated the tapping action on his thigh and he again moved his thigh out of my reach while giving me a agitated glance before going back to talk to the same person. I looked away while debating what to do next, I bit my lip while looking back at him and my stomach grumbled lowly, but luckily no one heard it. I was starving, Freddie was starving me right now and I'd say he's not a good Daddy if you asked me. I was more than irritated as I tapped his thigh again and pouted in his direction, he made a annoyed grunt and turned to face me with a not-so-pleased expression. Everyone sitting at the table went silent as they waited to see what would happen, I wasn't surprised they were curious of him and I but I didn't care, I needed food.

"I'm hungry." I said as my stomach groaned a little louder, making me place my hand on it as the cramping grew painfully.

"Good, you need to lose some weight." A few dudes at the table chuckled but I didn't what Freddie said funny at all, I was starving and my stomach was hurting from the lack of food, I haven't ate since yesterday. "Now, shut up and look pretty."

"You're not funny." I replied, glaring at him as he rose an eyebrow at me, obviously surprised that I was going against him. "You're pissing me off."

The tension grew suddenly as Freddie stared at me with an unreadable expression as I repeated his action in a mockery way, I was going to be stepping on his toes more often if he didn't get his shit together and do what he's supposed to do. If I was his so called Barbie, he needs to treat me like it and not starve me because he feels I'm a little overweight. I was no more than two hundred and eighty pounds with a pudge in the stomach and even some small man boobs but I liked my pudge, I wasn't skin and bones anymore and I could get rid of the man boobs eventually. The table was dead silent as Lloyd rose his own eyebrow this time and even Mickey went silent in the middle of his blabbering to stare at me in shock at me backtalking Freddie and even appearing to stand up to his authority. I had shocked myself about talking back to him but I wasn't just some pushover, he at least could treat me better before he tells me what to do. 

Freddie chuckled lightly and it scared me a little. "I'm pissing you off?" He asked in a calm tone, and that was never good in the past. "Am I really?"

"I'm hungry." I decided to bypass his question as I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him, at least trying to appear like he didn't scare me.

"Alright, come on." He said, and I was thankful as I rose to my feet with Freddie. 

Freddie started walking and I immediately trailed behind him happily that I had gotten my way, I expected him to turn left so we could get in line for food but instead he walked up a few steps while looking back at me with a calm but dead expression. I frowned while coming to a stop at the base of the steel steps in confusion, I looked at the line then back up at Freddie as he gestured me to continue to follow him. I decided that I had done enough damage and it was in my best interest to follow him without any more rebuttal so I did, I grabbed the railing and guided myself forward until I was right behind him and he bounded up the rest of the steps as I followed one step at a time. My stomach turned as if it was trying to tell me this wasn't a good idea but Freddie was a man that was always mysterious to me growing up, even when we were younger, he used to surprise me. 

We made it to the bunk and I looked at Freddie curiously as he stood at the opening of the cell, I peeked in to see if our food was there and then turned to look back at him with a confused expression when I found nothing on the metal table. I then peeked into the cell again curiously to check the bunk beds and was caught off guard as a tight grip found its way into my hair and forced me into the cell. A pained gasp escaped me as I reached up to grab Freddie's wrist as he yanked me into the cell, I tripped to my knees as he continued to drag me inside. I looked up at him in shock as he released me and took a heavy breath while openly muttering calming things into himself.

"... not worth it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it." He growled angrily as he paced, obviously trying to talk himself down from something... holy shit, he's going to fucking kill me.

He turned to look at me and it was as if something in him snapped as he suddenly went from calming himself down to grabbing a handful of my hair and forcing me onto my back as he loomed over me. I instantly grabbed on the wrist of the hand that was buried in my hair as my scalp burned.

"You're so fucking disrespectful." He growled angrily, yanking at the hair in his hand, causing me to cry out in pain. "You're so fucking stupid. And then you got the never to disrespect me in front of everyone, tryna tell me what the fuck to do." His hand hit me heavily, causing my face to fly sideways as I blinked in utter shock at the ringing in my ears. "You fat bitch."

I looked back up at him as he released me and his foot came in contact with my stomach seconds later, he stomped my stomach angrily and received a pained grunt out of me before his fist smacked into my left eye, causing me to cry out in agony. I moaned in pain as I rolled onto my stomach and tried to desperately get to my hands and knees but his foot connected with my stomach and made me slack to the side with a loud shout. I clutched my stomach as I squeezed my eyes shut, ignoring the tears streaking down my face heavily as I tried to curl in on myself to avoid another kick from him. He backed away with an angry expression still dancing on his face, I was terrified as I remained on the floor, shaking heavily as my stomach curled but I couldn't even puke from the lack of food. 

I sobbed loudly as his footsteps grew distant, meaning he was leaving the cell and I was so thankful as my left eye throbbed and I knew it would be swell in less than a few more minutes, probably even black, if not already purple with the passing time. I slowly rose to my knees and slumped into a sitting position on my butt, I scooted away from the cell door because I knew he'd eventually come back, but I didn't wanna be anywhere near him. I sniffed as I wiped the tear streaks that were flooding to my chin back to back, and no heavy breathing was slowing them down. 

I pulled my knees to my chest as I squeezed into the corner between the bunk and the concrete wall, I was more then hidden in my mind and as long as Freddie ignored me when he returned, I'd be more than okay. I buried my face into my arms that laid nestled atop of my knees as I sobbed again and couldn't help but feel worse than the physical damage. Was this worth it? Was he worth it? It was a question I bet you were wondering also. Something immediately came over my mind as I stared at the concrete wall beside me, I rose my hand without really conscious to the world as I scratched at the chipping white paint on the wall.

" that I'm back around you, nothing around to me matters... hope you feel the sameee..." I muttered softly as I laid my head against the wall and shut my throbbing, sore eyes.

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